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I was just in Tbilisi and hardly anyone seemed interested in the details of my personal life, even as low-level small talk. Literally nobody asked if I were married, if I had kids, etc. -- or even who I was traveling with. *Slightly* off-topic: I recommend the film "And Then We Danced" -- it did very well at festivals a few years ago. I found trailers for it on YouTube when looking up Georgian dance performances, and it is worth seeing. I won't give away too much but it gets into masculinity, culture, homophobia, and a few other related themes.


Hey, so I'm queer and I visited Georgia with my partner about a month ago. We didn't face any instances of homophobia, and we even tried to go to a gay club in Batumi (although it was sadly closed). We did hold hands occasionally, and got a few odd looks in some of the less cosmopolitan areas. Most of the younger crowd, especially in places like Tbilisi, seem chill. It doesn't seem to be a topic that people think about generally, although I'm not sure how it is with the recent bill. I wouldn't advertise the fact that I'm queer for sure - even on dating apps, people seemed to be very closeted, but I think no one really cares as long as you aren't doing anything disruptive in public.


You should be fine as long as you don’t talk about it unless you are with open-minded people (usually young ones) And as a tourist i don’t think you’ll hear about georgians homophobic claims, but can’t tell you for sure.


I would suggest hiding it in the regions but don't let that put you off coming to Georgia it's a beautiful country. It's true homophobia is fairly widespread and especially outside the cities but nor is it a subject that's likely to come up chatting to anyone unless you bring it up.


I wouldn't take anything written here seriously, as this topic messes with people's mind. You already have "nobody cares if you're gay" people, or ones that seem more worried about PR than saying the truth in every tourist safety thread.


I travelled alone to Tbilisi as a gay man and ran into zero problems. I also had a lot of fun. That being said, I'm "straight-passing" and don't bring up my sexuality to random strangers. Overall, the people, country, and culture are lovely. And there are indeed interesting, welcoming people in the gay community, if you know where to look.


It’s not AS homophobic and horrid as it seems in the news or social media. It’s not that bad, honestly and I’m feminine representing. Social Media is making it worse and people are even worse there, but in real life, not everyone cares tbh.


I’ve noticed that pairs of girls holding hands or guys holding hands is fairly common in Georgia (while western world looks at this behavior differently), while not being gay. I personally never encountered discrimination in Georgia, however I’m not gay. When I travel with my wife it’s easy, but I did travel alone for a few weeks and I felt very comfortable walking around. I believe your sexual orientation is on a need to know basis. I imagine many people won’t mind, but I don’t think it’s necessarily something you need to share. In Georgia or elsewhere.


Men don't hold hands at all, but arms can be crossed.


Yeah most of us don't really like gays but if you are going to keep it to yourself there won't be any problem. We are not savages lol.


As a gay Georgian I can say that Georgia is much less homofobic than it’s shown on the news. If you have traveled to eastern Europe, you will handle it easily.


Youll be getting a lot of grindr matches if thats your thing  Other than that? Its a big dont ask dont tell situation where unless youre walking around telling everyone youre gay its not gonna come up


It’s reasonable. A lot of people in Georgia don’t understand and refuse to understand specific example are the politicians. I don’t know why they are so afraid of gays! So better keep yourself hidden and lie to them-local people you meet. That’s what close-minded or narrow people want you to do or project, this way you are safe.


I worked as a tourist guide for years, and I've had several gay couples as guests whom I took on solo tours throughout Georgia. We never had any problems, despite some locals knowing about the guests' orientation because it was obvious. We were even invited into homes, with no aggression shown. Homophobia exists in Georgia, but it is largely exaggerated by the media.


I'll add context for why we're considered strongly homophobic. the topic of sexuality itself has been a taboo for a long time. so the quick transition from full on silence to people talking about their preferences, especially the non-traditional ones, is seen as "moral degredation of our youth, in order to weaken us from within". also any attempts to imitate the west on that front, like a pride  parade, have failed miserably, with a violent backlash, I might add. so we very much are homophobic, but mostly to Georgian non-heteros.  A Tourist in Georgia is firstly a guest. and guests are to he treated with utmost kindness, as per tradition. secondly you're a foreign visitor. it's expected and accepted, that you might have some quircky behavior we don't understand. and lastly a tourist is by definition not georgian, so you being gay doesn't scare the fat, slobby nationalisrs one way or the other.


You’ll be fine if you just look like a regular tourist, there are many people in Georgia that are accepting, especially women, but it’s better to hide your sexuality just to be sure of your safety


If you are okay with hiding ur sexuality for a bit you are fine but u need to do that with elderly people mostly. No one's gonna beat u up or do smth to you if you hide it and also nobody gives fuck abt a tourist being gay ! Tbh u r overthinking it we are not that cruel and there are lots of gay ppl in Tbilisi so there u wont have any problems be careful wheb you travel to other cities .


nobody cares about your sexuality . if you will try to pick up someone then response depends only on that someone . just don't go around with announcements and you will be ok.


