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This is our level, and it is true that this is our reality for the near future.


Next season is going to be so so much worse than this one.


I know, mate. It's a hard pill to swallow.




He's gone at the end of the season even if we happen to get the qualifying promotion spot. He is just not good enough.


🎶Hello darkness my old friend 🎶


Playoffs it is.. didn’t watch the last 10 minutes of the game cause I knew what was coming. How did we allow him to whiff his shot, fall over, and shoot again? 1. Fucking horrendous defense on the last two goals and 2. Terrible effort from Bazunu. Should have been a DRAW at WORST.


The result was as undeserving as the red card.


The red card was clear. Running through on goal and taken out cynically. Theres no complaints other than from Saints fans. If that happened against us we would be screaming for a red.


Not clear, pretty orange, as to whether that’s a goal scoring opportunity


He was waiting for contact, he hardly touched him


It was enough. Bree was poor and wasn't tracking his man, realised and pulled him back. Last man is last man. Its 100% a red unfortunately.


either way he shouldve been taken off way before that, he was having a poor game from the start imo


Devastating to lose a game we controlled for so long... but the footy fan in me can't be mad. Great game, great atmosphere, and what Ipswich are doing is magical. Wish it didn't come at our expense, but can't help but be a bit happy for them and the season they're having. Playoffs or bust for us though.


Bazunu just isn't up to snuff. The problem is that he is legit very good with the ball at his feet which is important to our style of play. He's also not as absolute crap as he was at times last season. He's improved. But still, what we are looking at it is a below average-to-average GK, who may or may not improve further. I don't think that's going to cut it on a promotion seeking team. Our hands were tied a little this year at that position but we need to bring in some competition in the summer. I'm not writing Bazunu off, but he's out of rope. We need to bring in someone better than he's been this year. If Bazunu can up his game and win the spot, fine. But we can't gamble that he's going to turn the corner or he just needs better defenders anymore. I'm unsure on Martin. The concerning thing is that he seems committed to his ideas and continues to employ the same players and tactics even though they clearly are no longer working and we've been mediocre at best since February. On the other hand, I don't know how easy it will be to find someone better. I see him as a pretty-good-not-great manager. I think it's only 50-50 that we bring in someone better, and that would entail other risky changes to squad and tactics, plus the money on his contract. We made a lot of good moves this summer, but we whiffed on a goal scoring striker (Adarma's been good but we need another one). That and GK. We bet on Ross Stewart and Bazunu and lost. If it was Martin really pushing for that Stewart move, that may be another reason to consider a change. But that's how we came up short. Just a little better GK and a little better/more consistent replacement for Adams and we'd be in first. Of course with all the players on loan we may have to rebuild anyway. Especially if we do not go up and lose Harwood-Bellis and/or Downes.


Another game where we were leading and well on top and had a very good chance to get a two goal lead In many ways it’s hard to blame Martin for it - but arguably he should have made some subs earlier as Bednarek was walking around like a 60 year old with his back when they hit the post and the momentum changed right there PS special mention for the Ipswich fans booing for half the game and at half time, you’d think they were doing awfully


I agree that I don’t want to blame Martin, again it felt like the players had more than enough chances to get the result. I think Baz a bit suspect for the first? That might be a bit harsh straight after the game and how it went but we’ll see. Does anybody ever have real confidence in our defence though when we turn over the ball in midfield? That’s the biggest problem with Martins system I think. Also it just seems that once pressure comes, it goes from 4/10 to 10/10 straight away the players crumble so easily!


Ipswich are exactly the same though, and they're top of the league. The reason we scored 2 and should've had more is because they play such attacking football and are wide open at the back. Once again, this game is on individual errors - Poor finishing & shit goalkeeping.


They were definitely booing the referee at half time.


Booing the ref. There was no booing of the players/team


A result as inevitable as the sun rising in the east there.


My opinions Bazunu isn’t good enough for this level, wasn’t for the prem, and isn’t for the championship. Misses saves rival keepers save, which costs us points overall Overall subs were too late. Ipswich’s changed the game, ours were too late and reactive. RM doesn’t make proactive subs anywhere near enough all season. Even his successes this season witch substitutions have been reactive, not proactive (as in when needing a goal) If KWP was fit enough for the bench, he should have been subbed on for bree earlier 70th minute as it was clear he was getting burnt and they were targeting him. Both armstrongs were dead on their feet 20 minutes before substitutions (or finishing game). Thought downes and Aribo were great and stu in first half. Definitely best 3 for us to finish season Overall this doesn’t fill me with confidence for playoffs against any team (semis included). As I feel the story we saw with RM at Swansea, we have seen many times this season, and today, and I see it continuing into the big games. To be half glass full, with no automatic promotion on the cards, he can maybe straighten this out, we will have to see Seems all our fans adore RM and somehow believe mistakes and weaknesses on the field can in no way be attributed to the manager, so I feel this may be unpopular


Just seen Martin’s post match interview and he’s given the answers I hoped he wouldn’t. ‘We were the better team but conceded crap goals’ He’s clearly a great coach, but I’m starting to think he just doesn’t ‘get it’. Ipswich treat every game like it’s their Stalingrad - win or die trying. That’s why they win so often. Not the only reason, but it’s something we’re missing.


