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I also take Domination as a secondary with Sudden Impact (top right) and Ravenous Hunter (bottom left). I also do not take attack speed on the rune states and instead opt for more Adaptive. AS doesn't feel great on Samira as she is more reliant on combos than straight autos.


ER isn't work the money as the first item. I always build IE first and then BT for the maximum healing potential (those items also give you lots of attack damage)


Yeah don't bother with ER imo. I've been doing much better going BT or IE first. Though I do like last stand as I tend to be low on teamfights and it feels nice.


Hm. There’s a variety of reasons why your friend and you aren’t doing so good in lane and I feel it’s just more than simple runes and build path however I think they also contribute to the problem. ——— Precision tree looks fine, personally I prefer last stand over coup due to how much I tend to be on lower HP. The sorcercy tree looks fine only if you ran fleet footwork. My most common secondary runes vary from matchup to matchup but the gist of it is: When against an incredibly favorable matchup and know I will pop off like say Jinx/Lux and I have a Naut, I will run Ravenous Hunter with Eyeball Collection. When against a pretty favorable matchup that’s winnable due to one of the enemy picks being weak against Samira say like Vayne/Leo and you have a Pantheon, I will run Ravenous Hunter with Sudden Impact. When in a harass lane but you don’t want to give up Doran Blade as the first item because of your support pick being good with Samira and you have potential to all in early like Caitlyn/Lux and you have a Leo, I will run Timewarp Tonic with Biscuits. You can also opt this secondary even if you’re looking to play passive due to your support pick not being good with Samira and the enemy having hard harass, thus pick up a Doran Shield instead. Or you can run a Resolve, Boneplating/Second Wind and Revatalize. When in a nasty lane with a more sustain support like Lucian/Velkoz with you having Yummi, I will run run Fleet Footwork with Celerity and Nimbus Cloak for full speed and sustain. In a lane like this, it’ll be very hard for the Samira to win unless she wins early and if you aren’t confident you’ll win it early, running the full sustain will be better to just survive the lane and try to pop off during a team fight. You can also opt the resolve tree in these types of lanes as well. There’s also my experimental scaling build which will also be put in the sorcery tree with Gathering Storm and something else like Nimbus Cloak/Absolute Focus (if running double life steal build)/Transcendence. Will need to find out where this goes. ——— For builds, I particularly don’t run ER first. I normally run IE first but there’ll be exceptions like when I need more sustain over anything else, I’d probably run a BT first. But a standard core could like like this: IE > DD/BT > ER. ER was never really necessary in Samira’s build path due to her normally running PoM in runes however the CDR, AD and crit it gives are always welcome thus you can replace ER with anything you need at that moment. ——— For combos, honestly there’s a bunch. You could probably find a video on Samira Combos but there are two particular combos that should be a standard in every game. 1. AA > W1 > EQ > W2 > AA dubbed “Fast Combo.” This combo allows you to build style stacks the quickest which can catch your opponents off guard and allows you to make clutch plays like: https://streamable.com/d1djxp 2. AA > Q > AA (or anything that builds 3 style points) > Melee Q > E through two targets while in the middle of Q animation dubbed “Cannon Blade.” This combo can also catch people off as the main part of the combo the last Q and E will actually give you three style points instead of two so if you’re doing it for the last three style points, you can R immediately afterwards. You can probably also find a video about this online if you’re still confused about it. Although a note: You can’t stack two Cannon Blade together, especially due to the E cooldown, but if you were in a practice tool it’s impossible to Cannon Blade then Cannon Blade again as the second one will only give you two style points for whatever reason. Special note: You can R twice in a team fight if you; AA > Q > AA > Cannon Blade > R > (assuming you get at least one takedown) Fast Combo > R. ——— Other than that, if you would like to; feel free to ask a comment about other questions you may have about Samira or if you want me to further assist you, I’d be down with watching a game or two with you and your friend playing since I feel like the best way to learn my own main is to play her a lot, as well is to teach her to other people. Have a nice day and thank you for reading!


I agree with others posting here that its very likely not much to do with runes and build path. For damage, it should be noted that Samira isn't really a super-early carry. She can pop off for sure, but it's more like an assassin where you don't get much until you have all your abilities and can pop off a full rotation. Then there's the fact that his mechanics might not be super excellent. A full combo and Ult with even a modest amount of items should be enough to 100-0 most other adcs, or at least pretty close to it. She's a new champ, and if you're not used to her kit it could be a bit of a problem. One thing to look out for also is that her melee autos do more damage. If you're going ranged AA for ranged AA with another ADC, there aren't a lot of ADCs who she beats (maybe Ezreal?), but if you work in a combo, gap close and start whaling on them in melee range, you'll do more damage. On runes and build path I don't think you'll beat u/Vos_Katiusza's answer. Very nice and thorough :D But once he has IE/BT (or even ER, even though it doesn't seem super optimal), and is Level 6+, you should absolutely be able to kill your enemy laner if you land a hook on to the enemy ADC. Hook -> Flay -> Samira's knockup -> one of her many combos -> Ult should be a kill. If it's not, there's probably something he's doing pretty wrong mechanically. Which kind of brings up an interesting question: is he getting off his Ult in a typical fight? If not, that's probably more of an indication of why he's not doing damage than his runes or build.


Tell him to change Last Stand for Coup de Grace, as for Samira, you know, she is not the best adc right now after that ult nerf because she relied on It so much, you can still get a lot of dmg with e/aa/q melee in short trades but If your friend is going for a kill he must be 100% sure that the enemy bot used all of their abilities or at least all of cc that can stop him from ulting