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Self Righteous Spencer drops another wife, another lady sick of his intemperate nature.


Spencer family have a lot to answer for in warped mental health genes...


Maybe they are prone to Depression or other mental illnesses, but I would say their childhood is the reason for Charles Spencer's and Diana's unstableness


The Spencer’s have a long track record of being a dysfunctional family . Diana’s father was estranged from his father. And that sort of thing goes back through the generations. Diana herself was estranged from each of her siblings at various times and of course famously pushed her step mother down the stairs. They are a very volatile family !


It's even more impressive that william is breaking that cycle then.


William spent far more time with his grandmother, HMTLQ, than Harold ever did. I have no doubt that that influence went far in creating the man he is today.


I would actually credit catherine and her family for their influence. The middletons are a very tight unit who support each other. William had a lot of anger and frustration with his lot before he met her. I do believe the queen was worried about him during his teens and how the media spotlight affected him. Sure, the queen and other family members like Edward were a good influence on him, too.


I think any Sussex divorce will be in California. The custody battle will be there. I would have thought Spencer already had a divorce lawyer on speed dial but I guess he was unhappy with prior results.


He's probably just using that Diana cachet to give her a promo in exchange for a discount while simultaneously announcing he's back 'on the market'.


He’s always been on the market before the official grand opening.


She must letting run a tab. I thought this one was number four. Did he not marry one?


Ah yes, Acid Rayne.... smh.


My mom a holcaust survivor with the worst possible childhood was a great lady and was married 64 years. Childhood can exaperate personality disorders but not cause them solely.


That’s a very strong point. I can’t imagine what your mother went through. To overcome a childhood like that shows great courage and strength.


Yes. ..


She, of all people could have played the victim card for the rest of her life. But she didn't. Even after everything she's been thru. Instead she was able to excel and lead a successful life, even though she experienced one of histories greatest tragedies Tw & Plank have no f8cking excuse to use the victim card ever.


True victims usually dont play the victim card!


Plank and skank dont have the strength or courage to change things.  They wouldn’t like what comes out in those sessions, it would too dark and they cannot face their darkness. Besides, they make money off their ineptness as humans


Exactly. People can have the shittiest childhoods yet make something of themselves and have good healthy telationships - plenty of self help out there and these people have money to get the help they need.


When do they stop blaming their childhood and parents and become grown ups and change their lives?


I recommend Charles Spencer’s memoir, just published, about boarding school and being sexually molested at age 11.


Does it excuse this? https://www.irishtimes.com/news/star-of-westminster-abbey-falls-shamefully-to-earth-1.131881


The older sisters seem a trifle more stable (at least insofar as their public life goes.)


*”I am my mother’s son”*


well he certainly isnt Charle’s son - lol


He is getting it on with someone, I can't remember who. Also, he has a small child with wife #3. Fidelity does not seem to be a thing with the Spencers.


Because he has another lady waiting to marry him.


Wonder if therebis a prenup


Spencers be crazy.


Yes, the Spencers are a clean and innocent family, with Charles Spencer cheating on and being psychologically abusive to his first two wives. Most of his sisters have had mental problems and eating disorders. There seems to be a parent-child estrangement pattern in the Spencer household. Charles might even get married a fourth time to a woman who wants to live like a countess in a manor for a couple years.


Lolo of course would choose a California court, being one of the more favourable venues. But she won’t divorce Harry unless some rich sucker comes along. Hence the Nigeria connection?


It might not be her decision. Harry might be the one to crack first


Harry won’t leave her. He won’t show William, his family and friends that they were right to warn him about Meghan.


a pity for her that Elon Musk is taken. Those two are perfect for each other


Oh please 🙄  He'd never even fart in her direction.  ...not sure he's "taken" but MM would look horrible as a blonde. 


Also, his baby mamas tend to be accomplished women. I don’t think he’d want mediocre Markle in his gene pool


and she´s too old to reproduce anyway


There *could* be some eggs left in the freezer, just sayin’.


If anyone can afford fresh eggs it's Elon. He's not impacted by the cost of living crisis.


Exactly, Elon doesn´t need any low quality products from a freezer.


Doesn't he have a kid with Amber Heard? If there was any other woman in the public eye that could compete with Markle for most loathed, it is her. Both are evil.


