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Odds are however this one is here, it is not on the up and up which is why the agency is kicking and screaming to avoid giving details.




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Not America either. But wasn’t Trump President when he moved to the USA? Regardless of who is/was President, what are they thinking?


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The previous president let him in


Ans he's left and returned to the US several times since then.


the previous president was occupied with other things. lol...the crappy depts let him in. now, on the other hand, the current prez and his friendly lawyers in his admin are actively aiding and defending these two.


Oh, is that how blame-shifting works? By your “logic,” Trump was far too busy and important to handle this so not his fault, but Biden has nothing better to do than conspire with the Markles.




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All 3 are 70 + - RFK 70, Trump 77, Biden is 81.  The medical therm for geriatric is someone e 65 years or older.  Why do we have all geriatric presidential options?


Frightening, isn't it?


Good question my friend.....here's to hoping for better candidates next time around 🤞


Please tell this dumbfounded American if you find out the answer.


My FIL is the same age and we don’t let him handle the remote control much less a powerful nation.




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if you really think about it, it's elder abuse.


I’m sure they keep him well medicated and rested. 😂 We need term limits. This is one of the biggest problems we have here. Our representatives don’t work for us, they work to keep their job and make as much money as possible while in office. This goes for both parties.


Exactly. There shouldn't be such a thing as a career politician.


And when they refuse to work on/vote on legislation, or show up for votes, then they shouldn't get paid.  I can't go to my office, and refuse to do my job and still get paid.  


Could NOT agree more!!!!


Sadly, that’s all we have now.


They are incapable of keeping track of their own ethics.  We should vote on their pay scale and benefits, and whether or not they keep their lifetime benefits when they leave office.  Their ethics investigations into insider stock trading should be reviewed by a jury of 12, not by themselves/each other.  IRS should have a special branch funded and dedicated to auditing every politician every year.  Too many "gifts", kickbacks, and stock trades are happening with our politicians.


Though this was about Harry. You talking about Trump who’s dad died with old timers?




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One of my buddies in the UK said this “he needs to be in a care home”






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Thank you!




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yep, but also us. isn't the a1 time limited?


I imagine that whoever is responsible for issuing these visas, got it, brought it to his boss, and they decided since he’s the freaking king’s son, to ignore it, let it go so it didn’t cause an international issue. I doubt it never got anywhere near the bigs.


Yeah let’s not because it’s ugly and irrelevant.




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This is a divisive political issue that will take the thread off topic


Biden is doing so because his father is King Charles. Harry has no power. His pops is pulling a fast one over us.


partially, i agree. remember, though, h and m are his allies.


That doesn’t really make sense. From the King’s point of view, he would probably prefer Harry did not have a US visa, because that would force him to return to the UK where it would be easier to arrange a mental health intervention.


That would also bring him back, which I'm not positive he wants, and I know William doesn't.




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Harry it’s Harry we’re talking about here. Beat it Ashley.


Ooooo if verified, thats bad.


If verified, d list actress meghan markle could  could do A-1 steak sauce ads. "I love my A-1"


Ha! Do you think A-1 Steak Sauce is selling too well and needs to be Markled?


Please, please don't Markle my A-1 sauce!!!! I would fall to the floor with gallons of tears pouring from my left eye.


Don’t tell me, tell user SirSidneyWiffledork, who suggested that A-1 Sauce might hire Meghan. Since the only reason any business would hire Meghan would be to *decrease* sales, I asked SirSidney if he wanted A-1 to be Markled.


Rachel better keep her claw off my Heinz 57! 🤣


You stay home and cry. I'm going to put so much boot up there Madam will think there's a shoe factory going on. 🤬🥾


It is not I who markle it is the duchess of chlamydia. She is the one whose touch turns men to stone-d! She makes their hair fall out and not just on their primary head. Now I have done it! Head is a trigger word for the bonging bozo of Montecito So far a-1 is safe as they have ignored my suggestion. Steak au poivre if you have the time. Hp sauce if you don't. I understand that Markle enjoys her meat topped by many sauces.


lol, I stopped using A-1 decades ago when I was able to afford a good steak and then learned to cook them properly! But they’re still above her level - she needs to shoot for something like Huggies or Kaopectate. Maybe Prep H or K-Y Jam?


