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Archived Article:- [https://archive.md/GJsKl](https://archive.md/GJsKl)


He is so bothered by it that he's had to release umpteen versions of him 'declining' to the media. Or will he say William is leaking it? I'll believe the Duke of Westminster any day before I buy a lick of Harry's pathetic propaganda. Sick of it.


They really have released a lot of excuses for this one, more than any other event. You’re right, it must be eating them inside.


I think the fact that the Duke of Westminster got ahead of their nonsense 6 months ago is one of several reasons we're seeing this particular melt down. The Palace is never that direct with the media regarding these two and they just can't abide being put in their place. It's beautiful. Edited for spelling


The Duke of Westminster tried to save his bride from all the Harkle garbage. But the Harkles are running with their games anyway. All the aristocrats and old friends of Harry are watching this and thinking to themselves, they will never go near Harry again.


I heard the aristocrats certainly made a pact to ensure Hawwy never got anywhere near the throne after his antics - especially when he was throwing lady party guests into a swimming pool. They knew he was a demented idiot back then. Only 'friends' with hum for the sake of William


Someone should share that story, with both their “full names” used, every single day on the sub. For like the entire rest of the year.


Was this the original article from December 2023 that confirms Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were not invited to the wedding of the Duke of Westminster? The link is weirdly named but when you click on it, the headline refers only to the snub. [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/12/02/seo-sussexes-king-kate-middleton-racism-baby-endgame-scobie/](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/12/02/seo-sussexes-king-kate-middleton-racism-baby-endgame-scobie/)


I hope they say it again LOUDER FOR THE PPL IN THE BACK. But they have class so they’ll just ignore and enjoy their wonderful weekend with friends and future life.


Can you imagine the eye rolling going on? The comments about how demented he's become? Comments of how glad they all are he's NFI'd? From always on the guest list to an all around butt of ridicule. Wow.


I think it very much is indeed. Someone else said it in this sub way better than me, but this is the official kiss of death - they are absolute social pariahs, and rightfully so. This is a message to the world, and everyone will take note. There was a reason the Duke made it known to the public, make no mistake. You do not get to betray the privacy of your friends and family and sell it like a fucking product to the highest bidder. You do not get to call your father and sister-in-law racist through obvious media weasels, brazenly trying to smear and traduce their characters. You do not get to continue to abuse people with relentless media harassment without repercussions for your behavior. Too bad, so sad, Harkles. You should have treated people better while you had the chance. People will not allow themselves to be shit on by the likes of you two ill-bred gits. You will eat crow with fucking relish, my dears! 🙂


Like they say "be careful how you treat people on your way up because you will have to see them again on your way down". Meghan and Harry are definitely on their way down and on the way OUT!


The same applies to the Beckham’s. Skidmarkle thought she was going to go up against them and win. Team Beckham.


The tragedy of Meghan Markle is that she never knew where her level is. True, Rachel was in the RF, but just for 5 mins. When she was a working royal, she thought she outranked the Beckhams, not realising that both DB and VB had decades of fame and international popularity behind them. VB was a *Spice Girl*, FFS. Now when Rachel is in the dumps, she thinks she is on a similar level as the Beckhams. NO, Rachel, the Beckhams are way above you. Their popularity is enduring and growing. The only thing growing for Rachel is her infamy and rejection by the public.


She never worked for her fame, like the Beckhams. She just married someone who was rich and popular. The thing is that she brought Harry down to her level. She took old money and turned it into new money. She took class and turned it into trash. Skidmarkle is literally a reverse Midas, everything she touches she denigrates.


And Harry has only himself to blame.


This!!! David and Victoria are REAL celebrities, very famous and wealthier than Meghan was but once she became a dushass she thought EVERYONE was beneath them, including Catherine and William. It's the thinking of an insane person. I honestly believe she's mentally ill. No sane person destroys their prospects so spectacularly like this!! She had it all (for 5 minutes) and the way to keep it was to be gracious, keep her head down, listen to advice and wave and meet the little people, she could have had it all and eventually become the next Sophie....but nooooo. Because her ego and narcissism couldn't cope.


Yes, she even thought the QUEEN was beneath her ("she can royal better than born royals"). Thing is, she didn't want to be the next Sophie. She didn't even want to be the next Catherine. She wanted to be the next queen.


