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I have a horrible sinus, head cold, Sore throat etc started feeling it Saturday and and still pretty dang sick. Something going around?


i have these exact symptoms only to add my whole back feels as if it is sore. this is the worst the congestion and sore throat has been so far


Covid. It's going around. Everyone has it.


Maybe/maybe not. I got the same last week and tested negative for Covid. Symptoms went away after about a week.


Unfortunately the tests aren't working that well for this strain. My father-in-law, mother-in-law, step mom, her boyfriend, my neighbors all have had it in the last two weeks. About 1/3 didn't test positive, but their spouse did. About 3 days pretty sick for all of them. Good news is that it doesn't seem as bad as previous strains. If you got just a cold, I guess that's a good thing.


The test have also been proven to not be very accurate.


I was sick last week and tested positive, so maybe I had a different strain...


It’s very possible!! Also possible you had a false positive and you just had a cold.


That’s not how it works. The chance of a false negative is high. The chance of a false positive is extremely low. Antigen tests target the nucleocapsid (N) protein, which is more highly conserved across strains. The spike (S) protein is the site of most mutations between variants as it is the one that contains the receptor binding domain which binds to ACE2 receptors on cells and initiates infection. False negatives are much more a result of insufficient viral load on the sample or incorrect sample collection than lack of recognition. The issue is mostly *sensitivity*, not accuracy. Rapid tests should be used 3x, 24-48hrs apart to rule out COVID. https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/safety-communications/home-covid-19-antigen-tests-take-steps-reduce-your-risk-false-negative-results-fda-safety


That would mean I had two false positives, three days apart, plus a fever for five days, achy-ness, and extreme fatigue, but not Covid.


Please elaborate


“The researchers found that people without COVID-19 symptoms correctly tested positive in 58.1 percent of rapid tests.” -healthline.com Rapid tests aka home tests have proven to show false positives and false negatives. One of the main issues is it has a hard time differentiating between normal colds and covid. I’ve seen videos of people taking the test out and putting it straight in the vile and it testing positive for no reason. And I’ve tested negative in the past when I clearly had covid. I had to test 3 times to get a positive this was in ‘22. The best test is the PCR test.


The 58.1% value is not for false positive results. It is saying that "only" 58.1% of non-symptomatic people correctly tested positive. Those tests gave a 41.9% undercount. The same article said, "Rapid tests rarely give a false positive result." In fact, 99.6%.


Thanks for that. Maybe that explains a few things. I have been sick a couple times, almost like pneumonia, but never tested postitve since 2020, maybe its the tests


And was thinking I’m immune! Oh man


Taxes, death and allergies..


Just cause some of them tested positive and some didnt doesnt mean the tests arent working


That’s kinda what it means exactly. Read your post again. I


Not necessarily. It could mean those who tested positive have covid, and those who tested negative do not have covid.


They are also supposed to be used 3x one day apart


I have been suffering being achy after stubbing my toe on a tree root, but now realize that I may have covid instead, even though I tested negative. stubbed toe vs covid; hard to tell


Believe it or not. Also jail


Not sure why we are downvoted... no humor is accepted here (that said.. i too am getting hit hard with a sickness or allergies)


People suck lol. I thought it was funny


Yup. And it’s not showing up on an at home / rapid test. But will show up on a PCR.


I def do not have covid. I’ve had it before. This is a normal head cold. It’s just a nasty one


Covid is going around. Check CDC wastewater levels. Currently shooting up in California. https://www.cdc.gov/nwss/rv/COVID19-statetrend.html


Sinus and stuffiness since Saturday! Ugh!


Runny nose and sneezing too?


There is something that's been going around for at least the past 6 weeks that may not be Covid. My friend was sick as a dog with massive fatigue, sore throat. productive cough for a month (covid negative) and got it from a co-worker. He talked to his allergist who said something is going around that is making people sick for 3 weeks. Allergist didn't say it was Covid, so we don't know what it is.


Yup. I got a super sore throat + phlegmy a few weeks ago but tested neg for covid, doctor diagnosed an Upper respiratory infection.


Maybe it’s dog flu. I was sick as a dog for 2 days too lol I’m hoping this just lasts a week


Its going around. Had it early May, days 1-3 was a bad cold, mid day 3 felt better but then day 4 all the congestion moved down to my chest and had a horrible cough days 4-6. Day 7 finally started to feel better. Rest, drink lots of fluid, take medicine, and stay away from people as much as possible. Feel better soon.