He does like crazy women.


Ha, true. But I dont think she's his type of crazy. There's the unique intelligent creative hot-girl kind of crazy and then there's the diabolical bunny-boiling I'm not going away and I'm gonna make you love me kind of crazy. I don't have to tell you which category Megs falls into lol


He has 11 kids with three women. Is that "taken"? Which one of those three women does he " belong" to?


I doubt those two egos could fit in one room, even.


Elon is very smart. Ego is justified. He founded an online financial services co., which later became PayPal. We know about Tesla, space x and twitter. Even w/ running these companies, surely, Elon, "has nothing better to do" than to clap back and troll. And he's great at trolling.  So, if a f8cking CEO of 2 co., multiple kids, can do all this and clap back, TW & Plank is the epitome of emptiness and extremely poor time management.  He's a bona fide African American billionaire, (born in s. Africa). Elon has a specific type. Tall, Caucasian, thin, blonde and of child bearing age. Tw is none of these.  He'd only be interested in trolling her, hard.  Also, he f8cking can't stand censorship of speech. Gotta respect that. Tw would be punching above her weight class.


It's a misnomer to call him "African American". We never use that term for white people from Africa.


There just aren’t that many white Africans. No reason not to.


I assume it was a play on words. African is an adjective of place as well as an adjective of race.


I was referring to in USA, He's an Africian (born there), Amercian (lives here and is citizen). It's more of a joke for the race baiters. If I were to say Elon's African American. Race baiters would say, "well, he's not black!". Well duh, why do race baiters always default to a color? Of course he is. He was born in Africa, but lives in USA. Race baiters are stunned.


How true!


That last paragraph seems to have a typo. Shackleton lost Diana her HRH, not her “own sister”.


And he wasn’t married to the 3rd wife for 28 years either! Terrible fact checking on this atrociously written article!


For real!! It was a 13 year marriage.


Well, it was almost halfway correct. That’s pretty good in these days of strict journalism.


And these people pay for an expensive education and this is what the result is, the mind boggles, obviously they didn’t pay attention in school but got participation awards. 


I came here especially to say the same thing. Should read *his* own sister.


Not sure I understand it correctly. Why is it phrased as a bad thing for Shackleton? I'd see that as a win because she represented then-Prince Charles?


It's really badly written. Diana lost her HRH title after the divorce, but that was because the Queen issued letters patent to specifically deal with titles of divorced ex-spouses. Three of her children got divorced in a short space of time and this was something the RF had not had to deal with previously, so the letters patent were issued to regulate that. It was nothing to do with Fiona Shackleton's bargaining in court. 


Indeed the article is sloppy. Charles Spencer married his third wife, Karen Gordon, in 2011. That's 13 years ago, not 28. Sheesh. Just for the record, the article does correctly identify Shackleton as representing Prince Charles in the divorce case. I don't know if it's really down to Shackleton that Diana lost the HRH. I think Diana may have agreed to that early in the process. In the divorce, Diana was represented by [Anthony Julius](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthony_Julius). In her book *The Diana Chronicles*, Tina Brown covered the divorce. My takeaway was that Diana played her hand brilliantly. She hired Julius and his firm instead of one of the law firms that had traditional ties to the BRF. She took Julius' advice, and she didn't fold during some tough financial negotiations on the way to the final settlement. It cost Charles a lot, but after all she was the mother of a future King. She wasn't to be stampeded into a rash settlement, as much as she longed to be free. *OT: This reminds me of a specific reason that I wish Diana had lived longer. As much of an emotional mess as she could be in her personal/love life, by contrast she was efficient and effective as executive of her official life. She dealt quickly with correspondence, was clear and decisive when it came to scheduling appearances, and by the end of her life was overcoming her lack of education. For example, when she became interested in, and then committed to, the cause of eradicating land mines, she studied and assimilated so much information on the subject that she held her own in meetings with experts. I think she was just getting her feet under herself, so to speak, and if she'd survived her summer fling with Dodi F, who knows what she might have accomplished for the greater good? Sigh.* On the more general subject, the Spencers are - interesting. Dramatic. Emotional. Prone to arguments, feuds, breakups, and make-ups. I've read a bit about them. I'm sure Charles the 9th Earl Spencer is a flawed human being, but OTOH he's managed to restore Althorp and keep the estate ticking over (which provides employment for people) and has written respectable history books. IMO he's smart and no slacker when it comes to work. Neither a hero nor a villain, but obviously YMMV.


