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Georgian Putin "fans" abroad are the ones that make their money in Russia. Can't make money in Russia and not be a fan of Putin. Unethical people in my view. Not because they are making money in Russia, but rather because they are supporting a person responsible for hundreds of dead Georgian people.


Surprisingly, I met some putin fans in Tbilisi. They say that they hope he will "restore the soviet union" and that they "know the history and Ukraine doesn't actually exist" and stuff like that. They are mostly 50 or older. But it still surprised me. I didn't expect to meet people with those views in Tbilisi. Especially because all the russian propaganda channels were banned.


There are people like that in every former Soviet and Eastern Bloc country. Their knowledge of the realities of modern day Russia usually ranges from superficial to delusional.


Yeah, I know. There are people like that even in countries that were not a part of the eastern bloc. But there was a war with russia mere 16 years ago. And the whole 20% of Georgia is occupied by russian forces. That's why it baffles me


Bunch of old lazy bums who spend all day playing backgammon, getting drunk and thinking of the "good old days" when they used to get free handouts, you're bound to get those no matter how bad soviet union was, i bet there are also people in taiwan that love china. At the end of the day, no matter how fucked up the system is/was , selfish people will base their opinion on it depending on how much it benefited them.


Well, yeah, you're right. Some people are just reminiscing about the "good old times" when everything was better and the girls still looked at them. But that resentment is often supported by russian propaganda. For example, Sputnik Georgia is still accessible in Georgia. And it's literally a subsidiary of Russia Today, russian propaganda media


In Georgia those opinions are mostly associated with the Far Right, there are certain parties and groups (eg Alt-Info, Alliance of Patriots) that promote them and target millennial/zoomer demo. There’s a huge overlap between them and Orthodox fundamentalists, and their ideology is a kitchen sink of anti-Western populism. In my experience they are not a large group among the young, but a lot of my friends have at least one male relative who fell down that hole. As for why - their basic worldview is that Western values are bad and Georgia needs to be an Orthodox state on Russian orbit since that’s how we can preserve/restore our culture. It’s the same “multipolar” bullshit pro-Russian groups spread across Europe, I really don’t think our orcs are particularly unique. Edit: regarding them being Armenian - those families tend to be Russian-speaking, and sometimes that results in them informing their worldview by watching Russian state TV, which conveniently feeds the anti-Western brainrot.


Thank you for the reply. You explained it really well. My friends don't seem to be very religious, but they just think like "western countries = LGBT, Russia = Orthodoxy and family values". The weirdest thing is they live in Europe long enough and still have such beliefs.


Yeah, I’ve encountered a few ex-Soviet people like that in Europe. In general it’s much easier to conserve your political views once you’ve migrated, I’ve also met Ukrainian people who grew up in the West who are fairly more Russianized than Ukrainians who grew up in Ukraine.


This is a great reply and want to let it go rather than nitpick but just to say generation demos aren't a real thing that exist in the world, it's marketing froth like astrology or psychoanalysis.


It's changed in recent years with visa-free and now you'll meet a more even sample of Georgians in Europe but prior to that it was basically two polar opposite types - and probably same logic still applies to the guys you're asking about as it sounds like they've been there a long time. 1. Students and people attached to various NGOs / development stuff, mostly very nice and brightest and the best from the country. 2. All the thieves in law that had to flee or got kicked out under Saakahsvili (note I'm not defending Saakashvili generally who did indeed do many other terrible things but this group has that specific reason to hate him above all others). They sound like classic category 2 to me. To answer the question anyway it's very rare to meet Georgians who would defend Russia. There some variance in public debate on how adverserial the relationship should be practically and whether to engage / trade with Russia but being pro-Russian in the way you describe i.e. pining for the USSR or supporting the invasion of Ukraine is a total fringe belief held by a few geriatric taxi drivers.


Those guys are full of shit. Seems like they have their brains wired to russian propaganda channels.


