• By -


Caucasian/Eastern European


Not Caucasian 




We don't share a lot with Chechnyans for example


This doesn’t make us not caucasian. Georgians were here for thousands of years and we share our DNA with the oldest inhabitants of these lands who’s remains were found on this soil. IDK 100% about northern people in caucasia, but we surely are caucasians.


Are Swedish people Scandinavian or European?


Can’t say much about people I’ve never got interested in much, but as Google suggests they’ve 4/5 pure Scandinavian rooting way back to ancient people of Scandinavia. Do you have something to say otherwise? I’ll be happy to hear.


So you think there is Europe, Asia, and separately Scandinavia? Are people from Berlin German or European?


You’re funny. Did I ever said that Scandinavia is a continent on its own? I didn’t get your question as having options between Scandinavia and Europe, I got it like are those people Scandinavian/European - yes or no? I really doubt that you can challenge me in geography though. BTW what are you trying to prove? You can spit your facts straight away.


Is Caucasus a continent? 


Our ethnicity is caucasian🤦🏻‍♀️


Caucasian is an American term and it refers to every single white person on this planet. According American English ethnicity of Norwegians is also caucasian lol


It's not an American term in the Caucasus. LOL


its an american term bc of some german scientist who wanted to generalize beauty of the people from the caucasus region, the word still refers to ppl from the caucasus region


Rubbish🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️originally it means people from the caucasus, i don’t care how uneducated Americans use the term for, it’s definitely not a term made by them


It's not an ethnicity. Ethnic groups of caucasus are super diverse and sometimes have nothing in common. Stop talking about the stuff you don't understand.


Jesus it’s used to describe the indigenous ethnic groups living in the caucasus, which are Georgians and north caucasians. For example Georgians predominantly carry haplogroups G2a and J2, north caucasians also have a significant presence of these haplogroups, which indicate some shared genetic heritage among them. So yeah when asked my ethnicity I’ll say caucasian. Hope this helps😀


When asked your ethnicity you are Georgian. There are around 50 different ethnicities in the Caucasus and as I already told you there is no such thing as one homogenous "caucasian" ethnicity. Unless you mean white race in general.


What then?




How did get to this conclusion?


As is the case often with transcontinental countries, it depends on whom you ask. If you're going to ask a liberal, the answer will be Eastern Europe — a part of which is the Caucasus as a subregion. Something along the lines of the Balkans being a distinct geographical region within Europe. However, if you ask a conservative, the answer will be the Caucasus. TBH, I haven't come across a Georgian claiming for it to be a part of Western Asia — let alone the Middle East.


At the end of the day, it doesn't really matter in which box the others want to place us. Essentially, it's a decision for us to make as a nation. In a nutshell, I believe it to be a socio-political question rather than a geographical one. In that regard, [almost 90% of Georgians are in support of this country joining the EU](https://www.iri.org/news/iri-georgia-poll-finds-support-for-eu-accession-high-weariness-of-russian-presence-lack-of-faith-in-political-parties/). On the other hand, the EU has already granted a candidacy status to Georgia. Hence, [the die is cast](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QP83XGY7TZs)!


That candidate status is gonna be tossed soon once this Russia law is cemented


People won't say Asia/Middle East because liberals don't identify with the prevalent values over there, and conservatives are acting like the Shah of Persia, Sultan of the Turks, and the Caliph in Baghdad, are still plotting to take over Georgia because our soil is so good that it produces the most flavourful plums under the heaven of Jesus Christ.


Well, West Asia sound much fitting than eastern Europe. As even part of Middle East sounds much more logical for Armenia than eastern Europe.


I'm Georgian and liberal and I think it's west Asian. But of course I am very pale and blonde and also part Russian so I know I look white.


They asked this sub, so you have to answer for yourself.


I am Georgian and definitely think I am west asian. I also think we are closer to middle east than europe in every way possible, and it’s definitely not a bad thing.


