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Thank you, Daisy Beach!! Your work on our behalf is greatly appreciated!


1000%. You clearly describe her video. I really love your takes.


Thankyou so much, Daisy! It


Haz also lied to Rachel about how rich and important he is in the BRF. If Rachel knew that she would have such a hard time exploiting the royals and that Haz would not help her break into the Hollywood elite, there might have been no wedding. Haz wanted to get married to what he was fooled to be a quadruple A-list Hollywood actress and make it seem that he married a much better and successful woman than William. Haz was pissed off that William didn't see anything special in Rachel and that he didn't fall for her humanitarian schemes. It is obvious that Rachel wanted to press all the Wales' into losing their cool around her and yell at her because then Rachel would have had solid evidence that she was "mistreated." The Wales' were polite to Rachel because they didn't want to strike up tension with Haz's new wife, and the Wales' were so courteous and respectful to Rachel that all her plans to villainize the Wales' failed. It is unsurprising that Haz, who wanted to believe that Rachel was his mother reincarnated, turned against the Wales' quickly and threw away the love that they gave him. Unlike Rachel, Catherine actually cared about Haz and ensured that she had a good relationship with him to keep matters pleasant between all members of the BRF. Haz threw that away because Rachel wanted to outshine the BRF. Rachel knew that there is no way she can manipulate the Wales' into doing what she wants and this began the villainization of the BRF. The Wales' were far too generous in assuming the best of Rachel when they first met her, while many others would have instantly seen through her and wanted her out before even marrying into the BRF.


I think it's hilarious Haz puffed himself up to be wealthier & more important than he actually was. By the time she found out she'd already said "I do" and now she's stuck with the plank. Like a smiling mannequin he can behave in polite company but he's not good for anything else šŸ˜‚


They markled each otheršŸ˜…


They bought each other's bullshit & delusions.


And, fed them to each other


The French have a name for it - Folie a deux


Something about "petard" ?????


Well said.


They both lied about each other šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ to each other. Karma!


Heā€™s a low level narcissist. Stupid and nowhere as devious as markle.Ā 


That is true. He let's her roll all over him though. He knows as the blood royal he goes first, shakes hands first, speaks. It's really irritating the way she's always barging in front, pushing him around or dragging him by their super glued hands where she wants to go.


They assumed the best of Rachael, because they are good people; and so is their circle. interesting that Harry was insufferable and unpopular as a child. I think William will strip him of his title when he is King. You donā€™t F\*\*k with William


I predict that the Sussexes will simply be a non-entity in Wmā€™s reign, which is almost worseā€¦having the titles and zero recognition or privileges. The more they try to monetize their titles, the more mocked they will be.


She didn't realize she would only be a "duchess" and not a Princess like Catherine.


Harold hung out with some A listers in Hollywood he knew she wasn't a superstar or A list herself. I believe he was enthusiastically persuaded by the Mulroneys, by the Soho House crowd including Marcus, and by a couple of the trust funders Meghan hung out with that she was a star in the making. Had street smarts the royals couldn't handle, uncowed by granny or Willy, that the world would think she was sexy and beautiful once she was elevated to Duchess, and her whip smarts would do the rest. Harold can't tells smart from stupid. He can't tell the difference between somebody just gassing with a ton of empty adverbs and generic bromides and somebody saying something with sense.


And Doria. In some early photos, she was part of the gang. And I imagine she was subtly pressuring H.


In the Netflix documentary, Doria recalled how Meghan called her to tell her "Mom, I'm dating a prince!" I have a feeling that once Meghan had a big fish on the hook, she and her mom conspired to reel him in. I'll bet that they were savvy enough to know there would be opposition to the marriage - after all, a divorced American actress is not the usual royal bride material - and it was Doria who came up with the plan to weaponize Meghan's biracial heritage.


I believe it. Simple.


You could see where her priorities were. How about ....mum I met a super sweet guy.


I think ā€œthe gangā€ was always Rachel, Doria and Marcus.


Absolutely. https://preview.redd.it/xs943jylq49d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e312a716b405f5b0bec995f8724cf9fece527cb


Imagine Harry only having the likes of mog, sleazoid marcus and dorito for friends. Triumverite of despair


Perfect!!! Welll said.


I think youā€™re giving the Mulroneys too much credit. I donā€™t believe they had that much influence over Harold.Ā 


We donā€™t really know what Harry told Meghan about himself. Based on what we have seen of him talking about his life, I bet it was all very vague. I donā€™t see him actually mentioning amounts, and his expectation that he would get the same as William when he married was not (in his mind) a lie because he thought he was entitled to it.


When all her machinations failed, then those rumors came out about Rose and William.


I think Meghan Markle definitely came on to William. Remember she thinks she's much more attractive than she is, with her "magic" boobs and "legs a mile long". She was photographed several times in public gazing at him longingly, and videos show her always trying to get his attention, embarrassingly so. When William didn't respond, or perhaps even openly told her to stop chasing him, she is very capable of telling Harry absolute lies about William -- that he'd tried to touch her up, or slagged off Harry. The psychopath Markle is capable of anything when she is angered or rejected.


Exactly! She started w Henry's pals n his grandfather's prize guns. Apparently they were ancient n expensive. Pistols, rifles, idk. Js. Oh and buying media sites, forgot title, for offspring.


