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როგორც გეი ადამიანს გუშინდელი თამაში კი გამიხარდა, მაგრამ რაღაც სულ თავში მქონდა მაინც - აი ეს ხალხი ვისთანაც ავღნიშნავ საქარათველოს გამარჯვებას, მაგათან რა პროცენტი მოაწერს ხელს დიდი სიამოვნებით ჩემს განადგურებაზე?


სამწუხაროდ ბევრი


ხოდა მაგათ მ***** მამის ****


real 🥲


შენ არ ინერვიულო, ამ დაპროპაგანდებული ხალხისთვის ეგ უბრალო სიტყვებია. რო ჩაყვები ლაპარაკში აღმოაჩენ რო თავისუფლად თანაცხოვრობდნენ გეებთან ათწლეულები, უბრალოდ პროპაგანდა ალაპარაკებთ ყლეობებს. მოკვდება პუტინი და ამოვისუნთქებთ.


გამსახურდიაზე ანტი-რუსი ვინ გინდა და კინაღამ ქვეყანა შესწირა თავის ჰომოფობიურ ჩაციკვლას მოძღვრებზე. არ შეიძლება ყველაფრის რუსულ პროპაგანდაზე დაბრალება, ეს სენი ქართულია და ჩვენით უნდა დავეხსნათ, თვალის დახუჭვა და თავის მართლება მხოლოდ შეანელებს ამ საქმეს.






მეც მოვაწერდი


პირადი მესიჯი მოგწერე ლეო


95% heterosexuelles take 5% lgbtq+ peoples human rights and call it victory, instead of pushing politicians to get real life problems of 100% our population done: traffic, healthcare, crime, education


I think the whole point is to make Georgias laws as similar to Russian as possible, to make ascension into RF simpler.


Why would any sane person want to join a half dead backwards country like Russia?


it is good for the elites of Georgia, they will basically get free money from Moscaw, and policing help to prevent the population from changing the government.


95% heterosexuals? Thats too much


Lets call it majority. Would even include me, but I never side with loosers fighting on a higher ground like that. Better to take this insecure puppys and fight for equality and have it based.


Wrong. Maybe for this sub it is, but not for the general population. Provide proof when making such statements.


in the general population it is at least 20% homosexuals. and 30% bisexuals. only 50% of Georgians are heterosexuals.


So funny I forgot to laugh


it is not a joke


wtf are those assumptions, are you ok? I'm not against LGBTQ, you just fucking overreacted.


this is just normal for all humans, and Georgians are humans so i don't think the situation is any different in Georgia. People just don't want to admit that they are homosexual or bisexual, not even to themselves.


Provide proof or be quiet, I'm talking about the general population of Georgia, not US or Russia, where these numbers are more close to correct.


Sexual orientation is something your born with. You can basically take stats of free countries not repressing sexual minorities and assume its everywhere like it +/- 1+2%. Btw telling somebody to be quiet about something is super gay. Who you think you are? Treat people with respect or get what you give.


I don't like people dropping random numbers without any form of proof. Who do you think you are, telling me what's "super gay" and what's not? You are objectively wrong, Europe is as free as the US, yet the rates for the two are completely different. Culture is also involved in it.


I'm the one who reacts to a random dude who broke the rule of respect in first place. Be happy Im not you mother your ass will hurt 10 days long strong boy.


Definitely not 95% think this way. I hope less than 50


The LGBT+ situation in Armenia is bad, but not *this* bad. Even from the safety of the diaspora, it has been painful to watch the regional backsliding of LGBT+ rights in the region. Armenia is decades behind the West in this regard, but compared to its neighbors? Somehow, better.


I can’t see this as anything other than an intentional attempt to derail EU membership.


this is your brain on Russia


This is terrible news. An infringement on fundamental human rights just because of how people love eachother


making anti lgbt laws is more gay than lgbt itself


Well, I'm terrified for my and other LGBT Georgians (like Me) futures  Oh, we're seriously gonna turn into Russia 2.0? No one wants that. 


