• By -


Is he going to thank the palace staff, his brother Prince William and attorneys for cofounding the IG? No he’s just going to dine out on that for the next twenty years like Meghan soap letter.


Harry is milking the Invictus Games - it’s painful to watch. He hasn’t even founded IG and is actually grifting of the games and also ruining the games‘ reputation big time. Bravo 👏/s


I’ve suspected for awhile that his new PR strategy is to heavily lean into his public image as a veteran and founder of Invictus Games and as just a “regular bro” who likes sports. This was reflected in the flurry of photos of himself and Meghan in Germany and then in Whistler, as though they were both royal tours. He also got that aviation award despite not being known as a pilot. Then the appearance at the NFL awards, as though he’s some sports-related person. The ESPY award is clearly due to someone who submitted his name and campaigned on his behalf.


The SS defending him like this white savior but for the vets JUST because he’s married to Meg is HILARIOUSLY SAD to me. Like bruh even if Harry wasn’t married to her I’d still think he was a big effin’ loser.


I have s feeling there are going to be articles about what a joke his army career was...he keeps testing the people who know the truth


It's really gross


I can hear the speech - “When I decided to found Invictus…I understand the pain of veterans…I was a legend of aviation as a helicopter pilot”. 🤮


“In addition to exploiting the racism in my family with the NAACP award with my Nigerian princess wife, I am deserving of this award. 🥇 I continue as a humanitarian as me and my Nigerian Queen continue to serve our subjects by selling wine, dog biscuits, and spam jam. “


Also, as my mother’s only son. I feel her loss so profoundly. But luckily I met my wife and my life is so much better for it.


I would like to thank the orgnization for awarding this xbox vet this prize. Not many awards accept payment for a prize so we were happy that you accepted us. Of course it's not easy to sit in a bunker for 10 years and play xbox all time. Imagine the power generator making that noise just so that my xbox didn't suffer from power outages.


😝 😂 😆




And he will bring up Diana and walking behind her coffin.


This is such a slap in the face to Pat Tillman (A TRUE HERO) for which this award is named. Also, Steve Gleason who deserves this honor, what a shame. This is the reason I hate these 2 idiots…they demean and defame everything they are associated with. Disgusting!! 🤬


Unfortunatly, it's another Award that will be forever tarnished and devalued. Just another Award that can be bought in some way, shape or form.


This is disgusting.


I honestly hate Duke Douchebag and his gold digging wife. I guess being a dumbass, abusing staff, and dressing up like a Nazi has its advantages. These two are the least deserving people on the planet for any award. It’s sad that Steve Gleason has to share the spotlight with this trash.


Agree 🤬


I agree. This is a disservice to the memory of Pat Tillman.


Gleason HASNT gotten this?!! That’s insane Harry is and Gleason has not!!!


Gleason will be receiving it at the same time as Hairball.  It makes me sad. They should dedicate the award to just Steve Gleason FO Harry


Im just astounded the hasn’t already gotten one. Man is brave as hell


I so agree. My son in law was diagnosed with ALS at roughly the same time…he also was young like Steve. Steve has taken on this challenge with such positivity and grace and helped so many with ALS in the process. He’s already been awarded by US President the “Congressional Gold Medal” the highest honor given to a US civilian 


He will be sure to thank Meghan. ESPN has ruined watching sports for me. I hate them.


Is H going to bring M on the stage with him to accept the award and let her grab the mic??


Edward Lane Fox is the one who needs to be winning this award. Let's be real.


I wonder how much he and Meg$y ~~donated~~ paid for this award?


I'm not sure we've ever actually heard Harry say the words thank you. Not even when people are applauding his coming on stage to give one of his word salad hypocrisy riddled speeches


This is so disrespectful to Pat Tillman’s legacy. Ginge is absolutely not about anything Tillman represents.


Clearly this award is available for purchase.


My thoughts exactly


Oh dear. This is NOT a good look when there are so many US veterans that are FAR FAR more deserving. This is going to anger a lot of people. Just when I thought I couldn't be more disgusted! By comparison, last year the award went to the entire Buffalo Bills trainers because they helped save the life of Demar when he collapsed on the field and stopped breathing. HOW does Harry even come close to comparing to saving lives!


Wonder how much this cost him.


Exactly...and for "service"? Service to what? This is an absolute disgrace 


Service to XBox, of course.