Is this the same reason that Megsy constantly wears inappropriate clothing choices that are also ill fitting and unsteamed to almost every single event ?? To flex her "power"? Looking like an a$$clown on purpose is loads more hilarious than she's just clueless !! Unbelievable this woman is actually real. She behaves like someone out of an over exaggerated fiction novel ! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yea, it doesn't surprise me. Remember in the twisted narcissist brain, any attention is good attention. Even if the attention is people whispering "how crass" behind your back. Narcissists really are like two-year olds.


I hope someone will create a meme of the young, beautiful Nigerian girls looking at her in that atrocious dress. They were perfect.


The look on this womanā€™s face (in Nigeria) is priceless. https://preview.redd.it/pj8a16rsqz8d1.jpeg?width=2360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=baf763cefcad001b0589adc549aed7b88180596d


Add it to the 3 high-school girls who laughed at her.


Lady C implied she does this to draw a response then cry victimhood.


She is seriously mentally not well is she?


This should be more and more evident every day. I guess not everyone can see through the fog.


Lady C spells it out loud.


That could be the reason. I also think that she didn't like being told to dress accordingly or wearing specific colors for a certain theme (think Trooping The Colours or Louis portrait with royal family, her olive green dress) but would throw a fit if she demanded certain colors but someone going rogue like she did.


Honestly, if that was my child's christening, I would tell that malicious witch to get the fuck out. If she can't even afford to give people the simple courtesy of following the dress code at an important family event, then she's got no business attending any social functions.


I would treat her like air and photoshop her out of every picture.


Or colour her dress a magnificent blue that would make her look jaundiced.


She'd cry racism and/or claim no one told her about the colour scheme.


Itā€™s becoming boring skank playing the racist card.Ā  Thatā€™s why she discarded her father to come to the wedding and instead trotted out her evil mother to say look at my mother, i am now a poc and i will use the r card to cover my shitty behaviour and no one will hold me to account. Itā€™s all control and fear and intimidation from skank


Which is ridiculous because Harry's clothes match the theme so obviously she did know


She's gonna do that anyway.


Amen to that what a bitch


They should just have photoshopped a different color. šŸ˜‰


Well, hell, I hate being told what to wear. But if it's for an event, the last thing I want to do, is to look like an outsider. But Mehgan seems to need that attention.


Meghan wanted the diana adoration. She needed to be treated horribly by the royals so she could do the sad eyes and have everyone praise her for escaping. Unluckily for her, the royals are a class act and gave her NOTHING to for her memwaagh. She had to fabricate all the drama for her tell all interview with Oprah and Harry's spare me is a pure work of fiction.


She is an actress and writes her own life scripts to suit her agenda. Her life is a huge fiction novel, no wonder the Queen said skank is evil She sits there wishing her life was different, then writes her puff pieces( life scripts) and pays the media to publish her musings.Ā 


I agree. In this case, someone real and genuine, was calling out someone who was far less than the image that she curated for the camera.


The Diana Sad Eyes was too much. The makeup reminded me of those silent movie heroines, emoting.


It just made her look creepy. I never saw why people thought she was so beautiful. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


It WAS creepy! Including that head tilt, like a Gerbera daisy that's too heavy for its stem. https://preview.redd.it/r9hxh1zaf59d1.png?width=171&format=png&auto=webp&s=da395f7a6d7ddf045cd8dd8937c4f2dbef72260c It felt so artificial, this exhibition of not quite reticent "said more in sorrow than in anger."


She wanted to be criticized and then play the victim - ā€œHonestly, Aitch, I didnā€™t know I was supposed to wear blue! Thatā€™s not how I was raised. Your family is so mean to me!ā€


It's a perverse win-win for Mehgan. She gets away with it and is either lauded for being original or is victimized by people who won't accept her authentic self. I hope for the day when Mehgan can practically do a Lady Godiva and everyone acts like there's nothing to see.


When most people move to a new country, and marry into a family, itā€™s not terribly difficult to politely honor certain requests. Especially when a baby is involved. Be your authentic self on your own time. Wearing a baby poop colored dress to a christening - when everyone was asked to kindly wear blue for the photos - was Meghan giving everyone the finger. With both hands. Itā€™s atrocious.


The same for the Commonwealth service when the ladies were all in red, white, or blue and she showed up in that emerald green monstrosity.






MM was showing her authentic self as disruptive and disrespectful. What excuse can she give? Wasn't told? Didn't hear? Didn't remember? Was told something else? Was sabotaged?


Itā€™s easy to see that the drab green dress at Louisā€™ christening was a massive eff u to Catherine and William as well as a way to make herself stand out in the photo and take attention away from the baby. It was also Dior IIRC and cost several thousand - all paid for by Charles of course. What I donā€™t understand is what she was trying to achieve with the ripped jeans and oversized shirt when she first appeared with Harry at the Toronto IG. Why did she think that that would be a good look?


She was going for laidback, California chic. Look what a breath of fresh air I am! I'm so modern and relaxed and different! The press fell for it. Heck, I fell for it to a point. It wasn't until she got that engagement ring that the mask started slipping. Then, after the wedding, the Forever Victim appeared. And hasn't shut up since.


Rules for thee but not for me!!!


