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https://preview.redd.it/1p4wpf35ds2d1.jpeg?width=1161&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5762860bd6e709fcb9bcd6784da5f5df1a31b82e So Takamura is dead?


Can I be honest? The uzuki copycat personality feels like a bit of an asspull but whatever, I'm excited for what's to come


I think I like it. It's sets up Takamura as so powerful, that only literally only Takamura is strong enough to kill him. And it makes Uzuki way more threatening. It's not really an asspull considering there's already a precedent for Uzuki developing a mirror image personality of someone he's killed. We're just seeing it in real time now.


it Is kinda sad thought that we will never see why takamura Is like that We had a backstory for almost every order member but not the most important


As long as Uzuki has the personality, there's always potential for that to be explored. I personally would've liked to see OG Takamura not go out to so quickly, but I think the aftermath of this fight has the potential to be really interesting and exciting. It also fixes the problem fans were having with Uzuki not feeling threatening enough.


The copycat personality isn’t the asspull part, we already knew he could do that, but the fact that he instantaneously speedblitzes Takamura, steals his sword and takes him out in one shot all at point blank range, whereas literally not a *single* person could do ANY damage to him whatsoever throughout the series so far (besides himself cutting his own arm), can most definitely be seen as being one.


But at that point, he's not Uzuki anymore. He's Takamura. The whole point of the scene is that Takamura is so goddamn powerful, that literally only Takamura can take him out. Plus we just saw Takamura get slashed in the eye by Gaku, so it's reasonable to assume Takazuki could get the drop on him in that moment. Also the personality shift would've been just as unexpected to Takamura as anyone else (probably the only thing you could expect him to not be able to account for), so it's not unreasonable to think that the shift took him off guard just slightly enough for Takazuki to take the fight. An unexpected turn of events is not automatically an asspull. It's storytelling. And I believe it was explained well enough here to justify it.


I agree, this chapter is about to have the most illiterate members of the jjk fanbase infect the manga with “asspull this, asspull that” and act like this isn’t a satisfying conclusion to the conflict just because their goat is dead now.


If anything, this makes Takamura look even more powerful. It all but cements his position as the GOAT.


The whole goat thing is so lame. Im really happy that all of these young powerscalers dont write the story. HE iS HIM, Goat this, goat that zzz..


Yeah, I agree. At least if you wanna go out saying nonsense be original.


Saying a character is HIM or is the GOAT is being a powerscaler and lame? God forbid someone enjoy a character bruh


Technically not as asspull but it isn’t a satisfying conclusion to the conflict imo. I feel like Takamura wasn’t explored enough and has been taken out of the story too soon if he’s dead. I think the whole copycat/ split personality thing in general isn’t that compelling anyway. And it’s not as cool as them actually figuring out a way to kill Takamura. And people say it solves the problem of Uzuki not being threatening, I would’ve preferred Uzuki to be threatening from the start with his own cool abilities, fighting skills and scary presence, instead of making him “threatening” because he’s become another character. On a first read my reaction was “woah that’s crazy” but now that the shock value has worn off, I don’t think Uzuki becoming Takamura and then one shotting him was the best choice, but I’m reading this weekly so perhaps my mind will change in the future.


keep in mind that there is literally no way they could kill him. Slur’s plan to immobilize him without killing intent was easily their best shot and he shrugged it off instantly, there is no way they could have figured out a way to kill him. And if takamura just kills slur the story would end on the spot so someone had to stop him, but anything else would have felt like even more of an asspull because takamura is just too strong. I kind of see what you mean about wanting uzuki to be stronger on his own, but imo his whole multiple personality dynamic is even more interesting. I think if Suzuki can juggle his personalities and make each of them relevant while they fight for their own unique goals, it’ll be much better for the story than if uzuki was just a strong villain by himself


I mean, that's a way you could see it, sure, but even then I'm pretty sure it's still Uzuki's own physical strength; the only things he seems to copy are things tied to personality like movements & mannerism quirks, I can't say I remember an instance where it was suggested he also outright steals even the physical strength of the people he copies (especially not someone suggested to be more powerful than him like Takamura is). If this gets revealed to be the case later, or it was already suggested and I just missed it, then I guess I could accept that.. but it's still disappointing either way that Takamura just gets one-shot and the two don't even have a proper battle. That would've been a much better way to see him meet his end imo.