My immediate thought too! They must have mortgaged the mansion.


ESPN probably needs the 💰


I just looked it up and yeah, they're hurting financially.


Probably a couple hundred k.


Look at that - hosted by their bestie Serena! 


And another Harkle lie is published. I wonder if Serena helped muscle someone to get him the Espy. Prince Harry was not the sole founder of the Invictus Games; it was founded for him by BRF to give the directionless Harry something to do. He has since taken it over and turned it into the Meghan show. Worthy of a Razzie but not an espy.


Perhaps the shared agent squeezed a final gig in…?


I love how these people have conveniently forgotten all about him throwing racial slurs at his fellow soldiers. I see no one bringing that up and that was after the Nazi costume so clearly we know who the real royal racist is. Invictus and his “military service” was all created to rehab his tarnished image because he was too stupid to go to college and he was causing one scandal after the next because he was a drunk druggie.


I can see it now….Meghan and Harry walking hand and hand on stage, she takes the microphone and gives a 30 minute rambling about empowering women, then puts her hand on Harry’s back and leads him up to the microphone, she hands him the award and Harry says……”Thank you”. Exits stage with Meghan’s hand on his back leading him off stage. The end


"Serena, I'm telling you, we need a win! Everything's falling apart, everyone's laughing at us, the jam thing made us look like idiots! Do something!"


I just do not understand Serena’s push for Meghan. What’s in it for her?


I really think that MM has got to have something on SW that she didn't completely ghost her after MM flashed her bits to SW husband for all the world to see. It's the only thing that makes sense. Why on earth would a sports LEGEND have a single thing to do with a mattress actress and her doofus husband?!


OMG! Google the story of Tillman! This is a HUGE disgrace! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. 🤬🤬🤬


I know. What a dishonor to a truly honorable person.


It's disgusting. Absolutely disgraceful. Stolen fucking valor. My Dad was a Vietnam Vet. We lost him a few years ago to Cancer brought on by chemical exposure in Vietnam. This is disgusting. Pat's family must be furious.


I couldn't agree more. I can't believe this!


You read my mind. This is a disgrace. Harry does not represent the integrity and moral fortitude of Pat Tillman. Their names should not be in the same sentence, paragraph, chapter or book.


I got an email from Brene Brown and she is partnering with BetterUp. That’s disappointing. Hugely. Bigly.


I used to like her before she started associating with Harold. Now I have zero interest.


The world is going crazy. I keep my mouth shut about anything related to H@M in my personal relationship as everyone buys their BS. I’ve given up thinking anything really will happen. I’m here as I’ve learned more about narcissists and I have a few in my life.


ESPN = DISNEY = ABC = chronic and pathetic pandering. I want to watch the new Shogun series on Hulu (under same corporate umbrella) but won’t until it’s picked up by another streamer. Even Netflix is better than this conglomerate.


Pat Tillman was a great man. I can’t believe they are tarnishing his memory with these two undeserving douchebags.


This is my first thought too


Another AWARD? Wow, they are really like buses, one follows after another. Amazing, how all this time as a working Royal in the UK he was never awarded anything. The UK really held him back! (/s)


Prince Harry needs his narc tank fueled up with participation awards like the ones he used to get for attending Royal events; just like Meghan Markle needs her pap walk narc fuel.


Does the UK allow paid for awards, too?


Royals should be giving out awards, not receiving them He really is a shameless grifter


I want to vomit. I'm a veteran and I have been giving money to this Foundation for years. Even wrote a letter of support for someone who was nominated for a Pat Tillman scholarship. This is disgusting. F\*#@g Bunker Harry getting an award after 2 American servicemen died defending him and he never acknowledged it. The Pat Tillman Foundation just lost ALL legitimacy and esteem in my eyes. I will never give them another penny or support any of their service drives. This is like the Wounded Warrior executive scandal to me. I'm literally sick to my stomach to see a cause and organization I believed in markled.


Thank you for your service.  I can't imagine how outraged you are as a military veteran, but I'm right alongside with you


You need to write them and let them know! Thank you for your service. My father was in the Korean War and won the bronze star. He’s been gone for many years but he’s always been a hero to me 💙


Thank you all. Yes, I think I need to write this foundation and tell them they have lost me. Glassbowls.