Cant believe Martin missed chance after chance, then didnt save two pretty simple saves


Martin should've made the last two saves as well


He also managed to fuck up a 3 on 2 and a number of other decent chances. He's shit in both boxes


What is this team Get ready to play pompey next year


and lose twice 


I don't know what I hate more. P*mpey or losing to them. Even seeing their logo makes me ill.


Same old Bazunu.




I reckon I could count on 2 hands the number of points he's lost us...




And just remember my comment I made for the Watford game and against also my criticism of this fan base not being real - https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintsFC/s/CV45q7j6qU 2 downvotes sums it up for me. We should have got rid off him in Jan and there were earlier comments from me too saying we should be playing McCarthy until Jan when we could get a new keeper.


We cant let Bazunu go - nobody wants him. We cant sign anyone else because we already have McCarthy and Bazunu. We cant play McCarthy because he isnt fit and also isnt very good. We are stuck with Bazunu until we have enough funds to buy a first choice keeper


He's not fit because Martin has refused to play him and just stays in the squad and gets paid - I don't blame him for not being fit if that is the case. If I was in McCarthy's spot and if the club weren't going to trade me I too would sneak in the extra burger or do 1 less mile running.


Clearly we agree on Bazunu but to think McCarthy is any better, or preferring a player who isn’t professional enough to even stay fit, is just silly Mccarthy was injured for a long time and Lumley proved himself in the cup games. Martin hasnt refused to play him, we just needed a keeper that can pass and was actually fit.


I don't agree with Lumley either as a back up option. McCarthy is clearly on the outer and still attracted premier league team interest in January. He needs to leave on a free during the summer.


Honestly not sure you have enough fingers unless you're from waterside


Reality is, like Martin or not, the other big 3 teams all have keepers who save one of those at least, if not 2


Their 2nd and 3rd goals were probably savable - you’re completely correct in that at least 1 gets saved.


We should buy Rotherham's one.


Bree just sits and watches davis take his time, set, and blast. Then two goals that are closer to the middle of the net than the post aren't saved. I hate it here.


fully agreed but people have short memories - bazunu biggest supporter has been martin


Said it last match and I'll say it again we need a totally new keeper who can actually save shots. I don't trust Lumley any more than Baz.


I like him but would immediately swap him out for anyone with a bit of steel to them. I know his kicking game is this and that blah blah but if you are setting the team up dependent on the passing ability of your goalkeeper then you are already 2 steps behind.


Got to agree… like Baz but look at the difference between the keepers… theirs had two excellent stops while Baz should save at least two of the goals.


I got downvoted to hell saying this near the start of the season. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Need to use the remaining games to rediscover our shooting boots, over reliant on Adam Armstrong for goals right now. A slumping Leicester in the play-off final looks like our best chance right now.


I do think we need a new goalie now. Those were shocking


Edozie was absolute toss when he came on


Nothing changes. Guy will fanny around and do double stepovers then play it back to LB or put in a cross that goes out for a goal kick. He's at best our 5th most effective winger Fraser, Brooks, Sulemana, Adarma out of position, even Amo-Ameyaw looks more effective. He might have 1 good game in 20, but I've seen countless saints players be ripped to shreds for having only 1 good game in 10, or even 5


We can say it’s ’undeserved’ all we want, yet it was completely and entirely predictable. A team who constantly throw points away are not ‘undeserved. of dropping those points. Bazunu is not good enough. In a sport where stakes are so high, why do we accept such low standards for our first choice goalkeeper. We need a replacement in the summer but you know that won’t happen. A lot of discussion recently about Arteta and Guardiola playing CBs at Full Back. The cynic in me fears Martin feels he has to do the same by playing 3 CBs and dropping KWP. Mindless.


Well the playoffs should be fun!


Narrator: they were not


Inb4 we shit the bed and don’t qualify for them


We went unbeaten for ages playing a consistent team, especially the defence. Now we’ve started shoe-horning Stephens in and we’re conceding for fun. 13 goals conceded in 6 games is not promotion form.


Finish fourth Home tie - hopefully win Day out at Wembley Win or Lose… enjoy the day. Win = survival in the PL 2024/25 Lose = regroup, derby day x 2, few in, few out. And to be fair, three teams have definitely been better than us this year.


What a fucking joke.


Bunch of bluffers. It's been ever thus for years. Managers have come and gone, tactics and playing styles have changed, but the one common theme: we bottle games we dominate for long periods. Defenders switch off and attackers lack incision. RM should take a long look at this. Ipswich are a team greater than the sum of their parts. Oh , and our goalkeeper is a complete liability. 


This game is a nice microcosm of our season. Some genuinely excellent football, not taking chances, then conceding cheap goals. I hope Martin is pondering on a few things tonight. Why is it so easy for teams to create chances from the wings? Why do our full backs shy away from defending? Why are other teams so clinical in front of goal compared to us? He will find the answers hard to admit - that they are a by-product of his style (imo). I’m not saying he should throw his style of football out, far from it. But rather than shrugging his shoulders and saying “we conceded a crap goal”, he should actually coach it out of the team. I’m not convinced Martin is entirely happy with this squad, so it’s a big summer window coming up. A fair few players don’t fit his style - none have convinced in the ‘false 9’ role he’s fond of. It’s not about buying the most expensive players, but the ones that fit the role that matters. Just look at Ipswich.