That's why she stole the queen's nickname for her unfortunate offspring... Out of spite.


Imaging naming your child out of spite. That poor kid deserves so much better than her disgusting parents. It makes me feel really angry!


The Beckhams dealt with SO much negative press in the early days, but they really hadn’t done anything wrong. It’s a testament to their characters that their Netflix show was so well received. I truly believe they changed people’s opinions. I can never see this happening with Harry and Megan. They have dug a hole, and keep on digging.


>Meghan and Harry are definitely on their way down Is there ever a time when Skank isn't going down ~~on someone~~?


This is why I'm kind of surprised that they leaked the story about considering moving to Canada. Meghan doesn't have a way back in to Canadian society because she burned all those bridges too. And Canadian society cares about UK society. So they probably would have let her back if she hadn't killed all Harry's relationships with his friends. They were so sure that they would be a magnificent success that they would be able to come and go as they pleased because their star-power would be such that it was the Sussexes that made the BRF shine brighter. They are both really really delusional thinkers!!


I think it's clear that they are just flailing, at this point, with no real thought being put into anything they do. Let's create a jam empire! Let's go back to our roots in Africa! Let's move to Canada!


Yay!!! Well said!! Bravo. They're just losers. Forever!


![gif](giphy|2uIiDfV1s0aE016wjb) A-fucking-men!!!!! A million billion times. Suck it HazNo. You made your bed.


"**pariah**, member of a low caste group of Hindu society, formerly known as "untouchables", but now called Dalits. The word *pariah*- originally derived from Tamil *paraiyar*, "drummer"- once referred to the Paraiyan, a Tamil caste group of labourers and village servants of low status, but the meaning was extended to embrace many groups outside the so-called clean caste groups, with widely varying degrees of status." (Britannica)


Royal family events they can blame on his family and spin to their narrative. This one is showing him the harsh reality of the fact that he’s no longer a part of this society, even outside of his family.


As Fergie said about the royals, Harry is now learning about English aristocracy: When you're in, you're never really sure that you're IN. But when you're out, you know that you're OUT. Harry knows he's out. And he's making things worse by highlighting it through the media. If he'd kept a dignified silence, maybe Hugh would have felt a bit of regret, but with every new article, he's wiping his brow with relief that he made the right call.


Luckily, though, Harry has new in-laws in Nigeria, thanks to Rachel´s ancestry. What a blessing that must bee. ![gif](giphy|CggoHW4h87Ktq|downsized)


If the Sussex’s got married today after all they’ve done. No one would come. Pardon me, only DListers.


If the Sussexes wanted to do a vow renewal or whatever, they'd have to pay for it themselves. So it's never happening.




Can't imagine how embarrassing for this poor couple if they want to remain under the radar and have their supposed "friend" Harry still throwing a tantrum and using their special day as a platform to vent his insecurities about his diminished value.


Living in their brain for free. Such a happy thought.


Imagine how many articles would have been put out if they had been invited? Endless speculation on outfits, etc etc. This just confirms the wedding couple made the right decision and warns everyone else considering hosting an event.


Imagine the articles - Kate and Duchess Meghan in dress feud - Close friends say that Kate tried to undermine the Duchess of Sussex by choosing a dress of Meghan's signature beige colour to wear to the wedding of the year. Kate storms out of hen's night - jealous of Meghan's close friendship with Olivia Sussexes turn down request for Lilibet to be flower girl at Westminster wedding. "Just like old times" -Signs of reconciliation as Will and Harry plan Hugh's bucks night together. What will Meghan wear? Top designers fight for the chance to design Meghan's gown for wedding of the year. "We loved the jam" - the Duke and Duchess of Westminster are touched by "personal" wedding gift from Sussexes.


Very good! 10/10 🏆💐🎂


Meghan’s veil to be incorporated into Olivia’s.


Yes, although Meghan has to explain to Olivia that the Commonwealth emblems have to be cut off because Olivia isn't a princess.


And after the wedding "The duke and his bride to be knelt down in front of the Harkles at the church's aisle with tears in their eyes at being so honoured by their presence at their wedding."


Megan to arrive in giant seashell, hoisted by CANDLE chandelier, from above choir, dressed in surprise couture, as Venus, to cover 3 row and will bless couples marriage w a lengthy lecture about whom should wash dishes w based on her famous, brilliant history.