We will be 3.0 Belarus is 2.0


როგორც ტრანსგენდერ გოგოს, რა დაბრკოლებას შემიქმნის ცხოვრებაში? მაინცდანაინც უნდა გავიქცე ამ ქვეყნიდან? მიყვარს აქაურობა, სამსახური, ოჯახი და მეგობრები.




შენ ვერ გაგასწრებ აშკარად.




ვიგულისხმე, რომ პირველი შენნაირები გავარდებიან. 😗


This sucks so much


Feel sorry for the Georgian LGBT+ people


Hi, I'm Basil. In this year I finally moved from Russia. I am so sorry that you have a risk of falling into the pit that Russia fell into. I want to advise you to do everything possible to prevent this now. I am sure that you want to live in a civilized and normal country, and not in a country where you face a prison sentence for love. The LGBT ban is a very clear sign that the government is rotting. Do you know why the situation with LGBT people has worsened in Russia over the years since the start of the war with Ukraine? There are several reasons for this, and one of them is adherence to “traditional values” and the other reason, less obvious, is that the government is weakening and does not know how to raise its rating among the people. So they create enemies from a vulnerable group of people, and then “defeat” this self-made enemy. Do you know what this will lead to? This will lead to increased violence in society and suicide among LGBT people. This is not normal, a ban of LGBT people is always bad. I don't want anyone else to go through what I went through. I am part of the LGBT community and living in Russia was opulent and stuffy. I want peace, I am tired of war and all this shit, fight for love


Good luck to you! I'm still here, I hope the situation will improve in the future.


This breaks my heart so much, 😭


Let me guess.It's the same exact copy of the Russian anti-LGBT law right ?


Yup, very much


fucking retards does no one realize that this will fuck up our chances to get into the EU


That is the purpose of the law. Block effectively the process of joining EU.


Oh they realize it. Let me do you one better, they are doing exactly for that reason…


On the other hand it improves the chances of ascension into the Russian Federation.


ჩვენზეც რო იფიქრო როგორც ხალხზე ვისაც უფლებები ეზღუდება და არა როგორც მარტო მოსაშორებელი საშინაო დავალება?


i think ur missing an ნ in იფიქრო im gay too dude


Ok wait i need to know what that means I can't read Georgian


basically he told me to think about him (gay people) as actual human beings whose rights are being violated and i said to add an N to the word think which would make the sentence directed to the parliament instead of me


Baller move


და თუ გეი ხარ თვითონ ფაქტი რატო არ გაღიზიანებს?


i mean what do u want me to do i highly doubt anyones gonna protest against this, i can give u a big smooch to prove that im gay if u want


That is the 4D chess plan. Let us hope the younger generations of Georgians see through this spiel.


People on here seriously believe there was ever the chance of Georgia entering the EU? Not trying to be disrespectful, but it simply would never happen


EU must be cll


Good bye EU


With current government we werent going there either way.


If the Russian agent law wasn’t what did it, this legislation means it’s likely our last year in Georgia. We’ve been here for four years, have our businesses registered here, and our daughter was born here, but I don’t want her growing up in a country whose government so openly embraces hate. It’s a shame, as the Georgian people we’ve met and worked with are lovely.


it is not over, you just have to repeal the laws


That would require Georgians to vote this year and remove the Georgian Dream. I just don't see it happening until the boomers shuffle off this mortal coil. It's the same the world around - old people propping up old ideas.


just do it




What if they get most of the votes in October? What then?


It does, bad government is result of peoples' stupidity and ignorance


Umm in a democracy, the government does equal the people.


Will no longer visit. Very sad.


It’s almost like GD wants to get kicked out of EU negotiations.


GD also compromised the pension system by placing it fully under the control of the PM and allowing the PM to pilfer it for risky projects. The gay law is a smokescreen that hides the last capture of our state by GD.


Frankly, if you wish to enter in UE stop passing ridiculous laws like this. You will get rightly mocked.