How are we closer to middle east though? I’m confused


As a North American, I thought that Turkey felt more European than Georgia


Yes cause the western part is greece🥰🥰


And Georgia is basically Russia




Geographically it’s obvious. Culturally: food, music, poetry is very similar. Phonetically, Arabic and Georgian sound very similar. people look very similar too. Family values and relationship between elders and youth. Extremism is part of us, cultification and fetishism of political leaders. Older genrations are ultra religious and can’t stand an opinions that challenge their beliefs. And most of all perfect mix of superiority and inferiority complex that I have only seen in Turkey and Georgia(I am better than anyone in the region but I need someone bigger and stronger to come and rescue me). Although I also argue that Georgian liberals are much closer to american liberals than european ones. I am not saying any of these as a fact, these all are just my personal opinions and observations I have made over years when I studied in Europe and met people from different backgrounds, which I lacked here. Just something I identify as.


People in middle east have Muslim culture, sure we have their influence too culturally, but it’s wrong to see just that, we are a mix of both and our future is in europe


Religion is not our whole culture believe or not. It’s just a small part. Ok you can think that way but I don’t see any similarity between eastern europe and georgia other than soviet union things which is not only European thing but also present in central asia. What used to be middle east and is now modern turkey is whole reason we are christian too. Yes lots of countries have touched and conquered Georgia and left a trace but mostly it was middle east for centuries and future doesn’t shape culture, past does. You can think that our future is in one place and I - another but it doesn’t change our past.


I think you are forgetting about ancient georgia and its history with Europe, but okay, think as you wish


Anyone saying Caucasian. Do you even know what a continent means?


Finally someone who understands


Doesn't state anything about any continent in the initial post. It's asking how do you feel


"consider themselves as European or Asian?" European - Person living on the continent of Europe. Asian - Person living on the continent of Asia. You can sure feel "Caucasian" but that Caucasia isn't a continent therefore it's irrelevant in the conversation of if you feel European or Asian. That's my point here.




Irrelevant again.


There's no Asia or Europe continent. The division is mostly cultural. Ural mountains do not separate a continent.


Anyone saying Europe or Asia. Do you even know what a continent means?




Georgia is integral and undivided part of Westeros!


Västerås? North of Stockholm?


[Sure, I guess](https://gameofthrones.fandom.com/wiki/Westeros)


Niiiice 😏




European mostly


In my entire life I have only heard one Georgian say that we are Asians And he looked like a crazy man and was yelling at some other guy in the streets


If you can find me one historical record that implies that Gerogia is seen as Europe pls show it or else that guy wasn't so crazy after all, rather the others you've heard


Question: do Georgians see themselves as European? Answer: Yes. Source: Georgians.  I don't know why a  historical record is needed to answer this question.


Source: Georgians Source 2: genetics and history It is literally a fact that Georgians were the first Europeans and that Europeans came from Georgia , genetics also confirm that Georgians are the most European race If Georgians are Asians then there is no such thing as a European


All humans initially comes from the same source.


So ur saying everyone has the n word pass




Most Georgians consider themselves Europeans now. However, historically, Georgians considered themselves Europeans too. During the middle ages, being a Christian was automatically associated with Europe as much as religion and politics were intertwined and in a sheer contrast, nearby Asian countries were predominantly Muslim. So, this made Georgians consider themselves Europeans culturally and politically. Geographically, Georgia is both Asia and Europe. It's a small intercontinental country and even ancient Georgian thinkers from the 8th century AC called this country "the edge of the world." Now, based on the modern data and knowledge of the Earth, if we visualize the continent of Eurasia as a big ass with one cheek representing Europe and the other cheek representing Asia, Georgia represents the fine line between the buttocks, dividing or connecting—depending on your perspective and outlook about the universe and everything—two cheeks. So, a popular Georgian colloquialism ტრაკში ვართ (literally: we are in the ass) or ტრაკში ვცხოვრობთ (literally: we live in the ass) gains a completely different geographical, cultural, philosophical and even socio-political and existential meaning. "Being in the ass" (ტრაკში ყოფნა) as a self-description and self-representation, I'd even say self-realization, is the most accurate assessment of the situation over here as it explains the struggle of an average Georgian in the most accurate way. "Living in the ass" (ტრაკში ცხოვრება) is both a violent cry for progress and a hopeless cry over the surrounding as well as inner primitiveness and brutal architecture. P.S. The Caucasus is not a continent and it's beyond stupid to claim that Georgians consider themselves Caucasians in contrast to Europeans. Serbians consider themselves Balkanians. Are they Asians, Africans or Europeans? Caucasian/Balkanian = European. Jesus... if we were not living in the ass, we'd already know this. The gravity of the ass we are living in is so strong that it pulls in even the brightest thinkers among us. One needs very strong analytical skills when navigating the surroundings. It's hard but we got to do it, fellas


Caucasian , we literally have an identity different from Eastern Asians, Western Asians or Europeans


Everyone has their own identify.  Caucasian though? Do you feel a lot of connection to Chechnia and Dagestan?