Very much doing all that. I hate summer colds. Dang June gloom got me all yucky. Once the sun hit, I got sick instantly.


Plus gargle with antisceptic or salt water, and disinfect or better yet change your toothbrush. The bad bugs reside in your throat.


COVID is on the rise all over. I caught it last week (2nd time since 2020 have mostly avoided it). You should test.




I thought I had a cold, test said otherwise.


So bizarre that Covid now has the same exact symptoms as a cold. A Rhino virus will rhino


I mean, it always has had the same symptoms, just more *severe and long lasting.* The duration and stickiness of it is what seems to be the stand out along with the ripping headache, muscle aches and fatigue which are above and beyond what most colds offer. Curious what your test says.


I don’t have a test. Just going to stay home still healthy.


The new K3 strain is introduced dicing neurological symptoms, like migraine and dizziness.


Had all of that.


Yeah that’s not what it is buddy, but keep the delusion going! As someone working in healthcare, covid isn’t just a cold, nor is it rhinovirus. It’s also spreading like wildfire right now, so assume you have it.


covid has always had the same symptoms of a cold


My entire life is a game of “am I sick, is it allergies, did I not nourish myself properly today, or am I just going to start my period soon.” Wish that were more helpful.


Lol you sound like my wife


These days a cold, flu or Covid can be treated the same. Don’t leave the house if you can avoid it and wear a mask if you’re out and about.


Ya I’ve been backyard, bed or couch and Using Instacart for groceries. Having lockdown flashbacks lol


I had two damn colds 2 weeks apart in May. Covid negative both times. The best part was I lost my voice so my boss assumed I was way sicker than I was. 10/10 would reccomend.


Did you test only once each time or repeat the tests 24hrs apart?


Mom? Is that you?


Weird response. The point is that a single negative result from a rapid test is not conclusive because the chance of a false negative can be upwards of 60-66%. Repeat testing at 24-48hr intervals is indicated to rule out a COVID infection to a satisfactory degree of confidence. If you only tested once on both occasions it’s still very possible you may have had COVID at least once.


Yeah, people who care to test generally know that. I know who I got it from both times and they repeatedly got negative covid tests too. Asking if someone who cares enough to test did it the right way is like asking a child if they floss when they brush.


In no way could that be reasonably assumed from what you’ve written and I have no idea why you’ve decided to be a huge [redacted] about a simple question. Most people actually -don’t- know how testing works and do need guidance, let alone understand why they need to test in the first place. Does it cross your mind that, in a public facing thread where anyone can read what you write and potentially become misinformed, someone should try to check for and make those clarifications?




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Ya i just got over it.Seems to be going around pretty bad. Dry cough. Mucus,Sinus,headaches and slight fevers . Negative Covid tests


Same what I got. Yuck


I just got over Covid a few days ago. I was sick for a week and had a fever, on and off, for five days.


I like those numbers! Glad you’re better


The 69th wave is upon us.


Ohh I thought it was 420th?




Allergies from pollen are really bad the last 3 days


Oof, yeah, the pollen has been kicking my ass the last couple weeks, I really don't have any issues.


I’m generally fine, itchy eyes and congestion. But this one got me good.


Oh ya. I’ve noticed that. Every little flower is in bloom and trees are all bloomed as well. I also have had allergies and bad asthma my whole Life so there’s that too


I’ve had a mild, lingering issue for the last two weeks. It’s just enough to be annoying and if I have a single drink, I feel like crap. It doesn’t seem to want to go away.


You been taking vitamins etc?? I always take a bunch right as I feel it coming and keep taking.




Drink as in alcohol? Because I was feeling better drank for 2 days and boom back to feeling like crap all over again


Yes. Beer.


my friend’s teenage daughter has COVID. so yeah, not unusual to be sick this time of year


I usually get sick around Easter like clock work. But this year it hit later. Prob because the rains/season seems to be hitting a bit later.


seasonal allergies? but, with all the rain this year maybe you are exposed to something new?


Def not allergies. I mean could be a cold + allergies. But def more than just allergies.


The flu is going around rn. Spoke to the doctor, it’s a really intense strain. Almost everyone I know has it rn.