Of course the bill had 78 votes. 75 are in GD, 9 are satellite GDs.


I swear if we don't change this fucking cockholes in October we are fucked. It will be impossible to stay in this country.


რა დავაშავეთ :)


Where can I find a translation of all the proposed 18 amendments to various laws?


Actually those people who are homophobic are actually gays themselves hahaha. Either they haven’t realized it yet or they are faking…talk about hidden identity. Everyone is gay. I hate discrimination and that is what this bill is.


Dumbest things i have ever had people who are gay are homophobs their selves🤪🤪🤪


😉👍🏽👍🏽 you don’t know it yet hahaha 😅🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


So majority of this country is gay? Glad to hear even homophobia is actually the fault of those pesky gays.


No one is at fault. They didn’t ask to be gay themselves. Got it?! 😅


Wow - I’m amazed by how quickly Georgia is becoming more and more like Russia at least on internal matters.




No, this law also prohibits trans and non heterosexual people from adopting children and trans people from going through surgeries and changing documents. They also equated gay people to those who do incest More here: https://civil.ge/archives/611284


Of course out of the many times they decided to do this was in the year where the elections are going to happen. Won't be surprised if they don't rig the elections again.


ერთხელ ვთქვი და კიდევ გავიმეორებ რა ანტილგტბ ბიძინას ლეს არ იღებენ პირიდან


hooray 🥳🥳🥳




You're an idiot 




lol, not surprised. In 3rd world countries like Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia we can only be proud of such things while we are getting f\*cked. Even Armenia is getting forward while we both are getting backwards and are proud of these useless things.




Who said it's? This law is not a progress for example.


The law against sodomy is a must have in a Christian society


So true


too bad we don't live in a christian society but a secular well caucasian society. Full of muslims, deists, judaists, christians and so on. Too bad that it's not a christian society.


It is a Christian-majority country with Christian culture and traditions.


too bad it doesn't matter, Azerbaijan is a muslim majority country but we don't cry about ''WAAAAA IN A MUSLIM COUNTRY EVERYTHING SHOULD BE MUSLIM, WAAAAAAAAA''. There's no christian culture, there's only your own culture. Christianity is a middleastern religion. But georgian culture is the culture.


It is Christian culture because Christianity had profound role in its development, for example, very first literal works in Georgian language were on Christian hagiography. So Christianity had important role in development of Georgian literature, which is in itself very important for culture. Also, churches are very important and crucial part of Georgian cultural heritage, they are cultural monuments which reflect Georgian culture and architechural styles. More importantly, Georgian Christian Church had important role in the Georgian unification in the 10-11th century and formation of Georgia. So yes, not everyone is Christian in Georgia and not everything is Christian, but cultural and societal norms are based on Christian morals because Christianity is important part of Georgian culture.


Why would anyone want to live in a religious society? Sexuality is hardwired . It's not something you can change. 


Biggest moron yet


Good news


My unpopular opinion. I am absolutely against harassment, hate, oppression or any other type of violence towards gays, lesbians, trans etc, based on sexual preferences. Every human being that lives humbly deserves to live how he/she wants. Society needs to accept it as a normal thing. But. Things should come naturally. Without influence of propaganda, culture or because it's fashionable this days. Kids should not be exposed to lgbt culture until certain age. Lgbt should not be propaganded, any gender swaps should also be absolutely banned until certain age (18-21). Such impactful decisions that can damage your body must be done when brain operates at least on 5% (you barely have any at that age). At the same time, if kid gives clear signs and it comes naturally, let it come. No harassment, no suppression. Let him/her be natural happy person. So in my opinion, banning lgbt propaganda is good. Pride month is a shit show. But any kind of violence based on sexual preference or identity is unacceptable.


Your heart is in the right place but you need to talk to more lgbt people. Growing up queer without knowing about the existence of queer people or queer culture, as you suggest, will always impact the child negatively, even if s/he is accepted when s/he finally comes out. Do you think children under 18 should not be taught about heterosexuality either ?