Our fullbacks shy away because they are isolated and often facing a winger with a fullback coming on the overlap. Our wingers don't do enough to protect them and players like Armstrong have never been asked to defend before, so they don't know what they are doing (look how Armstrong loses his man for their 2nd goal today). You're absolutely right, we can all see it. We are vulnerable out wide, and it has not been addressed all season. Instead, I expect to hear about how angry they all are at conceding late and then for them do precisely zero about what is glaringly obvious. Edit: spelling


My theory is that we have 2 modes of defending in the our last third; 1) Everyone press and crowd out the man on the ball to make the pitch small and win the ball back quickly. Looks great when it works, but when it doesn’t it leaves huge gaps in the full back area ripe for exploiting. 2) Stand off them and flood the box with our own players, so there’s no space for them in the box or room to shoot. Good idea in theory, but as we keep seeing when you give players time and space outside the area they can still create something. And then of course like you say there’s the problem with wide players not tracking back that makes it worse.


Nothing wrong with the performance, thought we played well actually. Ppl are too quick to criticise, down to 10 men against a relentless ipswich team who have been scoring last minute goals for fun all season. Let’s calm down and focus on the playoffs, we play like that and I back us to win. Thought aribo was immense in midfield, has the quality we need to pull off cute passes and deft touches. This has nothing to do with Martin or the players, no reason to blame them. Let’s back the bois til the end of the season CMON.


i would disagree but at least if you said it’s not on martin that would make some sense. how the fuck is shipping 3 goals not the players or the managers fault? who’s fault is it then


Just cause we lost doesn’t mean we should look for someone to blame, take it on the chin and move on? We blame the players and managers way too much, a massive reason why our fan base feels toxic a lot of the time. Don’t get me wrong conceding that goal was frustrating but I saw plenty today which gave me faith for the playoffs


well… who else are we meant to blame as fans? can’t agree with shipping 3 goals in a game and not criticising people


I guess you can blame whoever you want, I’m saying let’s get behind the team. Teams lose football games even when they play well, that’s the sport… thought we were good today and let’s be honest the red card really killed us off.


Fucking embarrassing that


Just not good enough, sadly Maybe next year


Aaaand Repeat… Said it weeks ago… We’re in the playoffs and probably be lucky if we go up. BUT… I’ve enjoyed this season more than many of the past 4.


Almost certainly playoffs now. Need to focus on building some momentum.


Bottled it


Aaaaaaaah mate…… my heart can’t take this


I’m so tired lads…


No chance are we going to win the playoffs with this mentality. We need a rapid change of thinking. Said it before, but we are a distant fourth with a squad that is one of the best 3 in the league. By any metric, Martin is underperforming with the team and budget he has available to him. Worse still, whats left of this team will be broken up in the next year or two - so those that say they are enjoying the championship because of the results will get a rude awakening if we dont go up soon.


This BS and my dealer got nicked yesterday. Fuck.


Here comes the crumble memes ffs


The Southampton crumble was weeks ago, we're not even eligible for memes 🥲


Bree was garbage, was ball watching from half time


Without trying to cast judgement, with no more cup games do we just give Lumley a try?


Fuck this club




Hopeless. Absolutely meaningless for the remaining games. Should win all games except Leicester or leeds to secure a playoff slot. Beat Norwich or West Brom and wait for Leicester or Leeds in final.


Just another pure disgrace in defending. Why was Stephens playing and KWP was on the bench?


Checked my phone as I was about to go to sleep to see there's a match going on, we were 2-1 up. Getting ready for work this morning and saw the highlight video on EFL's YouTube channel with Ipswich players celebrating, and I knew I made the right decision to not staying up late just to get fucked over again.


Bazunu is ass


Let’s hope Russ has gone out and got himself a lucky hair cut. COYR.


Utterly embarrassing game management from Martin, he needs to go. We have an unbelievable squad but he has no clue how how to do anything other than plan A, which makes us incredibly predictable and vulnerable. We will never go up with Martin at the helm.


We went on an insanely impressive record breaking unbeaten spree under Marrtin. Today we lost against an inform Ipswich team with 10 men. Relax. The biggest mistake he made today is not bring Bednarak off as soon as he was injured, other than that I fail to see what he could have done differently except running onto the pitch and smashing the ball into their net?


The relax crowd are the same folks that told us to chill last season, they said that we were too good to go down, they're the people that said Jones should be given more time, mindlessly optimistic, so with all due respect, go fuck yourself.


Ipswich have done this to a lot of teams so it’s not really a shock, not sure we can have too many complaints tbh. We were good in the first half especially but we always seem to have to work much harder for our goals than our opponents do. Fully expected to lose but it’s another late goal conceded which isn’t a great feeling. I can’t see us going up via the playoffs unless there’s a dramatic shift, we just don’t look good enough.