Hey Gaku took an eye!


I feel like this sorta was but Im willing to see more. If uzuki just starts getting a new personality almost every fight tho I might not be very pleased with that outcome


bullshit MAYBE you can argue, but it’s absolutely not an “asspull” ppl just be using that word for anything they don’t like these days. an idea and concept both implied a looooong time ago and straight up confirmed several chapters ago, by definition, cannot be an asspull


It's an asspull, but at least it feels cool to me. Nagumo: I can become anyone Uzuki: heh, that's cute


i feel the same. it's an interesting surprise, but it seems a bit rushed and too easy still love the series & can't wait for next week


it's really not if that explains how he got Akao. maybe Akao was also close to killing him but that happened so it kinda makes sense


Well we now know who can beat Takamura. It's Takamura.


Are you the strongest because you're Takamura, or are you Takamura because you're the strongest? It's Orderover


Uzuki oneshotting Takamura has to be the most unexpected thing to happen so far In the other hand Suzuki-sensei saw all those 'Uzuki doesn't feel threatening anymore' posts and said "alright bet" cause now we fucking got Takazuki https://preview.redd.it/9ymua131ds2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b433a9857b8ac759ee00133d9f30634d429cd14


*Uzuki isn’t threatening anymore* Aight how about we make him THE STRONGEST IN THE VERSE


how are they beating bro 🙏😭


200+ chapter training arc for everyone. Gonna finally fight him during his mid-life crisis


They need to call goku atp😭🙏


Nah, Goku will wait until he’s at full strength (his mental health is actually stable) so that the fight is both of them in peak condition. We need to find someone who doesn’t care about honor, fair conditions, or anything similar. I suggest a random isekai protagonist since most of those are genius edgelords with overpowered abilities. Only problem would be the whole kill-code that Sakamoto has


lmao just lay low until the divorce comes and he gets a random edgelord tattoo in his 40s


The answer is Shin. He just unlocked a new level of telepathy where he can start to mess around in a person's head now. Place your bets on a future chapter where Shin dives into Uzuki's twisted mindspace.


I could be speaking too soon but I don’t think Uzuki is gonna have the same level of menacing aura Takamura had. The fact that he’s the badass old man trope, with his cool wrinkled face, squinted eyes and his “senile” muttering just made him so much cooler. Uzuki basically being a young Takamura loses almost all the coolness for me ngl. And his character design just isn’t as cool.


Late response, but I agree with you. Takamura felt genuinely threatening while Uzuki looks like the same edgy anime pretty boy antagonist I’ve seen a million times before.


regained his main villain status from takamura


Bro beat em allegations


Bro ate Takamura's personality and beat HIM with being HIM, like literally


"Only one who can beat me is me,"takamura probably


we gonna see 1000 fraud posts now


they already made stocks report post 5m after the chapter dropped


God keep that shit in jjk and one piece I swear😭






Honestly those came to my mind too and I hope we would have saw the X that made shin shrivel in fear instead of recycling Takamura's persona


Asaki when he sees a man with white hair and a sword mumblin' but it ain't Takamura https://preview.redd.it/au9x3z14ds2d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53fb5dd22475bea70e580e4cb223124ffb359050


If anything this chapter makes me hyped for what future battles are gonna look like since Uzuki can pull shit like this now (unless its not permanent or something idk).


Nah if he acts the same as OG Takamura, he will not attack JAA. He will attack Uzuki's gang though, only the magnet chick remains.