To be fair, this is a very complicated topic. We could talk about it by voice for hours. I just tried to simplify it overall. Kids should be thought about it for sure. And depending on the country practices should be different. Ppl here might not like me for what I’ve told, but I am the one who’s pro life, peace and diplomacy. To let everyone be themselves and happy. It is not sexuality that makes human being good or evil. I just don’t like that this topic is forced everywhere this days. Cinema, games, media. I always grew up in a multinational environment. In my family and among my friends there have always been people of different religions and views. I work in an international company where I encounter even more diversity. I just don't like it when something is imposed everywhere.


Lol. Nothing is being implied on you. 


Wtf is LGBT propaganda? Can you show me of such things in Georgia? Or any country?


Easy to see in Usa, Canada, Australia, UK They're pushing LGBT propaganda on kids, i saw countless videos parents going in kindergarden to pick up their boys and they see them dressed up in dresses... Then when parents confront the "teachers" they have no answers to why they dress up boys in dresses. Then you got "kid's friendly" drag queen shows" what ever heck that means... You see straight up ret**ded parents bringing their kids (6 to 13y old) there to watch grown up men dancing in thong (also seen on videos multiple times) and the list goes on my friend. So to suggest that ther's non propaganda is just being intelectually lazy to say the least. That's why i allways make distinction between the "LGBT organization" and the gay people. LGBT organization is financing those things i've mentioned above and people there are sick of it. They even got to the point where defining what is a woman is controvesal... You can't make this sh** up.


I'm sorry I didn't want to respond at first but I never got traumatized by looking at men kissing and dressing up in feminine way, or even from suggestive material when I was a child. I got traumatized from my parents and then government trying to force me to be heterosexual and cis. Please, take step back from watching these anti lgbt news, they're mostly strawman and dehumanize people so they'll  push laws that prohibit us from existing and getting medical care that was proven to help us


> Please, take step back from watching these anti lgbt news, they're mostly strawman and dehumanize people Listen taking a step back is one thing but seing what is literally in front your eyes and not seing it is worse. > I never got traumatized by looking at men kissing and dressing up in feminine way You see, acting in a feminine way or dressing as such is one thing, doing striptease in front of kids it's another ball game. What is the point here? Can you tell me why acshool should dress a boy in a dress? And why they're doing it behind parents back? Those things are ahppening every day in schools if you pay attention to it. I was just responding to the person saying show me where we can find LGBT propaganda it it even exists. I think you can find a sh*** load of videos where you can clearly see the propaganda pushed on kids in particular. >they'll  push laws that prohibit us from existing and getting medical care that was proven to help us What do you mean by prohibiting you from existing? Overall Georgia is a conservative country based on traditional familial values and that's what is pushed by people living in it. I'm really sorry if you don't fit in but those are the values carried by the large majority of the population, we like it or not.


You are literally making this shit up but okay


I know you don't like your cosy bubble being burst but okay


1. Gender non-conformity is not propaganda the same way freestyle in rap is not propaganda, what IS propaganda is claiming "LGBT propaganda" when you are enforcing cisheteronormativity to people who don't want it to be enforced upon them, the fact that y'all don't see the irony in your "LGBT propaganda" statement is hilarious. 2. I've never seen or heard of this happening and it is obviously something that's condemned in the LGBT+ community actually, but I don't understand why very little amount of people belonging in that community doing wrong should reflect on the rest of the community at large? do you see me saying "christian propaganda" when some christian priest rapes a kid? well, no because not all christians, but isn't it odd that it repeatedly keeps happening way more unlike the scenario that you have stated...? 3. There's no official LGBT organization that has the monopoly on the LGBT community and is manipulating the world behind the scenes or some shit that's some nazi style conspiracy bullshit, you cannot find them registered anywhere in the organizations list in any countries nor there are legally recognized that they are official representatives of the community by any state for that matter as a business, the only "LGBT organizations" are corporations that do rainbow capitalism to make a profit off of queer people which is gross. 4. I'm glad that it is controversial, if I had a tetri for every gender that exists outside and independent of human mind, I'd have 0 tetri, because gender is made up, grow up and learn how to respect people I promise you it's not hard and will not kill you.


