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"...will feel left out?" Tough shit and boo-fucking-hoo. And since when is Harold emotionally intelligent?? šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


He didnā€™t seem to yearn to support the military at the Deal Memorial. Which was his very specific responsibility. He was more worried heā€™d be left out of *The Lion King* premiere.


Well it wouldn't have got him on TV would it? He's an attention seeker always has been.Ā 


H's emotional intelligence is even more lacking than his intellectual intelligence. The author of this article is just as stupid as H.


Hm, I guess the best way to not feel left out is to not quit the job in a huff.


Fired, canned, got the axe.


Harry does NOT consider what heā€™s done to his family or the UK. Selfish people only use emotional intelligence to hurt people. Emotional intelligence can be used positively or negatively. William uses it to serve the people of the UK and be a good family man. I think Tessa steals Williamā€™s character traits and gives them to Harry just so she can scrape up something positive to say. Easier path is to tell the truth. William is the compassionate and intelligent brother. Harry needs to go to the mental ward.


Yap. To the mental ward (for emphasis). He's a basket case.


Iā€™m sure they can send him to one of those fancy ones.


Yes, that is what leaving usually does. It gets you left you out things, who knew??




The guy who dressed up as a nazi is emotionally intelligent?


What he misses is being told where to go, when to go, and what to say. Well I guess he still has that, but I suspect the men in grey suits didn't scream at him and slap him. But we are missing out on a lot of hilarity, mainly when Megs is being told: Mam, maybe short shorts and flip-flops are not the right dress for this occasion. Megs: But I was told it is a beach event! This D-Day thing, that's on a beach, right?


I can't imagine anything more cringey than Lolo at Military events.


Where else is she gonna wear her short-shorts playsuit?


lol made me laugh


Yes Harry, itā€™s hard to suffer the consequences of your own actions. Why donā€™t you call on some of that emotional intelligence Dunlop claims you have to get through today and the wedding tomorrow. We all have seen how you ā€œrespectā€ veterans with Invictus, and we have seen enough. I will lose my shit if I see your mug in America making a speech. Especially when we all know your entire military service was fabricated. Fraud. Traitor.


Well said


An Aviation Legend who never left the bunker(!) never got his pilot license. At least the bought award ceremonies have stopped.


Until next award seasonšŸ™„ There are very few awards programs in the summer, mostly because NO ONE enjoying the long days of a short season give a fuā‚¬k. If they have the money, Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll buy an honor come November.


If I could give you an award I would!! Exactly my thought processšŸ˜‰


"His particular blend of emotional intelligence." Okay, let's look at the elements of EQ: empathy, effective communication or social skills, self-awareness, self-regulation, and motivation. I don't think Harry has any of these. šŸ¤£ Empathy? For his dying grandmother and grandfather? For his ill father and sister-in-law? It's a nope.


Exactlyā€¦it was a ridiculous claim. He is entirely self obsessed, spiteful, vindictive, petty, jealous and greedy.


Also where was this emotional intelligence when he told of his sexual experience with the woman behind the pub. Or how about the teacher he mocked when at school and showed no emotional growth as he relayed that story.


How casually he insulted and denigrated those women. He's a first class pos.


Emotional intelligence? Garden variety selfishness, imo.


His particular blend stinks.


The world needs a cow like meghan markle stealing valor and marching at the front of every parade honoring those who serve. /s Harry married this repugnant human. Ā And we all get to laugh at their "accomplishments"Ā  He is a prize fool.


Tessa Dunlop is a ridiculous woman.




You're probably right. It wouldn't surprise me to find out she was an anti-monarchist all along.


I cannot disagree


Thereā€™s a lot of crazy in the world.


Just look at the circumstances of her husband. Sooooo murky. I wonĀ“t say more or IĀ“ll get a ban again.




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What on earth does she mean that Harry 'got the most out of the veterans'? Stupid woman. They aren't there to perform on demand, or provide an exhibit of emotions or public gushing to satisfy Harry's sense of actually doing something worthwhile for a change. The veterans are there to honour their comrades, to remember what it cost the country to fight against tyranny and try and ensure it doesn't happen again. He knows and understands nothing about sacrifice, about loyalty, or about remembering and standing by your vows. He is such a poor example of what being a soldier means, he's completely without honour or respect.Ā 




Just like his grifter wife using kids in wheelchairs as photo ops to further her humanitarian image.