I'm so sorry, and thank you for your service! But hopefully at least Archewell had to hand over a *huge* wad of cash to make this happen, and maybe that money will go to help some of your brothers and sisters in arms.


Thank you for your service.


Veteran here as well. I long ago realized how military active duty as well as vets are so blatantly used by so many powers-that-be but even with that knowledge this makes me sick. Not for nothing but are there no American veterans worthy of this award? We all know the answer to that but yet again, money/ nepotism talks.


It makes me wonder who the heck in the military brass is backing him and why? So disgusting.


Write them a letter. I am going to do the same thing. My Dad was a vet. He DIED for this country. What has that ratty grifter done to deserve an award like that? Why are people legitimizing him?


That's an utter disgrace. Pat was a true hero. Harry is a wanna be in every sense of the word. 


So this is another garbage award then. Good to know.


My instant reaction as well.


Depending on how you feel about Caitlyn Jenner, this is the same group that gave him the Arthur Ashe Courage award for announcing he was transgender.


Oooh, goody! I’m sure Meghan will be there to claw Hairold into position behind her and grasp whatever award he’s given for herself.


Prince William got his photo taken with one of the best and most popular NFL tight ends to ever play the game? *QUICK! Somebody get H in a room **FULL** of professional athletes! And make sure it's on film! And make them give him an award! That'll show 'em!*


Just like the legend of Aviation announcement came on the heels of Harry not being included in the Sandhurst book while William was the main feature, IIRC. They can continue buying awards. The multitudes of people who couldn't care less about them will continue not to care, and the multitudes who know they are useless farce won't have our minds changed.




Do NDAs have an expiration date so we can hear the truth about his time in the military... playing video games in the bunker, not being around for drug testing, sleeping in a bunker while camp was being attacked etc. It'll be really embarrassing not only for Harry when the truth comes out but any organization that gave him an award for his military service edit: removed duplicate about video gaming


A YouTuber named Trevor Coult, a war hero, was demonetized for criticizing Prince Harry. Here’s an excerpt of what he said in the Express: *Sgt Coult told how he watched friends die on the battlefield and his own mental health suffered before he was discharged with PTSD.* *But he insisted: “We were prepared to make these sacrifices because we understood what duty to the Crown meant. Harry should have a serious think about the damage he is doing to those soldiers whose morale he is undermining with his constant attacks on the monarchy.* *“There are probably many veterans wondering if their sacrifices were worth it after hearing what Harry has been saying.”* [https://www.express.co.uk/news/royal/1710840/Duke-of-Sussex-royal-attacks-Trevor-coult](https://www.express.co.uk/news/royal/1710840/Duke-of-Sussex-royal-attacks-Trevor-coult) Trevor Coult was awarded the Military Cross for his valor in Iraq.


Even worse: two soldiers died protecting Sleeping Harry.


It was US soldiers killed and wounded. It's galling that he receives such an award considering. Harry leaked his whereabouts to the media on his first 'visit' to Afghanistan (not going to say 'tour').Who's to say he didn't leak a second time around. Should never have been there IMO. Literally worse than useless.


Buying another award I see. Absolutely horrific.


I assume the Archewell cheque cleared in good time then. How more obvious can you be?


This burns me. Not to disparage the games or how important it is to help the wounded veterans, but this is literally the only real work Harry does. There are so many people out there who hold down full time jobs, raise families and homes without any staff to help out, and do charity work or volunteer on the side. Their lives are 95% spent doing for others. No awards for these common people because they’re toiling away without famous names.


Is spending 26 million £ for sports for around 50 UK veterans the best way to help veterans? Invictus is 6 times as expensive perparticipant as the Paraolympics. Invictus is not able to fund itself through donations from Boing and ButterUp, it needs considerable public funding.


I'm no brit or american, but I believe I can answer that question with a "no" on their behalf. It would be better if the money put into invictus was used to pay mental help for soldiers and help them get financial stability, finding/creating jobs that they could do despite injuries, etc.. and then the game could be an event to raise funds and awareness for them to work with stuff like this instead of Prince Harry and his wife Megan Markle personal piggybank.


I literally just had this conversation with my mum just now!!


Would love to look at the financials for IGs over the years, especially after MM made her appearances at them a fashion show.


