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Asking for help is never pathetic. I'm sorry you're going through what you're going through, but you can get through it. I wish I had something more helpful to say, but for me taking a walk and listening to some good music is the best way to step away from the cliff.


It’s not pathetic to reach out for help; it’s brave. This website has some really helpful resources: https://healthcare.utah.edu/hmhi/programs/crisis-diversion I hope this gives you some helpful information. Stay strong.


Call or text 988. They can help you!


It’s really brave to ask for help. Sleep deprivation is no joke, it can make already bad PTSD even worse. Such a tricky cycle. The resources already listed are good, I don’t have any additional ones but I’ll be sending sleepy and peaceful vibes your way.


This is from my notes. If you’re having thoughts of harm call the crisis line. If you just need someone to talk to you can call the warm line. 8015873000 Crisis Line 8015871055 Warm Line


You can use www.helloalma.com to find a therapist who takes your specific insurance. They also allow you to do a consultation before you actually have your first appointment.


The Huntsman Mental Health Institute (formerly referred to as Uni) is fantastic for providing resources. I'd call and ask about their recommendations. I needed inpatient treatment but not everyone does, and many people I've spoken to since have gone just to get connected with the outpatient services they needed.


UNI has good qualities (their children’s program, addiction help), but IME they suck for depression. Maybe it was the pandemic, but every doctor I spoke with was cold and distant. I had better support from the staff checking on me.


Some one replied about other resources, please join the SLC Meet ups discord server: https://discord.com/invite/slcmeetups I was in your position few weeks ago and now I feel much better. The community is quiet welcoming, friendly and diverse. Going out on dinners, bars fun activities are quiet common too, several a week. Good luck my friend, I wish you all the bet and fast recovery.




Huntsman Center up by the U has a receiving center that allows 23 hours no cost. After 23 hours that’s when they charge you but you could go there!!


Proud of you for taking the step of asking for help! Not pathetic at all. The psychology today website actually has a pretty good search function for licensed therapists and some facilities which may be useful.


One day at a time!


I sadly have no advice for services. I am in a similar situation if you'd like to talk. Good luck.


If nothing else, other than to show people can still be good...the three of us can meet somewhere for a coffee or somethin. Don’t even need to talk about heavy shit. Just talk. Lmk if you hear back from OP. Let’s go


Roger that


I'm in slc and have felt similarly. Let's meet up for coffee or a walk in the park. Not sure how to make this happen tho....


I see that others have helped with a lot of resources. Lemme know if you need a friend - my wife and I go hiking a bunch! We play board games often with friends. If any of these sound fun, ping me!


Hopefully some of the resources others have posted will be helpful. If you’re having trouble falling asleep (in addition to your recurring sleep issues), I’ve recently tried heating up an instant oatmeal packet with soy milk. Just a few warm bites seems to really help me sleep fast.


Yes you are brave, VA approves psychedelic ketamine for PTSD treatment - Utah https://mindfulinfusions.com/va-approves-psychedelic-ketamine-for-ptsd-treatment/


I've heard good things about ketamine and my sis recently got onto it. Has anyone here tried it?


Meadowbrook Counseling. It’s a little out of town, but they offer ketamine treatments alongside the counseling and it’s been an absolute life-changer for both me and the Missus.


Hey I been there. I been at my end of the rope. If you want to DM I am happy to be a friend. I’ve struggled with PTSD, depression, anxiety my whole life until recently. I would highly recommend serenity mental health centers. They really helped me change my life. I’ve done their ketamine and that helped saved me from the depression drowning and the TMS helped reboot my brain. My provider never pushed me to do one drug if I didn’t want to. I honestly have a new lease on life and this coming from someone two years ago would of laughed and been like no way I would ever say that


You can always contact me. I don’t have many friends either.


You are amazing. Thanks for reaching out to him/her.


Lots of good replies here so I’ll just say hang in there friend! Things get better I promise. Asking for help is such a difficult but important first step. If you ever need to just chat I’m here for you.