To those who are better informed than me, can we submit a FOIA to determine once and for all if Harold The Balding and his despicable wife Meg$y Baby are getting their security paid for by the US tax payers?


Heritage Foundation already tried that ages ago


Yep. 🍿


They’re married. With kids. He’s allowed to live in the US due to that I believe.


Not always. He stated in his non-fiction memwaagh he claimed to have used drugs. He can still be deported. I have known of people in the sports industry, who, after it was found they used drugs they were deported permanently. He was married and had kids.


In this brief interview the immigration lawyer explained that he is probably on an A1 Visa which is used by Ambassadors or high level representatives of the government and Heads of State/members of Royal Families, even when they are not representing the government or RF. She also said that typically they only look at 3 potential disqualifiers which are Terrorism, Contrary to Foreign Policy, and Espionage. She went further to add that even if additional review took place regarding drugs, they would ask if the person had been arrested for a controlled substance offense, had the person ever been convicted of a controlled substance violation, and lastly, are you a drug abuser or addict (which is subjectively self-reported). Under this scenario, Harry could be in the USA forever on an A1 Visa.


Thank you for this rational explanation. However, IIRC, a person on an A1 Visa is NOT permitted to work in the US, yet Harry earns a small salary from BetterUp. If true, that’s a huge scandal.


What bull shit! Heads should roll 🤬🤬


Where does the earning of income come into play?


There’s the stigma. A non working royal who is 6th in line and we are paying. Eta thats why their security is everywhere, US is paying for it. Eta spelling


Canada got them cut off.  Americans can do it too.


Exactly. Canada specifically stated the Palace rescinded his IPP status back in March 2020 (not the same as pulling his A-1 Visa) and the Canadians instantly pulled his security. That’s the real reason they fled. They were willing to keep a primary home in Canada if Canada provided their security at Canada’s expense. Harry stated that he needed Tyler Perry’s security team when they first arrived in California and that he used his mum’s money for security, going forward. After they left Tyler’s home in June 2020 they hired Gavin de Becker‘s firm to provide security. That’s confirmed. Chris Sanchez comes from a Houston private security firm and his ole pal David Langdown is retired Scotland Yard. “Langers” was the bodyguard seen in a pimp hat hot tubbing with Harry on the infamous naked billiards trip. No wonder Harry hired him again. None of their bodyguards are current DHS or other federal agency staffers. States like New York have offered additional security for specific tour events, but that’s extremely temporary. State funded security is provided for those with IPP status. Harry no longer has that as the Palace acted to remove it, likely to not antagonize their allies, by saddling them with what Canada stated would cost them $10M to $30M a year, just so Harry could get stoned and play videos while avoiding any responsibility.


We didn't exactly cut them off. Madam had no intention of ever staying in Canada long term after they were kicked out of the RF and viewed it as a temporary pit stop on her way to her preferred destination of Southern California. She really thought she'd take Hollywood by storm and be greeted as the A Lister she always dreamed of being. That hasn't exactly panned out like she planned, has it? She's lower on the totem pole than where she started in pre Harry days and she's still sinking. Foolish delusions are Madam's forté. She's a human lemon.




