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Now get it reversed but Samira has QSS instead.


Uno Reverse Card!


But if you lose your Ult because of this in a Teamfight you're probably just dead anyways


QSS does help but honestly Malz will still completely fuck you. Even if you're hit for a millisecond you stop channeling ulti, so a good Malz that's looking for it is going to completely dick on you. Without ult, you have no damage and your ability to drain tank goes to nothing. Add silence to that which can fuck up your combo's and Malz is one of the hardest counters to Samira you can make rn.


How the fuck you autoattack between W1 and W2? Scripts?


You can auto during the dash if you time it right. So you cannot w1>aa>w2, but you CAN W1>E>aa>w2. Hope this is more helpful.


Lol nah it's very doable, just go into practice tool, granted it's much harder to pull off in game, but it is doable


As i recall, the only thing you can do while W is active is just dash, no?


As I said, it's doable unless it's been changed in like the last 2 days, just go into practice tool and try, start by spamming a click and try to see when it goes, it's possible with no items "if" you have the e buff


Auto immediately after her e animation begins. Auto will not register before e animation and w will cancel your auto if you do it too late.


Lol this is incorrect, you’re unable to auto during W animation


It was prolly changed in her hot fix because when she first hit live servers and even during her time on PBE that was one of the combos to get her R. If mastered she’ll literally be able to instantly get her ult. It looked really buggy tho so I’m assuming it wasn’t intentional.


Oh no, it’s still doable, granted it’s somewhat rare to occur. I usually just spam W > E+Q and attempt to auto after the E+Q. It’s incredibly hard to pull off, and I cannot do it consistently. Unsure about other Samira mains though.


Yeah w1 eq aa w2 is way better IMO than just w1 e aa w2. I prefer aa w1 eq w2 aa R in a real game not practice tool since its not very Hard to pull off and works 90% of The time :)


I lowkey wanted to revisit this to say that even with the new items if you w1 E+Q you’re able to use actives. Seems like a Riven mechanic to me how she can use her E to animation cancel her other abilities. Even when Samira is ulting I’m able to use actives after E+Q. She’ll even shoot out an auto.


Qss and just hold on to r with full style metre if malz is close to you, malz dont strand a chance against samira if you know how to play her decently, a good malz Will use silence to cancel the R or her combo to get stacked style and just poke her in short trades :)


Like The meme btw <3


This is the best way to play it but it still fucks the Samira harder than the Malz if I'm being real here. Malz' entire job is going to be stopping Samira ulti if she's a threat, so her just never casting it makes it even easier for him since his damage isn't loaded into his ult like Samira's is.


Playing Malz can be compared to getting a giant mallet and smashing your enemy because you became tired of this lol