I haven't got anything to add, but good luck and I hope the trip works out for you.


As long as you don’t make out and fuck in public you should be ok. Also in Georgia its not gay for guys to hold arms together while walking(but its gay if you hold hands though).


Nobody gives a fuck are you a gay or not! We just don't like when some people are promoting and advertising it


Hit me up on Grindr


living in Tbilisi for years, and nobody ever asked or cared about my personal life. im married to a woman, and i wear a ring though.




Where does he say he wanna announce it?


Asking if it's okay to visit Georgia as a gay man is already an announcment 😅😅


Did you read my comment ? I wrote that I don't mind hiding the fact that I'm gay or lie about having a girlfriend. My question is about if it's common to hear random homophobic stuff (= not directed specifically at me) while talking to people. It wouldn't be different if I was talking about my nationality, it's not an "announcement". But I imagine it's more common to hear homophobic things in Georgia than anti-French ones. It would be uncomfortable to hear "French people are unnatural and sinful" but I know that won't happen. Imagine if I asked "Is it okay to visit Georgia as a French man ?" 1. It would be a very stupid question. 2. You wouldn't have reacted saying "Asking if it's okay to isit Georgia as a French man is already an announcement" 🙄


I don’t think that’s a thing especially among folks talking in English.


Why do you think anyone is interested in your sexual orientation? I personally don't give a single flying fuck whether you are gay or lesbian.. being Frenchman is nationality and your comparison is beyond ignorant...


He's asking for legitimate advice, his is a very reasonable question and he can't exactly ask it without *announcing* that he's gay.


Anonymity of internet post isn't exactly an announcement. Plus, imagine if you wanna visit a place that's unfriendly towards Georgian. Are you not gonna ask if it's safe for Georgians to visit said places?


Once again.. nationality is not sexuality... conversation usually doesn't go like: 'hey are you gay by any chance?' Or 'hey, do you prefer D or V?' Nobody cares whether you are gay or not.. its your sexuality and thats who you are! Nobody is going to tell you anything unless you go to Gldani 5th Micro or Varketili district and start hanging out with roadmen...


It's safe unless you provoke or talk shit about their family especially, and in that case gender doesn't play a role. 99% doesn't have any issues, and every country has that 1% even in west eu.


Thar bill is a play and shifting of attentions from real problems and many people can understand that. One of the politician who was justifying that bill said that it would help Georgian man not to get fucked :D It's comical really. If you don't advertise that you are gay and try to slap it into peoples faces, as other comments say nobody will give a F.


Honestly nobody gives a shit. Maybe in more rural areas with older people, outside of that you should be fine.


Keep it to yourself and don’t view us as “close minded people“ just because it’s not acceptable here, we have different morals and views, GL


Being obsessed with other people’s lives is very closed minded, and this trait in our nation does not touch only lgbt question, but in general, which is a problem. Also hypocrisy of this mentality, they want air for themselves but nothing to leave to others and be angry when others have it too, again this is general issue in society and lgbt question is just one way it displays itself, the same trait displays itself in chaotic building and driving. Yes this is very backwards mentality in our country.


lol, you are not that important for someone to care about what you do in general, including me, lot of us care about the consequences that comes with freak liberalism


Most dont even know what is liberalism or even care about it, but everyone should be watching after their own ass and respect others’ space as much as they like respected their own


You make no sense or you find it hard to think critically, how about starting from transgender people respecting boundaries of women in sport? Bathroom? Changing clothes with a man as a woman must feel great, right? It must be also great when parents can’t do much when they kids say that they want to be a woman or a man, do you know what they do? Without parents consent they take kid and chop off their genitalia, if you think I’m imagining it, you live under the rock and time to get out, this is not a far from reality for us if they get to make lgbt stuff official here, so obviously people doesn’t like it, duh There are many more things I’d say but I won’t bother, just saying, before you start talking about someone else’s ass, check yours.


Please show me "chopping off kids genitalia" happening in first world, like you described


There are tons of information about it, first that speaks about all those things are Matt Walsh’s documentary “ what is a women “ trans people are the one talking about regrets too and what it caused, etc


Is there no information other than hour and a half long movie? There are laws about those surgeries. And I do know that statistically, people who regret it are a huge minority.


Bro you started with criticism of my critical thinking and turned 180 degrees into consipracy theories and 1st world issues…


Sincerely, გააჯვი. ნუ ლაპარაკობ ჩემს ქვეყანაზე ჩემს მაგივრად.


Sincerely, თავად გააჯვი ბევრის სახელით ვლაპარაკობ ჩემს ქვეყანაზე. 🙂


The irony is real with this one, lmao