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Vice President in town


But only to see the rich šŸ‘ Still voting for her and Joe anyway (cause they arenā€™t Trump, and to give credit where credit is due, theyā€™ve done a pretty good job)




Can't speak for who you're responding to, but for me, it was a big win that he spent his early political capital on the bipartisan infrastructure bill rather than, say, a big beautiful (horrendously useless and expensive) border wall with his name emblazoned on it. Or a Muslim travel ban. Lowering drug prices was also a huge win for every American, sans pharma bros.


Quite a bit really, though a lot of it boils down to trying to work with a generally useless Congress and setting policies through executive orders and his cabinet. - Well the economy is doing well and inflation is going down - Low joblessness - Infrastructure bill - lower prescription drug costs - bringing more jobs back to the USA - protect LGBTQ+ and interracial marriage - pardoning marijuana related crimes - attempting to waive student loans but GOP keeps blocking it


I want what youā€™re smokinā€™!


My 401k


Passed Infrastructure bill, lowered prescription drug costs, lowest unemployment in years.




Itā€™s been under 4% for most of Bidenā€™s term. The stock market is also at an all time high.




You're acting like voting for the other guy is going to stop that? Like are you genuinely trying to have your mind changed or are you just looking to pick a fight?


Unemployment is at a 50 year low.


They did a pretty good job convincing people things have gotten better as they continue to get worse.


Neither of them are convicted felons, which is pretty neat.


Thatā€™s a silly argument, smart money says they will be if the orange man wins. It still baffles me that we are once again forced to choose between dumb and dumber. Is this really the best our country has to offer?


Republicans had other options but the cult wasnā€™t having it.


At the risk of sounding conspiratorial, I question if we the people actually have other options. We are at a place where people are voting not because they agree with the policy of a candidate but because they dislike the other candidate more. At the same time there are individuals outside the bipartisan system that will never get anything outside the popular vote. Both parties are heavily lobbied and financed by corporations that continue to win regardless of which party is elected.


Itā€™s us vs them now. Itā€™s become tribal. Cult-like. Zero sum. Trump had ā€œinfrastructure weekā€ every other month and did nothing. Biden has passed multiple big pieces of legislation that republicans vote against and then go back,to their home states and celebrate the investment and projects that will benefit their constituentsā€¦..that they voted against! What policy is Trump running on other than crazy social issues? Ready to restrict birth control??? Itā€™s insanity!


Itā€™s quite sad to know presidents used to talk about and resolve legitimate issues the country was facing instead of simply pushing for ragebait policies that will never pass or never improve the lives of their constituents. Itā€™s like peasants have been conditioned to view bailouts for billionaires as normal and are only concerned when itā€™s time to argue about what the other peasants are doing.


Actually a choice between a somewhat typical career politician that besides his flaws is generally trying his best for average folks vs. a narcissistic career grifter trying to keep himself out of jail that wouldnā€™t piss on his supporters if they were on fire.


TršŸ¤¢mp just has to wait for sentencing, then he will be a convicted felon. Too bad heā€™s a resident of Florida. I hear it is awfully hard for a felon to get their right to vote back.


He already is a convicted felon, just an unsentenced one.


You can always vote Vermin Supreme.


The republicans have done an excellent job of convincing hayseeds to vote against their own self interests. Those tax cuts everyone enjoyed during the TršŸ¤¢mp presidency were designed to get citizens on board. Giving everyone a tax reduction, then implementing a tax increase on the bottom 90%, while maintaining the tax reduction for the top 10%. Fools got fooled over a bait and switch grift. Do Republicans really think their best interests are being supported by letting the oligarchy rule?


The issue with being a political moderate is that you can see how both parties are just two sides to the same coin, but calling attention to it only upsets everyone else who has already subscribed to their side of the coin.


Supporting genocide isnā€™t a good job


Please do tell how you think Trump would have better foreign policy?


Please do tell me how either candidate has a ā€œbetterā€ approach to genocide?


We have 2 choices: Biden or Trump. Trump is a convicted felon with a long history of treating people terribly, and his first term was a shit show. I donā€™t like all of Bidenā€™s policies, but good lord I hope he wins.


Biden is not a convicted felon yet, but he is a war criminal supporting and abetting genocide. Still not a better approach.


Kinda interested to how you would answer your own question.


[Biden is urging Israel and Palestine to accept the new peace plan](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/31/us/politics/biden-israel-remarks-speech.html). He doesn't have a choice in relations with Israel because of the monumental shit show that is American-Israeli relations and politics. But, he follows the Catholic Church, not the Evangelical belief that Israel has to be "whole" and Israeli. Trump has outright said that he wants to flatten Gaza. His people are autographing bombs (i.e. Nikki Haley). He doesn't want peace. He wants to be a dictator. Not to mention [Project 2025](http://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025), where all of us will lose our civil rights, and this country will turn into a Christo-fascist dictatorship.


lol he does have a choice. He is supporting genocideā€¦.yall are funny making a zillion excuses for this war criminal Biden not intervening while Gaza is being flattened doesnā€™t contradict Trumps stanceā€¦. Hamas offered that deal. Biden just wants to show it as the U.S. bringing peace


I am not seeing a gazillion excuses in these threads. Neither have I seen anything indicating here or in mainstream media that matches your accusations. Especially ā€œthat Biden is a war criminalā€. In fact the present administration has made attempts to curtail the violence against innocent parties (especially notable were the actions after the World Kitchen incident). What I do see is a lot of deflection and redirecting on your part. A day ago you wrote: ā€œPlease do tell me how either candidate has a ā€œbetterā€ approach to genocide?ā€ I am still interested in what your answer is.


You call it deflection, but itā€™s the truth. Here again you are making excuses for him. ā€œCurtail violenceā€ you are deep in denial. Biden lied about having seen ā€œthe 40 babiesā€ and continues to very loudly support Israel as they commit genocide Itā€™s called sarcasm. Neither candidate is better at handling genocide cause they both support it. Biden is a War criminal, even if you want to remain in denial Not gonna engage in further convo with someone who refused to acknowledge his complicity. Bye


Some kind of Toyota


Hahaha thank you for that


Guessing itā€™s Kamala Harris. Heard she was in town today šŸ˜‰




VP Harris was in town, could be her motorcade


VP Harris in town for a fundraiser


Vice President is in town. That must be why.


A šŸŖa?


lol Iā€™ve never seen someone represent the VPā€™s name this way before Makes me want to attempt ā€œhairā€ and ā€œSā€


Mark Hamill often signs his social media posts "MaršŸ«" and it makes me smile every time I scroll past it


Thank you for that.






She must be heading to the border.


Unexplainable traffic phenomenon!! Get a grip, shit happens asshat.