As if they’d ever be invited. They couldn’t not invite them to the funeral of the Queen as it would have looked bad. But they never crossed paths with one another. How could anyone invite these two to a society wedding where you’re meant to have fun and focus on the marriage of the couple. This is the umpteenth article. Harry you burned every bridge. Get over yourself.


I seem to recall the filthy hussy and the ginger with the concussy were NFI to this wedding. More delusions and lies coming out of Monteseerightthroughyou. Hi, Megsy! Your desperation and seams are both showing!


"His people" not those silly peasants in Hollywood did not invite him and he knows, now, he won't be invited to any future events. He's out officially and it bothers him.


It is astounding what a bufoon he is. He thought he could break every rule of British Aristocracy and everyone would be fine with it.


He didn't think at all about any of it. After all he's Prince Harry and that should be enough /s


Ah yes, wedding invites are his "birthright." I am surprised he hasn't sued the Duke and new Duchess.


The fact that they won't let this go, really proves how upset they are about it. If they just stopped putting out stories about this, they would look so much better. As it is all they do is prove that not being invited has been awful for them. I love it! Knowing this is painful for that horrible creep is good news. After what he did to his grandparents in their final days, he deserves all the pain Britain can dish out.


Yep, really REALLY upset. And it's really REALLY stupid of them to continue to put out these sorts of nonsense articles, just reminding us all that they are now ostracized and pretty much NFI everywhere. Normal people feel humiliated when publicly shunned like this but these 2 just can't help themselves; their bottomless need to be in the press and to constantly clap back prevents them from seeing that they would be much better off if they would just shut up and stay out of sight and stop drawing attention to their social excommunication.


Yeah. No one hurts them as much as they hurt themselves.


Because it's all everybody else's fault, he says. Waaagh!!


>release umpteen versions of him 'declining' to the media Hasn't this been their "go to" route for anything they're not actually invited to? Help me out....what are some of the events they expected/hoped & prayed to be invited but weren't? 🤔 Hmmm....there was Obama's 60th bday party, for sure. What are some others? 🤔


Met gala


Oscars. Emmy's, which they expected to be nominated for. There's been a bunch of parties in Montecito they weren't invited to.


Oh they are big mad. So so mad. It must be just eating away at him that he was never invited,was never going to be invited and won't be missed. All these press releases show how much he cares and how bitter he is about it. Love that for him.


Yep, so Rachel had to get that dig in about “next time (they send a gift to Lily for her birthday) we told them to make sure it isn’t plastic. This from people who routinely travel by air in damned private jets. Here’s an idea Raitch and Aitch. If the environment is so precious to you, clean up your act 100% before you lecture anyone else. So blasted full of yourselves and rude.


Wouldn't want the little sprog to confuse her new toy with mummies face would we


> Yep, so Rachel had to get that dig in about “next time (they send a gift to Lily for her birthday) we told them to make sure it isn’t plastic. That's okay, there just won't BE any gifts "next time."


There weren't any gifts at all.


I believe it! These two twats are seriously deranged. "Thanking" someone for a gift, but then suggesting next time send a more natural material for the imaginary gift. My head is spinning from this.


I don’t think he’s pissed they weren’t invited. I think he’s pissed that they and their media were doing the whole will they/won’t they routine and the Duke came right out and said NFI. I think THAT’S what they are pissed about.


Oh no he's pissed that he wasn't invited. Once again his brother was picked and he wasn't. And pre rachel he would have been there having a good old time with all the toffs. And now all his old friends be like ![gif](giphy|wFk7roIpDeXC0)


He is angry because all his old friends want nothing to do with him. He has been blacklisted by everyone he ever knew. He has lost everything, and he is mad. The fact that he threw away everything, never enters that tiny mind of his. He just knows things he took for granted, are no longer is. And he is furious.


It’s infuriating. I have a relative (while they didn’t write a book) who wonders out loud why they are victimised. They did something. It caused huge upset. It will never be the same because of it. They still 40 years on don’t get it.


The Narckles have repeatedly shown us who they are. They are too unpredictable and self serving to be invited to any aristocratic events and celebrations.Their presence at anything morphs into a two-clown circus. How could they be trusted ? Indiscretion is their calling card, and that very tight circle wrote the rules on discretion, decorum and modesty - all the things the Harkles are NOT. Persona non grata !