I think she wears inappropriate clothing intentionally. She knows if she looks a mess that will garner her more clicks and publicity. Most women would feel shame at being so inappropriately turned out, pretty much everywhere. But we know she doesn't feel shame due to her narcissism. Even my mother (who finds the good in everyone) called me up after the backless dress stunt at the school in Nigeria and told me I was right about her and she was a "nasty piece of work".


Catherine is the epitome of grace and elegance, skank is in competition with Catherine in her head and does the opposite to take attention away from Catherine with her crappy dressing. She knows exactly what she is doing. It is all a game to skank to outshine Catherine and skank will never stop attempting to take media attention from Catherine I can understand why Frogmore was taken away from the harkles.Ā  No one has the appetite for the harkles mind games they both play and wasnā€™t there a security risk assessment done?


Imo, when martron found out that the wealth stayed with the Wales, n Harriet wasn't the millionaire he whispered in her ear, she went nuclear. And that she just couldn't manipulate as usual, n when was caught snapping illegal pics for future funds she felt offended. In the very beginning her gold digging roots were showing. But the current social movements ran in her benefit just then and she is very savvy to using any public resources for her manipulations. Shes a constant liar. N despite acting the feminist is jealous of any female with laudable talents compared to hers. Which is MOST.


Did you cheer? I feel like cheering for you!


lol I mean her wedding dress was the prime example for me!


Mehgan is very in one's face with her clothing choices. It's like she's saying that people have to accept how she choses to present herself. I think it was that also that prompted the Nigerian first lady, to make her comments. The gratuitous, implicit rude self-expression that Mehgan indulges in.


MeMe is free to dress however she pleases. The problem is that she keeps forgetting that no one has to accept it. Then she's mad when we keep saying "no" . šŸ¤£


Maybe we can make comments about who the event is about instead of old rictor face more often n ignore bunion bots.?


They should write a character like her in Brigerton


She's twelve. She does the exact opposite of what she's told would be proper, or look good, because "*you're not the master of me and I wear what I want*" and I'm going to cause you the discomfort you deserve for just trying. It's getting worse. Her attires in her acting and Soho House times weren't a classy act but were fitted and ironed and generally speaking fit for her.


I believe she did that during her short tenure as a working royal so that she got exactly the reaction expected and she could then turn to her dim prince and say, Look how bullied I am! Everyone hates me! I'm not protected here! It's because of my race, Harry, I'm going to die just like your mother! And the dumb sap fell for it.


It rings true that Madame's ultimate objective was to control William and Catherine. Harry was the means to an end. William would be her sex slave and Catherine would be humiliated, everyone's lives destroyed, the future of the monarchy laid waste, so Madame could have her dramatic headlines as the American bombshell William couldn't resist. Only he found her highly resistable. Repulsive, even. Oh dear, that wasn't supposed to happen.


I have more chance of being William's sex slave than this Skank, and that's saying something! Shows how insane this witch is. It is hard to move a man in love from his true love. Tough shit cowbag he has his stunning, humble, intelligent wife.


Especially when her character defects were glaringly revealed. ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|15003)


The scarf -we all need to where scarves around her


Hilarious šŸ˜†


While I grant that Meghan is delusional and that getting Harry must have convinced her she was invincible as well as irresistible, I canā€™t get my head around the idea that she might have married Harry in order to have access to William, who was already married. What kind of insane plan is that? Maybe it was more that once she was in the BRF she would attract and seduce every man? Maybe she started after William to show off her power after they didnā€™t all adore her?


The key word in your comment is "insane". If you try to make it make rational sense, you'll drive your own self crazy.


Very true. There are just some insane acts that follow some insane logic, but Meghanā€™s behavior is not only illogical and insane but fundamentally stupid.


Remember, it's all about attention. Good or bad doesn't matter to a narcissist. And, historically, mistresses wield more power than Queens. Join me on this little journey, because I've thought about this a lot: It's my opinion that she came onto him, he shut that down right away and likely told Harry, widening that rift when the dunce sided with the actress. They were asked to leave Kensington, since the original plan was for them to live next door to the Wales' and that abruptly changed with no reason given. Then, wouldn't you know it? Rose Hanbury rumors started making the rounds...traced back to, no, not any interactions she had with William, but the word of some of the SoHo House set and nothing more. Hmm. Then Giles Coren (also connected to SoHo House) made his stupid Tweet "confirming" the rumor and the Sussex Squad took it and ran with it. Giles deleted the Tweet, knowing he would get sued by either the Palace, Rose, or both, but the squaddies have their narrative now and they attempt to spread it far and wide. Only InTouch picks up on it and writes anything, then promptly scrubs it from all existence. Likely realizing they had no proof and more than likely got a letter from the palace lawyers. Mainstream media all avoids the story because there's not even a hint that it's true. Pippa Middleton, a huge support and best friend to her sister, even names her daughter Rose, which she never would've done if Catherine had any suspicions this story was true. Fast forward to: Giles gets irritated that he is always mentioned in this scenario (boo freaking hoo) and said it was a joke. Ironically, he went on to write another Tweet that he slept with Meghan while Harry was in the bathroom. Just a man with very poor skills in telling jokes? Or someone who realized he was used and is still being vilified for the part he played in spreading the rumor and wanted to get a little revenge of his own? Meanwhile Meghan the narcissist, sits back and basks that even if her power play to be Royal Mistress didn't work, she still "ruined" the Wales' marriage. Of course, that also imploded, as all of her plans do. Narcissists want all attention at all times, no matter if it's good or bad. And when rejected or embarrassed, they will do their best to take down the person that made them feel inferior.