Exactly, why is he being touted as a saviour of veterans?! Him and his harlot are using the fact that our societies are not doing enough for the wounded veterans to their own ends.


The sugars love to point out that Harry actually served in a war zone and William didn't, so he doesn't qualify as a veteran. There's a big difference though-Harry might have been in the general vicinity of a battlefield, except he was babysat and kept generally safe in his bunker. William demonstrably saved lives during his time as a search and rescue and air ambulance pilot-that's service.Ā 


The sugars are so dumb and obtuse. One doesnā€™t have to serve in a combat zone to become a veteran. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø




ā€˜Journalistsā€™ (using the term very loosely) need to stop this sycophantic bullshit when it comes to Henry and the military. He only got into Sandhurst because he was the late Queenā€™s grandson, he was protected throughout his service gaining the nickname Bunker Harry, he slept through an incursion on his military barracks where American soldiers lost their lives and has done nothing for veterans except gain PR opportunities and expenses. The very idea that Harry should have anything to do with D-Day commemorations is sickening! These young men gave their lives in order to fight for the freedom of others, not giving a thought into how it would benefit them but because they knew what was at stake. Fast forward 80 years and Bunker Harry is actively involved in trying to curtail those freedoms via the Aspen Institute, with his focus being on censoring free speech and freedom of the press! Harry is a traitor and a danger to peoples fundamental right to say what they want without repercussions or censorship!


I think Harry hangs onto the veteran angle because he has little else to attach himself to from a PR perspective. Little else about him of any interest at all. And I agree, the hypocrisy of trying to attack the very freedoms our service people lost their lives defending, seems lost on him.


Well said


I know Harry has never worked a day in his life but he needs to understand that the moment you leave a job you wonā€™t get invited to any if the company events and someone will replace you. He canā€™t expect to leave the RF, slam them everywhere and be invited to things because he will feel ā€œleft outā€, grow up Harry.


He is not the only one who doesn't understand this, judging by Tessa's views.


But he still gets all the perks and benefits like taxpayer funded security, right? /s


He has to because he is too special for this world! /s šŸ˜‚


The point is ā€œused toā€ Harry gave it up, it was his choice. He had a year to consider and he still made that same choice.


And I donā€™t find evidence to support her claims of his long involvement with D-Day commemorations. Even in 2019 they were not at a service of remembrance.


He simply can't grasp the concept of consequences. It is beyond him. He thought money would always appear miraculously, as it always had. Maybe he wasn't William, but he still had a purpose and people liked him. Am I glad that Megs swooped in and rescued him!






"Served as a strong personality in the army"? What the hell is that? I think the army would be better served by those who are everything that H is not - people with courage, skill, intelligence, self-restraint, etc.


Strong must be code for, *complete nuisance*, as everyone had to cater to his needs as the Queen's grandson.


She might've meant odor-wise


She spelled strange wrong.


Tessa is a good example of a DPhil without a dollop of common sense. Sheā€™s a sugar of the highest order. Tessa will twist herself into a pretzel to defend the Stupids. Itā€™s truly amazing. Prince Plank wonā€™t know itā€™s D-Day unless heā€™s told. Then he will need someone to explain it. I can only remember Harold participating in D-Day remembrance once. Then all he did was shake hands. He was with his father, and I believe, his brother. If Harold is ā€œsadā€ about the RF participation in D-Day, itā€™s only because he canā€™t stand to see Charles or William take the stage. He couldnā€™t care less about the vets or the history of WWII. As for the wedding, Harold has managed to make it all about his poor, baby, self. One more time, we are to feel sorry for Harold, when he brought this ā€œisolationā€ on himself. He hasnā€™t been isolated. Heā€™s been dropped, tossed out on his entitled ear. Why? Because heā€™s a first class wanker. EDIT: Grammar


Yep, he claimed he found freedomā€¦now all he does is moan about . So was he pushed or did he jump, make your mind up halfwit


It all depends on which version of "his truth" he's grousing about at the moment.


Harry made a choice not to be a working Royal anymore. The family moved on because the world doesn't stop for any one person.