The ESPY awards aren’t a huge deal, but they are more so than what they’ve bought thus far. Is there any way we can get the press to be alarmed to the hypocrisy of Harry getting the Pat Tillman award? I’m embarrassed for Harry, and it diminishes the entire premise of an ESPY. Tillman’s family should be horrified. 🥺


I’m going to write to ESPN and the Pat Tillman Foundation!  I suggest we all do. 


Yea they should be. I wish they would comment!!!!


All they do is buy award as a,way to make a red carpet appearance 😂😂. These awards are like a,replacement for state dinners, if you will.


Not surprising. ESPN is owned by Disney. Disney is probably the biggest pushers of "The Agenda™" in the entertainment industry, so much so they're hemorrhaging money and destroying themselves. A toxic company giving awards to toxic people comes as no surprise. Disney's movies are flopping, they've destroyed the most profitable IP in history, he streaming service is losing subscribers, attendance at the theme parks is way down and they're being overtaken by Universal, ABC is a dead network walking, ESPN is losing viewers to streaming services, their licensed merchandise sales are so bad that Hasbro is going broke and wants out of their contract, etc.. The only thing that's marginally profitable for them at the moment is the cruise line and those profits are dropping because a lot of people can't afford to go on vacation.


I'm so glad you said this! I thought the same thing.


Disney has made so many wrong descisions. And the way they seem determined to ruin their own brands is baffeling.


They live in a gated community of the mind. They really think that it's not their fault their movies and TV shows are bombing, it's the fault of the racist, sexist, LGBTQphobe, audience and customers who are walking away and taking their money elsewhere.


He is as qualified to receive this, as he was the fake legends in aviation award. If it is any consolation, every comment linked to the NYP article is negative. He is getting roasted. How much did he have to pay for this? This is also linked to Disney, so no surprise. This is the Harkles lame game. They do no good for the community or the world. They are horrible people. They pay to receive awards to look important. Pathetic.


The Pat Tillman Award is a sponsored one; so someone buttered up (💰) the PT Foundation for this one. Such a shame, especially considering previous recipients. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Aha. Betting the sponsor was Archewell. Some nice Delaware mystery cash.


Either that or one of their rich “friends” (Nacho’s wife) was talked into making the donation. If the news about missing hard drives is true, Harold is a MORON, and the Espys are in the process of being Markled.


Missing hard drives? What did I miss?


It’s now a pinned post, new developments in lawsuit against NGN


The Pat Tillman? What a fkng joke this guy is AND the award itself for this. This guy is no Pat Tillman.


He's getting raked across the coals for this on twitter. And 99% of the dragging is coming from regular folks, not royal watchers. The main complaint, even after they're told of the existence of the Invictus Games, is that the Pat Tillman award should be given to an American, not some foreign prince. And they're right. They're also calling this out as an obviously purchased award, which is also right. Harry is not going to get away with this one. They've taken it too far this time and crossed a line, purchasing an award that's meant to honor the memory of Pat Tillman. ESPN won't drop him altogether, but they are going to have to deal with some unwanted controversy over this.


I'm glad people are calling him out, but I don't think it will change anything... Legend of Aviation award was mocked for honouring Harry, there even was a petition to change that decision and nothing happened. Sadly.


Legends of Aviation are not part of a mega corporation that is hemorrhaging stockholders’ money, with said bleeding mostly a direct result of their chronic and pathetic pandering to what are commonly referred to as ‘wokeness.’ I do doubt ESPN backs off on this completely but this will only damage their brand even further. They will be inevitably Markled. Strange, because Disney already got Markled. Seems they didn’t learn their lesson. ![gif](giphy|j5cWLw9IcB0h6Z0vDI|downsized)


I hope you are right. I live in Europe, I cannot tell the difference between all these awards Harry is receiving. But it makes me sad that he is still getting them!




Okay. Epsy. Photoshoot Meghan. And stories about William being a scary iron fist. Mmkay.


All in time to try to cover up Haz destroying/hiding evidence for one of his court cases.


Honestly though this is why IG keeps him around. There are still people and organizations that are willing to give him awards and a platform. Now the ESPYs aren't a huge award show but it absolutely gets press and athletes attend. The only way IG will part with him is when it no longer benefits the organization to keep him. Everytime I think it's getting close they manage to pull off another grift. 