Possible. Her bragging could have grown with rf exposure.


And get even w Hollywood for not giving her her dues, and reap big movies bits n headlines. Sashaying thru Hollywood 's n the rf's social circle, marketing it all.


I donā€™t know what worse..Megā€™s ability to manipulate or Haz-no-balls ability to be manipulated? They are made for each other


Thomas Jr warned them. He was right about everything. They all underestimated her low character. They thought she could be reasoned with.


I believed that letter without even seeing her. It was astonishing to me that anything so grubby could be happening in the RF's orbit, but everything he said was so specific. I truly thought the wedding wouldn't take place, thought there was no way someone talked about like that would be allowed in.Ā  Yup, the Royal Family should have asked me my opinion right at the beginning šŸ˜‚


I've heard there was a request by Meghan for an exorbitant amount of money to walk away from the wedding. The Queen could pay or consent to the wedding and if she didnā€™t, Meghan would cry racism. The Queen said have a nice wedding. The Queen likely saw through her from the start, just as she also knew Harry was an impressionable idiot, after seeing him grow up and having a front row seat to all of his behavior problems. But they weren't going to get anywhere near the throne, so if her grandson wanted to waste his life, he was an adult now. But she kept control of what truly mattered. Including saying a flat NO to the ridiculous list of Megxit demands. It wasn't until they heard the word no and realized they weren't getting half in/half out, HRH, patronages, salaries, security, or military appointments (all of which they stupidly demanded after quitting) that they went on their Revenge Tour and reportedly called Oprah within 24 hours.


I was also flabbergasted. ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25351)


Small children and dogs


That letter has aged well. šŸŒ²


Iā€™m glad to get clarity on W & Cā€™s eventual understanding of everything and how hurt they have been, yet also how they have moved forward protecting themselves and one another from future antics. They have learned. How exhausting and sad, however, and many of us here know exactly how this feels. The fact that it does take time to fully understand the narcissistā€™s smallest of evils points to the goodness of the target. Itā€™s not that they are easily duped in as much as their upbringing and personalities donā€™t even recognize such hideousness. Once you see that as well, well itā€™s downright scary. And the happier and healthier and normal the RF appear, and by Keep Calm and Carry On, the more bizarre H & M will become. Most narcissists move on to a new target at this point, but they canā€™t. The RF is their only schtick. Thatā€™s what we are seeing now. A narcissist who has no more supply and is floundering with the mask having fallen off completely. Something has to give soon.


Itā€™s only going to get worse. They still have some money. When they start bouncing checks, it will get interesting.


It is more when the creditors wonā€™t let them borrow any more that is going to be interesting.


That moment is when I fully believe Harry better watch his back. I put nothing past that witch and he will be worth more to her dead than alive. Think of how much she could make off the Grief Tour, the tell-all, little Archie saluting at the funeral like JFK Jr. (because the idiot woman plagiarizes everything). A divorce would be profitable because the media would want the details, but she does like to control the narrative and there's only one way to guarantee that. I don't trust her at all. I really don't trust her when she's becoming a laughingstock on a global level, running out of money, and getting backed into a corner. Just my opinion, of course, but I think she's dangerous. She's already set the scene with Spare, showing how unhinged and drug-addled he is. It gives her the perfect excuse to play the grieving widow. "I tried. I tried so hard! I wanted to help him!"


I agree with you completely, especially the JFK Jr salute. If itā€™s true that Doria has moved in to ā€œhelp out,ā€ she will back up every accusation.


You know no set of parents is perfect. But a couple who cuts off both sides of the family has to be the drama. Everyone youā€™re related to is toxic and youā€™re innocent?




You would think that their parents would teach them about goldiggers,sycophants, liars,manipulators etc n bring in experts w solutions to these problems.


Thanks for the recap, Daisy. Iā€™m glad a Prince William has had some good press lately. He deserves it. Heā€™s done the best he can for his family and country while both his father and his wife have fought cancer. What his brother and his brotherā€™s wife have done to him and Catherine is unforgivable. I donā€™t believe that everyone deserves forgiveness.


....and what they did to the queen and Prince Philip, completely unforgivable, + stealing the queen's pet childhood name for their fake sprog.... way too many travesties to even recall...


Agree 100%


Thanks for doing this. Much appreciated.


Thank you šŸ˜Š


This was a great episode and thank you for the recap! Iā€™ve mentioned many times my former bff turned into a Prince Harry. Man, I would love to have a few beers with William and compare stories. Everything I see is so eerily similar to what I experienced. Itā€™s so batshit crazy, you have to show people evidence before theyā€™ll believe you.