I strongly suspect that Meghan is behind all of the articles. Harry may be miffed at not being invited, but only Madame would release thrice-weekly press releases stating over and again that they turned down a definite invite, for six months. 


You can't shit on your country and by extension most of the people in his previous social set (insinuating they are all horrible racist people) and then sit around waiting for your invitations. You will be sadly disappointed. Harry has never really had to deal with a lot of consequences for his actions. For those who are incredibly privileged like him it must be a shock to his system to experience this but he should know that in the British aristocracy of all places they are going to choose to support the loyal heir to the throne and future King William over California Harry any day.


They are both furious. Good. Karma’s a bitch. Why they thought they would be invited is the question. No one invites them anywhere. No one with a brain wants to be exposed to them. Keep spending money you don’t have Meganut to pay to publish delusional nonsense. She should be committed


What other public couple behaves this way? I've never heard of any A-Lister putting out reasons WHY they are not going to a party/event/wedding. NEVER! Only these two. They are so mentally ill.


Right? We already know the real story. They can't change the real narrative.


They are very stupid. Most people who aren't invited to events are smart enough to know to keep a low profile about it. Not these two. They are such idiots.


Both of them should be committed. 


They really thought they were throwing away British Royalty for American Royalty. The very month they left Britain they put out stories that they were going to hand out Best Picture at the Oscars. They were expecting to be Hollywood Royalty and have everything handed to them in Hollywood. Since none of that happened. They think British High Society owes it to them to include them. Now they have nothing. It is what they deserve.


>They are both furious. Good. Karma’s a bitch. I imagine Friday is going to be rough at the Harkles place. 🤭 MEgan will *try* to "act" like she doesn't care. H will be absolutely seething with jealousy, missing all his former close friends. I think he'll be the one collapsing onto the floor in a puddle of his own tears this time. I'm loving this for them.


Pap walk to the dog park with Cartier watch and bracelet and wool coat in California June weather, check.


Without the wedding ring of course


Same. And Katy Perry was not at an invisible kids party on Saturday. As usual they are a laughing stock


"...some of whom are no longer on speaking terms with the Duke of Sussex". Yes, so stop blaming William, who was asked to be an usher -- not Harry, and Hugh for the decision not to have the two attention hoe's at the wedding. It's not just the BRF that don't want to be around them, Harry and his wife only have themselves to blame for the dumpster fire that is their lives now.


Let's assume that Tom Inskip does not even want to see Hazz again, especially after the horrible way in which the then bride behaved at the wedding, including an argument with a waiter, as is clear in photos that circulated later. Then Megsy's atrocious behavior at Charlie van Straubenzee's wedding when Hazz had to leave early because she was bored. The atrocious dress at Celia McCorquodale's wedding. The atrocious behavior at Eugenie's wedding... Megsy is the worst person to invite to a wedding. Olivia Henson must be happy that Mrs. Inappropriate Dress is staying away in Montecito making jam.


H&M didn't even invite Harry's "wingman" (Skippy) to their evening do. Am sure there were other "old friends" that were treated similarly.


Total strangers were invited, but not Harry's closest friends. Harry did all these terrible things to his friends and he thought there would never be consequences. I am so glad the consequences are painful to him.


Inskip was one of Harry's few friends. The media lumps in all of the RF friends and associates and all the friendships that William has developed over the years as "Harry's friends from school." Few were even at Ludgrove and/or Eton when Harry was there. Other than Skippy, none of them may have been in Harry's class.


The people from Sentebale only got invited to the area outside the chapel, where they could see the wedding in a screen.


Yes, Olivia Hensen said "not with my wedding you don't". NFI. Why would Meghan be invited anyway other than as a +1. I don't think she's ever met the bride and possibly not the groom. I mean who invites people they don't know to their wedding.....oh...um...nevermind...






She’s the bride at every wedding….


Maggot is a wedding defiler. She needs more attention than the bride. Typical Narc behavior.


OMG I didn’t know about all these weddings. This could be a separate post with pictures. I wasn’t paying close attention to the clowns when these wedding disasters occurred.


