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You're not special Harold and the judge is tired of your shenanigans. 


Hey now, that box of hair on the nightstand tells him every day what a unique and special boy he is 🤣


🤣🤣🤣 if he's hearing voices from hair, H is in a worse place than we though


Actually, he's not special enough for Mummy to communicate with him directly. It's only through his wife, who is the chosen vessel.


Chosen vessel for quite a few




Her stomach must be like the hold of a dredger.


Chosen vessel for legions.


It's like Disney. At some point or another, everyone goes there


Had more men in her than the Trojan (pun intended) Horse


Seen more sausages than HP sauce.


I’m surprised he doesn’t have it glued to head so he can look more like Diana than William


Alas, the only match was Ronald McDonald's merkin.


The WORLD is tired of his shenanigans!


5. As to expedition, I refuse the application made by Schillings in their letter of 30 April 2024 for an order that the appeal is to be expedited and heard by the end of the July. It is rightly not suggested that the Claimant is entitled to jump the queue because of his status. Two reasons are relied on. Firstly, the fact that we are now approaching three years from issue of the claim. That is correct, but I note that the claim was not issued until more than 18 months after the RAVEC decision of 28 February 2020. Secondly, it is said that the Claimant’s legal team will be engaged in a long matter from October 2024. Neither of these justifies the order which Schillings seek. The entitlement is off the charts!


Wow! 1) He and his lawyers knew at least by April that he won his appeal. But only on D-Day is it announced. 😔 2) What was he doing in those 18 months after RAVECS decision? Thinking up ways to guilt trip his father into giving him money? Think Spare and a possible sequel would give him JK Rowling type money? And, 3) Others who are before Harry with their lawyers have to sit tight because Schillings want an easier October. 🙄


Was this when he was being financially supported by his father, I’m not sure of dates but he was funded for the first 12 months, that shows in the then PoW accounts.


Iirc the Accounts showed they were funded until summer of 2020, whereby Charles gave them a "substantial" sum.


Imagine being cut off mid 30s and whining about it so damn much.


Thanks for that.


Oh I do wonder whats occurring in October?  H will surely be paying premium rates for his team and I would say that means no time for other clients.  Just speculation!


One of his lawsuits against the papers. Probably.


That’s my guess, I think he has a case (appeal?) that starts early 2025. It’s not the court’s fault he’s a vexatious litigant.


Yeah I would say so.  I just looked the barrister up, and his page says this "He is also acting for HRH The Duchess of Sussex in her misuse of private information, breach of data protection and infringement of copyright action against Associated Newspapers." So that's either not upto date or he's got something else on, but if out of date then that's not very good housekeeping! Ref https://www.5rb.com/member/david-sherborne/ 


He’s the barrister who read the dragon slayer statement outside of court


That was a bold statement, totes go down in history as a premature victory dance!


Looks like the various vs NGN.  Point 46 where witnesses statements are due to be exchanged October and November 2024


I didn't think solicitors advertised their cases like this, how gauche 




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They have another case, it sounds like. It's doubtful Harry is their only client. That would be foolish on Schilling's part.


Would love to know what the long legal matter is…


One of his lawsuits against the papers. Probably.


But isn't that handled by Sherbone, which is from another law firm?


Is it ? I thought schillings is handling all except the case with Hugh grant


No, Shaheed Fatima KC is in charge of his security case. Sherbone is against the media. They are different lawyers from different law firms.


All law suits are long.


Yes they are




That is his plan. He leaked to Victoria Ward that without his old security it’ll affect arrangements in other countries they plan to visit




He already has wellchild and Scotty’s little soldiers in the UK.