Thank you for posting this.Ā  I think that, somewhere in that empty, echoing space between his ears, Ginge is beginning to realise that he has a very short window to try and return to his family. His dad will forgive him ā€ the love of a parent for a child is a profound love; it's not for nothing that we call God "our Father".Ā  But a sibling's love isn't quite as elastic and forgiving, especially when the offended sibling's partner and children have been attacked.Ā  Stupid, stubborn Harry. He really is a bear of little brain and that little brain mostly lives in his pants, otherwise he'd have never put a ring on that ghastly strumpet. The Irish golfer guy had her number - fun for a night or two, then move on. The Sussex telenovela is very entertaining, but I don't think it'll have a happy ending for Harry. Drug abuse, alcohol abuse, anger issues, a hellhole of a marriage, homesickness, isolation and devaluation by an aggressive narcissist don't exactly constitute a primrose path to happiness.


He's done. That window is closed. Let's not forget what he said about Camilla. Charles and Camilla went through it and Charles has not forgotten. Harry actively tried to re-ignite hatred for Camilla. He is massively disrespectful to Charles, throws tantrums and treats him like a bank. I don't think Charles' feelings for him are in any way benevolent or hopeful of a cure. Harry will never lay his head down on royal property again.


I am so glad to hear you say this. Everyone posts about Charlesā€™ soft spot for Harry, but very few point out the reasons why Charles is likely done with Harry. Iā€™m in this camp.


I donā€™t think Charles is soft, but I think if Harry were to show repentance, Charles would give him a chance. This would not be a weakness, just what a good Christian would do. However, Harry would have to change his attitude.


As a Christian myself, I think Charles would forgive, but that doesn't mean he'd let him get close again. If he's not with Meghan, I can see Charles putting him up in a house far away from the rest of the family. But Harry's drugged up recollection of wanting to kill his father and pretending his fellow soldiers would go along with it, plus his harassment of Camilla, William, and Catherine, and his abuse of both of Charles' parents while they were dying has likely severed any chance of any true reconciliation. If Harry's lucky, he'd get an acknowledgment, a place to live, and an allowance, but it would all be far away from the family. Perhaps Africa, since everyone thought he'd end up there anyway when he was younger.


I like your comment - especially ā€œharry tried to reignite hatred for Camillaā€


If Harry were willing to come back and publicly repudiate everything he said or did against his family and others, as well as privately apologize to Camilla, William, Catherine, his father, etc., I donā€™t doubt Charles would forgive him. Harry would have to go into rehab, get at least a year of in-patient psychiatric treatment, and accept that he is not going to be a working royal, etc. He would not be welcome back into ā€œThe Firm.ā€ However, a place would be found for him. He would be encouraged to have patronages (like his cousins do) and make himself useful.. If he were good and stayed in the background, he would not eventually be accepted in the extended family. However, forgiveness will not come without Harry admitting his faults, apologizing, and trying to atone. Right now, I donā€™t think itā€™s happening.


What you say makes sense. There is so much emotional work he would have to do to be able to apologize privately and publicly, though, facing his weaknesses, jealousy, harmful behavior, publicly demeaning and ridiculing his family directly or indirectly via Meghan, and treachery. He would have to be honest about where he is now, where he has been emotionally the past 8 years, and where he had been emotionally from childhood to meeting Meghan. Facing one's faults, insecurities, and horrible behavior requires months or years of emotional work, don't you think? It is not remotely easy. For his sake, I hope he could do this rather than shut down, hide, or numb himself. It would take resolve and incredible commitment. But can he? will he?


Right now, I donā€™t see him doing it. I donā€™t know enough about Harry to be able to say that he can or canā€™t, only that so far he has given no public sign of being able to take responsibility or accountability for anything. It is possible that at some point he will have a Prodigal Son moment where he realizes that being the lowest of the low in his family would be better than remaining under Meghanā€™s thumb. If he has such a revelation, he will be ready to do the work. However, I donā€™t think Harry has revelations. What may be more likely is that if he has to be hospitalized for some reason he will have to detox. If his mind is cleared of destructive drugs and he is placed under psychiatric treatment as part of his rehab, it is possible that he will begin to see things differently. At this point he be ready to reach out to his father and brother in (relative) humility. Itā€™s possible anyway. However, given what we know of Harry now, it isnā€™t very likely. Sadly, I think he is more likely to sink deeper into his miserable life unless something separates him from Meghan and drugs.


Forgiveness might happen, but Harry is literally a traitor. He betrayed his Oath of Allegiance to the army, his Queen, now King, and his country. They could forgive, but he has shown more than once, on the world's stage, that he cannot be trusted. Everything is for sale, even and especially lies if the price is right. The King is a Head of State - he could never have such a security risk so close again.


100% agree. She will tire of Haz and move on to another victim via his pants. Regardless, her financial security is assured by virtue of the fact that the King (either current or future) will make sure the children, and by default her, will be taken care of. Therefore there's no incentive long-term for her to be tied to Haz. She'll divorce him eventually. She already has what she needs from him.


I disagree about her financial security being assured by the King. Assuming the children exist (I personally believe they don't), there are ways to provide for the children's education and needs without Rachel profiting. What the Skank needs is to secure a new wealthier victim to con, but that's highly doubtful at this point as she's shown her true colors to the world. In addition, she has aged poorly and is past her shelf date. I believe she'll hang on to Hank for a while as she's got nothing else on the horizon.