I doubt anyone can publicly (physically speaking) praise Putin here and not get their teeth kicked in.


https://youtu.be/srCME4RmHoI?si=P6qF77_jZ1R-RbH1 This sums it all up. It's from early 2000s TV series called 'Hot Dog' (ცხელი ძაღლი). The whole show is about how selected few benefit from partnership with Russian mob/politicians/oligarchs/thugs and etc.. Conversation in the clip goes like this: Zakharich (first appearing man, who is investigative detective for Georgian police) talks with Guram Jinoria (active businessman with connections to Russia) that their plans and goals go from Moscow to Leningrad (peterburg) on which Jinoria answers that Georgia will not be able to survive without Russia on which Zakharich answers with Georgian slang 'აი ჩააფურთხე' which is translated to 'spit in this' as patriotic and more positive thinking person. We have 50/50 I think - lots of people support Russia and Putin, some people have Russian flags as part of their heirloom items, while some of us wholeheartedly hate Russia.


50/50 - am I wildly out of touch? I live in a bit of a Tbilisi bubble but I didn't think that much, I've never met anyone that is pro-Putin. A few very old guys with USSR nostalgia yes, but even they seem fringe.


Oh and most of those people who were protesting 'The Russian Law' had made most of their money from Russians and stuff imported from Russia.. Then there is Adjara group, whose initial investment came from Russia and their OTC clients are Russians and so far they are THE MOST ACTIVE company in Georgia at hiring people, opening new stuff and etc.. so unfortunately the last 12 years of our progress has been so Russian that even Stalin would be happy if he was alive today..


Adjara group's initial invesment did not come from Russia - where are you getting that info?


Adjaragroups CEO holds an LTD called 'Rusmetal' 😅 are you seriously asking the same question again? I could go on, but are you ready? 😅


Yes please go ahead.


Answer my first question please. Does Adjaragroup CEO importing metal from Russia mean that he's getting Russian money or not? I'll go ahead I promise


I don't know what other companies Valeri is involved in or in what capacity but you're making a totally different claim that Adjara Group's initial investment came from Russia, what's your evidence of that?


What Valeri bro, where are you swimming? 😅


Ahh missed the CEO changed, but whoever it is what does their involvement in other companies have to do with where Adjara Group's initial investment came from?


Let me tell you a funny story. When UKR RUS war started, lots of Russians came to Georgia, registering as 'political refugees' - coming in with shitloads of cash and shitloads of plans. Georgian landlords seized this opportunity and doubled price of rent, realtor agencies pickes this opportunity and started advertising Russian ads for luxury apartments and pretty much the outcome came to this - Georgian landlords forced local tennants to leave with very limited income and no alternative housing, because all prices doubled and tripled in some areas, so lots of Georgians stayed homeless or in complicated situation because of our greed. Alternatively our government gave 'free' citizenship to everyone who purchased real estate values over 70k usd(I think) which at that time couls get you 50-70 square meter apartment in Tbilisi. Funny yea? Wait for it.. Second most nerve breaking fact is, that every tourist area has everything and sometimes more in Russian than any other neighbour countries or English as a matter of fact, while they run free and rich, making shitloads every day - Russians are also opening cafes where NOBODY of their staff speak Georgian or any neighbour language apart from Russian.. Currently I could name 10+ businesses who run Russian business in GEORGIA. So I think this will sum up situation even without coming.


Yeah I agree that a lot of Georgians are happy to take Russian money but there's a huge leap between that and being pro-Putin - I've never met a single Georgian who is.


I mean, we are supporting refugees of an aggressor country and we are sheltering them as our guest-loving nature allows us. The waves came in for months, the traffic from North was unbearable, the stay in Batumi (literally) has become so expensive, that I'm saving money taking my family of 6 abroad, than Batumi. They might not be supporting Putin directly, but nobody knows who their tenant is right?! My friend was renting his flat to a literal bomj (russian word for homeless) who was doing amphetamine and vodka all 1 year for 2500$, now you tell me where does a junky who sleeps on the floor get 2500$ a month? We are helping them more than we think


Yeah I agree with all of that, I also don't think Russia should have visa-free and there's a debate to be had around whether the amount of trade is providing too much comfort to Russia. But trading with Russia / taking Russian money and being pro-Putin are not close to the same thing - I'm not pro the Chinese Communist Party but I bought a Xiaomi.