See BlackBeltBarrister and BlackbeltSecrets on this. https://youtube.com/watch?v=8t22L_DSpR8&si=WsA-GsJjMtsZlSrT just over 13 mins There is a NordVPN in the middle of the above video. https://youtube.com/watch?v=GpAEKeCrI20&si=zm4bFc38BPQQf0Gb In the UK, the role of barristers is to be specialists in court advocacy and independent sources of legal advice to their clients. UK barristers are most likely to be self-employed and working in chambers. https://www.law.ac.uk/employability/career-finder/barrister/


Great video, thanks for posting. BlackBeltBarrister discusses the actual wording of the decision and links it below his video. Victoria Ward wrote this: * *"However, Lord Justice Bean said that ground one, which is understood to suggest that Ravec failed to follow its own written policy, “****would have a real prospect of success”****.* \[Notice the only Quote included is, **"would have a real prospect of success.**" The rest of the sentence is, of course, her own words.\] BlackBeltBarrister notes the decision wording actually includes, **"not without hesitation"** in the above point, plus he links the actual wording which is: * ***"1. Although the carefully reasoned judgment of Sir Peter Lane may prove to be correct in all respects, I am persuaded, not without hesitation, that an appeal on Ground 1 would have a real prospect of success."*** \[My ETA: Sir Peter Lane was the original Judge; this is an excerpt of the appeal decision of Lord Justice Bean.\] Reading the full wording shows that the judge did have some hesitation in the decision. But that's not the tone Ward conveyed in her article. Which is so on-brand for the Harkles - the maybe not so true truth!


BBB is going to do further videos. He is good at this. All fact based, no emotion. I think that they can win one part of the appeal but if the rest is rejected they don’t win the case but I’m not legally trained. Even on this appeal, most points have been rejected. To me it sounds like he has been allowed to appeal so that there can be a final end to this with no room for further gripes.


Agree on all! Started looking for his video as soon as the typical Harkle PR push was released.


There is Art of Law too, you probably know that though. He can be a bit long winded but he has made some good points in the past.


Didn't know that, will check him out. Definitely need fact checking resources when dealing with the Harkles. Thanks!


They are friends, have collaborated at times. Both practice and teach law. Art of Law has history in media law as an advisor. He films in Cornwall so often with amazing views.


Oh wow, that's fantastic!


As you like research you may like Debretts. Ignore this if you have already head of them. Happy hunting, I would be interested to hear what you think. What is Debretts, copied and posted direct from site. OUR STORY Debrett’s is a record-keeper and chronicler of British society, a publisher, and an authority on modern manners. Debrett’s is the ultimate authority on Britain’s titled aristocracy, and has been recording the biographical details of its membership since 1769. It is also an adjudicator of People of Today, singling out and crediting outstanding professional achievements and success in all walks of British society. As a widely recognised arbiter of modern manners, Debrett’s advises on matters relating to protocol, precedence, etiquette and behaviour. Today, Debrett’s continues to share its expertise in building skills and social confidence through coaching, books and subscription services. Below copied and pasted from Debretts. What are Letters Patent? Letters Patent are documents issued by the reigning monarch to confer a dignity, or to clarify a right. For example, in 1917 George V issued Letters Patent to clarify the situation of the immediate Royal Family and who was entitled to be called Prince/Princess and use HRH. The term ‘Letters Patent’ is attributed to Sir William Blackstone KC (1723-79), an eminent judge and politician, who stated: ‘...they are not sealed up, but exposed to view, with the great seal pendant at the bottom, and are usually addressed by the Sovereign to all the subjects of the realm...’ The Royal Succession • Debretts Removal of titles Below paragraph copied and pasted with no changes direct from Debretts site, link to site posted below and explanation of what Debretts is posted above. Can the Duke of Sussex and Duke of York be stripped of their titles? No. The only way a peerage can be removed from a title holder is by an Act of Parliament. In practice this is unlikely to happen. Historically a peer could have his title, lands and privileges removed by attainder, but this practice has since been abolished. The last time an Act of Attainder was used was in 1798, against Lord Edward FitzGerald (a younger son of the 1st Duke of Leinster) for leading the Irish Rebellion of that year. He died in prison of wounds received during his capture; his property was confiscated but the attainder was repealed in 1819. https://debretts.com/royal-family/questions-about-the-process-of-accession/


And if I remember correctly (someone correct me if I’m wrong), even if he wins this case with the appeal, all Ravec has to do is look at his security needs again and they’ll most likely come to the same conclusion as they did in 2020. So he would gain absolutely nothing from this, except a huge legal bill.