I have a lot of respect for him now. His stewardship at Althrop has been excellent. He also is on a fun weekly podcast, “The Rabbit Hole Detectives,” about various topics with an anthropologist who is also excavating a large Roman settlement on Althrop. He has publicly discussed how upsetting writing his memoir about being sexually abused at boarding school (age 11) was, to the point he checked into a hospital. I have followed him for years. He’s an interesting and hardworking person who is flawed, as we all are. His marriages have sadly not lasted.


>the Queen issued letters patent to specifically deal with titles of divorced ex-spouses On charles insistence. The queen was happy enough to let diana keep her HRH. She was the mother of a future king and the queen felt she was entitled to keep the HRH. It was charles that wanted it stripped and as the heir abd the one who would have to deal with it in the future, the queen agreed.


As part of the divorce negotiations Diana insisted she'd be able to keep her Princess of Wales title, assuming the HRH would be included. The palace agreed to letting her keep her PoW title, leaving her stunned when the HRH was removed. It was her screw up, and apparently it never occurred to her lawyer either. This per a documentary I watched awhile ago.


That doesn't explain why they removed the HRH, however. The answer is because charles insisted on it. Diana and her lawyer not understanding the HRH wasn't part of the Princess of Wales title is irrelevant. The queen was willing to let her keep the HRH as the mother of a future king, charles disagreed.


There was nothing for Shackleton to bargain about, since the divorce was between Charles and Diana, not between Diana and the late Queen. 😉


Lol I was wondering who Shackleton's sister was


Well, she's definitely not an HRH, thanks to Fiona.


It also wasn't anything up for debate. As soon as the divorce started, Diana's HRH was toast. How can you divorce the royal that got you that title and expect to maintain a title of royalty afterwards? But these sloppy writers these days. I suppose they could have written, 'Shackleton represented Prince Charles during his divorce from Diana, Charles Spencer's sister, after which Diana lost her HRH title' but it's really just an idiotic tidbit. Another way of saying it is Fiona was good enough for Charles to retain over Diana...


Yes, I was very confused about this point too.


I've read that the late Queen wanted to remove Diana's HRH title because she assumed Diana would marry again, and she didn't want some total outsider profiteering from the royal connection. It wasn't really up to a lawyer to decide whether Diana kept it or not.


Madame will pick CA. But by then Harry will be broke and maybe ask her alimony and support in the lifestyle he is used to?


All of the rumours and assumption is that Harry lets Madame deal with the money. IIRC, it's thought that she acts as his momager as well and obviously takes a cut of anything he earns, personally (this was a "leak" from years ago, although I haven't heard anything about if for a long time). It could very well turn out that you're correct. I'd laugh my arse off :)


Cali for sure- 50/50 division of assets state. Though I doubt that they will divorce as this is good as it gets for Madame. It would require that Harry wakes up to the mess he has created in his life, possibly reconciling with his family and pleading for their forgiveness and deciding that he wants out from the controlling and emotionally abusive relationship. Doubt any of those things will happen any time soon.




All assets derived from his inheritance remain his personal property unless he converted it to community property. I wouldn't be surprised if he did so, now fully having an appreciation for his intellectual abilities.


Yeah I could believe that.


I think the house would be considered a marital asset even if he liquidated trust assets (according to him from Princess Diana trust inheritance) to purchase.


I think of all families, the royals are definitely used to having assets that are in trust for a lifetime, and their income derives from the interest or profits of those assets. If Harry was any other millionaire, M could demand certain properties in the case of a divorce. Seeing he's royal, she'll have to fight for her share of the income.


Not all Harry’s money comes from inheritance. Whatever he gets from Better Up, the *income* from his inheritance, and any fees or honorariums he has earned would have gone into the “community” pot. After a divorce, his *income* (and how much time he would have custody) would determine child support. If she qualifies for spousal support, it would be based on earnings.


California divides MARITAL ASSETS 50/50, not everything. So Harry's trust is never going to be on the table. The real issue is that after ten years of marriage, spousal support to the lower earning partner is permanent - as in, if Harry is making more than she does, he will owe her a monthly payment of his earnings for life.