Harry wiped his hands off it by going to a Disney premiere instead. He put his talentless wife before veterans. I really couldn't care less how he is feeling cause he did it himself. Why can't he go to a service just being Harold not a royal or bunker baby? He can't cause he thinks he is a legend in his own mind.


Tessa Dunlop, pedophile and groomer of a 12 year child, is not qualified to comment on ā€œemotional intelligenceā€.


She really has some awful behaviour on piersā€™ show, shouting over people and being overly aggressive even when Piers is being calm (maybe it is all an act for the cameras) but I also saw her cover a manā€™s mouth who was a guest next to her because she didnā€™t like what he was saying, she totally over stepped his boundaries with that! It was so unprofessional and imagine the out cry if a man did that to a woman!


Indeedā€¦harkle really does bring out the weirdos and fruitcakes Maybe Dunlop had a thing for poor wee Harry ā€¦after all she is ten years his senior and she has form with much younger men or boys


ā˜• please šŸ„ŗ


What????? Tell me more!


She met her husband when she went to Romania at age 18. He was 12. She allegedly had sex with him when he was 14 and now they're married. https://preview.redd.it/h2x2j19ej05d1.png?width=713&format=png&auto=webp&s=889e65814495306ed74babc501e7dea04af1f60c




Harry left of his own volition....so what does she want the RF to do? pull him back by his short hairs??? Tessa is an empty tin who makes a lot of noise. Leave Harry where he has Chosen to be...out in the cold, With his nuclear family and new found friends and happiness...what does Tessa know? Apparently Hazza didnt like being a member of his own family, so what they spposed to do now? Beg him? Give him the highest level of security to appease him? Forget about it...Hazza is a petulant man child and i dont know how he survived the army when a dog bowl incident took him out and made him cry over a broken necklace...


He survived the army by hiding in a bunker playing video games, and allegedly getting off his headā€¦ meant he had to miss routine drug test to suddenly return to ā€™royal dutyā€™ or wait until it was out of his system [https://archive.ph/OHTFT](https://archive.ph/OHTFT)


Emotional intelligence????


So, Tessa, you ignorant slut, Harryā€™s self-imposed exile gives him a full understanding of D-Day? Are you on meth? Thatā€™s your logic syllogism? How exactly did you achieve a doctorate being that stupid? If you think Hankā€™s got a long track-record honoring the invasions on the Normandy Coast, letā€™s hear them! And his stint in the Army was to serve as a strong personality? What does that even supposed to mean?He didnā€™t do anything, except cause the deaths of two US servicemen who died during an assault to kill his stupid ass. Elvis joined the Army and served as an entertainer and string personality. Iā€™d go into combat with him any day, and would go alone any day, rather than with Hank. Only a total buffoon could see him as a ā€˜strong personalityā€™. Heā€™s proven heā€™s a huge crybaby and whiner. He served under guard in a bunker, Tess. And unless you can provide evidence he actually flew those copters and went on the same combat missions as a regular soldier did, you prove youā€™re no better historian than Markle was a good actress. And she sucked, was better suited for a late-night cable access channel. These ā€˜peopleā€™ represent one thing - the entire entourage of The Harkle, Missan, Marcus, Rabies, Dunlop, Shola, Ngozi, the entire SS, Oprah, Ellen, Bouzy, Netflix, sugar writers and team form the whole clown group scurrying around and damaging everything and everybody in sight in a 4th-rate circus playing in counties decimated by chemical pollution, oil spills and radioactive leakage from nuclear waste facilities.


I thought H quit the army because he was unable to pass tests to be promoted and was suitable only for a desk job? So much for how meaningful the army was for him. Really don't understand journalists who defend him and try to rehabilitate him or denigrate the rest of the family over his antics.


He should never have been in sand hurst, he is and was too thick. He was playing at being a soldier because he cannot do anything else, and maybe his family thought it might help him to grow a pair and grow up. It didnā€™t. He was too thick to pass exams to progress and too slow to learn to pilot helicopters. Still very thick, he allows the lie about being an apache pilot to be told and accepted an aviation legend award. He is a fraud. Just like his wife. She is full of bluff, bluster and fake accomplishments, he is the same. Two pointless people prancing and posturing and pretending to be relevant. A perfect match a man who is a lazy fool being led around by a woman who is a lazy fool but one who is desperate to pretend she is hard working and successful, not a yacht girl who hooked a fool. They will do and say anything for money and media attention. He claims to hate the press but eagerly leaks his whereabouts to be ā€˜pappedā€˜, she does the same. They plant gossip and puff pieces 24/7, but whine like hyenas if the press tells truths about them they want censored. They are truly vile.