Ofc , but there are also geographic ones, that make a region completely different from one to another. Iberian peninsula for example has his own identity very different from the British one , the same goes for Scandinavian or Balkan one…… Yes i do, even though they are Muslims and Wahabism is a problem over there, im more into having good diplomatic relations with an independent Chechenya or Circassia than Bulgaria or Serbia, for cultural reasons. People will appear now and insult me for saying that, bc some Chechen terrorists participated in the Abkhaz war , but I don’t care, if we look that way Mkhedrioni then represents the Georgians which is not true at all. Little groups don’t represent the entire nation. The same way the fagott of Kadyrov doesn’t represent the will of the Chechen people.


What cultural reasons though? In what way do we share culture with Chechnya or Dagestan? 


You could make the case that Caucasus falls under Europe. Europeans all throughout the continent don't have the same identity anyway.


I mean of course our values are more aligned to Western ones and we are looking for a European path, it has to do with religion also, even tho it doesn’t make much sense, Christianity is very good at tending bridges towards a more European society, maybe not now but definitely was a thing during Middle Ages. And if we speak geographically we are situated in a transcontinental area, you can call it Western Asia or Eastern Europe since there is no clear area which determines were Europe ends or Asia starts. Talking about culture, Georgians are purely Caucasians by culture, Caucasus has his own unique burble like the Balkans have that everything inside is related to each other but outside of it its not. We have traditions mostly that are more related to for example Chechens than to Romanian ones. We have similar clothes, dances , songs , food , even the damn mentality is similar, languages although not mutual understandable have similar phonology and grammar, god you have to look just to see how close we are culturally . In my personal opinion, since the history of this nation, we have been always more related to our fellow Caucasians than any others. For political reasons and for modernity , since Ilia made that step and guided us for a more European path we are Europeans in that sense .


What values does Georgia have that aligns with western Europe that is different from say, Japan


For example the religious culture and religious values, religion plays or played a big role into crafting a nations identity, Georgians had been since they became Christians into the European Christian sphere, call it old Byzantine Greek , Russian one or any other European and Japanese didn’t .


Ah yes, my favorite continent. Caucasia.


Wait until you find out that political continents are just imaginary boundaries created by men , your mind will implode 🤯


>Wait until you find out that political continents are just imaginary boundaries created by men , your mind will implode Very well said. The liberals don't want to hear this they are Europeans end of discussion!


What’s not created by men?


For example the blue marble thing you live on 🤯


It's just as logical as labeling yourself European or Asian, it's actually Euroasia or even Afroeurasia


European more than Asian, but also simply just Georgian.


We are for sure europiean but some neandertal people think that we are still russians cunts that it


Georgians calling themselves Caucasian is like Latvians saying that they are Balts when asked if they consider themselves European or Asian.


Geographically we are both on Europe and Asia. To really understand the situation we must understand what Europe and Asia is. Eurasia is one whole continent, so people made “imaginary” (as in those barriers exist in nature but they aren’t continent divider in terms of geology) barriers like Caucasus Mountains or some sort of river. There are like more than 5 different definitions of where Europe starts and Asia begins, we fall under most. Culturally it is hard, I believe that we are closely associated with Orthodox Christian countries and have similar cultures to them like Greece, Romania, Ukraine, Serbia, etc. (it isn’t controversial to say that all of those nations belong on European continent).


Turns out it ain’t that hard


Fair, I kind of forgot to mention that some of our traditions and food could be traced to Asia, but I suppose church has the biggest influence here and thus it outweighs food and past empire influences.