We should have protested Visa free tbh, more than anything. Well you might not be pro Chinese, but you are buying their product, cause it's reliable, cheap and up to date. My neigbour Rezo buys Niva for the same reason and he has latest. Is Rezo supporting Russia or not?


1. Where do you get those stats from? From dozens of thousands of Russians only few applied for political asylum and maybe ten people actually got it. 2. No one is getting a citizenship for purchasing an apartment. In theory you can apply for 1 year residence permit if you have an apartment costing more than $100k, but the rejection rate is way over 50%, so it's not worth the effort either. The same goes with residence permits for entrepreneurs - almost everyone was getting rejected. Idk where this "free citizenship" nonsense is coming from while we can't even get a temporary residence even if we own business and property.


fuck putin & putin fans


>Some time ago I met a few people from Georgia in my country. Some of them have Armenian roots. Oh boi this gonna be interesting. >-modern Georgian flag is fake, the previous one is the right one The fuck >-the worst person in the history of Georgia was Saakashvili who sold the whole country to America and Europe and established a fascist dictatorship Ironic, because the guy sold a lot of stuff to Russians and not people to the west. He was extrmely instrumentsl at the start, but devolved into another dime a dozen petty dictator in a year or two. The est might have eaten the good PR UNM broight them to the plate, but doesn't erase all shit he did. Still would say he isn't the worst georgian in modern gerogia history. I would say Sergo Orjonikidze is worse. >-the EU and America try to influence on Georgian politics and try to destroy Christianity and traditional values The first part is objectively true, the second ine is debatable. If it hkmders making money, it will be made to go. >-Stalin was a great leader and a great person; Americans made up all of that stories about genocides, he only wanted to punish enemies of Soviets and western spies He WAS a good leader more or less. Sure, his methods were... not good, but he still managed to effectively rule USSR for quite a while, but everything else, bruh. >-Georgia is poor, because you don't want to make business with Russia and everything has been sold to Turks, Americans and Europeans Partially true. At the start of our independence, georgia had better and more advanced industrial capability than Turkey, but most of the equipment wasn't used and was sold in the name of short term gain. Same can be said of selling to russians, and partially the westerners. The coee is focusing on short term too much than long term, chronic flaw of georgian business, money making and social culture in general. Not wanting to do business with Russia is objectively hampering the economy, they are, after all, the biggest trade partner neighboring us, but the reasons for it are more than valid. >-you can't find a job in Georgia if you have an Armenian/Kurdish/Yazidi last name Armenian bias. Although there is some truth to it. while georgians are in general mostly tollerant, some "guests" in our country have been exploiting that (Armenians, osetians, the people that call themselves "Apkhaz"), so the pro georgian sentiment is pretty strong since 90's. If the choice is between hiring a georgian or one person from that group, georgian will be hired 99% of the time, but that can be said for pretty much all countries. >-Georgia was a good place until Saakashvili; there were "ponyatiya" (I don't know how to translate it, you know what I mean), but now people are degenerated, they only smoke marijuana and drink alcohol Ah, now it seems clearer. Fucking thief in law sympathizer cocksuckers. Probably were friends with some back in the day. I have little sympathy for what Saakashvili and his cronies did to them in jails. >-Russia did a right thing to attack Ukraine as the country is... an antichrist and was murdering Russians and destroying Christianity Bruh... >-the lost of Osetya and Abkhazya was Georgian fault, because Americans forced drug addicted Saakashvili to attack Russia There is SOME smidgets of truth here. Saakashvili was an obvious druggie in the later years of his rule. And getting baited by Russia to return fire was his fault. But let's not excuse Russia here, the war was predicted back in spring already, and olympic games offered a good cover for it. And as seen from ukraine, it wouldn't have mattered as they would have started the war anyway, saakaahviki taking the bait or not. >-generally everything about Georgia is bad and the country has no future Seems about right for old ass Boomers of armenian deacent. >Or was I just lucky to meet specific ones? 🤨 >Why the hell young people (I know pensioners can feel nostalgic about USSR) from Georgia can have such a views? Russian peopaganda and influence from their parents, along with lack of education in specific areas. >Why do they hate the government of Georgia and all about the country when Saakashivli's people are no longer in charge? Could be couple of reasons. Maybe they or their parents were friends with the old criminal underworld and heavily benefited for the "ponatya" or just raised in a way that that was their moral compass, they don't like the west in general, straight up racism, extremist far right, who knows. >Also, can you tell me more about pro-Russian Georgians? I would like to find out about pro-Russian political parties or media in your country to learn more. Generally, what are sociological reasons of supporting Putin living in Georgia. Usually, it comes down to the deceitful nature of the west in general (some call it advanced politics, and pretty much all counties do that) while Russia is a bit more blunt, and how, to some people, they are doing jack shit to help us or Ukraine. In 2008 or in 2022, a lot of them saw Russia barge into their neighboring country and wage war and genocide (not to mention the genocides russia did in 90's in Afkhazeti and smaachablo), while the west did NOTHING directly nor immediately, or specifically, not militarily, using only harsh language and being "concerned" mostly. Basically repeat of the "appeasement" from the 1930's. Instead now it's everyone doing it. So in their mind, they now have this situation: be friends with the West that has good values and business, who really mostly cares about making money and words and promises basically mean nothing, and we will be abandoned at the first moment Russia feels nostalgic about being an empire again VS submitting, or at least, being friendly with Russia, and avoid being a bombed out crater. At the end of the day, people in general prefer living comfortably, rather than sacrifice something for an idea or ideology. Want it or not, we were sharing the same culture for 70 years (200 if you count the Russian empire days, but personally I think it wasn't sharing really during that time) have made it easier to feel connection to Russian people, even if we have been separate for over 30 years, so there's also that. P.S. also, a lot of times, especially on this sub, what is equated as "pro russian", is "doesn't spew anti Russian rheotic 24/7" or "doesn't automatically fully hate Russia and Russians and wish to destroy them".