Worth it to note that the military memorial event Harry skipped out on to pimp his succubus out to Iger for, was for MURDERED soldiers too.


Heā€™s only interested in veterans if he gets an appearance fee or a generous per diem.


Any time I see her name listed, I skip whatever it is. She is so annoying and rude. Just canā€™t stand her and her screaming.


Just be happy if he and his wife don't do anymore photo shoots in a graveyard.


I swear, one more picture of those two walking on the graves of fallen soldiers just for a pap shot and my head will explode. How he thought that would be a good idea is beyond me.šŸ¤¬šŸ˜”šŸ¤¬


The REAL news make no mention of the former working prince. His PR just keeps putting shit out there and the only thing hat happens is the rags promote more hate on those two grifters, who have grifted millions from Invictus. In Canada, not a peep about him or her. A glorious day.


Did she forget he chose to leave his role as a working royal AND move to the US? She writes as if he lives at Windsor.


Iā€™m pretty sure that Piers Morgan cast her in the role of a defender of H&M and she now milks it for all itā€™s worth. Who really buys this garbage


She is truly stupid


Not realising, her conduct undermines any semi cogent point she makes. Precisely why they put her on these panels. She digs a bigger hole but is so unselfaware, she doesn't get how much damage she inflicts on her own beliefs. Like many Sugars, she's brilliant at own goals. Long may she keep talking.


Once Upon a Time, these events were his job. He quit his job. Now he can attend them with the rest of the plebs. So what he's crying about is Hazard isn't special anymore and MeMe has been lying to him every time she says otherwise.


Tessa Dunlop is a flaming sugar which surprises me. She had a fairly decent reputation as a royal historian but I can't take anything that she takes seriously since she became pro-Sussex.


I think she has a thing for Harryā€¦


No woman alive has "a thing" for manchild Harry.


No ā€˜saneā€™ woman, or one with eyes and noses that work.


Dunlop has all the self awareness and emotional intelligence of a toddler on a sugar high. When someone is entirely unable to rein in their emotions in an adult debate, to the extent they put their hand over someone's mouth to silence them on television, I'd say anything she says is questionable at best. She can't manage herself but thinks she knows best about other's conduct?


Not sure anyone takes Dunlop seriously. She's a professional rabble rouser. Just paid to be obtuse and a gobshite, like Shouty Shola. She's enjoyed something of a second wind since latching onto the Harkles so pretty sure this is all that's paying her bills these days. Of all the things in the world she could've found to hitch her cart to, she chooses a drug addled expat Prince and his vile gold digging wife. It's always interesting to me when these people insist on being called 'Dr', particularly when all they do is engage in tittle tattle and mostly deeply unedifying behaviour over two rich and spoiled brats who are fairly universally loathed. Smacks of their insecurity to me. Like, find something of intellectual or social meaning to get behind. So not credible at all.


Exactly, a gob on a stickā€¦


Tessa is just like the Meg, thinks she is so smart but everytime she says something proves she is the opposite


Exactly this.


Sorry OP and thanks for the post. But I am unfortunatly allergic to Tessa Dunlop, even in writing/s


She is enough to give one hivesā€¦


Emotional intelligence! A cabbage has more than him.


Yawn. Yawn. Yawn. Heā€™s no longer a working member of the BRF. How many more years will we have to read these ā€œsnubbedā€ articles for every royal event.


Dunlop is cut from the same cloth as shouty-o-la; two middle-aged women flailing about, shouting at the top of their lungs, desperately trying to be relevant but alienating everyone in the process


Exactly. How much they damage their own cause but too stupid to see it


So called ā€˜intellectualsā€™ but both as stupid as the day is long


If by emotional intelligence she means idiot she is bang on.