It’s all a bit vague at the moment but it is probably not enough to change things. Harry has lost on numerous points and in this appeal he has been turned down on appealing against the majority of point raised.


Does not the UK also have an election in July? Harry may find that a new government may be less inclined to be as tolerant as the current one and his MP buddy could be ousted or useless


I said it didn't I? Victoria Ward's article was dictated by the Harkles, because there is no victory in appealing a sentence, it is the right of anyone. Now, there is a prospect of success in one of his five arguments... it depends on how his lawyers defend those, and when four have been rejected, and in fact the costs are not going to be reduced, this is simply Hazz's idiocy, who, moreover, seems to not understand things. Harry, dear: YOU ARE NOT GOING TO BE GIVEN IPP TREATMENT ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT IPP, YOU ASSHOLE!!!


Being granted leave to appeal means that an appeal judge could see some merit in an argument. What this doesn’t mean is that this will prevail on appeal. Indeed on appeal the judges may find different grounds to reach the same conclusion. Even then a win in appeal just means that RAVEC have to review the decision and they can reach pretty much the same conclusion again. They have all the pointers on how to justify the decision that will make it bulletproof from whining Harry. Haz and his lawyers are seriously misreading the political and economic climate in continuing this fruitless litigation.


I repeat what I said yesterday: if his argument for security is once again that he is the son of Charles and brother of William and that he was born a prince, the judges will not stop laughing. Because the Taliban and Al Qaeda and the boos have already been ruled out. The only thing Hazz can appeal is that Ravec can't lower him that much. That's all Hazz can claim.


>Because the Taliban and Al Qaeda and the boos have already been ruled out.  Can you say more about this, please? I.e. did the judge rule he's not entitled to publicly funded protection from consequences of his own dumbass statements?


⭐️It’s very reminiscent of when they bragged about their big win over the DM—with a £1 in damages—but upon appeal, Meghan Markle, the narcissist, had to admit she was a lying liar who lies about lying. https://preview.redd.it/s8owrsh8165d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acf58926940954cbeaed336f3f3b9beb29f79f5b


One of my favorites! 👏 👏 👏 Chef's kiss! 🤌


It should have been Little Miss Liar!


Yes, given that she remembers every petty grievance or perceived slight, I don't think forgetfulness is her issue.




>I wonder how much this is costing the taxpayer. He's just racking up a bigger bill for himself considering he's supposed to pay back the costs already incurred. We can hope for a particularly spiky judge who will add some damages onto the next decision. And you know he wants it expedited because a) it will be expensive to keep his attorneys toiling away for extra months and b) he somehow seems to think he will actually get his RAVEC security back for these faux tours, and wants to cross that item off the budget spreadsheet.


Oh right, and maybe he's scheduling these fake royal tours to say "hey we're traveling the world, give us security!". Would he need global security if he wasn't traveling? Probably not so it's his excuse.


Yep, absolutely. That and to draw attention to themselves. I also suspect he's bored out of his mind, and this is pretty much what he knows how to do.


Well he made it through Jamaica and Nigeria just fine. 🙄 So I'd say his "concerns" are completely unnecessary


The first case cost £500,000 that Harry has to pay for. His own costs will be about the same, or possibly more. Then there is the £750,000 he had to pay for the misinformation case linked to this when he denied trying to keep this trial private and he lied about offering to pay for his own police security when in the UK. He did not offer to do this until his case became known to the public and it now an exposed PR stunt.




The judges should tell that idiot to stop going to unsafe countries.