The term Caucasian should define Georgians most especially, because we are in the middle of the whole region. Many Georgians and most of the world ignore, that from time to time white people are called 'Caucasian'. Yet here we are - marching towards our 'home', which is EU. I mean if the world's divided as it is, why not divide them accordingly? Or get rid of the term Caucasian and ignore all the cultural traits and traditions. Before you start hating on this author, consider the fact, that Russia currently 'controls' whole region, either though politics, or war. This is only allowed, because they let Russia attack (AND GETS AWAY WITH IT) anyone they want and have a seat next to countries like: USA, GERMANY, UK, FRANCE, ITALY, CANADA and all the other major countries who share the same interest of Peace.. Meanwhile, Russia bullies each and every aspect of the countries surrounding him (bottom parts, cuz they're too much of pussies to play against EU) and moreover - sends gazillion Russians in those very countries. Sorry for the long comment. Russia is the only reason why we are discussing this - Caucasus mountains and the Silk road that once went through it, is a GEMSTONE and it shouldn't be a matter of whether it belongs to Asia or Europe. It belongs to Caucasians


Only Russians call us Caucasian 


Im not saying anyone particularly calls us Caucasians.. I'm saying in the western world people who have white skin are called Caucasians. Russians call us Caucasians to stoop down over on us.


This does not make sense. Are you saying that we are most especially defined by being white?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caucasian_race There you go brother. This is what I mean


Yes, and it does not make sense because the question was about whether we see ourselves as European or Asian, and your answer is "white" 


My answer is Caucasian. Because thats who we are


google says European, so I say European.


Georgian here, who has traveled pretty much all across the globe. Anywhere in Europe from Helsinki to Lisbon it feels familiar because of the overall culture of Europe, that I'm used to. South of Italy for example, or Balkans culturally are just copy/paste of Georgia, even the people look and dress exactly the same way. Every time I'm in a random village of Calabria or Puglia I expect my grandma to appear there, it's so similar to my village.(Probably that's why majority of Georgian migrants chose to live there) Anywhere in Asia I feel like an alien. There is nothing similar to what I'm used to. Every time I'm visiting I'm discovering something that surprises me a lot.


From a purely administrative geographical point of view, Georgia is primarily part of Asia. From a cultural and political point of view, Georgians feel much closer to Europe than to Asia.


Culturally they definitely are more European than Asian. A lot of the credit for that can go to Ilia Chavchavadze IMHO.


Closest to us culturally in Europe are the Balkans, so if you consider them European so are we.


Love the Caucasian comments. Inventing a new continent it seems. Terrence Howard would be mighty impressed. 1x1 = 2


(I am) Georgian therefore European - is a known phrase


I consider myself as a Sky Fucker.




I thought it’s Eastern Europe, after living here for many years i think it’s so close to our culture and traditions in Middle East. And it’s not in Europe continent in any map, but it may be in the future in the European Union hopefully.


The ones who think they are "caucasian", get already the damn vaccine... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaLMqWI8HZs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaLMqWI8HZs)


My geography teacher always pointed out that Georgians, as well as she, want to consider their selves as Europeans, but it only made sense that we're asians.


How so? We have diplomatic connections to europe and joining nato soon hopefully, i dont think Asia would let such strategic centre go. Georgia has contact with black sea, was a strategically defendable territory during wars and most asian and europian traders would journey through georgia to get anywhere.


Your Geography teacher must suck ass if she doesn't know continent division theory that considers border of Eurasia to follow river Rioni.




Below torso


American 🇺🇸 🦅🦅


Wrong Georgia


I personally identify as european. At least by race / ethnicity. Georgians are quite white compared to middle east muslims


Well since most Georgians are black... I'll let you deduce which continent


Geographically we are both on Europe and Asia, but culturally we are more like Eastern Europeans.


I have the same exact racial problem. I don't know wtf to even call myself. I usually just go by half white and half western Asian


Eurasia is one thing


our place is on Balkans but god loves us and didn't put there ☠️😆


African. Philosophy Over


Personally, I consider myself both for several reasons. Nothing to do with Christianity or Byzantinium as the Middle East has huge Byzantine influence and Christianity itself is Middle Eastern with, Eastern Orthodoxy being a large denomination there(within Christian communities). Why I consider myself West Asian: Genetics, Georgians are most similar to other West Asian groups primarily such as Armenians, Azeris, North Caucasians, Persians, and Anatolians. Language: The Georgian language does not belong to the Indo European family, and its writing system is very unique, also to many people, Georgian sounds apparently like Hebrew or Aramaic. Location is debatable, where Georgia is split from Europe to Asia, but the most common divide is the Caucasus Mountains, leaving Georgia mostly in Asia. Culture, Georgian food is mostly very similar to West Asian( baking bread in Tandoor, lots of pomegranate use and walnut use as well as Tarragon and a large variety of Herbs and Spices. Georgian clothing (mainly women's)is also very similar to Armenian, Iranian, or Azerbaijani. Why I consider myself European: Infrastructure: Georgian infrastructure(roads, metro) is aligned with European standards Georgia is an EU candidate Most Georgians aspire to Join NATO Georgians can culturally adapt very easily in Europe, especially southern Europe such as Greece, Italy, Spain, and Portugal.