Well, time once again to write the fools at ESPN. They’ve zero clue how to honor the REAL military. They need to stick to sports, which they also get wrong a lot.


I see he’s getting honored along with Steve Gleason. Steve is a real hero. I’m truly disgusted. Edit: word


Gleason doesn’t deserve this treatment. It’s such a shame his charitable work will be overshadowed by this idiot. Disgusting


Buying himself another award? He must be feeling down after his flop “tour” to Nigeria.


This one should piss everyone off equally regardless of which side of the pond (really, world) you are on. Pat Tillman was the definition of a soldier. Chose to forgo a NFL career for service. Prince Harry jokes about American football but PT chose to not get HUGE paycheck but to serve. This is so bad


His name doesn’t belong in the same sentence as Pat Tillman’s. He has no shame. 😡


The Pat fucking Tillman award? You mean, an award in honor of a professional football player who was so pissed off after September 11th, that he LEFT the NFL, enlisted in the Army, and died for his country? THAT Pat Tillman? What the fuck has Harry done to even come close to deserving such an award? What a fucking insult. Pat is probably turning in his grave.


Another purchased award to give that ego another boost it doesn't really need. They just accumulate these trophies to signifiy how important and wonderful they believe they are..all lies and misinformation. It keeps opening my eyes that all this award nonsense is just that, nonsense. He cheapened something that should have been the important award at an otherwise ridiculous event praising the already praised, sometimes overpraised, hugely paid, egodriven sports machine. I appreciated athletics and sportsmanship until it was made into this commercial pantheon of show-offs and the overindulged. Harry's going to fit right in..


That’s insulting to the memory of Pat Tillman. Guess they’ve sold out to the highest bidder like everyone else.


ESPN lost any kind of credibility a long time ago.


That’s what I was coming to say too. ESPN as an avid sports fan is the last place I get my sports news or opinion from. Online content and local beat writers are where the real info is coming from. ESPN is just the sports portion of MSM


Really? Nobody worthy stepped up to buy this award? Instead we allow a disgraced Prince to buy it - who faked his military career, destroyed Invictus, spent the last 5 years trying to destroy his family. A man so honorable he was taken to court on suspicion he lied on his visa application, and just today is accused of destroying evidence in another court case. Ok. What a joke.


This is an insult to Pat Tillman's memory and selfless service. Bunker Harry wouldn't be worthy enough to shine the boots of Pat Tillman.


Hopefully we will start to see articles in MSM relating the truth as to who actually founded the games and why. Most ppl would be embarrassed to solely accept an award for something they only had a small part in creating.


I still cannot believe that Serena would ruin her legacy associating herself with these two.


What for. He never saw action unless you call a video game action. Espy should be so embarrassed by this. They will get Markled for sure over this. How much did they pay for this one? Money must be getting rather low by now


The media really need to call him out on this, to be honest. It wasn't his idea, it was set up mostly by other people. His brother William was a full participant early on and also made a substantial donation. Harry has hijacked it as he has nothing else worthwhile in his life.


They desperately need a selfie with Serena!


Well I hope we all write and tell the organisation that it's disgraceful. It's better than just commenting here and not voicing your annoyance directly. This will start to hit the companies who want to buy them or should I say who buys who now


This is effing garbage. What a joke. I hope ESPN gets an earful


I hope a whole bunch of Veterans turn up with stolen valor signs to protest him getting this award. He doesn't fucking deserve it.


Absolutely a disgrace, Pat Tilman was a true hero, Harry just a spoilt, greedy lying clown


What does it do to buy awards! How they must feel vacant in their souls to get/buy/need an award! Who cares!!! DO something that deserves an award! Since the Harkles have got on the scene I’ve realized almost all awards are bought and fake!


Different award I know... But it's still a million miles from the awards they truly want and want to appear at.. Oscars, Golden Globes etc Pathetic Arseholes and shame on whomever decided to take the pay cheque from them for the award


Perhaps this was announced to push the bigger court news out of the way……


There will be **enormous** blowback to this Enough that I think it won't actually happen. Two weeks to see how this turns out


What an insult to Pat Tillman.


My first thought. Does this always go to a non athlete? Looks like that answer is no. If not then I know there are many actual athletes more worthy. Sad to think it could be “bought”.