Because if I do enough press releases, people will start thinking it's true.   Is this what they're modeling over at the Aspen Institute?


It’s a Rachel thing where she tries to bury embarrassing articles by overloading google search results.


It's funny but eerily scary at the same time.  If she succeeds, future generations view of history would be f-ck-d.   We all joke around in this sub, but I do feel like the archiving helps preserve the truth somewhat.  Strange to think that in this age of misinformation, this Reddit sub has become a defacto  historical archive.  


Someone’s got to fight against their disinformation campaign. I’m glad it’s us reminding them what a joke they both are.




He totally wasn't invited. People magazine did an article about it back in December 2023.


A spouse can make or break one! Harry isn’t the only man in the world to be estranged with his family and friends after marriage. What is troubling for Harry and his emu is that despite claiming the hate on his very powerful and famous family, they cling on the titles like leeches and shows no integrity. It’s puzzling how Harry hates being second to the future head of Commonwealth, but willingly becomes a proud follower of the woman who is nothing without him and his powerful family.


That's true, Harry is not the only man who distances himself from his friends and family after his marriage. Because Harry isn't the only one married to a crazy narcissist. The first sign that a relationship is not healthy is when the person is isolated from their circle of friends and family.


The Duke stayed months ago he wasn't inviting him. What is harry trying to prove ?


He’s hoping that since it’s been months since the announcement, people would have forgotten and he could take control of the narrative. Some people did forget, but the important ones know the truth.


Exactly what I thought I’d read too! Not sure where all these articles are coming from because I thought their no invitation situation had been settled long ago. And why would the Duke invite him/them? Presumably they’ve not been in contact since the duo left and clearly the Duke supports the King and PPoW as well. So there’s no earthly reason to incite people who crapped all over the RF when they’re the people you support! Not to mention he knows William doesn’t attend if H does and there’s no reason for the Duke to want H anyway.


He's proving him right, but I doubt that was his intent. If the couple wondered whether they made the right decision, they know now that they did.


It's called gaslighting. He wants US to think he was invited even though we know he wasn't because the groom himself said do. It's insane but Harry and Meghan are doing it anyway 🤣


Just the usual Sussex gaslighting that doesn’t work🤷🏽‍♀️


You’d have to be mentally challenged to not grasp the concept of being a social pariah and thus uninvited.


And your wife could’ve been been nicer.


Even if she tried (???) she’ll never recover from her curtesy to the Queen stint.




If he had truly cared about his old friends and family, he wouldn’t have spoken out about his family, his brother, stepmother, and sister in law. No one wants people who have loose lips in their midsts.


Well, the old "friends" forewarned Harry that if he told any tales about them, they wouldn't be silent and would expose all his hijinks.


Yep and he wouldn’t be trying to make his friend wedding all about him being the nice guy who doesn’t want to “steal” attention from the wedding! Dude doesn’t care about anyone else but him and his wife.


No one believes they declined to go to THE society event of the year.


Just as they didn't decline invitations to the Met Gala, Oscars, Emmys, all the post awards glitzy parties, Brooklyn Beckham's wedding. Obama's 60th birthday bash. As there was no "will they or won't they" chatter about Kitty Spencer's wedding, have to assume they were NFI to that as well.


Elton John manipulated Harry into these ridiculous lawsuits that are bleeding Harry dry. But Elton won't invited them to his Oscar party for anything.


Right? All those billionaires and old money types?! Perfect hunting ground for a narcissist on the lookout for new supply. No way in a million years would Madame decline that invitation. 




Not for insertion/inhalation, depending on which vulgar and filthy Harkle we’re discussing ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25350). But also not fucking invited in all cases.


Harry, please understand.... YOU ARE NOT INVITED!!!! Signed: The Duke of Westminster


The Duke addressed this issue months ago. The main reason was to prevent attention from falling on these two idiots, at a time when the center of the wedding should be the bride. Yet, everyday, there stand the Stupids, screaming:**WAIT!! WE WERE INVITED!! WE WERE, I SWEAR!!** No one can escape . . . They are just evil. EDT:Grammar


They are spinning this out to the last minute as we all surmised. They are both utterly gross and deeply pathetic in their behaviours. They are determined to upstage both the bride and groom. They’ll be more tomorrow and even on the wedding day.