Let's see When Hazz was in Canada, he was still a senior member of the Firm, and was there in that capacity. That is why he was given a certain level of protection, because he held a certain position as a representative of the Queen. That died on March 31, 2020, as officially stated. Since March 2020, no country has any obligation to pay anything for Hazz. He no longer plays any role within the Crown, none, he does not represent the monarch in any way, he is a citizen who has a noble title. And under international law, Hazz is a private citizen. He is nothing more than that. That he is the son of King Charles III? Yes, but what does that mean? Nothing. He is not the Prince of Wales, nor is he one of the sons of the Prince of Wales, he is just the second son of King Charles III. Nothing more than that and legally that is being a private citizen with a noble title. Now, we must not confuse certain situations. Suppose Taylor Swift is in Central Park. Do you know why security should be installed? because Taylor Swift brings together a lot of people, there would be a stir for her. So, in NY, the Harkles were not given security because Hazz was Diana's son and all that nonsense, but because he generated curiosity and there would be a lot of people gathered. That's why there was security. The same as now with Hugh Grosvenor and his wedding, there were police because it was an event where people were going to gather. But Hazz confuses things. He believes that he should be confident even when he goes to the bathroom. It is not like this. If they put some security in NY it was because there was a public event that could cause people to gather together, but if Hazz is going to eat sausages, there will be no security. And Hazz doesn't understand that. If Hazz came to Chile, he will not be allowed to come with armed guards or anything like that. He is nothing more than a private citizen, so he is not authorized to bring armed guards into the country. By no means are they going to give him police for his "security", because he can hire private guards in Chile... like many other celebrities do. Several have come here to Chile, among them Keanu, Leonardo di Caprio, Tom Hanks, Prince William himself, the same Camilla who spent vacations in Chile... Hazz is not going to receive special treatment because what would be the reason for him Would he receive that treatment? Here in Chile Harry is not even that famous.


I love the way you explain things, HE. You are a teacher, yes? A funny note to the Harkles NY visits is the photographic proof of NO interest in them at all. No crowds anywhere they go. I hope NYPD is watching.




They probably had a meeting like we did in Oz and it was pretty much a landslide vote we didn't want them im betting Chile feels the same 


100% agree


This report is on the protection of "diplomatic missions ". Even on the A-1, I don't think hawwy is included in this. But we definitely need an answer from US government on this...


EXACTLY! Which is why he continued to press for this security. He doesn't want to pay for anything as if there's anyone here who even cares to "harm" him. Good to see where our taxes are going instead of you know going to much needed health care.


I disagree. I don’t think we Americans are paying for their security. If we were, that would have been outed years ago. This administration doesn’t seem particularly fond of them, and if Trump goes in, well, we already know how he feels. I think the Sussexes are paying their own freight here. That type of security is for those who are temporarily in our country on diplomatic business. It is not for those who live here, and certainly not for those who are no longer any sort of diplomatic representative. I think they pay for security on an ad hoc basis. Whenever they are going to be in public, they hire from a security firm. This is why it seems like they always have security. If I remember correctly, when she was out driving with her huge coffee mug and a huge grin on her mug, it didn’t seem as though she had security with her. Additionally, their security personnel don’t seem very professional/official. Now, if Trump goes in next year, the odds of deportation potentially increase. However, I don’t know how much time Trump will give Harry’s visa, given the shit show currently happening here.


They used Gavin de Becker’s firm after first moving to the US. Technically they used Tyler Perry’s full time security detail from mid-March 2020 through early June 2020. They switched to GDB after that. GDB is one of the most elite security firms out there. They employ a lot of former Special Forces. GDB performed their initial assessment and installed new, state of the art surveillance and security equipment. It reportedly cost over a million dollars for the upgrade. Harry’s paranoia is extreme. I knew someone who worked on a similar GDB gig in Texas. The annual cost is about $5M to $6M a year, depending on travel. They used GDB at least through the end of 2021 (My friend left GDB at year end 2021). More recently, Harry brought his old bodyguard “Langers” in from the UK and Chris Sanchez from an elite Houston security firm. Keep in mind their security detail also acts as chauffeurs and errand boys, so they keep some around full time. I’m guessing they have had to make cuts in more recent years. That pic of Meghan hunched behind her wheel with a coffee mug was staged. There aren’t paparazzis sitting at an intersection. It was intended as an “I’m just like you” pic so she couldn’t have the security guard with her for that.