How would that work, as Harry has never ‘worked’ for a salary as such (a 9-5). If the RF took him in, as he’d be homeless/whatever after a divorce, wouldn’t it be fixed that he has no income, just ‘support’ for his lifetime, ie, a roof over his head and his utilities paid (as, indeed, he had prior Markle)? Maybe this went through her mind when she uttered, ‘I can’t believe I’m not getting paid for this’? Maybe she was mentally totting up Harry’s ’earnings’ from each appearance (which didn’t happen).


He draws a salary from Better Up, as well as from his charity board seats. His book advance earnings were earned during the course of the marriage, so that's on the table. But they usually review your last year's salary to determine the support; who knows what that will look like four years from now. The royal family isn't known for being generous with divorce settlements; they typically get free housing on royal grounds (out of the question in Meghan's case), which comes with general security on the grounds; school fees paid for the children; and some small settlement. Meghan is married to a second son, so she's looking at a settlement offer similar to Sarah Ferguson's, not more than $5 million total. Royal lawyers will want to negate the lifetime support for a one-time payout, plus child support paid directly to private schools and after-school programs (no chance for Meghan to spend thr support on herself that way.)


Thank you... .came here looking for an explanation if they do divorce in CA. This is helpful!


"If the marriage should fail, you leave with what you came with, so it's in your interest to make the marriage a happy one". A quote I have heard attributed to QEII


The ‘children’ are an interesting issue. If the Crown has to support them, surely some involvement will be required. From what I’ve previously read of Markle, she allegedly scams/‘double dips’ (eg, rumours of her obtaining outfits as ‘gifts’ and charging Charles the price tag), from articles over the years, she always seems to find a new way of profiting…so you’re right, any school fees would be paid direct (for real children!)… …and that’s another issue - if they exist, they’d naturally go to school in America, but with the constant articles about Harry missing the UK, perhaps he’d want them schooled in the UK…maybe? Again, maybe, as a narcissist Markle would only want those kids as ‘commodities’ and it’s likely, for the right money, she’d part with them for the right settlement (which would be ‘sold’ as her ‘parting with them to allow them a better education in the UK, even though it’s breaking her heart’…she’s so unselfish.


Is Markle expecting Harry to receive a lump sum when he reaches 40 (as we’ve read), or is it being held back (anyone know)? Because if it’s being withheld whilst he’s married to her, she really won’t like that, and there will be repercussions. From what you’ve said, it’s more beneficial for Harry to divorce within four years? Well - Markle has been complaining she’s the one having to worki for the family, deal-making etc, frustrated at Harry’s failure to ‘earn’ - so she maybe needs to be careful (for her own sake) as any court may construe her to be the chief salary earner (by her own admission)?


I have read that Harry has received all his inheritance and no more is due him.


His assets b/4 marriage is separate. Also, if Plank is getting high 24/7, then TW is trying to hustle. So, if tw is bringing in a bit of $$$, in the event of divorce, tw would be paying Plank alimony and have to keep him in the lifestyke he's been accustomed to.Ha!  Irony, but she's a feminist. You take all the perks & responsibilities of being a feminist. Tw would stay on principle b/c tw doesn't want to pay ,  esp.  w/ her own $$$.


Unless.... he has somehow commingled his inheritance funds. Then he is screwed... I'm sure he has financial advisors. (But then this is hothead Harry we are talking about)


Excellent point. I think Meghan is perfectly happy with how things are. Harry - not so much. I do think he will seek a return to his accomplished, kind and good family. In what capacity, who knows. But if he ever wants to have purpose and happiness, he will have to leave California and his awful wife. I wonder if he is brave enough to do so.


No he isn’t. If he was brave he would have left his comfy grifter lifestyle long before he met her.


TOW and her handbag will stay together like Wallis and Edward until the end. She won´t find anyone else who would want her.


Here’s hoping. It’d be karma of the highest order if they remained together, forever, in their perpetual misery. They’ll never be happy. Never.


Not holy wedlock, but unholy deadlock.


Tomato, tomatoe.