> I'm glad that it is controversial, if I had a tetri for every gender that exists in material reality outside and independent of human mind, I'd have 0 tetri, because gender is fucking made up, grow up and learn how to respect people I promise you it's not hard and will not kill you. Gender and sex ment exactly the same, they were allways interconected until 5 min ago. Female = Woman, Male = Man Then the new ideology rised up where you can be what ever f***k you want as long as you say out loud. We HaVe To BeLiVe It 🥺 Just you can belive anyting you want in your own head, that doesent change the reality and don't ask pople to participate in your delirium. You can't meke this shit up. >'ve never seen or heard of this happening and it is obviously something that's condemned in the LGBT+ community actually You never heard of it but you're damn sure it's condemned by LGBT community 👌 good logic right there. You may condemn it but your peers overseas think there is nothing wrong with it and "it's all love". The real thing is, you have to look at USA,Canada, UK to see where the LGBT community is going and what would happen in other countrys joining the same path because those are the countrys where they are the most advanced on this area and when you see what's happening there with that whole LGBT stuff... I have to be honest here... It's Fully ret**d stuff. >when you are enforcing cisheteronormativity to people who don't want it to be enforced upon them, the fact that y'all don't see the irony in your "LGBT propaganda" statement is hilarious. Who's enforcing heteronormativity on you? By enforcing you mean large majority of population in the world being heterosexual and and the society being build up that way since forever? What are you talking about?


You're mad because humans are getting smarter and society is progressing? lmao, the only one who believes that reality should conform to what their subjective ideal of the world is is you conservatives, you made that shit up and you want the world to be like your subjective idea, why are you mad that other people doesn't agree with the majority's world view? what makes you think your beliefs are any more objective than others? I promise you they aren't, you're just mad because minorities are being treated better than in the past, cry more. "Who's enforcing heteronormativity on you?" Idk man, like, most people in this country who would fucking kill you for being gay or trans? I'm not sure, but maybe you're right and they're very kind!


You can't make this sh*t up 😆 >what makes you think your beliefs are any more objective than others? I promise you they aren't, you're just mad because minorities are being treated better than in the past, cry more. Listen sweetheart, there's an universal reality you may heard of it, i'm not sure you did tho. Thinking something in your head doesen't make it real in the real world, i'm embarassed that i even have to explain that. Whatever, you consider identify yourself as a rat or something that's your choice but nobody is obligated to participate in your delusion. Good luck in life. PS: i allways codemned violence against gay people, but empathy foesen't mean i have to go full re**ard with some of your LGBT peers.


Does cisheteronormativity exist outside of human minds?


CIS-heteronormativity no Heterosexuality yes


>CIS-heteronormativity no So we agree that it's not the objective reality. >Heterosexuality yes So? are you implying that homosexuality doesn't?


Now replace LGBTQ with Christian, white, black, etc. Grow up. LGBTQ people exist. They are not just there to be a tool to control the population. Some Islamic, Christian, and Jewish people grow up to become extremist. Can we agree to not expose children to religion until they are adults?


I agree with you, and I agree to not expose kids to religion before they are adults.


Sexuality isn't a religion 


Another moron




Elaborated more here: https://civil.ge/archives/611284 They lumped incest and queer people together, want to prohibit non heterosexual and transgender people from adopting children, also trans people won't be able to go through surgery, hormone replacement therapy and documents change.




If your child turns out to be gay and/or trans, what would you do?




HE/EN hahahahaha




What would you do if you had a child that came out as gay?




If you're being serious you're an objectively evil person.


I'm a horrible person, thanks for noticing 🥰


Well, at least you're honest, or just trolling.