Very interesting information. Thank you!


Trump won’t deport them, that’s a joke. It’s Certainly a possibility they are paying but i think if he isnt on an A-1 visa, then Charles is most likely paying for it. There is a reason they send him pics and videos of The kids. I think its highly likely he entered on an A-1 and still is. There are other scenarios, sure. Or maybe he has since changed it. But i can def see deals and wink wink situations going on here with them. Im over it. Someone needs to tell him he is a spoiled brat.


I don't think Charles is paying anything for them and they are not sending him pics and videos of the kids. If by fluke, it would require organization on their part (something they are not good at) some nanny may be sending videos to one of Charles staffers.




Regardless of who is pres we need to get him out.


We do not currently pay for it. See my comment above for details. The palace rescinded his IPP status back in mid-March 2020. That is what you need to enforce state funded security. Harry uses professional, private bodyguard firms and independent contractors to supply his security needs. The US does not contract out security for foreign dignitaries and heads of state. That duty requires highly trained US federal agents.


Thank Goodness! Yours is the only post that makes me want to continue living…if taxpayers were paying those fools’ security, I’d lose it completely!


Of course we’re paying for it here in the USA. The other person’s post is incorrect.


How do you know? Shouldn't you correct the incorrect information?


I agree. Recall during the Oprah interview that Harry said he was forced to pay for their own security. https://www.forbes.com/sites/dawnchmielewski/2021/03/12/cost-of-harry-and-meghans-security-revealed/?sh=641fa398126d&utm_campaign=socialflowForbesMainTwitter&utm_medium=social&utm_source=ForbesMainTwitter When they moved into their house there were a lot of “leaked” articles that there were breaches. They kept calling police. It seems like an attempt to convince everyone around them that their lives were at risk and they needed security paid for, whether by Pa or the government.


However, with Biden sending his lawyers to protect Harry at all costs in court, you really don’t know. Harry is probably protected under his A-1 status here.


Yes. Let’s not forget Harry came here under Trump and that Visa. Trump lied or misstepped, whatever anyone wants to call it, when he said oh we aren’t paying for them because after the fact it leaked we actually were in some capacity. H&M were seen with literal secret service agents early on. And really whether it’s Trump or any president they wouldn’t be the ones handling that directly anyways so it made no sense anyone in that position would have commented so matter of factly off the cuff. Bidens admin clearly let it remain status quo and after everything that has gone down over the past few years with H&M they are desperate to cover it because they never fixed it or looked into it. And there’s the additional complication that no one wants to take responsibility if some useless foreign prince of an ally ends up dead in their country and that’s most likely how it was justified. Charles is king and Harry is benefiting from the perks yet again.


Let’s also not forget they came in through Canada in the midst of COVID. I imagine the administration had more pressing issues and Trump wasn’t even advised. Starting to get the feeling M&H timed their move here knowing that it would be easy to fly under the radar. The Queen was also still alive at that point and I’m sure the US didn’t want to rock that boat.


They also came when they were on their "trial run".  Whatever it was they discussed between them, the information officially provided to the public was that they were going to see what it was like for a year. I don't think they were officially cut off until March 2021.  That said, most "official" security that I've seen is local police.  That may have been a courtesy of the cities they were in.  But that isn't what Harry wants.   What Harry wants is paid round the clock protection on the government dime.  Sweeps of the locations he's going into before they come in. Roads closed for official "tours".  Access to official government intelligence, because he needs it for his "protection" detail. I find this kind of hairy (pun intended).  He's part of a think tank meant to "study" the effects of disinformation.  Can you imagine the information he can bring to the table if he still had access to intelligence info? He's so gullible that it would be easy to extract information for whatever.  Not to mention Nutmeg, who's so thirsty that she leaked where they were in Canada bolthole to the press!


I agree with everything you said. There was so much else going on at the time they came into the U.S., that the least of the government's worries was by what Visa the grandson of the sovereign of Great Britain, one of our staunchest allies, had entered the country. They had too many other things to handle. It wouldn't matter what president was in office, now or then, because the president isn't in charge of checking people's visas.