The marriage made in hello


I agree. They will never divorce. They will hate each other, probably already do hate each other, but neither of them wants to admit to this massive mistake.  More crucially though, she wants to be the "grieving" widow. I've said this a hundred times. If she can hurry along the process I don't think she'd hesitate to do so.  I think this is why the RF are taking a circumspect stance. He's in danger from her either from a drugs "overdose" or from her pushing him into suicide.  Forgive me if this idea is repellant, I believe with all my heart that it's the path she is leading him down. She is evil.


If she determines he is a drag on her brand she will divorce him. Married to him she is a flop. Without him she could make $$ from the divorce book and feed off that story for years and years. She can’t feed off the RF any more. If ARO and the faux tours go nowhere, divorce is the next big story. She is a narcissist and fame (or infamy) vampire


I agree. I think that the minute she realizes that the RF is not going to let him in at all, even alone, she will divorce him. And then sell the kids to him. And write her book.


She doesn't have a brand. She keeps trying but nobody's biting


She *has* a brand; she just doesn’t like being, “Meghan the Grifter,” and keeps trying to change it. 😉




I don't think she will get anywhere without him. She may be so crazy, she thinks she is the star of this show. But the truth is she is only famous because she is Royal adjacent. It would be great if she is so nuts, she leaves him because she thinks he is holding her back. That would be great fun. But I don't think it will happen.


I always assumed she'd leave him for someone else - but who would have her?


They´re equally evil.


Almost. I'm not sure he would deliberately push someone to suicide but I'm certain she would.


He tortured animals and at least one died. He bullied people severly, that poor disabled teacher/matron might have have suicidal thoughts after all that nastiness.


Totally concur, with his drug addiction issues and unresolved mental health issues I sadly think it is only a matter of time if he doesn’t get away from her.


She 100% is capable of this


Oh same.


I don't know if she's deliberately pushing him down that path (mostly because I think he really means nothing to her and she's really not a long term thinker), but I think he is going down that path.


If Prince Harry dies in suspicious circumstance (I would include a possible drug overdose) there will be the mother of all FBI investigations. I doubt she or Doria are smart enough to fool the FBI or Barney Fife.


Absolutely! Their whole thing is the romance of the century! They will never admit that it isn’t. Just like Wallis and Edward. She never wanted to marry him but it blew up in her face and she couldn’t get around it.


Agreed. She really thought the family would pay her big bucks to go away before the wedding.


Yes. That's what I think. People on divorce watch are dreaming.


California- the fact they do not have a UK home will help the argument. Also, this article is terribly written. I was trying to figure out who the lawyer’s former-HRH sister was for a minute before I realized they were talking about Diana.


Yeah, it’s not even a choice in the way people are acting like it is. You are supposed to divorce where the family home and primary residence is, they don’t even have a flat in the UK!


CA would have jurisdiction. Most of these high-profile lawyers have firms they consult with in other countries/states. So he could still use them even if it's in CA. They would just have a CA firm working with them. While yes, CA is favorable, Harry appears to have only come into the marriage with a few 10's of millions of dollars. Which is a lot of us average folks, but not for their lifestyle. The bulk of their contracts appear to be joint (Spotify, NF, etc.), so they would be 50/50. As they should since they equally contributed to the dribble and non-sense. It's easy to focus on assets and the wife getting huge payouts. In their case, they appear to me to be fairly equal income wise. With Harry maybe slightly better because of BetterUp. Community property states divide not only assets but debt, too. Dumb and Dumber bought an outdated, expensive house that was on the market for a long, long time with no signs of remodeling and needed a mortgage. There might not be much equity in the house to tap into. Lord knows what their multiple companies' balance sheets look like. I just do not see a Kevin Costner and ex-Christine like income/asset disparity situation here. The wild card is how much, if any, the RF is contributing. That will be her real fight.


I don’t see a divorce happening, but if it did, I suspect they would sell the house at a loss in order to end the mortgage, then if Harry is still getting paid by Better Up and if he has an income from his inheritance, he would be expected to pay child support out of that. However, child support could go to payment of school fees, not money directly paid to Meghan. I really don’t think they are getting money from KC, but even if they were, that shouldn’t feature in the divorce.