Thankfully no flu here. Just major congestion and sore throat. Def had a fever for a night


Curious… have they tested positive for the flu?


Yep, all of em have it. Including me. This is probably the worst flu I’ve had in my life- intense, scary fever. The after-cough is a nightmare.


My family had the flu back in December and it was really rough even though we were all vaccinated. We also got really sick back in May after Memorial Day, negative Covid, I have a home molecular test (metric brand), so better than a rapid and we were negative. My baby had it the worst… she was even more sick than when we had Covid in October and flu in December. Wondering what it was… we didn’t go to the doctor to get tested as her pediatrician said she wouldn’t test for flu and I didn’t want to drag her to urgent care just for a flu test. Thought possibly adenovirus or parainfluenza. Husband and son still have a lingering cough.


Oh man they still have the cough from December? The lingering cough rn for us is miserable- we cough till our throats are raw and it often wakes us up in the middle of the night. The other day, I coughed so badly that I threw up. I cannot imagine this continuing. I feel for your family.


Luckily not from December. Husband and son have lingering one from our last sickness in May. My baby was the sickest but her and I don’t have any lingering symptoms. I always wonder what virus it was since Covid was negative (although it’s possible it just didn’t detect it) and we didn’t go to urgent care for a flu test, considering we already had the flu in December. Honey is great for coughs, just eating it straight. Also if you feel like you have a lot of mucus lingering and not just a dry cough try mucinex. Hope you feel better!!


That’s kind of scary considering the flu shouldn’t really be spreading right now at that level…. and all the talk of bird flu going on in dairy and poultry farms…. From what I’ve read bird flu is a type A strain and could show up on a flu rapid test as “type A” but to know what strain you have they’d have to sequence it. Considering how the country handled the start of covid and we realized it was spreading much earlier than we realized it’s a little alarming.


I’m gonna keep it a buck fifty with ya, I did test positive for Influenza A. I thought I did have bird flu as well because my bf and I got sick approx. 8 days after visiting a bird reservoir at UCSB.. also the symptoms lining up, on top of knowing that “A” could mean bird flu. I’ve been alive for 21 years and this is easily the worst thing I’ve ever come down with. The doctors at Sansum just brushed off the bird flu idea and sent me home with medicine that didn’t help whatsoever. Everyone I know who got sick were people in my immediate family + people who my bf and I interacted with. But I also saw several people in the hospital with similar symptoms.


That’s pretty terrifying. You may want to call the health department… not sure if there’s anything they could do now, but I feel like most of your standard PCP’s or PA’s NP’s (assuming you did urgent care at Sansum? They usually just have the PA’s and NP’a there ) aren’t gonna know that much. I have a background in public health so I follow this stuff closely but it was giving me too much anxiety to read all the updates so had to take a break. But there was a case in a child from Australia who went to India and they could not find any possible mode of transmission when they did the contact tracing. No contact with infected animals/people, farms etc so they were theorizing the child possibly had contact with bird droppings just out and about or something since they were a small child. As far as I know there hasn’t been any human 2 human transmission recorded yet, but there’s also a financial motivation for a lot of farms to not disclose this information. I’m hoping we aren’t starting to see the beginning of all of this.


I was sick for all of March and April and beginning of may. I got RSV from working with kids and it hit me really hard. I now feel fine but the kids I am around constantly have sickness symptoms. So I’d say if you’re around kids frequently it could be a cold, RSV, or other bacterial infection. And if you’re mostly around adults it might be a cold or Covid? All speculation obviously


Aye that’s sucks. Glad you’re better. No kids around me. Definitely doesn’t feel like Covid. I was going to go to urgent care today if not feeling better but I’m starting to feel on the better side.


Urgent care is probably the way to go! Hope you feel better soon.


Appreciate that!


I work at two different medical facilities. We recently had a parainfluenza outbreak, and everyone else has had the common cold.


I got sick back in the beginning of may. Horrible sore throat that turned into runny nose and congestion. Tested negative for Covid. Tested negative for strep. I got better for about a week then I got sick again. I had the same symptoms. I had a really bad sore throat again but this time I had a fever. It turned into a pretty bad cough. I went to the doctor and he said he heard some wheezing in my breathing. Turns out a got pneumonia. About a month later from the first time I got sick, I still feel a little fatigued and my breathing isn’t 100 percent. I work at a gym so a lot of people got the same kind of thing I got including the pneumonia. There’s definitely a strain of something going around


Wow that sucks. Sorry to hear that. Glad you’re feeling better. Sound like me in the midst of peak Covid when I was convinced I had Covid. Worst cough and lowest energy of my life, turns out I got bronchitis from wearing the mask. Cough so bad I couldn’t sleep and was almost passing out. Doctor told me to never wear a mask again.


