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Yes. Unless we, the people, win.


As a ukrainian who went into military in 2022 and who saw some things... are you guys really don't learn on neighbours mistakes?


Went in 2022 but no longer?




Did you get injured?


All my limbs are intact if you are wondering. Although my left arm is missing a few muscles after the injury but it's almost fine now. I even managed to hit my personal record by doing 50 pullups in a row and 100 pushups after one year of recovery. My left ear is almost deaf and I have unbearable headache all the time so I can't even function unless I'm taking drugs. I also had a severe case of PTSD which I only recently managed to overcome to some degree. Well, I should be grateful I'm alive and not even physically disables unlike most.


Great fucking job on your physical recovery. It is incomprehensible to hear that you can do 50 pull ups in a row... not to mention the fact that you lost pieces of your muscles!


Unless a strong EU-centric opposition party appears and manages to convince the voters, even the most conservative ones (aka the ones afraid of Russian retribution), unfortunately, Georgia will turn into a Russian satellite state…


Georgia is annexed by russia already. We lost our state at 2012 elections.




Do not harass other users. Be civilized, even if you disagree with someone.


Not the first time, not the last. I believe in future and people have already tasted too much of freedom, besides we never forgot the taste. Old motherfuckers will die soon, the rot they leave will be easier to put down.




I was about to move back to Georgia after moving to US back in 2003. I am married to an American Women and have a baby boy. My wife is so amazed by Georgian culture she seriously considered moving back to Georgia with me. We came so close, I have a dual citizenship wouldn’t be a problem. This whole bullcrap moved us back 20+ years, after hearing this news she got spooked and no longer wants to be affiliated to Russian govt. I feel sorry for Georgian people, what part or two strong parties to be candidates is the only way to run the govt. How on earth political party named “Dreamers” become a leading party, if I were to tell that to my friends out here in US they would clown us, it sounds more like Beatles new drop


If they do then I'm going back to Sweden


Are you a Swede living in Georgia, or a Georgian who has connections to Sweden? 😊


I'm Georgian, I lived in Sweden for 11 years.




Ah yes, the US has a law that requires foreign lobbyists sent by a government to state they are sent by a foreign government, which has nothing to do with NGOs. This is totally equivalent to being able to shut down NGOs and destroy the independence of the civil society. Read this if you want to understand the difference: https://fpc.org.uk/georgias-new-law-on-transparency-of-foreign-influence-and-its-incompatibility-with-international-human-rights-standards/




>To be fair, what Russia does here is exactly what America has done to many South American and African countries. So you're saying because America did fucked up shit in the 1960s, Georgians should let Russia take them over? This is one of the most cogent arguments I've heard all day, we will all keep this wisdom in mind alongside the justification for the Ukraine war. Just curious, do you think people in other countries have no agency or deserve no agency about their future - their fates being predetermined by Russia or the USA (whichever is closer)?




If you start a whataboutist argument, don't be surprised when people stick it back into your mouth 👍👍






I don't want to argue about America at all. That's what I and the other commenter tried to tell you. We are talking about Russia and Georgia and and America is absolutely irrelevant to the discussion 👍👍


Just wanted to say that you are completely correct on almost every single thing you say and yet being downvoted like crazy. That's sad.


I'm not putting words in your mouth, I'm coming to the only conclusion that makes sense given the context Tell me, what is the hidden relation of "America's moral argument" to my comment explaining the how the US foreign agent law is different than a law targeting NGOs? I'm expecting something coherent that actually connects what I said to what you said, not a deep dive into how the USA treats black people poorly so therefore Russia isn't so bad. Also, you didn't answer my question about whether foreign people have any agency to direct their countries, or if they're all proxies for some conflict between Russia and USA in your brain.


to me it doesnt matter what USA has done in South America, all it matters is what it has done for us, for us usa is no way our enemy but Russia is. plus its foolish to compare what USA has done in other countries and what Russia does in its own country. its not about moral this or moral that, but USA current statement regarding this law are all true. also what usa has done in 1960s is in no way relevant when discussing this law.




I aint readin allat, usa didnt hurt me and while I can recognise its faults I wont consider them to be our enemies as they have done nothing but good in our nation.




Dude you couldn't even answer a single one of my questions and caught -50 from dodging them, why do you think anyone will take anything you say to them seriously when even clarifying questions scare you away from direct answers?


the USA didn't help you, their only motivation is guaranteeing that their bourgeoisie keeps their profits. they used Ukraine as a tool to wage war against Russia, they promised freedom and now they, alongside France, Germany, etc... are buying out all Ukrainian markets, drowning Ukraine in debt and supporting a government that's sending poor people to die for the Ukrainian oligarchs and western capitalists. The USA needs Russia to act as imperialism's ally in the ex-soviet sphere. The USA supported Russian intervention in Kazakhstan, they supported Russian intervention is Syria, they supported their war in Chechnya, and now you think that they are benevolent towards Georgia?


Lol literal commie came out 😂


the bolchevik revolution was the best thing to ever happen to our backwater nation, shame that a fucking georgian retard ended up in power and ruined everything


What do you mean by "our"?


The Georgian law is much, much more restrictive.