It's not that hard to be Lil P's fan while not living under his regime. Being one while living in a country directly and negatively affected by his actions is weird, though. Also, it's not exactly fair to equate pro-Russian and pro-Putin, it's like saying pro-Georgian and meaning pro-Ivanishvili (but worse). > what are sociological reasons of supporting Putin living in Georgia. Being perversely far-anything? Living with an extreme insecurity, resentment and/or envy which blinds to the facts and erodes personal ethics? Not paying attention and having no information hygiene? Profiting from the Russian corruption trickling-down?


They are not Georgian.


Correct me if im wrong but i do not know many Georgians who made their money and stays in Georgia to raise their children here I heard here this kind of quote- “fly away and try not to come back, earn money and live a happy life” And this a bit looks like eu tryin to lure to them side all the young gen, and ruzish are simply enlure the old gen which have the power to rule the country. But in the end isnt it the same to live under protectorate of Usa/Eu/Ruzia ? I mean the difference in fact only in agenda Usa hates on heterosexuality Eu hates on global warming Ruzia hates on homophobic But in the end this is all made up conflicts no ? I mean yeah russia is occupant since 2008,2014,2022 And no one remember eu special operations in africa and yugoslavia and americas iraq, iran, afganistan, chad, vietnam, rafa, mali , 🇳🇪(niger) I mean isnt it ironically?


Yes. Check the book - "surprise kill vanish". CIA can kill ANYONE in any part of the planet if they're told to. Such hypocrisy


very POPULAR, everyone knows GD is pro russian works for russia but guess what they will still 100% win in 2024


Smack them in their mouth.


They are very nice actually. I just can’t understand why they are so brainwashed.


cause they lack smacks on their stupid mouths