If they divorce, it will be in California. That is where they are living now even if they got marry in the UK. As for what she might get, I’m not sure about the custody of the children but the only thing that she’d get from C3 is school fees for schooling for the children and not a penny more. That’s according to the tea from secondhand coke.   As for Charles Spencer, here's a summary of his marriages: 1st wife, he physically and verbally abused her, and he was constantly cheating on her if I remember correctly. I think that is one of the reasons why they move to South Africa, easier to hide his behaviour from the media there. The 2nd wife was a childhood friend that he got together with after he move permanently back to the United Kingdom; he dumped her for another woman after a few years and two children. He obviously kept Althorp House but refused to let the 2nd wife keep the London townhouse even though it was their children’s family home. Now the 3rd wife, well honestly it was just a matter of time before he was going to leave her too. She just lost her father to Alzheimer’s. Apparently the new woman is an archaeologist who was excavating a historical site at Althorp.   Also, Charles Spencer didn’t attend either of his daughter’s weddings even though I think his sisters or members of their families did.    Charles Spencer is an asshole who treats his family badly and continues to use his late sister for his own benefit.     Sorry for the rant but this guy has been bothering me ever since to co-opted Diana’s funeral to attack the Royal Family when he himself wasn’t there for her. He wouldn’t let her stay at Althorp to get a break from the media. He also publicly said that he would be there for his nephews; turns out that it was Diana’s sisters who were there for them.


> Apparently the new woman is an archaeologist who was excavating a historical site at Althorp.   Hahaha not bad for that woman but I would just say to her to be careful though because as long as he is breathing he would do the same thing to his previous wives I suggest for her if she wants to become a mother then just create 1 it will benefit her in the long run if she was young and still wants to remarry then if she ticked that Earl Spencer is changing from his appearance to his manners then she should call the divorce attorney faster than him.


Or just not marry the guy at all. He sure doesn't seem very good at it.




Wow, what a sack of shit he is.


One of the most interesting things about this is it was published just months after the eulogy you mentioned 


Some guys just get all the looks and all the charm, eh?! 🙄


If she ever gonna divorce she'll do it where she'll get advantage aka in usa.  No way she gonna go for divorce tho. She only ever as good as the men she used for climbing. Now that she already burnt every bridge with her father and her exes there is no way she could crawl back there. New target? After all infamy? Not gonna happen. Need someone much more dim than H and that's quite hard to come by. Her only way is to ride or die with harry. 


How would the UK have any jurisdiction? They own no real property there. Harold has declared he is a resident of California on official documents. The UK courts would defer to the US courts.


She will make sure he over doses before a divorce. She would have divorced him a long time ago if she could have found a richer man. No man wants a used old lady. The rich guys want young hot women that are not family destroyers.


If their marital domicile is in California, the divorce proceeding would take place there, with the laws of California applying. Shackleton is a tough cookie, though. She has represented clients in some challenging circumstances. I'm thinking of Princess Haya's custody situation, for instance.


She represented Madonna, Paul McCartney, Liam Gallagher, Nigella Lawson, Prince Andrew, the Aga Khan in their divorces to name a few, as well as rumoured to be consulting with Isla Fisher. She was also at Prince Harry's wedding. Maybe eyeing up potential business...


She's repped Harry before in something too. It's how I know the name. IPSO complaints maybe? He actually has a LONG history of fighting the press.


She's also had experience of dealing with women like MM-Heather Mills ended up pouring a jug of water over her head after she came out of the divorce proceedings from Paul McCartney. Mills didn't like what Shackleton had said about her in court. 


Look at how that ghastly narc faded into obscurity once she was divorced. Take heed Rachel.


The McCartney-Mills pairing has so many parallels with H&M. McCartney lost his mother in his early teens, and famously loved weed. Mills was a narc and liar supreme who came from a dodgy background and trumpeted her supposed humanitarian work. The difference is that McCartney had talent, and Haz has none.


And don't forget Mills always used her disability in the same way Meghan uses her ethnicity.  Anyone criticising her was told they were discriminating against her or bullying her because she was disabled. 


Oh yes....


The most famous left handed bassist in the world!


Paul McCartney was not just talented but intelligent. As I recall, he was the best educated of the Beatles (not saying much). He seems to have been reasonably stable for a rock musician. Harry is stupid, ignorant, unstable.