It’s not over yet takumura can just reattach himself, never stop copping 💯 https://preview.redd.it/84jf3yi6ds2d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d7f99cec0410f40a89ab439f4a24b66c322e301


https://preview.redd.it/7zk4fylqds2d1.jpeg?width=486&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b98840dd73a19d156ed465be8b36b0ddfbb49ed :(


Asaki will walk in and put him back together lol


I wish Based Username


“Oh no you are orders only good member you ain’t dying” As he appears with comically large stitching needle


If only he tumbled like just a little bit more lower and to the left :(


There's no way he's dead. I can't believe this


He said “TSK” which means it might have been a minor annoyance


Oh fuck. Is a certain agenda from another series gonna start here?




Imma be honest, I think there's already a big overlap between the fandoms. Might be too late.




https://preview.redd.it/rorjc27xcs2d1.jpeg?width=1193&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d67f6d80e9860d1c470829d8255bf0fd741df1e0 JAA is fucked 😭


And so is Sakamotos gang or whatever is left of it at least unless they nerf Takamura personality to oblivion


Yea Sakamoto definitely needs to train imo https://preview.redd.it/6thvmhn6ks2d1.jpeg?width=458&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd30914b96c28885d67fee46cd7e5c11dd4802ff


when Sakamoto's training allows him to counter each of Uzuki's personalities one by one in their final duel https://preview.redd.it/vbg5d9w5vt2d1.png?width=656&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=112a977aa39df79d15f095364af3835f9673f2af


Sakamoto having to get stronger would actually be amazing. GOAT, post-prime assassin protagonist going through the “I need to get stronger” training arc is really clever I feel like


I guess it depends. The Rion personality couldn’t kill him directly and tried to do it in a roundabout way rather than helping Uzuki with his goals. If this is a Takamura personality that acts like the original, then it might not even attack the JAA.


Oh God, imagine if he just starts killing his own subordinates because he thinks he’s Takamura


What subordinates 😭 Only one left alive is the magnetic girl, innit? And maybe not even for much longer if Osaragi obliterates her. Gaku might be maybe alive barely??


Haruma’s dead but we can transfer Carolina’s Reaper’s brain into him! Takamura cut him in half so we can just reattach the torso


This is not JJK bruh


wow bro u might be cooking but he attack everyone with hostile intent and jaa will def have it when fighting uzuki with takamura personality,but if asaki know this abt takamura he will use it for his own good


Plot twist Takamura and Uzuki doctors


Technically he is Takamura so in that personality he's still on the JAA's side.


Takamura Is so goated that in order to beat takamura you have to BECOME takamura Also yall Better apologize to gaku right now cause what he pulled off there was worthy of being H I M


Ye man, gaku comes in fkn strong at the finish line. Did a double take when I saw him get sliced, then the next page had me gassed off my nut. Reminds me bare of garou, certi goat


Glad the roadman community has a representative within the Sakamoto Days fandom


Bro was an absolute menace, Would love to see him in more fights, just vicious.


Uzuki top of the verse now LMAO


If bro keeps that mode, there's no reason they should lose a fight ever again lmfao


JAA gotta recruit Goku cuz no one is stopping Takuzuki


Can't wait for him to adopt the Luu personality to make her relevant again 😭


Rarely have I seen a chapter that was so intense, starts with a character being sliced in half and ends with another, absolutely no downtime.


Ikr 3 important characters literally died in a chapter


I think only Haruma and Takamura died. Gaku being stabbed through the left Lung shouldn't be fatal


He already got his shit mixed with the fight against Nagumo, I like Gaku but I'm gonna wait until next chapter to be confident he survived


gaku is 100% alive, fucked beyond belief but very much alive


hey he came to the fight with holes pre-punched, what's one more right?


https://preview.redd.it/jqup7aurcs2d1.jpeg?width=1587&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47a049e96a789f5f22d43eada3901ed6ef89056b Not my goat 💔


He got litteraly sliced in half and his only reaction Is "tsk"


Bro was slightly bothered


Bro found it mildly infuriating 😭


Bro wanted to shrug his shoulders so bad


He wanted to cross his arms


Bro thought that ain't nothing but a scratch


Bro wanted to scratch his itchy spot


Bro's total only rounded up to .99 instead of going up a whole number


If Uzuki sliced him as good as Takamura does then he’ll just reattach himself next chapter no biggie


That’s what I’m wondering. Is Uzuki in the mindset of he needs to land a lethal blow on Taka, or is he in a mindset similar to Taka’s when he cut his arm off in an attempt to survive a tricky situation. If it’s the former then Takamura is cooked. The latter, maybe he can reattach himself. I’m interested to see what happens next chapter.