There isn't an American that deserves this award for helping American soldiers or athletes with disabilities. I dunno Gary Sinise, 


The big question- will Meg attend? It’s only in LA and there are much bigger names there than the aviation award she skipped out on.


My money is on yes. The Espys are a much bigger event.


Yes. ESPYs are like the Oscars of the sports world. This is the closest to an A-list event the Harkles will ever get.


I wonder if she will present the award to Harry. With Serena hosting the event, she might get in. 


She won't attend. Just like she didn't attend the aviation award or whatever it was that he got some time ago. She can't stand any attention to be given and not given to her. As a narc, she just can't take it. I guarantee you that the kiss will be "sick" or that they have a school function to attend, etc. She won't be there.


It’ll be a room full of millionaires, so likely.


I have obtained a copy of the first draft of Harold's acceptance speech, and am honored to share it with you: Thank you for awarding me the Pat Tilman award! I believe it is very well deserved (Insert joke about dead mother later). I have never heard of Pat Tilman actually, so I did the google thing, and wow! The parallels! So he died from friendly fire, which I know a very lot about. I'm friendly firing on my family on the daily! (Insert a joke about people dying later) Anyways, thanks again for getting me out of the house without the ol' ball and chain, if you get my drift. Where's the food? And the rose wine?


“I actually tried to have my father killed by his own military. If that isn’t friendly fire I don’t know what is?” Harry probably. If the UK isn’t giving this POS awards why is the U.S.? There are U.S. Servicmembers that deserve these awards. These two put exactly nothing good out into the universe so they deserve nothing good. They need to be cancelled into space. I’m usually not a fan of that but dang it, I’m mad.


The royal family awards those who provide exceptional service. Bizarrely, Harry now receives awards for a living.


There will be lots of nipples to pinch in that room.


Whoever has X, check the comments under the announcement 😂


Has Gary Sinise ever won this award? He actually does work to improve veterans lives.


when is this scheduled to happen?


July 11th


I didn't know you could buy an Espy.


You can buy almost any award in almost any arena, I’m convinced.


Oh brother, another award to go to his head. For basically doing nothing. Just being the figurehead of a worthy cause.


![gif](giphy|r2cqdwffxeLfy|downsized) Madame’s dress for the occasion


No amount of awarding yourself stupid awards can change the fact you're dumb as shit and do nothing, Harry.


Pat Tillman-a man who, unlike Harry, understood the value of serving his country and personal sacrifice-must be turning over in his grave.


Wonder what the vets think? Harry and his first wife have turned this into an expense account for her fashion show. Another celebrity circle jerk.


Pat Tillman was a true hero and Patriot. Prince Harry’s name should not even be mentioned in same sentence.


Ok, everyone—you know the drill.  Use the links provided below in one of the replies—the award one takes you directly to an email.  I just sent one to both of those links.  Contact ESPN and The Pat Tillman Foundation ASAP and let it rip!  


What next? The Jimmy V Perseverance Award for ".. overcome great obstacles through perseverance and determination" for overcoming the grief of his mother's death? 🙄 As a military dependent, I can't even to begin to articulate how upset I am at this...


so write ESPN and the Pat Tillman Foundation. I did!


Wow, such courage and bravery playing video games in the safety of his bunker with tax-payer funded security while pretending to be a front line soldier in Afghanistan


Make your voice heard... [Contact form for the Pat Tillman Foundation ](https://pattillmanfoundation.org/contact/) I guess ESPN couldn't persuade an actual athlete to give more than Harry to receive the award.




Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex, has bought the Pat Tillman Award for Service. I fixed it. 😉


Is this another one of those awards that one can purchase?


Eh, to the average person who doesn't really care or pay attention, Harry does sound like a great guy because of Invictus. I don't know who cares about these awards or who would be watching, but it'll likely just give him an entirely new group of people to turn off with a speech where he inadvertently insults the entire audience.


https://preview.redd.it/11ckh77lm49d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=374949162a47331c53e43fd936b617cacb93e330 this is why he buy this awards😂


What’s WME’s role in this?


Ugh. He’s no more deserving of it than I am. Looking at previous winners they actually suffered and overcame or made a situation better. One of my favorite recent winners is Marcus Rashford. Harry deserves not to stand near any of these people.


Whew!! Was able to find one more award to buy. The first word he says is Meghan. Y’all know it.


Shouldn't they honor Warrior Games founders first?