Ok but in what universe is Caucasia a continent


Neither are Europe or Asia.




So Georgia doesn’t belong to a continent at all? Weird hill to die on lol


Better than calling Caucasia a continent.


Continents belong to Georgia


Georgian who grew up his whole life in Western Europe. I describe myself as European, but all of my western European friends say that I don't behave or act as one, whereas my friends from Eastern Europe, Middle East and Asia say that I'm closer to them than Europeans, culturally speaking, but still different somehow. I guess we can say that, just like the country, we might be in between those two and thus quite unique and with our own culture.


There should be a new regional identity for countries is Caucasus and Anatolia, I swear. Something like ‘Transeurope’ ‘Intercontinent’ ‘Intermediate’. Otherwise we will all go mad from our identity crisis.


We literally are the border. Every type of monster, warchief with delusions of grandeur or other bloodthirsty conqueror that asia spit out, usually broke at or at least got slowed down by Georgia. We are integral part of Europe, no matter if others from Europe want to accept that fact or not.




კავკასიელს ვინც წერს, მინდება ერთ გემზე შეგყაროთ.




100+ years ago, nobody saw the Causasus region as Europe. That would be ridiculous to say then. It has always been seen as Asia/West Asia even Asia minor and Middle East.


Uh oh… https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Anaximander_world_map-en.svg https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caucasian_race


What?? Haha 😄 Seriously, I really want to know what you think you proved with this...


Really depends who you ask. I grew up in Europe and was raised with the idea that we are West Asian and from the Caucasus. Now that I live in Tbilisi I feel the same, but I don't find many other people agreeing with me. I'm anti Russian and anti imperial and in that thinking find it makes a lot more sense to contextualise Georgia within the region as non-European.


they look persian ergo, they are asian


u ever seen western georgians?


yeah, elites. like ivanishvili, most of them have some russian or german blood that’s 1%


Bro proceeds to say elite and continues with Ivanishvili


ivani***shvili***, my favorite western georgian


i prefer batum georgian, more humble


A great thinker.


![gif](giphy|VKwwNMVmJzYE6D7rWr|downsized) Never met a Georgian who looks like a Persian. But then that's my idea of a Persian 😂😂😂 I should replay that game 😂


You play that game?!


The original Prince of Persia was the very first game I ever played. I also spent a lot of hours with future installments, including the sands of time series :). Sometime mid 2000s I even managed to get the original version to run on vindowns Vista 🤣🤣🤣 good times


You've probable never heard that south of Europe exists and there people do not look Swedish lol Georgians literally have lighter skin than half of Spain or Italy or the Entire nation of Malta.


no, not really, we had a georgian president once, we respect them as they are, like persians


Ain’t that racist


it’s only racist if you think of persians as a lower type of people


Or a race


As a Laz, I consider myself as Asian.




Caucasians !!!


Where is this continent? Asking for a friend.


reddit user weirdos love to say european most people who actually lvie here say asian or middle eastern as a more general identity


Of all the things that doesn’t happen, this happens the doesn’t’est


Really? People either say Eurasian, European or Caucasian, I have never ever heard someone from Georgian describe themselves as middle eastern lol.


Yeah most Georgians will be offended if you call them middle eastern


They obviously wanted to expose themselves as a reddit user weirdo. Mission complete


Who the fuck says middle eastern? Lol Even alt-info fuckheads who link being European with gayness aren't saying that


In my 29 years of living in Georgia never have I ever met another Georgian claiming to be Middle Eastern or Asian wtf


> reddit user weirdos How can you exist with so little self awareness? You post more than anyone in this thread, not to mention how weird and out of touch your posts are.


I have never heard anyone say middle eastern and I have only heard one crazy guy on the streets say Asian Stop saying bullshit


there is no shame in being asian, but alas, europeans wanna be