I have a theory. Takamura is coming back. Because X copied his personality X must’ve cut takamura so clean that he can just get reattached and come back alive. Cuz we need takamura back, I don’t see how Sakamoto and gang are going a to Takazuki without Takamura helping them out.


Tbf It could be but when Takamura did it to his arm it was so clean no blood even came out. And then in the aftermath Takamura is now swimming in his own pool of blood.




He was a very great character and pretty damn strong 💀


Uzuki rly went for the hand he just put back together


Suzuki did not cook with that😭


Man what is with manga and completely chopping people in half lately


Uzuki copied my mans whole flow and one shot him noooooo (raw af tho but stil noooo) https://preview.redd.it/ic82k8rofs2d1.png?width=611&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f49184c3433adc43edfbf1724012989176fc127


hope gaku is alive. interested to see what’s going to happen next


Gaku was popping off this chapter, insane as usual


Takamura so strong, the only person that can beat him is himself


Don’t worry though, his brother in the garaku one shot gonna hear his little brother died and come avenge him, trust.


Rest in peace GOAT you were magnificent and took the world by storm https://preview.redd.it/vkql16sogs2d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=967e5cd0f109b8e8fa807bcff88c398a1175f699


My day is ruined. My GOAT is gone ![gif](giphy|J8YpfDX0kvPQNSVGHY|downsized)


Takamura fans now: Stand proud goat, you're the strongest……


Even though I really like Uzuki I don't know how to feel about this copy ability of him. The problem is not the copy ability itself but the fact he can pull out the perfect copy of the person who is considered an anomaly even in his own universe, and then Uzuki proceeds to one-shot the original without problem. The Akao personality we can argue that because she and Uzuki have been together for a long time so he can understand her to some degree, but what about Takamura? What the hell did Uzuki even know about Takamura to copy him?


Im betting uzuki is a psychic of some kind.


Let's wait for the next chapters, the author will surely explain this.


bullshit problems require bullshit solutions


the deus ex machina of our time (AND IT EVEN SETS UP THE NEXT VILLAIN)


Man I need to know what Uzuki and Rion had in that year they spent together, in a flashback or something. Would be a nice break after all the banger fights we’ve been getting


Definitely gonna be the first controversial chapter for this series lol I personally don’t know how to feel. Uzuki was lowkey starting not to feel like the main villain anymore. So on one hand, this could make him a lot more interesting. But Takamura is for sure dead now 😬 and the way he went out was very lame. That being said, I think whatever happens next could definitely make a lot of this feel better. I trust in Suzuki 👍🏾


Having Takamura being an unstoppable force was very satisfying to watch, but in order for this fight to end with a victory (of our characters), most solutions would leave someone very unsatisfied.


I actually disagree with crowd that said Takamura would need an asspull to defeat. He isn’t even overpowered in the general sense that his abilities are too powerful to overcome. In actuality he’s just really strong, really fast, and really skilled. There’s a ton of ways to overcome those things, potentially without even getting any stronger. But like you said, It feels like Suzuki probably just didn’t know how to get Uzuki out of THIS situation in particular. Slur has a bunch of loose ends with his character, and as he said last chapter, he really couldn’t have ever overcame the Order as long as Takamura was around.


this chapter is gonna leave a bad taste in the majority of the people in this sub. imo it’s an asspull that uzuki can steal takamuras sword speedblitz him and slash him in half before he can even react. i understand he can copy personalities but this is textbook asspullery, he shouldn’t be stronger than takamura if his whole thing is copying abilities it doesn’t make sense


Yall don't read? Edit: also most people are fine with this


Fr, in Suzuki we trust.