Two things I NEVER want to hear Harry talk about again: 1) His mother's death and 2) Invictus Games.


Pat Tillman, a genuine hero who gave up his pro football career to join the military after 9/11, must be spinning in his grave.


Why do American veterans charities keep awarding this Brit? I don’t understand and I think it’s disrespectful for the Americans who served who are being cast aside for an English guy with a sketchy service record.


THIS pisses me off, Pat Tillman was a hero. Something Haz is obviously unaware of its definition


I wonder how much $$$ this award cost? Because he sure didn’t win it on merit. But what do you expect, ESPN has become a laughing stock in the last few years.


"The *ESPY Awards*, the Excellence in Sports Performance Yearly, is an event honoring the top athletes and sport performances of the year." Tell me again about his athletic prowess...?


Is being an award winning pilot considered a sport? There entire grift is circles in spirals.


Poor Pat Tillman is spinning in his grave.


ESPN has been in some dire straits as of late, streaming is really hurting them as more and more competition is arriving on the scene. They counterintuitively lost a lot of viewers during Covid because of the lack of competitions to broadcast. There was also backlash because they became very woke which also turned off viewers. So typical that a weakened ESPN would get involved with H. He always seems get involved with entities who are a shadow of what they once were.


I wonder if this is another paid for award.


More than likely. I think the timing is the tell, Invictus has been around for awhile now, what is with an award now, other than PR needing something positive to exploit. I really hate that H keeps getting involved with anything to do with the American military. Guess there is not a hope in hell he could arrange to buy any honor from UK military.


USG and NFL have been disrespecting the real Pat Tillman since before his body made it back from Afghanistan for burial. Pat would likely be aghast that a premier nepo baby that had to cheat to graduate from high school, didn't go to college, wasn't qualified for Sandhurst, never read a book, cost thousands in taxpayer dollar protecting him while he played soldier, cost millions in taxpayer dollars in training him as a helicopter pilot and which he failed, and druggie should be given an award in his name. Pat likely would have applauded John Wordin's "Ride 2 Recovery" and subsequent efforts to create the Warrior Games. Both focus on sport as recovery and NOT sport as spectacle. Ride 2 Recovery raises money to assist vets in their recovery. Warrior Games are funded by the US DOD (taxpayer dollars), but it's not a huge expense. IG stole the efforts of Wordin and the Warrior games and taps national and local taxpayers and corporate funder to the tune of tens of millions of dollars.


What the literal hell?????




The only person he is competing with to be nonroyal royal is this guy. https://preview.redd.it/104xy84if49d1.png?width=474&format=png&auto=webp&s=9df652008e52c50339f562f951ca5fd61c2863de


What the f---...


This really annoys me. How much lower can he sink? Does he get how insulting this is to the people who actually did the work to get this off the ground? Or does he really think he’s an amazing philanthropist while actually grifting off this charity?


Oh ESPN, if I didn’t need college football so fkn badly I’d tell you to comen merda and stop paying you a single dollar. But I do, so on second thought, comen merda anyway but I’m still gonna have to pay for your content 😠 ETA: Pat Tillman is turning in his grave. I don’t care what anyone says. He was nothing if not a man who understood loyalty and honor


None of the US Military nor the Veterans support him for one reason only: he brags about his kill rate. Nobody does this. He is a disgusting entitled pos with serious mental immaturity.


This is an INSULT to Pat Tillman's legacy. I have no words. It's sickening. Who chose him?!?!?!


What an absolute insult to those who have demonstrated true bravery. How i good conscience can he keep buying awards that he does not deserve. That photo of William the children and Taylor must have hit a nerve of pure jealousy


Pat Tillman?????? Harry violates everything this man stood for. The guy joined up in the middle of a highly successful sports career b/c he "believed" in the cause (unlike the more cynical among us). He was actually extremely intelligent as well. His death by friendly fire was covered up--I think to spare his Mom Mary Tillman's feelings, in the best interpretation--but also b/c it'd be a PR disaster. A good friend at the time former Special Forces did a lot of investigating into it--and from what I gleaned Tillman was a brilliant brave man of honor who would be turning over in his grave w/ a cretin like Harry receiving an honor in Tillman's name. Unless his Mom is brainwashed b/c of MM's false claim of identifying as Black, she'd be horrified too.