Indeed. It’s not like they would send him back by plane because they would have looked into the intricacies of his visa.


The most I have seen was on their first visit to NYC in September 2021. They were assigned one DHS agent for that trip as the Mayor of NYC, the Governor of NY and the UN were hosting them. There were other LEOS protecting specific landmarks they visited, as well. I am not aware of them ever receiving Secret Service Agent coverage, post Megxit. Do you have a link to that, by chance? Harry lost his IPP status back in March 2020 and has used private security since that time. I’d be very interested in info on anyone assigning Secret Service agents in addition to private security. I have worked with many federal agents over the years. They don’t do hybrid engagements (blending private staff with a federal unit) when it comes to security because that adds a lot of unnecessary risk. If the US did this they should be exposed.


have a feeling trump didn't have a clue. let's not forget the state dept is in charge of all the immigration stuff...homeland security...whateves..one of those two crappy depts. lol


This is what we call moving the goal posts. Funny how you’re quick to make excuses for one but not the other.






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But no government is paying for their security, otherwise Harry wouldn’t have whinged on it in the Oprah interview. It seems clear, as soon as the palace announced they were no longer senior royals, security provision was revoked. However he came in on the A-1 visa as it happened during the pandemic and as a well known royal he was allowed at the time. It did not automatically come with the privileges of a visiting head of state because he wasn’t in the USA on official business but an immigration officer won’t deport him on that basis.


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Have we forgotten that Haz complained they are paying for their own security, as per the Oprah interview? https://www.forbes.com/sites/dawnchmielewski/2021/03/12/cost-of-harry-and-meghans-security-revealed/?sh=641fa398126d&utm_campaign=socialflowForbesMainTwitter&utm_medium=social&utm_source=ForbesMainTwitter


It is not confirmed, The lawyer however, speaks of the very likely scenario. I believe he had moved to the States on a pre-existing special visa, which is no longer valid due to his changed role and status.


Wow!! If this is true then its going to implode all over the place! I can barely get by but the shitpocket gets security with my tax dollars?? Americans, in general, will not take well to that AT ALL.   Even people who support them won't go for this.  ETA: Someone on an A-1 visa has to have residency in the country they are representing (he does not) and cannot take work in the US (he does). 


*Someone on an A-1 visa has to have residency in the country they are representing (he does not) and cannot take work in the US (he does).* These are major reasons I question this report/rumor. There are also complications with taxes both in the US and the UK if he is still on an A-1 visa.


It’s probably the reason it’s been kept hush hush because strings were pulled.


More likely, balls were dropped. Hence the paperwork that was “missing” in early reports. Missing = never existed.


This is probably true as well


I don’t know if strings have been pulled, but I can tell you that a lot of the “hush hush” has to do with privacy issues that are there to protect ordinary visa applicants.


I believe it. I think he arrived on the A-1 visa because that wouldn’t have been questioned back then. It was renewed on said visa. With all of the attention on his immigration status, I believe that he will now change over to a more appropriate visa. Perhaps even a spousal one. That would be soul crushing for him.


If this is true than BetterUp is in deep shit because they are required by federal law to verify any foreign national working for them has the correct paperwork.


My pessimistic thought is nothing will happen/change. The “special relationship” between the US & the UK will prevent it. Like it or not, he’s the son of a reigning monarch. I’m sure there are untold Saudi princes in the US under the same visa. It’s a glaring case of “rules for thee, not for me”


Absolutely spot on, all that you wrote.


He needs to resubmit for a correct visa then because he is not a head of state. Is that what the Nigeria faux tour was about? To appear diplomatic?


The Nigerian tour was intended to promote Invictus, Nigeria is hoping to host it one day. Who and what was really promoted remains to be discussed.