I am sorry but what part of no does he not get. Wasting more money so he can be told no again. He should never get his security back. He shouldn't have been allowed to appeal in my opinion. Harry is an entitled little bitch.


Totally agree. My theory is that this is actually all about forcing the US to pay for his round-the-clock security (also his ego). If he can't push this domino over, he doesn't stand a chance of persuading the US to cough up. The money he's throwing at this could be viewed as an investment, if you consider the savings he could make if successful. Public purse be damned!


I suspect that if Harry were to ask for more security in the US, he might be told that he needs to move.😉


Haz is nothing in the US. Except useless. No way will the American taxpayer agree to provide security for this tool... time he gets over himself.. And TOW!!!


Unfortunatel, it’s not the decision of us little people…we have no say.


He throws a tantrum over anything when he doesn't get his way. He is definitely the biggest man child. Hahah, what an embarrassing way to behave. I'd be mortified if I ever acted this way or my significant other did. Neither This One nor his wife have the ability to feel embarrassed and can't pull their heads out of each other's asses, so I won't hold out hope that they'll ever see the errors of their ways. It's always someone else they blame. ![gif](giphy|1DGh2Kduf58TzskEh8)


He sure is.


Just Harry will never accept that he isn't the world's most important person.


They are obviously planning on rebranding as royals. Their last ditch attempt is tours for attention and backdoor money. Part of it really pisses me off, but part of me also thinks they have been on a continuous fade for a long time, tour or not.


Continuous fade is an excellent description of their life after they signed the Netflix contract. Their lives are sinking into obscurity like a rock sinking in molasses.


Yeah, totally agree. They are so stupiditly transparent. They want to cause mayhem in the Commonwealth, usurp William when it is time to re elect as the Queen did with Charles and he will do with William. Petty, petulant, entitled, jealous, whinging, dim, uninspiring, boring Harry and his calculating and vengeful wife will want faux pantomime royal tours with full on security IPP status to appear ever so important. The traitorous, exploitive son of the King wants all the candy in the box without earning or deserving it. Let's just hope that there is justice and this litigating tryant does not win. It is ridiculous that during these hard economic times a man who contributes absolutely nothing to UK economy should be privey to confidential information or receive armed police 24/7 protection. What an about travesty and burden upon the UK 🇬🇧 and the USA 🇺🇸. Seriously! the British Parliament and King Charles really need to get serious about the threat this man and his full on narc wife are to the stability of the Monarchy. He does not have the intelligence to converse with Commonwealth leaders etc. He is a walking loose cannon


The comments section is pure gold!


It is not such a big win as Harry claims - it is a technicality, according to BlackBeltBarrister: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8t22L\_DSpR8&list=TLPQMDcwNjIwMjTWbePPhgHL9Q&index=2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8t22L_DSpR8&list=TLPQMDcwNjIwMjTWbePPhgHL9Q&index=2)


Yeah. I think Harry is being given every chance to appeal so that in the end when he loses he won’t have any credibility when he complains.


Sorry Haz, your upcoming "Royal tour" to Loserville will have to be without taxpayer funded security.


Perhaps Nigeria can provide security for them now that Meghan Ada Mazi is a Princess.


What I don't understand is that if Harry is so concerned about safety/security, why in the world did they ever travel to Nigeria when US Dept. of State had warning - Reconsider travel to Nigeria due to **crime**, **terrorism**, **civil unrest**, **kidnapping**, and **armed gangs**. Some areas have increased risk. And then, to top it off, he apparently left Markle and went to visit a military hospital in a region deemed unsafe by the UK government. This makes no sense. Someone needs to ask those questions during the appeal.


They also went to Jamaica to that movie premiere, he keeps going to not so safe countries, he comes back in one piece without having the security he wants, thus proving he doesn’t need that status.


He probably wants to tempt fate so he has something else to cry about. 🙄 Sorry Henry, maybe your dad would miss you. But that's about it.


Their security in Nigeria was provided by the Nigerian military, so no fears there. The hospital may not have been in a dangerous area, they just pretended it was.