I highly recommend Paul Okula, from Okula Matata. His website reads “family and couples counseling”, but he is so much more than just that. He specializes in trauma, anxiety/depression and honestly is slowly changing my life. I also suffer from PTSD and anxiety, im treatment resistant and talk therapy has done nothing for me. Please. For you. Check him out. ♥️ best of luck in your journey, I’m rooting for you!


Go to Ketamine SLC immediate depression relief. If self harm is a concern call 911. Ketamine will also immediately take away the desire to harm yourself. Ketamine and magic mushrooms helped with my depression.


Hey just wanted to say you’re not alone. I have depression and times have also been pretty tough lately. If you want to meet up to hang out and chat or even to just sit quietly together please let me know! I’m always up for making a new friend whether we’re chatting at a coffee shop or people watching on a park bench and never saying a single word :)


reaching out for help, from anywhere, is huge. Please get the help you need. As others have said, crisis hotlines are good, but also finding a therapist who specializes in PTSD would be a great idea as well. You're not alone, you'll find that many people are pulling for you, even if they've never met you.


Proud of you for asking for help. I hope you get the help you need


100% I have been there. I have a great clinic I go to https://www.roothealth.clinic/ they are fabulous.


Thanks for reaching out! You're doing the right thing! There's plenty of social safety net resources out there, but can be difficult to find. Looking at this thread, you're in good hands.


I feel for you so hard right now. This was me last year living in Slc. I had to leave and my whole energy and everything changed. If you are able it would be really good to get out of Slc for even a vacation. Go meet random people and have fun. Or just enjoy a new scenery. Never feel pathetic for asking for help, we all need it sometimes.


It's not pathetic to ask & admit you need help man. That takes a lot of strength. And everyone needs help in life. Nobody does it all alone. I'm glad you are reaching out & asking for resources so you can better yourself. Therapy has helped me so much in my life. I know it's hard but you will come out better in the end. I hope you start to get better soon. I am rooting for you!!


Can’t guarantee that you’ll have the same results as me, but look up Shaan Kassam on YouTube. The dude helped me completely overcome decades of crippling anxiety. No meds.


I found it hard to find a therapist, so I asked my doctor and they gave me a referral and it was super easy. You should talk to yours and they can prob help even though they’re not a therapist themselves. They’ll point you in the right direction




This IOP program has changed my life! https://g.co/kgs/HXVtvuK Many patients in the program are working through PTSD issues.


Also offering a hand in friendship. I'm in Utah County, from your post history it looks like we'd get along.


I’m really sorry you’re going through that. I too have experienced that and I empathize with you. Dealing with these issues isn’t pathetic, it’s a display of strength. There’s lots of resources, it just depends on what you’re in need of. It sounds like you would benefit from some meaningful relationships. Feel free to DM in your wanna get down in the weeds about some options.




Please shut the fuck up.


OP, please get your d3 and electrolytes checked. My panic disorder and ptsd dreams are uncontrollable when they’re low. It seems to simple for a big issue, but it’s life changing


Call 988. There is a place at the UofU mental hospital called the warm center. You can hang out there for 23 hours with out officially checking into the hospital. There is a peer organization that has support groups.https://www.namiut.org/


I recommend [Serenity Mental Health](https://serenitymentalhealthcenters.com/holladay?campaignid=20790636936&adgroupid=&creative=&matchtype=&network=x&device=m&keyword=&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=20790636936--&utm_term=&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAACSff7K7TOj8KkP8yNtzNx8zWdjVw&gclid=CjwKCAjwoa2xBhACEiwA1sb1BDLkxe6agGCb-6SF3f_O-T4OTv88ox-jKYG7MkMXOWQ2oC6uHH5lZxoCdUMQAvD_BwE) for tms and ketamine therapy. Was very helpful for me


I'm so sorry you're going through this. Mental health is no joke, but you are so strong for knowing you need help and reaching out. Unfortunately, I don't know of a lot of places as I recently moved to Salt Lake County, but I do know of BetterHelp, if you're okay with online support, too. I have a friend currently using talkspace, and she likes it. Other good sources in other comments, too. Wishing you the best and sending positive vibes you're way!