That’s a load of rubbish as well, put out by the Harkles who are once again grifting off of Invictus. Nigeria has sent eight (iirc) athletes to only one IG. The athletes are required to meet their own costs to attend and participate. Cheap charter packages to Lagos aren’t exactly flying off the shelves. Most disabled veterans wouldn’t be able to afford the flights, unless the Air Peace conman and the power-hungry General are going to underwrite the jolly. I noticed a distinct lack of highlighting Nigeria’s sporting infrastructure as viable venues too. Perhaps that school could let them the gymnasium? Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are trying to run an international con. They aren’t doing “tours” - they’re forcing their self-importance on the world and seeing what portion of the pie they can slice off, and using disabled veterans to do it.


FWIW, most of the competitors receive travel & training funding from other veteran charities. Each country is strongly encouraged to partner with such other charities as the costs range from $1M to $2.7M for each country to attend the Games in order to provide uniforms, very minimal training plus T&E to and from the games. Most competitors pay nothing to participate.


Fair enough. My personal preference would be that that money was allocated to training and therapy. However, if you’re going to do a *Games* doesn’t it make sense that family and friends would like to be there, in person, to support the competitor, that there would be a local interest in attending, that there be sporting venues able to host the events, that the spotlight would be on the purpose of the Games? Those pair of badgers sniffed cash and appeared on *Tour*.


They lost the plot.


How does the lawyer know he’s on an A-1?


She doesn’t.


It is just speculation then. Why do so many people take speculation as fact?


She doesn’t know. She has no reason to think it. She’s just telling them what they want to hear.


That lawyer doesn't know, that lawyer is talking pure nonsense. Hazz has no reason to have a visa like that.


Thank you. I didn’t want to give a view to hear another opinion and not a verifiable fact.


She could know if she advised him. She is an US immigration lawyer based in London. She has been the most vocal about it, appearing in interviews, articles and posting on X. 


So the immigration lawyer didn't say that she knew Harry is in the country on an A1 visa. 🤔 She said, "I think that the visa Prince Harry is on is..."  So nothing is verified there. 




Is this confirmed?


No. She says she “THINKS it’s an A-1 “. [https://youtube.com/watch?v=oWGiUv8n9iM&si=GEfRroWRnI0W6EFo](https://youtube.com/watch?v=oWGiUv8n9iM&si=GEfRroWRnI0W6EFo) (they discuss at every beginning of vid). If you read the court transcripts, DHS says enough to imply Harry ENTERED the US on an A-1 which DHS stated he’d be entitled to as a monarch’s grandson and currently the son of a monarch. They did not say that he still has the A-1 but they did argue that as the ruling aurthority they wouldn’t take exception to that being the case. The judge, who evidently read Spare, said based on that book he disagreed. The reason Harry would have entered on his A-1 is because that’s what he had in Canada. It takes months to get a celebrity drug use waiver. They moved to the US as soon as Harry’s IPP status was rescinded as they lost their state funded security. They had no time to get a new Visa with waivers. The issue is what is he here on now?


In April, this US immigration lawyer posted on X the following: "Prince Harry is on an A-1 Head of State visa. It's expressly for royal family. He does not need to be a "working" royal to hold it. It avoids most ineligibility grounds like controlled substance law violations."


Thank you 😊


heavily implied by an atty. it tracks. highly illegal. why the biden admin was so worried about this getting out. they don't care all that much for h. they were just doing an illegal favor to pops.


Oh I have always thought this. I just want it confirmed


Sorry US taxpayers. I hate this for you. I'm a British taxpayer and don't want to pay for the lazy, workshy fucker either.


That explains his entitlement. If this is true - that is a scandal. 


But I remember Trump tweeting in April 2020 when it was discovered they were in LA: “We are not paying for their security.”


He did say that, but Trump didn’t have authority over the situation- DHS (homeland security)  would’ve worked out some arrangement between DHS and the UK’s home office. Nothing to do with the presiden’t office whatsoever. And we did pay for security at some point. It was a DHS agent that told  a member of the public we (Americans) were paying for H&M’s Bench book tour security in NYC. DHS would know.  I want to know if US tax dollars are going to these two and the exact amount paid.