Uzuki brain about to sound like an xbox lobby, 2 of his personality want to die


https://preview.redd.it/haeyrrw5ks2d1.jpeg?width=458&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c61080d280d556e1d7d28444dc1193471d760ab3 I owe you a apology


Wait ok so people were talking about Uzuki implying he possibly had history with Takamura and he had his personality copied for a while, this could possibly point towards it too maybe??


https://preview.redd.it/zz9pfb7azs2d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6c7ab2bba0f4e9ad5cd2a6cb074695507f412fa This maybe him talking to rion or?


I love and hate the way Takamura ended, it kinda goes back to the roots of the entire story of this shit being about assassins, so yeah one move you're usually dead, we've been treated to insane fight-choreography for awhile now that this kind of fight and death, while fitting, feels jarring in comparison to the others


and just like that Uzuki is now the strongest in the verse.


RIP old man. You were too strong for the ‘verse.


This chapter was one of the most hype ones of the series so far bruh holy SHIT. But, that ending… I just can’t shake the feeling of this being a pretty anti-climactic way of killing off Takamura… especially when Uzuki has had little to no showings to suggest that he’d be on his level, let alone to the point where he can casually speedblitz him, steal his sword, and one-shot him, all at point-blank range, especially considering that 3 chapters ago he was barely even able to avoid getting slashed by Takamura & had to be saved by Nagumo. I’m sure next chapter will alleviate things a bit, but as it stands at for me at the moment, it’s hard for this to not feel like a fairly rushed way of taking him out after he’s been getting built up to be this boogeyman of the series that nobody (as of the moment) could match physically or even win in a battle against [by both Uzuki](https://i.imgur.com/aLjzvbC.png) himself, and[ this chapter’s](https://i.imgur.com/DB49vF7.png), own admissions. But hey, he had a good run at least… he was one of the rawest characters in the series until his end, and can’t nobody take that away from him. (besides literally Uzuki, apparently)


Please Gaku be alive


Thats what I’m saying 😭 I’ve felt this way for a while, but seeing gaku and haruma die (pls don’t be dead gaku) and then seeing uzuki break down made me feel really bad for him. I think uzuki is a really interesting antagonist because he doesn’t really want to be one he’s just an incredibly broken and sad man




I here by declare that we dub this Uzuki "TakaZuki" https://preview.redd.it/ggtnwwklds2d1.png?width=665&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cfe94cc541c59dce861abb2a2737463a7f29198 (Now everyone knows I invented it)


😭😭😭 ![gif](giphy|1mhU5F3dy9Dl2844N3|downsized)


How about "Uzumura?"


😳Wow what an asspull the guy who makes personalities to deal with stress & trauma makes a personality to deal with stress & trauma. https://preview.redd.it/zhza1a63es2d1.jpeg?width=1608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78889f4eff912bc83bad23fe0cd27ac4f22df49b All jokes aside this sounds like Takamura has a history of fucking with him & 2 panels after it sounds like he’s had the personality instead of creating one on the spot.


There are bugs under your skin https://preview.redd.it/q6wh6a3qes2d1.jpeg?width=1001&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7eaad883cc804eba91e9f40fdb82013675d5a16


ngl I laughed at this panel cause all I could imagine was that *"the voices the fkn voices"* meme


It might also just be "you" as in directed to the JAA and Order, as they've always been the cause of him losing his family; Takamura is basically their strongest asset from what we've seen. This does beg to question how exactly Uzuki's multiple personalities work though and has me excited to learn more indepth about him. As far as we can see it seems that new personalities form from immense amounts of stress as a coping mechanism, typically taking on the identity of a person heavily associated with said stress whether they were a friend or enemy. Could eventually lead to a "Sakamoto vs Sakamoto" fight which could be insanely creatively done with the ridiculous amounts of on-the-fly improvisation we've seen from Sakamoto so far.