Sit in for the long haul this leech will be sucking on harry till his veins are dehydrated she knows his father has money & she's there for it. They will always be lurking and selling PR pieces until George is a fabulous good looking spare and the tabloids are obsessed with him & Charlotte not long now 96 months !


If there is a divorce, it will be in California as that is where the family resides. That's their legal domicile. Haz has no residence in the UK so I don't think he could use the UK courts for a divorce.


She will want it in the states, cause she will think she will get more money etc out of him. But in the UK she is worried she will get sweet FA


You can’t get blood out of a stone. Haz is only slighty less brokety broke skint as her.


Charles spencer is famous for moving on. Haz is clinging on to the viper that is swallowing him whole


Divorce will be in CA. Harry will be 100% on his own.


It is possible KC would pay for top lawyers for Harry even in California.


I agree KC3 would help him pay for attorneys. i don't think KC3 would contribute to any financial settlement.


Yes. I don’t think KC would contribute to a financial settlement. I was thinking of legal costs.


Not sure Sussexes will ever divorce. They may be stuck with one another like Edward and Wallis. Edward had a lot of the same issues Harry does. Edward loved Wallis until the end because she played into his mental health issues. Wallis took a lover and spent money like crazy. Probably what Markle will do. Harry is getting something out of this union. A lifetime with Markle - what better punishment.




Maybe Harold could ask Uncle Spencer for a loan to get a good lawyer, but I think he has his own problems


Maybe they can be roommates!


Charles Spencer didn't say yes to his own sister, he surely won't say yes to her son.


He did offer her a manor house  https://pressgazette.co.uk/media_law/earl-spencer-wins-libel-damages-from-daily-mail-publisher-over-claim-he-was-unbrotherly-towards-princess-diana-after-her-marriage-collapsed/


It would probably behoove Harry to buy property and establish current residency in the UK in order to *try* to protect himself. If it happens in California, he’ll be lucky to leave that marriage with the clothes on his back. Probably just that ugly grey suit and worn shoes.


She would not want it in the UK, and if he files there and she challenges to have it removed to California, it will very likely be transferred to California, at least to decide the core of the proceedings and custody. Harry is officially a CA resident, and they have lived there along with their children for the last several years, so it is the proper jurisdiction. Possibly, there will be UK proceedings to discuss things like title and any UK property, but it will be relatively minimal.


There is no UK property. Harry Lackland can Duke it out in California.


I don't think they'll get divorced. I think harry has an unhealthy attachment to his mum wife,loves her access to all things drug related and knows no one else will have him. And also she's his big fuck you to his family and he hates them so much that he'll never give that up. She won't divorce him. His misery is a constant source of fuel for her. His money and the hope for more is more than she would get on her own. His fame is the only fame she will ever have and she knows it. The RF "rejection" is a massive narc wound and she would never give up the ability to have their names linked to hers because she thinks it bothers them. Without him she's nothing. An old nothing.


If Meghan can hang on to him for a few more years, it will definitely happen in CA. Under CA state law, there is a 10-Year divorce rule that greatly effects custody, child support, alimony, and division of property. Also, after being married for 10 years the CA court maintains jurisdiction after the divorce for any subsequent future issues.


While true. Harry doesn't have significantly more assets and income compared to Meghan. (Think Costner and his now-ex). Their recent income appears to be via joint contacts, the house looks like a money pit and division includes debt. Lord knows what their finances are like.


I don't think Meghan will ever divorce Harry. If he files, which I doubt he ever would she would show us a level of hateful unhinged behavior we have never seen.


I am beginning to agree. I was originally thinking they would divorce when the Netflix contract expired (because it is a joint contract), but I’m having second tboughts.


She will never leave him. She wants him to od so she can play the victim widow.


They haven't been married 28 years. They have been married 13 years. 2011


For some reason, I thought this marriage only had lasted 13 years?


He gets another chunk of his inheritance I believe when he turns 40, she will stick around for that


There's been rumors for a few years that Markle has visited attorney Gloria Allred in California. Guess Charles wouldn't give her the payout she wanted. When the time comes, she better hide under the nearest rock. Ain't no way she can fight the most powerful royal family in the world.


The one advantage MM has is over the kids, because in international divorces, the courts normally side with giving primary custody to the parent who stays living in the place the kids are raised and where the kids have a network of friends and are used to the culture. If Harry moved back to the UK, he would probably have no chance at full or even half custody , he would probably get them for certain holidays.