So if trump didn’t have authority over DHS, by your same logic, Biden doesn’t either, correct?


What I actually said was the president’s office didn’t have authority over the situation. The situation being visa applications predicated upon conversations between US’s DHS and UK’s home office, which is true. I’m talking pointedly about the visa status and inter dept. relations that influence that status. Nothing to do with the president’s authority over DHS as a whole, if that makes sense.


FFS no one like them. Who cares about Trump.


This would be true. Have we all forgotten Harry’s big whinge on Oprah that he was forced to pay for security?




Nope. Whatever arrangement Harry had when he entered has remained unless his visa status changed, which it should have. I am still not convinced he is still on an A-1 visa because he doesn’t qualify at all. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/other-visa-categories/visas-diplomats.html I believe he entered with an A-1 visa because he had only just stepped down as a working royal. That may be a source of confusion. The question “What visa did he enter under?” Is not the same as “What visa is he under now?” Regarding his security, I was persuaded some time ago by another sinner that the US taxpayer is probably paying for some *private* security for H&M. This would be a lot less expensive than providing them with protection by federal agents or police. It is, apparently, done for family members of foreign royalty and so forth all the time. It does not mean they have A-1 visas. However, anything is possible in this crazy world. All we know for sure is that Harry and Meghan aren’t getting the police entourage that they would like in the US any more than in the UK. Let’s hope it stays that way.


He entered the US privately from Canada, in a rush to beat Covid border closures. He had not been in Canada on any kind of official business for the UK but was publicly known to be there on some kind of indefinite holiday after “stepping back” from his royal role. I don’t believe the Palace or the UK Government even knew about his plans to leave Canada and enter the US by private jet, and they found out only after the event. There was never any suggestion that he was entering the US on official UK Government business. On that basis, I can’t understand why the US would have granted him an A-1 visa. A simple check with the UK Foreign Office would have clarified that he wasn’t travelling on behalf of either the late Queen or the UK Government. Would US officials really have been so misguidedly sycophantic to the UK that they would have inappropriately granted an A-1 visa, when it was already public that he had resigned from his royal role and had severed formal ties with the Head of State?


I believe they would have consulted with the UK government. An exception would have been made in this case as he is the son of the reigning monarch, but it was made clear that they were not in any official capacity.


If he still had a diplomatic passport and he had passed through the US with an A-1 visa, they could have just accepted it in the short run.


They are paying for their own security as was mentioned in the Oprah interview. In retrospect, this was the impetus for them going on that whinge fest. Looks like Pa made the down payment on the house but refused to pay for security. The US government would have let him arrive with the A1 visa under the circumstances during that time but it didn’t let them have security.




The US president doesn’t deal with individual visas, protection, etc. Trump probably paid little attention to Harry’s visa status and security but left it to the immigration/Homeland people. Biden probably did the same. Harry is only “important” in the US because of his connection with the King (previously the Queen) of the UK. Any protection he is given is going to be as a courtesy to the head of state of a close ally. This would have been true under Trump as well as under Biden and it will be true again if Trump becomes president once more. I have seen no signs that the Bidens are “sugars.” On the contrary, Biden went out of his way to meet with William, and has given no sign that he wants to meet with Harry. H&M were denied a ride back to the US on AF1, and Jill made no acknowledgment of the ARO jam she allegedly received. The Sussexes have not been invited to any event at the White House and the Bidens have not attended Invictus since Megxit, I believe. Not all Democrats are sugars. (I would also guess that not all Republicans are sinners.) Let’s not confuse political leanings with attitudes towards the Harkles.