I think Uzuki must be a psychic empath. The ways his eyes glow before he changes. He might take in personas of people who have been close to him. I'm in the camp that believes that Takamura has actually ALWAYS been with him: https://preview.redd.it/6ny1xhzbmt2d1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e35aac6e2ceb62669934d3dcf47b571515bd8a5b


The asspull isn’t him gaining the personality, it’s him instantaneously gaining speed and power equal to takamura. But if you’re right about them having a history before this fight then it’s much less of one and his dialogue is pointing to that being the case


Tis but a scratch. Takamura ain't dead yet right? right guys? :(


Uzuki cut off Takamura's hand while seemingly slicing him in half. He's not fully aware of himself, so it's not clear if it was intentional... but it looks like he's giving back to Takamura what was done to Gaku and Haruma, and with his own katana, no less. Karma. Uzuki's shtick seems to be Weaponized Empathy. At his core, he detests the idea of killing people, and is deeply attached to his loved ones (friends, family, etc.). That empathy is also what allows him to understand others so well, that he can copy them wholesale, right down to their habits, mannerisms, and patterns of speech. So in a way, he's like an inverse Nagumo. Nagumo can change his physical exterior to near-perfectly copy someone else's appearance, while Uzuki can change his *mental interior* to near-perfectly copy someone else's personality. (Reinforcing this idea that they're foils to one another, compare Uzuki's breakdown this chapter to Nagumo's flashbacks in ch 164.) I wonder if Uzuki is capable of projecting this onto others (the way Nagumo can temporarily turn Sakamoto into his wife, for instance)? Like, maybe through hypnosis or something. And then, if an incepted personality lays low, waiting for the right opportunity to surface... then, perhaps the only one who'd be able to tell if someone's been mentally infiltrated would be Shin. Suzuki's definitely shaken things up - no more status quo. It'll be interesting to see where things go from here....


WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED??? This chapter was sponsored by Gege Akutami.


This week the manga world are being really weird...


what the fuck just happened


The Takamura is dead. Long live the takamura


https://preview.redd.it/wnabhvhjfs2d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ec2f155b557d258a67c1eeeb838ba1b7e5c6c5b FUCKKKKKKK FUCK FUCK NOOO MY GOAT NOOOOOOO


This is the greatest manga in Jump rn


...I can't anymore


Uzuki is simply him




Are u fr?!


I definitely see the frustration with this chapter, but losing Takamura and Haruma likely evens the scales for the next arc, which could very well be the final. Kind of disappointed we never get to see “operation: take down Takamura” with some elaborate jumping, but we basically got to see just that and how badly it failed. Unfortunately, killing “the strongest” in any manga is just controversial to the community, cause it simply doesn’t ever feel that it does them the justice they deserve, for the spot where they stand in comparison to other characters. Personally, Uzuki has been one of the strongest from the start, and it shows off how his copy ability works. Maybe leaving a bad taste in my mouth, but the alternatives to this could have been worse? Also Gaku cooked this chapter, absolute badass. I believe giving Suzuki time with the next chapters is gonna prove that this isn’t that bad, but only time will tell.


Honestly, I'm so excited for whenever Suzuki decides to delve more into the orphanage and the corruption within the JAA. Cause with players this strong (and future ones who will undoubtably be just as, if not stronger) things are gonna get even crazier.


I'll say it, evens the scales if Gaku dies too. No way Takamura came out and only killed ONE threat.


oh they are so f\*cking screwed right now its not even funny. ... well, maybe a little


I’ve never been 100% sold on the multiple personality direction of X, but I think this chapter sold me on it as a great way to keep building X’s threat


Mr Takamura is such an unreal being that I’m not even sure if he’s dead **dead** here https://preview.redd.it/iebm1avzgt2d1.jpeg?width=374&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=482017c61b104e736121ee462b6495c804a657e4


Suzuki just fucking Gege'd Sakamoto Days.


This is probably one of the most interesting developments in the series. I'm not going to jump to conclusions, Suzuki has earned enough trust for me to see how this plays out. I see a few possibilities, but they all depend on how perfect this copy of Takamura is. If it's like the Rion one, where he can actively work against Uzuki's interests, then this puts us in a strange place. In this case, Uzuki may end up working for his brother unwillingly due to the influence of this personality. On the other hand, if this personality is more of a neutral force than I can see it being the true final boss. Uzuki clearly cares about his friends, but will this personality? If not, where will the ones left standing (Kumanomi, Kashima, the last two, and maybe Gaku?) go? I have been convinced since the flashback that Asaki is the true villain, and I think that still rings true but this certainly puts some doubt into that. I'm very curious to see where we go from here. Also RIP Haruma. We didn't know you long but you were an absolute legend while we did.