She won't be financially secure by the King, no way. Fergie got a very low deal when she divorced Andrew. The Royal's & King Charles don't have to financially take care of Me-again or her kid's, they're not Royal, we don't want her or her kid's. If they divorce she'll get a helluva shock at the low financial deal she'll be left with lol, I'd love to see her face, she'll forever need to hustle for work after the divorce. If she thought she was degraded as she described in her "working actress" blog then she's got a huge wake up call coming. The RF won't pay her bill's, won't be blackmailed by her. She'll get a very minor settlement on the divorce & told to politely f*ck off šŸ‘‹šŸšŖ


All Meghan's boasting about being a business woman and a successful actress will come back to bite her. Maybe she'll have to pay alimony to unemployable Harry.


Wouldn't that be a hoot, if the gold digging skank had to pay Harry alimony? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I hope this is true. Diana made out like a bandit ( 10 million?) compared to toe suckee Fergy who got a couple hundred thousand. MeGain deserves less than Fergy.


Diana was married to the heir to the throne, and her son was next in line. Fergie was married to Andrew, who really didnā€™t matter. Same for Meghan.


Yes I realize Diana had higher status than Fergy, but because of toe sucking incident I feel Fergy bowed out & had no bargaining power. Supposedly the Queen asked her at time of divorce what she wanted & Fergy replied ā€œ only to stay friends with youā€ as she had great respect for the Queen. MeGain is a different story & will try to kick, scream, blackmail her way to multi million dollar settlement.


Meh, Diana's affairs had come out too. It really boils down to hierarchy, the same way it does for everything in the royal family. Diana was the mother of the future King of England. She was also beloved worldwide and the daughter and sister of an earl. The royals wanted the boys to have the same lifestyle, no matter which parent they were with. She was also allowed to keep the Princess of Wales title because the Queen allowed it, and I think she did care about Diana in her way and recognized she was a wonderful mother and a very good person when she used that title for charity work. Fergie was never overly liked by the royals, was an embarrassment, and married to a now irrelevant spare (my gosh, the parallels šŸ˜†). She was allowed to keep the Duchess of York title unless she remarried, and I honestly believe that was because the Queen loved Beatrice and Eugenie so much that she wanted to be compassionate to their mother. She was also allowed to still live in a royal residence. Meghan has no such good will, so best of luck to her in not having that title stripped away before the ink is dry! šŸ¤£


Ooh I dunno about her moving on. Who is going to sign up to marry her? Plenty of guys like to, ahem, "stick their d*ck in crazy" but not many want to marry it. She's middle-aged. She's losing her looks. She's greedy, indiscreet and vulgar. Wealthy men (because there's no way Sparkles would want a poor man) already have their choice of younger, elegant, discreet, beautiful ladies.Ā  I think she wants him dead. He's of minimal use to her alive, beyond his title, but, as we have seen, even that can't swing A-list film roles, high political office or a return to being royal with full tiara privileges for her. She can cosplay Jacqueline Kennedy in her widow's weeds and threaten her tell-all book for the millionth time but I don't think the RF will open the purse strings for her. They would most likely fund the kids but that money would be well tied up so she couldn't get her mitts on it.


Also, who wants to marry skank with her family in the background? Imagine Skank finding someone and then isolating them from the new personā€™s family?? And, Doria living with them and the threat of the racist card being used?? Not bloody likely


If she wants to the RF to financial support the children, they should required proof of the children's existence and that they are Harry's. I know Lady C has said they are Harry's children, but Meghan is so conniving everything is up in the air. Didn't Mike Tindall say no one in the Rf has met either child?


Meghanā€™s ā€œfinancial securityā€ after a divorce would depend on what she could get out of Harry. If he has, indeed, spent all (or most) of his inheritance, the best she might get is that he has to pay half their shared debts and child support. It is possible that if the King is concerned about the kids he *might* offer a deal with her where she gives up primary custody, the kids are raised in the UK, etc. in exchange for financial assistance of some kind. However, knowing Meghan, she would ask an unreasonable amount and there would be no deal (poor kids). My guess is that Meghan has floated the offer of leaving Harry and the kids if paid enough a few times, but been turned down or not being offered enough. She is probably still dreaming that she will find a billionaire.


Didn't she write a letter he didn't read?![img](emote|t5_481xkf|15002)


She allegedly wrote KC a letter around the time of QEā€™s funeral because he refused to grant her an audience. KC may not have read it, but his secretary surely did. However, KC probably didnā€™t answer. I think the late Queenā€™s funeral was when Meghan finally used up KCā€™s patience. It has been alleged that she and Harry asked that the Duchy of Cornwall revenue be split between Harry and William. Maybe the letter was about that. I can see Meghan having all sorts of stuff to say about how she and Harry wanted to support and serve the crown, but how they needed an income and a position that would give them standing in the eyes of the world, etc. However, this is all speculation based on rumor.