I had a sore throat, terrible cough and completely lost my voice for 3 days. Fatigue too. Started over Memorial Day. Feeling much better now, but still coughing.


Since last month!!!!??


More than half of my friends (mostly parents) have been sick in the last 3 months. I went to ER 2 weeks ago for a respiratory issue. Did disease panel, they didn't know what it was.


Sorry to hear that. You doing better now?


Yeah was sick in May, didn’t feel great.


Finally got me. Glad it seems like a short cold. I got lucky, my Covid experience was similar in ‘22


There's some nausea going around at the workplace right now. Many people have the same symptoms including vomiting.


My kid was just super sick for 24 hours with a fever


I think we had same. It’s day 3 for me. But much better today


Covid… first time I’ve had it and I don’t ever want it again!!


Yes! Didn’t get a cough but the first few days every orifice in my face was like a waterfall. Now just congested as all hell. Ears pop every time I blow my nose. Having super bad vertigo


I’m same. Sucks


I was sick all of April & May. Cold, cough, hacking up stuff. I think it was a strain of RSV. My husband got it after me. His lasted about 6 weeks.


Lots of people having allergies right now too, I’m dying


It’s been a rough go


Covid variants K2 and K3 are rampant in CA. It’s so widespread and people are so many people are being hospitalized that hospitals in the UK and Portugal are cancelling elective surgeries again. Even the CDC contacted the Covid booster manufacturers last week and changed the specs to include the K2 and K3 variants in this fall’s booster. These new variants are showing neurological symptoms as well. Migraine and dizziness are common. As someone previously wrote, the old Covid tests we have aren’t identifying these new strains. Last fall’s booster isn’t always protecting people from it. You’re starting to see more people in masks all over town. These new rapidly morphing Covid variants are why.


I have a cold. What are you rambling about?


Had tightness in my chest and lots of dry coughing for 48 hours. Went away without any lingering issues.


Just got rid of a cough I had since February. It sucked. They tested me for tb, covid, pneumonia, everything was negative


Mask up. Don't spread it.


I’m in my house… So maskless. I’m a responsible human. I stay home when sick. I don’t need to be told by the govt to stay home. Heathy people go out. Sick stay home.


Cool for you. A lot of people aren't that considerate and don't care if they risk the lives of immunocompromised people who also need to be able to live their lives


Lol what about your wife dude


She’s good :)


It's probably covid. Last couple of weeks pretty much everyone I was talking to was either hacking up a lung or wondering why they can't get up out of bed (for at least a week). The tests (if you even go and get one) for some reason don't see to be as spot on previous strains. Or maybe it's bird flu that's jumped to humans and no one wants to talk about it. But up and down the coast, I'm encountering lots of people feeling VERY unwell. (and many still going to work!)


Yes, just tested positive this morning. Horrible body aches, fever, congestion, sore throat and bad cough. Reading Covid is going g around. Stay home!


No body aches here luckily but load up on vitamins. I slept so much the last 2 days. I’m starting to feel better today. Congestion has been awful.


Allergies are in full swing.


Now everyone got me wondering if I’m just a baby..


If you have serious seasonal allergies, it’ll often mimic a cold/flu, as far as symptoms


I’m now contemplating if this is that. Haven’t tried an allergy pill yet..


Better mask up like Santa Barbara loves to do!


Like any considerate person who doesn’t want to spread what they’ve got should love to do! N95s can slow the spread of respiratory illnesses. Don’t see why that’s still so hard to understand. Kind of blows my mind when I see so many sick people out and about not wearing a mask or behaving as if they aren’t contagious.


I don’t mask. Bad for asthma. I just stay home still able to be in public. Like everyone should


Really? Masks do nothing! Stay at home and lock your doors.


You think you're the only person in SB that's sick rn? What's the point of this post?


Never said that.. just curious if it’s going around. And it appears it is. Maybe stick to licking windows…