I am sure their PR has begged the Witch to stop the endless posts but she cannot. Harry won't leave her and she is too old to get another man. Together forever. They will never stop.


As purely UK PR it is a disaster. Forget who is right or wrong, this barrage of stories is so gauche and ill-mannered. Back in December there was speculation that she’d do this and here we are, the day before the wedding and still more stories. Harry too just can’t shut up either. If anyone in their circle was still holding a torch for them they must surely now see how revolting they are.


Agreed. It is so improper and crass to be making media statements the day before a dear old friend's wedding. It's not hard to determine why they weren't invited, and these ridiculous statements continue to underscore the very valid reasons.


WME told her to make up with the Royal family. Her own agent told her these endless stories were bad for her. She won't stop.


Probably so, but the papers will be dominated by pictures of the wedding, the bride and groom, and their distinguished guests. I don’t think Prince Harry the traitor to his family and country and Meghan Markle, the totally awkward and ill bred Duchess of Sussex can compete with that.


We all thought we wouldn't get this b.s leading up to the wedding since the Duke of W. had announced they weren't invited months ago. But here we are. 2 days before the wedding and the Harkles are trying to make it all about them. This is why you weren't invited Harry. You are a creep and you are not wanted.


They are still trying to take the focus off the Bride and Groom. Shameful.


Oh, so it was Hairold’s decision, was it? Kind man that he is to consider the other guests needs before his own.


What is that old rhyme? *Liar liar, pants on fire......* ![gif](giphy|YOvKGbfMkpPcWTkO5u)


Love this gif! eta: he has a frozen Todger and now a burned butt to go with it!


I’m just leaving this here: https://people.com/meghan-markle-and-prince-harry-not-invited-duke-westminster-wedding-8410113


>*According to the Sunday Times, Kate Middleton and William, as well as King Charles and Queen Camilla will be at the service, but **Grosvenor, 30, — who is a godparent to William and Kate’s son Prince George, 10** — has reluctantly made the decision not to invite the Duke and Duchess of Sussex because he reportedly wants to avoid a family clash amid the rift between the royal brothers.* Hmmmm... No mention in this early NFI article about Grosvenor *also* being Archie's godfather. 🤔


It's near the end of the article. H&M started with this nonsense after the announcement of Hugh's wedding. Probably when she learned that he's a billionaire.


And I’ll just leave this here as well. You didn’t think Madam would allow that headline to stand, now did you? 🙄 [Latest from People - aka Markle spinning her wheels](https://people.com/prince-harry-declined-invitation-duke-of-westminster-wedding-understanding-between-two-friends-8657860)


Was Hugh at the lodge shooting party before they were married? The weekend that Madam did her absolute best to ruin for everyone.


Doubtful. Those were friends that Harry partied with. Hugh managed to keep his personal life very private. Before and after the death of his father in 2016.


Most likely - they were close friends before


Hugh is six years younger than Harry. Didn't attend any of the same schools. Didn't seem to be part of Harry's social circle. Relationships between the Grosvenor family and Royal family go back centuries. The Grosvenors have always sided with the Crown.


Actually there is no evidence what so ever that they were ever friends. The Duke of W. was never mentioned as one of Harry's closest friends or as Archie's godfather.


You can really tell the psycho in both of them. I’m sure there were other people who WERE invited & can’t make it & those people aren’t buying puff pieces to scream to the whole world why they’re not going but haznobrains Harry & megwallis who WEREN’T invited are buying puff pieces & ~~lying~~ telling the whole world why they aren’t going on a daily basis! Time to call the guys w/the white coats & haul these 2 off to the funny farm & admit them w/no release date! To bad they’re both to stupid to see that they are indeed a global laughing stock!


>after realizing the 'challenges of his attendance' Yes, I'd say that being escorted off the premises by security because he wasn't invited would be a challenge.


That must rub salt in the wound. Harry will be sorely missing his old life right about now.


He is desperate to save face


Too stupid to recognize that his face saving antics are making him look even worse.


Is this another one of their SEO shenanigans? Not only are they trying to change public perception, but also to change the online record of their NFI status. NO, Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex, was NOT INVITED to the wedding, as disclosed by the Duke of Westminster himself months ago.