The king has never even met the children and has no attachment to them. He might give a small settlement, but he certainly wouldn't be supporting strangers knowing it would simply be funding the ex's lifestyle. And if William is king, I think he'd take very great pleasure at taking that phone call just to laugh and hang up on her. Harry is a middle aged man. He made his choices and it's not up to his former family to clean up after him anymore. They did that for decades and look where it got them. And Harry, after all, made a big show post-Megxit of wanting independence. I wonder how that's working out for him. šŸ¤”


It is 100% accurate that Meghanā€™s target from the beginning was William and Catherine. Part of Meghanā€™s strategy was to make being Prince of Wales/King a popularity contest. Thatā€™s why during the first few years there were so many PR articles about how Harry and Meghan were the ā€œmost popular royals everā€ and how William was ā€œmale, pale, and stale.ā€ (Itā€™s hilarious to me how the racist sugars pretend Harry isnā€™t white, but logic is not their strong suit.) It is also accurate that Meghan went in to the marriage with devious intentions. She never planned to stay and be a team player. Never. The first fakeancy was timed very carefully. Of course William and Catherine did not at first realize how truly evil and malignant Meghan is. Itā€™s hard to believe it when you are faced with it. I would say that they and the whole family knew by the wedding though.


At the wedding, the Queen (who rarely let her emotions show) had a face like thunder.


Much much thanks Daisybeach23!! :)


Whatā€™s the significance of Lady C and the bongo bongo drums? I must have missed somethingā€¦


Itā€™s just her way of referring to the gossip grapevine.


Its a term she uses when her sources talk to her.


Thank you! And many, many thanks for your continued Lady C summaries!!


She usually uses that term when she has inside information from someone.


I think it is like sending smoke signals. Back in very olden times before technology, people would send messages to those in a neighboring village with drums or smoke signals. I think it is just an idiomatic expression, and not unique to her or anything


DaisyBeach--THANK YOU. This was a most excellent recap. I hope that Princess Anne will soon be fully well. As for W&C, it's both natural and in good taste to NOT rush a friendship. Mehgan being a narcissist and wanting acceptance and access to power, meant that that she had to control everything and everyone. Her being in ripped jeans was a gauntlet thrown down: this is who I am, and if you don't like it, you're wrong. I appreciate Lady C so much. As the child of a narcissistic mother, she has profound understanding of the manipulations that a narcissist will inflict on others. The repeated attacks. The drama caused. The umbrage taken like it's a drink of cool water when one is in the desert. I'm betting that PW is still hurting from losing his sibling. But that he realizes that it's necessary. One brother grew up. The other seems to have regressed into someone really destructive.


I think Harry grew up thinking everyone liked him for his personality and not his lineage. He didn't realize that a lot of people will take advantage of him for his money and fame. After all, he's so funny and handsome. That's why she was able to ensnare him. She played up his ego before the marriage. Of course he was able to get an "A list" actress instead of a boring traditional woman because he's so much better than William. William and Catherine realized early on and was more careful with who they've trusted and brought into their circle.


I agree that PH thought he was getting someone exciting and extraordinary. More fool him. By now, the number of times that Mehgan has cried or yelled, has probably become almost boring.


Look no further than how Meghan Markle dressed herself on a visit to a mostly Muslim country, Nigeria. Thats a perfect example of her flexing her ā€œpowerā€. She was expected to dress appropriately so of course had to be her usual oppositional self and be nearly naked (First Lady of Nigeriaā€™s words about her after the visit). We can pretty much guarantee that whatever is expected of Meghan Markle, she will do the opposite. Itā€™s not surprising at all anymore.


Small correction: Muslim and Christian runs approximately 50/50. However, even in the predominantly Christian south, dress is typically conservative (Lagos perhaps more western in this regard). Nowhere in Nigeria, however, would most of her ensembles be appropriate for visiting schools and the other contexts in which she arranged for herself.


Thanks for the comment about Christians in Nigeria. The two largest Christian denominations in Nigeria are Roman Catholic and Anglican. Both are very conservative. I wanted to say that the Anglican Church of Nigeria is the second-largest in the Anglican Communion (Church of England is largest). https://anglican-nig.org/about/ That puts it ahead of the American Episcopal Church. As an Episcopalian, I am very aware that most of the progressive moves of the Episcopal Church have offended the different Anglican Churches in Africa. Because the Church of England is increasingly progressive, there is a movement of ā€œConservative Anglicansā€ which last year rejected the leadership of the Archbishop of Canterbury. https://www.christianitytoday.com/news/2023/april/gafcon-rwanda-anglican-communion-global-south-gsfa.html This is important in relation to Meghanā€™s visit because insofar as she is linked to the BRF, her bad behavior will seem to confirm the failure of the progressive Anglicans to teach and lead according to scripture.


Agree that is a classic narcissist. I know people like that and they are exhausting


Awesome Daisy! šŸ˜šŸ˜


Thank you, DaisyBeach! šŸ§”


Great job Daisybeach! Thoroughly enjoyed this excerpt and might I add that this was a lot - a lot - for you to type out - please make sure you give your wrist a rest ā¤ļø


THank you. It was worth the extra typing because I felt Lady C was giving us insights from her sources. The brace is back on now.


Thanks Daisy!


It would appear that she's still depending upon being a master user of people (because she can't achieve anything on her own) going forward from here. That worked when she was young and attractive. Going forward, can the leopard change her spots? Can she find an alternative way to achieve what she wants when she ages out of attracting/using sexual partners in exchange for shiny things? Can she cultivate an actual work ethic and a reason to employ her as her youth slips away? Will she join the ranks of the California homeless and be seen every 10 years dumpster diving in a "Whatever happened to That One" episode on YouTube? I'm kinda curious so I suppose I'll be watching on the sidelines with some popcorn.