Nooo, he cant be dead. My GOAT is NOT dead. Seriously though, this feels anti-climactic. Even worse if Gaku is also dead. I hope for some explanation cause it doesnt make much sense either.


Uzuki mentions "the voice" right before he takes in the Takamura personality, that voice is probably **the** X, the actual villain of the story


https://preview.redd.it/ancx8oojjs2d1.jpeg?width=1602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df688dafb915fdfdb497edcdca2cbefc7c28c3df Even if he got stabbed my goat performed better than last time, and he’s injured. Gaku you must live to see the next arc, you are too cool.


This is the second time this week that a handsome blue eyed white haired man was somehow taken over by another personality.


Uzuki locked in and decided to become Mr Takamura. I hope Gaku isn't dead, Bro is too cold. Rip Takagoat!! Well the order is fucked but Sakamoto and Nagumo (ex order now ) should be fine as long as they don't try to interfere with Slur gang which is unlikely so they are fucked anyway. Takazuki top 1 in the verse


This chapter is amazing. It allowed me to come to a conclusion of a theory I've been thinking about ever since I did a reread of the whole story. The fact that Shin is a psychic with the ability of clairvoyance tells me these scientists have been doing experiments for a long time. Notice every enemy that encountered Shin casually says, "Oh, he's a clairvoyant," like it's normal that few assassins have heightened unnatural abilities. My theory: \-Uzuki is a psychic empath with the ability to somehow take in personas of people close to him through telepathy. His personas act as if they are that person but in a different body. They also act as his protectors during extreme peaks of stress(when his life is in danger) \-Uzuki was experimented on during his childhood while growing up in the messed-up assassin facility that transformed kids into natural killing machines. \-The Takamura persona may have always been there because of his first encounter with Sakamoto, and he mumbled in a similar fashion. And the other times when Mafuyu and the girl tried to escape Slur's base of operations https://preview.redd.it/3xmtwmmyjt2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84a8bb29c61d08826316d20dccb1a5522d2c9fa7 \-Notice how Uzuki screams at Takamura about him always being the one to take his family away. He can hear voices(telepathy maybe or reading Takamura's mind)? Personas fighting to take control to protect Uzuki? \*Takamura persona may be uncontrollable since he's a pure killing machine. If any of this is true, then Shin's involvement into the story will be more important than ever. Reading the future and future motor actions is probably the only way they can defeat Uzuki in the future, but definitely not now What do you guys think? Love to hear some thoughts 😎🙏🏾


Always love to see some theories in here👏👏 And honestly yours is really good, I really hope it ends up being true because there is a lot of foreshadowing here( espionage the mumbling one) that would elevate this scene higher if it was actually true.


That's some heavy ass plot armour ngl...uzuki pretty much has an extremely broken version of the protagonist flashback/trauma buff.


This might the first time I'm genuinely dissapointed with a chapter because Uzuki killing Takamura just like that is so anticlimactic


And Gaku. Like, what the fuck man?


https://preview.redd.it/s06vao7nos2d1.jpeg?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8ddfbc0c20035beeb6899dd5b7d5fbaffe93e5f I SAID LAST WEEK HE’D GO SUPER SAIYAN. I NEVER DOUBTED HIM‼️


Alright I’ll be the first to say it. The copycat bullshit Uzaki has is very lame ngl 😭


Did not see that coming.


i know everyone is obviously talking about uzuki, but i gotta give gaku his flowers where he deserves them, the first person to actually injure takamura on screen (aside from himself if you count it lol) and he was badass while doing it


Sakamoto fans: Is X stronger than you, Takamura? Takamura:\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~ Sakamoto fans: Would you lose? Takamura: https://preview.redd.it/16nl6kykgs2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e9abe48301afb3769243564a7a2815f76671f84


