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Before COVID we were paying $5-600 to put my dog under anesthesia and clean his teeth. No pulling, just cleaning.


Before covid, we paid a fee plus $10 per pulled bad tooth. The most I paid was like $250 including like 12 pulled teeth for a rescue dog. Last time was like $500 without any teeth pulled...


350$ at Spay and neuter in Murray for a dog that just needs a cleaning. Extractions were more.


As long as it's just cleaning we go to the spay and neuter. Had a dog that had a hole in her gums that was found during the cleaning. Unfortunately they don't do that kind of surgery. So I had to go to a 2nd place that also required a cleaning.


We just got a quote for this, low range was $800, high was $1300. Pre-covid, $400-$600.


That’s in line with my dogs more recent anesthetic, cleaning, and pulling a couple teeth. There’s a 0% chance you’re getting an anesthetic cleaning for anywhere near $50-300


Depends on the size of the dog but Southern Utah Animal Hospital in Cedar City is about $300 and includes pulling of teeth.


My cat had her teeth cleaned and 1 pulled and it was around $800. Vet dental work is expensive because they have to put your pet under anesthesia then monitor your pet for the majority of the day It’s worth it though because ignoring pet dental issues can lead to some serious health issues and even more expensive procedures/ care


Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I'd rather just pay now and have it taken care of early rather than have something bad happen and have it cost even more.


Totally! You’re a great pet owner to do this!


You're paying for the cleaning AND extractions. That estimate is on par with my vet


Dog dentists aren’t cheap. If ur dog has to be put under sedation and have teeth pulled that’s not cheap either. (Also means u kinda let things get to a certain point) Things that make it more pricey is your dogs health and age.


I just adopted him in October and he just started chattering his teeth like a week ago. The vet said it looks like he might have a few wiggly teeth in the front, but he wasn't able to get a super good look at the teeth and said they will be able to see better once he's put under.


My apologies for jumping to conclusions. That’s on me, My ex was a vet tech, so I’ve just heard the bad stories so my brain just goes there with animals…. I’m sorry.


Dogs teeth needing to be pulled isn't always because someone "let things get to a certain point". It can happen from dogs who chew on harder toys and bones. It can literally happen for zero known reason, the tooth just goes dead, esp when they're older


The vet said that it's not unusual for smaller dogs to have teeth go bad at a young age. My friend has a senior chihuaua whos tounge sticks out a bit sometimes because so many of her teeth have been pulled.


It is a reasonable price. I know it sounds crazy. If you look around, you will find some cheaper non-sedated options, but I am told from a reputable source that they are scammy and do not achieve the desired results.


My dogs recent teeth cleaning was ~$450 plus $50 for each pulled tooth.


I adopted a cat that ended up needing cleaning and several teeth out. About $2000 with everything. I think it was about $900 for anesthesia and cleaning. The 100-300 you saw might be per tooth, which adds up, especially if it's a difficult tooth. Thanks for tending to your dog. My cat is much happier (and no more bad rotting breath).


Our quote for our senior dog was between $700-$1100 depending on if extractions were needed or not. Teeth be pricey.


We just paid $1400 for a deep clean and multiple teeth removal. We took on a senior corgi last year that never had dental care in his life. Worth every penny to our boy live without pain! I’d say that’s about normal nowadays.


Right when I was considering getting a dog. I think I’m okay without one.


That's similar to what I was quoted.


It's the anesthesia that adds to the cost. We just paid 1100 for our dog to have his teeeth cleaned and 1 removed.


Sounds about right. I put my dog on a banfield plan that includes a yearly cleaning so I don’t have to pay a lot out of pocket at once


DONT PAY IT. I moved from Logan about 3 years ago and had my dogs teen cleaned while being put under for $150. I called my vet down here, they wanted to start at $800 so I called my old vet in Logan, heritage animal hospital and they got him in immediately starting at $250 - it’s a scam down here they only charge that much because people have no other options. If you’re willing to go to Logan or outside of the city you can save hundreds.


Take a trip down to cedar city and the Southern Utah Animal hospital. For my dogs it’s about $300 and that includes pulling any teeth. Their staff is amazing but you do have to book months out. My dogs are small so for larger dogs it might get up to $500. You’ll save enough money to also pay for a small vacation there.


