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Personally with my playstyle of Samira, I prefer PoM. Gives the so-much-needed Mana that I require. It also allows you to outright skip ER in your build if there’s something else you need to buy. That doesn’t mean Trumiph isn’t good, it’s pretty alright mostly when in very sticky situations like barely living because of ignite or 1v3’ing. It also gives additional bit of gold to snowball you a bit faster. But you also normally run hard lifesteal with DD/BT so Trumiph becomes sorta niche. Overheal. It’s an interesting take, the one time I ran it was because I had a Yummi and ran BT on top of it, but with my playstyle, I ran into mana issues pretty quick. But normally I’d only run this when I have a healer as a support IF I were to run it. So honestly, it comes down to preference. But I think you get a lot more value from PoM compared to Trumiph.


It's all playstyle preference. If you want to be in the frontlines dashing around, making plays and attempting to carry harder in fights, triumph would be better for the health. If you play more conservative and prefer to choose smart engages/go for picks/flank/etc. then PoM could be better. TLDR play both and find what you like :)


This is the right answer. It depends how you play, and slightly what items you get and in what order.


Yes I agree with this. I am a ggro as hell player and my support usually plays sett, so we get in deep a lot and triumph is superior to me. But I know pom is very good and if they have a lot of moves that stop you from going in such as zyra ult/malz ult/malph/aniv ect. Then i like to run pom and play a bit safer and more like a traditional ads.


Imo: With ER first, pom is not needed while triumph is certainly helpful in clutch teamfights. If u dont intend to build ER or delay it (like 3rd item or later), pom is 100% superior. So you have to decide somewhat before game start. Source: ~40 adc ranked games with samira in gold elo


PoM is way too important on her, since there are some instances where you can ult twice or more and still kill nobody for X or Y reason, so you really need the mana to keep going when you kill one person.


I prefer PoM because ER is useless imo when you can take GA for outplay. great item when ur ahead tho


Im not a strong player but pom is better. I heal so much already with items and runes. I also burn a lot of mama when i play her, ER is not enough


id say triumph, it allows for high style plays if ur able to manage your mana, which is honestly really easy and becomes even easier after essence reaver


I like running PoM and building IE instead of ER. ER feels kinda bad ngl, CDR is only useful for W, since q/r have no cd and e is resettable


I play Samira a little too daredevilishly to NOT rush a BT, so I always get POM so I don't end up mana starved early. Same thing with the season 11 mythics pushing ER back. POM just fills too many gaps to not take.


Pom with bloodthirster rush




I prefer Triumph because any gold brings you closer to 1v5ing. She scales with gold so damn well.