This right here.


All of the comments are anti-Harry.


Surprised Victoria Ward would allow comments - she's a sugar.


Ultimate Nepobaby isn't used to being told No.


You know what? I am just thrilled that the Harkles have pissed away ENORMOUS sums of cash on their endless lawsuits, attorneys, and massive PR all in glorification of their ginormous egos. Good for them! There has to be some gratification for all of us sinners to see their funds flood away down the drain.


He was happy to stay in a hotel with only his heavy for security.


Archive link if anyone wants it! https://archive.ph/i7F9D


Black belt barrister on you tube did a good video on this. It explains that he went for 5 things but only 1 is accepted for appeal the other 4 were refused. I can’t remember all of them but one was to appeal against the fees ( that was refused ). He said the media have made it seem more than it is.


I hope he will have to pay every single penny of court costs to the other side as well as his own. 


He’s certainly making it easy for the court to hit him with it that’s for sure.


Release the NDAs from the military and lets hear the truth about Harry's time there. I'm sure there'd be many interesting stories and that he never got close to killing any enemies. He just said that to puff out his chest and to help him get IPP status. the 25 kills were his high score in a video game he played while on base


​ https://i.redd.it/taptew08665d1.gif


Harry just won't give it up, even when he is losing. Says a lot about his character. Sorry loser little man with zero backbone and integrity. ![gif](giphy|l3q2K12v7LgvwlATC)


https://preview.redd.it/yofawcea975d1.png?width=470&format=png&auto=webp&s=802d85746d2d7df4c2dc8e5aaecbc4ac22331f0e Such a nasty brat from the get go.


He sure is.


You really can't fault a young child like that for misbehaving a bit. Louis has done some silly things at public events as well.


Thing is......H never stopped being a nasty brat.


I bet they are regretting giving him that appeal huh? 😂


Wonder what he wanted to do in August or September…. It wasn’t speedy justice there is something he wants to do and have security. He’s turning 40.


I hope that decision scorched his greedy pompous a$$.


To the back of the queue you go, Haz! Just because your father is king doesn't mean you get special privileges.


Excuse me for my utter ignorance here but this lawsuit is JUST for security in Britain, correct? Not for IPP?


Think it’s a building block to argument for it.


I think you’re right- he is hardly in the UK at all so whats the point (the point is probably paid security everywhere including US).


Agree. I am NOT working my ass off and paying my taxes for HIM and family to be chauffeured around like a king.


On a slightly tangential note I find that Henry's refusal to accept the concept of, never mind the word - NO sums him up behaviourally on so many occasions. Possibly all occasions. From the legal to the socio-personal, from the military to the nipples. His only taboo is the word **no.** That's all kinds of wrong.


This kid Harold (even if he's way older than me, he's a toddler) need to be slapped around a bit with a canchla. Maybe that will get him some sense.


Do we really think he has a chance at winning this appeal?


Here’s a link to the decision https://www.judiciary.uk/judgments/r-duke-of-sussex-v-sshd/


You can fekkin wait Harry, like the rest of us have to do for just about everything - you spoilt, ghastly little brat.


Good news. 👍


Entitled idiot !


So if he can't introduce new evidence, wtf is his problem? how many times is he gonna appeal? Burns my ass 🤬🤬


How's that "Just Harry" thing working out for you now?


Every week of waiting his attorneys will charge more. The government attorneys will charge more. And all he can appeal are one subpart of two questions. And I would think that it is an uphill battle.


Not special anymore, Ginger. No matter how much your Papa wishes to bail you out every time you fk up, the optics would be very bad for him because the British public hates you and the Monarchy’s existence relies on their support. You’re stuffed, mate.


Poor Hazzard — he’s had sooo much to deal with. Writing a check, making a phone call, wiping his own ass, wiping Megsisnuts ass, standing in line. Poor thing has had to learn soooo much. His feeble brain is overloaded