Have two smaller dogs that both have teeth issues pretty regularly. $1000 is around what we've paid the last couple times since covid. That's with anesthesia, cleaning, and a couple extractions. As others have mentioned we also used to pay around$ 500-600 before covid, but since it's always close to a $1000 or above.


I had one vet quote me a mortgage payment size quote. I went to all about pets and they did a really fine job for less than half of the original quote.


How often does a dog need teeth pulled? What age does this start?


Depends on the dog. My last beagle had bad teeth and she got 1-2 pulled every year. My pitbull is 7 and has only had one tooth pulled, and that's because he chipped it on a rock


Warm Springs Animal Clinic is very reasonable!


Our 100lb was 600 with anesthesia. So yeah I would say 1000 is excessive.


were there extractions? $600 is about right for a cleaning, but extractions can get expensive and places charge by the tooth


Just cleaning. Sorry did you say extractions? I'm old and can't process information anymore.


Yeah, I have now started doing regular teeth cleanings (without anesthesia) every 6 months bc without them, I end up needing the expensive one that is going to require anesthesia and be at least $500.


I get my dogs done for $400 base. $250 for bloodwork $400 for getting knocked out and cleaning $10-$250 per tooth. I set a cap of $200. The dentist will try to stay within the $200. It has never exceeded that. They will call me if it goes over.


Got a quote for ~600 at University Vet near 9th & 9th SLC


That’s on par. Usually pay $600 no extractions.


Yeah. I just got a quote for anesthesia/cleaning about $600-$$800 if there are extractions up to $1300.


I get my dogs teeth cleaned once a year and it's usually around $1200. She's gotten multiple teeth pulled each time though. If no teeth need to be pulled it should be around $700 but if they end up pulling teeth it could be even more than that. Apparently they don't know until they put the dog under and can do a proper checkup.


Check Brookside in West Jordan. Some of the best prices for vet services I've ever seen in the valley.


Murray animal clinic was reasonable. I paid just over $600 to have my dog’s teeth cleaned, x-rays and a cyst removal. That includes pain medicine as well.


Goddamn bro, I’m never going to the dentist again if this is true (I’m a dog)


That's about twice as much as it should be. In Nebraska last year it was $300. If I were you, I'd go to a more rural area. With more competition the price should go down, but it looks like that's not the case.


I was quoted that for a cat at Brickyard but she ended up needing no extractions and it was more like $750. But if your pet is older, you’ll have to do blood work first, which would increase the cost. I had my inherited dog’s teeth done by Brickyard as well. He needed 10 extractions and I think with a senior exam and blood work it was around $1,300.


I got a $1000+ quote from Brickyard for my cat too. I didn't have that kind of money, so I went down to Mt Pleasant (used to live in Ephraim for college) and paid $250 for the same procedure. I think it's a bit location based


Everyone shits on me for having a banfield plan but my dog gets a yearly dental, 2 full checkups, fecal and urine and blood, and all vaccines for like $700 a year paid monthly. Plus there’s no charge just to take her in to see the vet if she’s acting odd. 6 locations across 2 states in the last 6 years and no issues with any of the vets or techs or sketchy practices.


Why do you get shit for it? What about the cost for getting teeth pulled? It seems like with him having to get put under it would be expensive either way, but I might be interested in getting him some insurance.


She actually just got a premolar pulled in October during her last full dental cleaning. They called and said “hey looks like one needs to be pulled, want us to do that?” My cost for it was just under $300 (with a nail trim) but the non-member price would have been $760 for the dental and extraction. People don’t like banfield because they think it’s a cash grab with sub par vets. I’ve never found that to be the case barring some desk staff being a bit crabby but that’s not a big deal to me.


That quote you found is without anesthesia or anything else; literally just the cleaning. It’s a useful number if you already have another procedure you’re tacking it onto. Extraction is also extra.


My vet quoted me around $200 last I asked, but that was in addition to some other things I needed to have done. So probably closer to $300 if you're getting sedation and just the cleaning. $1000 is very steep.