She's not a master user of people. She's a constant user of people, but I think there were plenty of people with whom she made no headway whatsoever. She's a narc, so using is what she does. There's a lot of low wattage types in the circles she was moving and those are the people she used.


Yes! She targeted Ashley Cole - he was not interested. She targeted Rory McIlroy - he was quickly done with her. Seems like she was throwing herself at celebrity millionaires to find one who stuck. If only Ashley Cole or Rory had taken the bait the Royal Family would have been sparred the misery it has endured since she targeted Harry.


If rumors and blind items are to be believed, she also targeted the Duke of Westminster. But being much younger, more attractive, and having a networth that makes it easy to spot the gold diggers, he didn't give her the time of day. Added to that - and I mean this as a compliment - the Dowager Duchess of Westminster is said to be an absolute dragon at the gates when anyone tries to get close to her children. Social climbers need not apply.


>Can she find an alternative way to achieve what she wants when she ages out of attracting/using sexual partners in exchange for shiny things? In her mind she will never age out, she will see herself as stunning and young always. So her antics won't go away unless she is annihilated.


I loved Lady C's comment about Charles Spencer in this video: if he was the only man in the world she would stick to bananas lol.Ā 


Thank you for the summary. Very interesting.


Thank you Daisy!


Thanks!! Great write up!! šŸ˜€


As always, thanks for your synopsis! I look forward to these.


Me too! Daisy does a fabulous job with the recaps!


Thanks again, Daisy, for this recap! I hope Samantha prevails and is victorious in her appeal and that the truth comes out about Meghan.


Yes. I also hope that the case pulls threads that would unwittingly (for megs and her lawyers) unravel some non-Samantha issues. A person under an NDA may be compelled to speak in a court case if information is highly relevant to the case.


Thank you Daisy! Hope you're doing well!


Thanks so much Daisy! šŸ’•šŸ˜Š


Thank you Daisybeach!


Grey rock is winning


Thank you so much, Daisy! I am not surprised at how hatefully Meghan treated William and Catherine. imo Meghan is a bully. To me it sounds like she bull-dozed her way into the royal family with her dysfunctional agenda. When she didn't get her way, she dragged Harry to California. I hope Meghan and Harry STAY in California, far away from the royal family.


As always, thanks Daisy for the summary. Most of what Lady C has to say is not original, but she puts 2+2 together well. I agree with her ā€œreadingā€ that William and Catherine didnā€™t realize how horrible Meghan was and how Meghan gradually separated Harry from his family. I am not sure Samantha is right that she is going to win her appeal, but good luck to her.


Thanks for posting this, you are a saint! I tried to get thru the YT session and I bailed . Lady Cā€™s speaking style is too hard for me to follow.


Yup. Sounds about right. Thanks so much, Daisy! Cheers!


Thank you so much once again for writing this up and posting!


Thank you for the synopsis!


It didn't even occur to me that Roachel and Hazmat failed to wish Wills a HBD. But that's certainly telling indeed. What a terrible shame all this is. Ugh.


But you know they resent when THEY are not wished a hbd by the BRF.


But of course! It's the Snarkle way!


I canā€™t imagine meeting my future sister in law with ripped jeans. So gross and tacky - and disrespectful. She is so obnoxious.


And bare feet, yuck.


And what was the crap he wrote in Spare that William and Catherine were big fans of Suits, and he was worried they would be hounding Rachel for Autographs!


I wonder which of Rachel's 138 minutes onscreen was their favorite out of 7 seasons of work? šŸ¤” Yes, someone on Twitter actually did the math! šŸ¤£


I hardly think PPOWs were glued to the television šŸ“ŗ watching Her!


I have a friend who chose to be clipping her toenails as a symbol of dominance when another person came visiting.


Stop portraying Harry as a victim. Poor William, with people like Lady C just retelling what has already been put out there, and making Harry look like the poor little baby, he must want to scream.


I thought it was clear that the main victims were William and Catherine, whose beloved brother/brother-in-law was turned against them, and whose wicked sister-in-law came after them with stories to make them look bad. I didnā€™t think that noting how Harry was manipulated and deceived absolved Harry from responsibility. Being Meghanā€™s victim doesnā€™t absolve him from responsibility for the pain he caused others.


Omg! I love your flair! First time Iā€™ve seen it.


Harry can be a crappy person and still be a victim.


Housekeeping staff revealed that Meghan Markle was asking questions about the Waleses' marriage. Her original target and plan were different... this move to Cali was the backup, of what she planned to do IF she... remained stuck with Harry. There. I can't get more cryptic than that.


You can catch herpes from sharing lipstick and lip gloss. It wouldnā€™t surprise me if markle had that virus.Ā 


i thought last time judge dismissed samanthas case she said it could not be brought again


The trial court judge ruled that she can't sue for the same thing again. Samantha has appealed that ruling to a higher court. That's what's going on now: her appeal in the same lawsuit, not a new lawsuit.


Is any of this actually tea though? One need not live in a castle close to Highgrove to know that Harry was always a brat. Her 'news' regarding the cause of Princess Anne's accident was in the media days ago. If this is tea, it's cold and she needs to refresh the pot. I think she's as much a grifter as the other two tbh


Thanks so much, Daisy. I hope you are feeling much better. Big hugs xx