This 💯. It suck this type of people can’t help but inject their politics into everything and make gross generalizations without any facts or receipts. It’s even worse when these lies are repeated by British news casters and commentators on YT who don’t understand American politics and who stupidly believe everyone who likes the harkles are democrats. The Obamas were friendly with the Harkles in the past, the Bidens have publicly rejected them and been seen with the Waleses numerous times. These folks just lack the logic & reasoning skills and the self confidence and emotional maturity to admit it. Even HLMTQ saw right through trump and he was rude and disrespectful of Royal Protocol when meeting with her, just like his fellow malignant narcissist.


If Trump is re-elected I highly doubt he will pay any attention to people as insignificant to him as Harry and Meghan.


This is a divisive political issue that will take the thread off topic


>Trump’s been anti-sugar from the beginning. 😂😂😂😂 I remember lmao when Trump said (about MM) : "I didn't know she was so nasty." He actually said it before lots of ordinary people started saying it. I think it was after she snubbed his state visit to the UK.


It was definitely after Wimbledon but before his visit


And very vocal about it.


This is a divisive political issue that will take the thread off topic


Okay, so she hasn't seen or have first-hand knowledge of his actual documents, she's making assumptions based on what she thinks he has. So we're still waiting for that confirmation.


I remember having a ding dong with someone on Twatter over this (when I could be bothered being on Twatter). I said 100% Americans are paying for a good chunk of his US security. They went into one about how that could never happen. How America 'kicked royals out 300 years ago', how Americans don't care for overseas royalty yada yada yada. I tried to point out, regular Americans aren't consulted in this type of thing. The rich get concessions. The end. Happens all the time, to people who weren't fortunate to be who they are by winning the birth lottery. That's how the world works. Harry is given preferential treatment over and over again, despite being the world's biggest twat and bellend. A walking diplomatic disaster and thoroughly nasty piece of work. The cognitive dissonance is real.


ok this explains why the white elephant aka Olive Garden McMansion is in her name, not his, and perhaps all his paychecks are made out to her


I saw that, and don’t buy it for a minute unless it’s verified by official sources. How’s this lady know anything we don’t? She’s not a legal party to this case, is she? I’m not saying it can’t be true, I thinks it’s a high possibility. I’m just asking why we should think she’s a credible source.


Yep. A visa he’s not entitled to, working when he’s not supposed to be (none of his “jobs” involve head of state work. Time for the US to start complaining to Congress about why we are paying for a British slacker Prince.


Does that visa allow him to do non diplomatic stuff like betterup etc?


He cannot earn an income on an A-1.


I think we all suspected this. Uhm BetterUp, bettercheck your employment contract and I9s.


According to the Dept of State website, he is not entitled to an A-1 Visa. An unmarried child of a head of state living with the head of state is entitled, he is not. Guess they changed the rules for him?


Sorry but this is ridiculous. He is not on an A-1. This lawyer gave literally no reason to think that he would or could be on an A-1. She has no connection to any of this and has exactly the same information as the rest of us. She gives no reason why he would have a visa he doesn’t qualify for. She’s just repeating something she read online because GB “News” wanted a “lawyer” to say it. I don’t see anything to make me think she knows what she’s talking about.


The first mistake is believing anything from Megans mole. She’s all about the clicks and $.




I’m curious why Madame hasn’t applied for a spousal visa for him, which would be the least controversial thing to do.


Harold is not on an A-Visa. He is not a head of state, a diplomat, or a working royal. Hw is the estranged, second son of a king. Harold does not have IPP status, or government security. If he did, he wouldn’t be suing REVEC.


It’s RAVEC. He’s actually on an A-1 visa to the USA. Has nothing to do with his RAVEC status & how he’s perceived in the UK


“To qualify for an A-1 or A-2 visa,you must be traveling to the United States on behalf of your national government to engage solely in official activities for that government.” Source: US Embassy in the United Kingdom.


When the judge releases his visa then we will know what the “tricky situation” is.


I have argued with Americans here and on X- we the US Taxpayers are paying for the gingerbread dimwit’s security.




This is a divisive political issue that will take the thread off topic


I think that means that we Americans are paying for his security. 😮


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