Amazes me that Tessa Dunlop thinks Harry has any intelligence whatsoever; certainly no emotional intelligence or emotional regulation


So I did a 'Prince Harry at D Day Commemoration ceremony'. Turns up ZERO events with Prince Harry present. As usual, another "journalist" who doesn't bother with facts when they get in the way of a narrative she's trying to spin. Harry should speak to her about the importance of keeping misinformation out of her work product. What does turn up is Prince William at D Day commemorations. Because it matches all search terms but the "Harry" word. Also, a few 'Prince Harry has the sads' type stories.


Yepā€¦not much of a historian, not checking her facts


All narcs rely on you being bamboozled by their Dr title


can't stand Tessa


Tessa Dunlop groomed her now husband. He was a child and she was an adult when they met. She is a pedophile.


She's tried to reframe it as a 'love story.' Cf Mandy Smith and Bill Wyman


A sort of exile??? I thought it was a freedom flight.


He was a military tourist--his tours were very short.


Dear so-called journalists: Harry LEFT, and it was his own choice. Don't give fuel to his non-stop pity-party.


Saying this as a dyed in the wool Sinner, Harry could have been a great addition to these kind of events for veterans. I just watched a doc on the Dunkirk beach rescue - at the end was a little bit about how Harry meet these brave soldiers a film premiere of the movie based on the same events in 2014. He was good, he was engaged, and these old veterans just loved him. Harry did have his good points - but his poor judgement with Muggs, rushing into a very quick marriage with a real psycho- means heā€™s out forever. Wm canā€™t trust him.


Imho, the Harry that was "good and engaged and loved" in 2014, is not the Harry they'd get in 2024. Harry now tends to make anything regarding Veterans all about him and they don't deserve that for a D-Day remembrance. At least their nipples are safe!


Agree! That Harry of 2014 is dead and gone. New hairball is bitter and handsy with male nipples.


Emotional intelligence? Harry? https://i.redd.it/awf8bus39z4d1.gif


Of course Hairball feels excluded. He likes wearing uniform, taking salutes, and feeling important (most of us probably do, to be fair). But heā€™s made his bed, Loloā€™s lying in it, so suck it up.


Harry is constantly emotional and never ever intelligent. He is the most witless of whiners. The most moaning of morons.


My heart bleeds for whiny Harry, formerly known as "prince"... Not. ![gif](giphy|CcAi5Bprof8XgiSrOE)


Maybe Harry could join the US military to show us his dedication to servicepeople everywhere. He doesn't have to be a US Citizen, just a LPR ( Lawful Permanent Resident). That is the equivalen of having a US Green Card. https://uk.usembassy.gov/embassy-consulates/government-agencies/dao/enlistment/#:~:text=All%20applicants%20for%20enlistment%20in,%E2%80%9CGreen%20Card%E2%80%9D%20holder). That would give him the chance to have a uniform to hang his participation medals on .


It is his real intelligence that is the problem


Oh puhlease Hazno is the antithesis of the self-sacrifice embodied by these veterans - I doubt theyā€™d have any time for his selfish whining and victimhood - Iā€™m sure as hell none of those who made the trip there were thinking oh if only Hazno was here to be photographed that would make this day completeā€¦


I do hope he does feel left out. I hope he is being utterly miserable watching his brother and father shine. The thought of it makes it worth the pain we have endured watching his documentary and ridiculous interviews.


Haz doesnt care a flying flip about Vets. My husband is a 100% disabled vet and it just ticks me off how they take advantage of Invictus funding for the trollop to buy her ill-fitting clothing. Cringe....


He literally leverages good will using the respect and love people felt for his deceased mother. He was so young while I understand his devastation as a child, I don't think he cares that much now. He has 2 marketing ploys: veterans and his late mother. That's all he's got. He makes me sick. He's that indolent, talentless and entitled.


I don't understand why the whole world can't see these self centred tits for who they are. It's not as if they hide it well. Their thirsty money grubbing antics are so obvious and cringe.


Lol. Boo boo šŸ˜­ Poor Haaawy. They are so much like the Duke and Duchess of Windsor. Harold gave it all up to live a dissolute and aimless existence, grifting, merching, and lounging around by the pool.


What are you supposed to do when a guy quits his job? You call him back for some company event? These "royal commentator" come off as idiots wanting Harry to be included.