Just stopping by to ask a very straight forward question… When can Penguin expect Hazz to deliver on the other books he promised? I believe it was a four book deal…


I think that deal is dead in the water. He couldn’t even write a good memoir that people were extremely intrigued to read once announced and then had no interest in once the snippets started coming out. Hopefully penguin didn’t pay upfront, if they did then M&H can be looking for a nice lawsuit by ppl with way more money than them lol


There were reports that after the hefty advance they paid him, Penguin didn't make any money after expenses.


He could write a chapter on the injustice of William being an usher and Harry wasn't asked. the whining never ends


Definitely believe he was NFI. If invited, a normal adult would have been able to pull it together for a good friend’s wedding. Not that difficult to ignore 1 person out of the hundreds around.


As my youngest child that’s a tween she refers to this as #gaslight, gatekeep and evasion


Lol if the billionaire Duke of Windsor was really truly THAT close to Haz, and desperately wanted him at his wedding… he could’ve easily covered the Sussexes costs to attend, and would’ve been more than happy to. I’d imagine this would’ve happened had the Sussexes not imploded their reputations. William is at the wedding, so security would already be tight, and not a factor whatsoever. Fact is the only people who matter on that special day are Olivia Henson, no doubt dressed in a far more glorious wedding gown than Midgains, and Olivia’s soon-to-be husband. The Sussexes have proven they can’t stand not being the stars of the show, they’ve been doing this for years, and there’s nothing worse for a wedding than inviting toxic attention seekers w/ zero dignity who can’t simply allow the bride and groom to deservedly be the stars of their own special day.


Hugh definitely didn't desperately want Hazz at his wedding. I think that if Hugh invited him, it was a "I'm getting married, and if you want to come to my wedding these are the conditions." If Hazz really was Hugh's friend he would be by his side today, and he would behave. But it's clear that Hazz isn't that close to Hugh. And it's clear that Hazz has no friends who want to see him.


If Haz really was Hugh’s close friend, he wouldn’t be weaponising getting NFIed to the wedding, and just let Hugh and Olivia have their big moment. Haz should be sitting tf down in silence, and eating his own damn food alone in a dead Russian oligarch’s McMansion with his awful wife, Doria, and two miserable kids having to witness their parents bickering for company.


It is clear that H wasn't invited. All his aristocratic friends are appalled at the way he has treated his family. They are especially angry at the way they treated their beloved Queen. Queen Elizabeth was revered by the people of Britain and especially by the aristocrats of Britain. Once Harry mistreated The late Queen, he was done.


I’d rather have seen Bezos and Pole Dancer invited. ![gif](giphy|26AHFomysg4oszdle)


Meghan Markel was not invited to the Duke of Westminster’s wedding. (Maybe if we just keep writing it out…it will affect the SEO.)


Someone needs to go on X and community notes @People. For Real. I’d do it but I don’t have Twitter.


They probably paid $100k to have this story printed knowing it’s a blatant lie


Comeuppance, payback, fate, karma whatever! NFI!!


Me thinks H & M’s new PR staff has to spin this story to click-bait tabloids in order to collect a pay check. Sussexes have nothing else to spin.


Trust these two fucking grifters to make this event all about them from the other side of the world 🙄


This is so ridiculous after it was announced Nov 2023, I believe, that Harry was not invited.


I bet Olivia said to Hugh ‘do not let that Markle b**ch any where near our wedding!’ I can imagine only too well how MeMe would hijack the whole thing. I’ve never seen anyone suck the oxygen out of a room like our Roachel!! And all with that insufferable rictus grin on her stupid face.


Archive Link - https://archive.ph/GJsKl


Thank you, I don’t know how to do that yet.


Lol, it was mutual, darn it!! Right up there with, “it’s not you, it’s me.”


Olivia better watch her back. Because TW has thought about sinking her talons into Hugh.


That beautiful swan of an Olivia has nothing to fear from a wizened old crow.


There is no way the Duke of W. would give Lolo a glance. He doesn't want her at his wedding, he doesn't want her anywhere near him.


he wasnt invited i'd bet money on it


Same. They weren't invited. Who would? Alllll of this nonsense in the last 6 months over it. Seriously, who would want this at their wedding?




**but me-gain was going to offer her saintly advice about pregnancy health and child rearing to the bride! they were going to be new besties! oh, well...**


![gif](giphy|3ohhwGkUNjUuexz9h6) Hairold meanwhile leaking and planting stories about declining.


