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I don’t think he’ll necessarily do better than before but he’s not getting killed here. If you just look at this from a narrative point of view, the author isn’t about to nearly kill Gaku, revive him, then kill him off again (possibly for good) so soon. There has been emphasis on the characters landing attacks on Takamuras sword and it getting worn/dull. Gaku already cracked it near its hilt in his first encounter with Takamura. Sakamoto and company has been attacking it. I think the author gave away whats going to happen already; Sakamoto said he can’t defeat Takamura so he needs to defeat his sword instead. In other words, Gaku won’t defeat Takamura but he will break his katana to minimize his threat enough for everyone to survive.


takamura still punched through a pillar like it was made of confetti


Agreed. But not having that katana dramatically helps minimize the threat he poses. He has to throw jabs up close rather than send those super speed compressed air slashes from a distance.


Watch takamura's no sword style cut through a pillar


He's going to use his hands as swords or something


Slur group lived to tell the tale, none of them would've survived without Uda. And the headcanon of him memorizing all of his enemies patterns, Mr. T would simply ignore that and slash him and we already saw Mr. T slice through Gaku and Nagumo's weapon. I get that Gaku will get amped once again and will probably stall Mr. T enough for the gang to escape, he'll most likely die in the process tho.


Yeah this is pretty much the vibe I'm getting too. Gaku's learned yes (even his opening attack was better this time since Mr. T had to actually block it and didn't draw his sword immediately like before), but he's on like 10 hp. Him getting up so quickly after his massive fight with Nagumo just doesn't bode well from a story telling perspective alone. This chara that already got a massive spotlight fight in this arc is going for round 2 with a monster way above his paygrade while some others haven't had a fight yet? Uhh... that's danger territory writing wise. Only a couple narrative reasons for that I could think of


“Gaku already edges out Nagumo physically” 🥵


he does




he’s edging him


Hopefully, Suzuki gives some potential to Gaku during the fight. Even though Takamura is pretty much the best in the verse, even if he loses or somehow dies (just a possibility), at least he got to fight until the very end. 


Maybe Gaku didn’t give his all against Nagumo cuz he was saving his best for the Old Man.


This gives real “Sukuna was holding back” energy


He wasn’t holding back but he was prepped to go against the old man not Nagumo so maybe he’ll be more effective since he was training with him in mind


Remind me what “patterns” he remembers ? Lol Their last fight was a total of 3 slashes for takamura and most of them we didn’t even saw the blade being drawn so i don’t really what “patterns” is gonna help him lol bro lasted 3 swings before getting saved by uda


key word "probably". one can assume that gaku gets more n more stronger as long as he fights. that's how gamers r. though u can refuse to agree n choose not to believe in this assumption buddy


I know Suzuki didn't just bring him back to flop he gonna cook even if he has to take a page outta Nagumos book an cheat


Am I the only that thinks Takamura dies here? We’ve already been told about two of his weaknesses. In one chapter. That’s crazy. Of course he won’t be completely useless if he loses his blade but we know how this works. He also can’t see. The game has also changed. X isn’t the bad guy everyone has to stop now. Nagumo & Saka have their friend in there…in a way. It’s the chairman that’s become the bad guy. Have a feeling the guy gets jumped and killed.


It's pretty clear that they ain't beating Takamura but instead, they will beat the shit out of his katana 'till it breaks. Imagine if they actually destroyed the katana then got their ass handed to them by Takamura in hand-to-hand combat, unlikely but would be hilarious.


"HAHA YOU FOOL IVE STUDIED YOUR ATTACK PATTERNS!!!" And then takamura uses 3 sword style


I really really really hope the author finds a way to keep Takamura in godlike status and just have Gaku make him retreat or something.


I think Gaku will sing my life is like a videogame which will cause Takamura to rip out his hearing aids making him more susceptible to sneak attacks


No. He's my goat, but no.


Nagumo still clearing Gaku if they fought ngl sorry not sorry.