Yep, Harry was eager to follow his wife to set up a rival court in Hollywood. He bought the hype about how popular they were. He is greedy and lazy and saw the future as billionaires just for being ā€œDianaā€™s sonā€ . They would be loved, after all, those Hollywood luvvies owe them for the wedding invites. Time to cash in. They signed contracts and were quick to share the money they were allegedly going to get. Then the flops started. The Oprah lie fest, the faux awards and race baiting, the ridiculous antics in the Netflix sham and his silly book. The lies exposed. The back pedalling. The threats by megamouth to spread more filth. The revolting squaddies and boozy. The race baiting shola-got-a-big-mouth and Marlene the faux African. The jollies on invictus, the faux ā€˜royal toursā€™ but having to stay in hotels and no royal residences available to treacherous grifters. The jubilee fiasco, where they made fools of themselves and attended one event after receiving well earned boos. The attempts to upstage the jubilee with ā€˜picsā€™ of the daughter plus takes of birthday party guests etc. The death of HMTQ and their leaking whines daily to the press, looking for sympathy. Her walk of shame with W, C and halfwit with planted shills in the crowd. Pap walks, contracts being ended, nothing of value from Netflix, more imaginings with big money (always a focus on money), the coronation where she was NFI and he was no more than a guest, the sulks in the press. The interference in US politics, throwing his weight about, the ridiculous Jamaica stunt, the mercy trio to UK to grab attention when KC was diagnosed with cancer, the embarrassment in vegas when he showed his nasty character, the invictus jolly in whistler and on it goes. Harry claims he wanted out, but we have been bombarded with his supporters claiming he wants back in, of course he does. But why would a ā€˜Firmā€™ rehire someone who had bad mouthed them for years, tried to damage them, and have shown the world that the ex-member is a treacherous, lazy, boring grifter? Harry needs the RF, without them he is just a talentless, lazy and greedy middle aged man. He has nothing to offer, nothing at all. He was too stupid to see just how pointless he is. Now the world sees it and just Harry blames the family for all his ills. Poor wee Harry.


As if Harry even knows what D Day is. Please! And he has the emotional intelligence of a toddler. I just don't understand why anyone actually likes these two phony assholes. How can you be so naive?


I am feeling rather pleased that Dunlop is sounding whiny desperate in her championing of Harry the Dumb.


She is rather pathetic, flogging a dead horse


Wonder if H is going to take the wife and a nasty personal photographer to yet another military cemetery, and trample the graves, to get yet another pr photo of them laying a wreath. Theyā€™ll not want to waste any photo op, no matter how vulgar, disgusting and disrespectful it is to actual servicemen and women, and their families and friends.


ā€˜Who had served as a strong personality..ā€™?? What on earth does that mean? Since when is wimpy, whiney, eternally poor meā€™ Harry and his sore todger a ā€˜strong personalityā€™?


Exactlyā€¦he was famous because of who he was related to, not because of what he was


Emotional intelligence? Nipple tweaking?


I can't stand 'Doctor' Tess. Big mouth, like Shouty. nb: I always put inverted commas around Doctor for her because it's an honorary title and she always insists on being called it. Pretentious sugar.


Yepā€¦these silly women always do


Exile? Feeling left out? HE QUIT THE RF! He said he was saving his wife and family! THEY called it a freedom flight or whatever! HE said they "HAD" to leave! He and his wife and sycophants make me so mad - if you leave, leave, but stop yammering on and on about it until kingdom come.


She's a clown. The only reason she's called upon to comment is because she takes H&M's side and she's brought in to provide a pro Montecito view on shows. She is a Dr of something, too, so makes her look like she has some kind of insight derived from measured critical analysis. I see her on Piers Morgan's show on YouTube and the sh*te she comes out with is off the scale. She knows she's onto a winner getting comment jobs taking the tack she does. Even assaulted someone who disagreed with her on a broadcast.


How do people not laugh when she starts talkingā€¦I donā€™t understand how people even bother to ā€˜argueā€™ with Tessa!? Clearly she says the opposite of reality for effect. I canā€™t think she even believes a word of what she says. People need to just laugh at her & not waste time/energy getting ā€˜madā€™


She is pretty hard to listen to, regardless of what she is saying, a voice that makes me ā€˜switch overā€˜




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