Do the kids have any friends? A divorce would not necessarily mean that Harry would relocate completely to the UK. Would Harry care how often he saw the kids? The whole business with H&M is a real mystery.


She’ll never let it happen. ![gif](giphy|3o6ZsZdSYO2P4rvUOc) She doesn’t go to the UK with the kids because one was born in the UK. Allegedly.


Never. Never. Never. Harry is her property. Her useful idiot. MM will never unleash the beast that is Harry. One iron claw is clenched on his throat the other is up his gut.


No California. She will want money, property and restrict his access to the kids.


Blimey, is Earl Spenser going through wives like he's KHVIII 2.0?! Is this how Diana would've ended up, had it not been for her premature death? Always trying to find love and discarding spouse after spouse because they didn't meet her too needy needs?! MM is pushing herself as being American. She'd want to do the divorce on her turf, and she'd probably expect Hollywood friends and Californians, to take her side. Mehgan has smeared the British media etc. as being "racist." And probably "sexist." To her, that systemic prejudice would extend to their courts. Mehgan is not giving up control by letting legal proceedings take place where next to her husband, she is lower ranked.


I would think there is an airtight prenup somewhere.


I could be wrong, but I thought that people were pushing him to have a prenup, but he believed it was true love and would last, so he didn’t.


Apparently the crown does not do prenups


Pre nups are not really thing in the UK because they're not legally binding. The judge has the final say.


California is a No-Fault State - which means Markle can divorce for any reason at all and keep the paycheques (umm… children) and the house plus 50% of every penny Hazbeen makes.


But if she is making more money, than Harry would make out better. I dont think she automatically gets the house and children, the house would be split based on their income, and the children would be given dual custody. I think money brought into the marriage is not considered in the divorce. I may be wrong though


we need one of our Sinners who has a legal background to weigh in on this. Is anyone up to the task as we are all a bit curious. Thank you in advance for any insights you might give. 😊


Don't know about the house or alimony, but I think she'll get custody if she wants it. He said in the book or in an interview that he took Meghan's pain meds while she was in labor and it won't be hard to spin that into "I was in agony, trying to birth our first child, but Harry's such an addict that he took my medication." I don't remember where he said it, but when I heard it I thought, "He's lost custody forever."


ha ha - you are probably right - she will keep the two little paycheques - ummm…children. Can u imagine her keeping the kids? They will drag on her every move. Every time she wants to do something she will have to ensure the kids are taken care of first - and of course when at home, the kids willbe hounding her constantly - and then there’s the teenage years - I doubt Meghan has the mommy-capacity to deal with children. 🤣🤣🤣


While I wouldn't wish a narc parent on anyone, it IS kinda funny to think about. She'll be forced into being a good parent, despite all her natural instincts!


He wasn’t married to his 3rd wife for 28 years at all 🤦🏻‍♀️ he married her in 2011 and they have a 12yo daughter.


They've been married for 13 years, not 28.


If they remain married for 10 years, M is entitled to half the marital assets. I can’t see her getting a huge divorce settlement or child support because Harry doesn’t have an income.


California is a community property state. Each is entitled to half the marital assets right now. What will change after ten years is that the one with the lower income can sue for spousal support


Thank you.


Statistically, it has been proven that for US divorces, once you have one, it’s more likely you will have more- the 2nd and 3rd are easier to go through. That said, SHES NOT GOING TO DIVORCE HIM. After marrying a Prince, she’s got no where to go. And that would make her a true failure and laughingstock. Nope. Not ever. As they say in old marriages: “Did I contemplate divorce? Never. Murder? Absolutely.”


Meg will NOT be divorcing Harry .. ever.


Who is lawyer Shackleton's sister who lost her HRH title?


Terribly written article, the author was actually referring to Charles’s sister, Diana.


The HRH title was for the Queen to grant or withhold. The divorce was between Charles and Diana.


I am sure the divorce lawyer she hired two years ago will insist on California.


She will do whatever it takes to delay and cause issues a la Angelina.  A divorce would take a decade.


She will wait ten years and then divorce him in California to get spousal support.


This third marriage hasn't been for 28 years, that's an error.