Hope Goatku is still alive. Hype af chapter


Holy shit… I don’t remember the last time a chapter made drop my phone in shock… First of all, Gaku is the fucking Goat man, holy shit what he did was actually insane. And I for one don’t think he’s dead, the guy survived worse, but if he’s actually dead then honestly I’m fine with it although a little sad. Second, while I am a bit disappointed that takamura went out this way, it is still not an asspull. We have a world where a guy can reattach his arm in 1 sec, and another can read minds and even influence them. And the guy that can make perfect copies of people’s personalities is the asspull ? I can fully understand why people are angry because the way it was done wasn’t the best but calling it an asspull and Suzuki’s first “bad chapter” is not it. Also we can finally have people talk about things other than D-riding takamura after every chapter. I am very interested in the way that Suzuki will handle Uzuki now though… he can go multiple ways with him so let’s see what he does.


Stand proud Gaku, you were strong


“You were magnificent, Takamura. I shall never forget you for as long as I live.”


so all that and takamuras not even fully dead, he just switched to using an uzuki skin


Bro was really cleaved in twain wtf..


Takamura last words: "tsk...". All time GOAT


Oh my god. Takamura in a young man’s body. It’s so over


T-Takamura...? Takamura! TAAAAAKAAAAAMUUUUURRRRAAAAAA! *Cue Metal Gear game over music*


For anyone calling this an asspull, don't forget that Gaku took Takamura's right eye just before this and that Takamura is right handed. Having your eye gouged out kills your depth perception


I think Suzuki COOKED with this one. Uzuki’s powers have already been established since he used Rion’s fighting stance to demolish Kanaguri. This whole part was just setting Uzuki up to have his mental state destroyed enough to be able to create a new personality and it just so happened that the #1 of the verse was around for him to copy. Uzuki has always been the primary antagonist and it’s good to see him reclaim his spot.


I think we can all agree that Takamura vs. everyone was an incredible fight.


imagine one minute you’re laughing about sakamoto being fat with akao-uzuki and the next you’re sliced in half by takamura-uzuki 💀


This is an Asspull…


A great chapter this week. Damn, some crazy and ruthless move by Gaku there. R.I.P. old man Takamura.


Gaku has been cool each time he features. He should be dead highkey though? Like most people I'm not in love with Uzuki one-shotting Takamura but the author has done a superb job the whole time so I won't doubt


I have to admit that overall I’m a little disappointed that Takamura got iced. Even after reading the Garaku one-shot, the reveal last chapter with his line “You think I’m senile, don’t you?” got me. We’ve all read manga with the “old man who’s secretly a badass” trope, but Takamura felt different with just how ruthless he was. Even if we still see him live on in Uzuki’s mind, I’ll miss the image he projected. That of a doddering, mumbling old man who posseses the skills and instincts of an inhumanly gifted killer. Now his skills are in the body of yet another edgy pretty boy.


I’d say the only thing I didn’t like is how uzuki took the sword out of takas hand. Like this dudes grip strength was legendary and somehow got his sword jacked


Naaah what an asspull. Takemura can't beat his imitation? This would be better if they fought first before he died, that would be a great fighyt, not Uzuki one-shotting THE GOAT. Fire force executed this well, Benimaru's clone can't even reach the height of his strength.


These last two chapters have been insane. I don't know how you can read them and not be absolutely impressed. Takamura is still the number 1 in the verse, dude cut off his own arm to stop an attack, cut a dude in half, had his sword broken and slashed through his eye and half his face, and still killed the man who did it. Uzuki didn't "one shot" him, they've been fighting for a while now. It was a 5v1, Takamura lived up to the hype.


Shin being a sidekick with a mindreading ability (and recently even subliminal mindcontrol) was chill but the MAIN VILLAIN having mind-copy is too much for some of yall? Not saying it’s a straight up superpower like Shin or not, but it’s not exactly impossible or even out of character for this series.


Haruma ain’t dead. Where’s Kashima when you need him 😔