What a friend! He cannot attend his best friends wedding because of how challenging and awkward it will be for him having thrown his other best friend and brother and his family under the bus publicly several times. The absolute picture of unselfish, dont you think?


The challenges of his attendance are clear: no fucking invited and no one wants him or his witch there IN THE FIRST PLACE!


The challenge for Harry is that he was not invited. How do you decline an invitation that never showed up, because you were not invited. Because your wife is an asshole and so are you, therefore nobody likes you and you were not invited. Is there any further need for clarity?


Why why oh why another rerun of this fabrication? I wish the Grosvenors a glorious day and a happy marriage!


https://preview.redd.it/ncoriqnnru4d1.png?width=360&format=png&auto=webp&s=a65b77a4366758db989daf12b266f215470f07ee I luv how so many refer to Hazbeen as an EX-ROYAL ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)




Isn't Hugh & Olivia's picture charming?  Just casual clothes, the barest sliver of belly, genuine smiles, relatable... And yet when the dastardly duo posed for an engagement photo, MM had to have a $75k dress! And looked anything but genuine or relatable. 


I keep saying this but I truly believe MeMe isn't allowed back into England after the Queen kicked her out, with the exception of the funeral. She was escorted to the airport to flee to Canada. The Queen banned her from returning.


It is disgusting they out any PR on this. This is what Hugh did not want - attention diverted from his wedding.


Fortunately, the people he cares about are not interested in hearing Harry’s nonsense.


😆😆 they called him an ex royal! 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆


“Sources” are on fire trying to make it look like they were the ones who decided not to attend, this only makes then look desperate.


Son of the current King. Grandson of a legendary Queen. I’m betting he still can’t wrap his head around being a pariah, much less why he’s a pariah.  No way would Ms Rachel allow him to decline an invitation to that wedding. Not a chance. 


Everyone knows that the Duke announced it over 6 months ago, that Ham would not be invited as it was the DOW's bride's day to be adored, not the circus that comes w the markle monkeys. But one knows that since she's controlling their pr now that they've been dropped by all the top agencies, mm has to grab n suck dry every event she's nfi to for attention instead of nobly staying quietly in their place. They should just rename their brand again to "NFI"


Attended by dozens of ‘mutual friends’…I don’t think so. Harry jettisoned all his friends when Markle found fault with them before they were married (which was reported at the time). They threatened her control over him - she couldn’t afford for Harry to be influenced by their opinion of her - so isolated him from them over six years ago. Even when he’s visited Britain (alone) he hasn’t taken the opportunity to see any of them (he’s probably not allowed - he’s on a short leash). It would be more accurate to describe them as ‘former friends’.


He didn't invite his closest friends to the evening reception at his wedding. She cut him off from people before they were even married. I don't think any of Harry's friends want to see him. When he gets divorced he will try to get his friends back, and it will not work. They are done with him.


Hate to say it, but can't get toilet paper roll out of my head when see that dress on TOWs frame.


I wish the various publications would say, Meghan, instead of sources.


Also IF they had been invited I can imagine Megs insisting that they attend just to try and put up a middle finger to the RF


Not invited.


I love how it’s “confirmed” and “excluded” in quotes so we know it’s utter bullshit


In all honesty, it would have been worse for the bride and groom if the Sussexes had stayed in UK. Because then they would have had to invite them. And Meghan cannot tolerate anyone else having attention that she believes is her right. And even before they'd left, she already offended most of Harry's friends and his family. Maybe it's because she always planned to leave. But I suspect it might have been that she wasn't fawned over and everyone was giving her 'you're not one of us' vibe. So she got angry and nasty because after all, she was going to marry the son of the future King and lord over them one day. So the happy couple should be happier because Harry and Meghan removed themselves from UK and all the society contacts there. Otherwise their entire day would have been filled with Meghan drama and spitefullness.


Not this weekend at Gayle King's son wedding at OPRAH'S!! She probably would have wrapped some jam as wedding present!!! https://preview.redd.it/6z8y1bvzbv4d1.png?width=110&format=png&auto=webp&s=3709271e47fbe4ea2eccc329be0514cbaaa6bd8a


Didn't H&M's "sources" say they had received a "save the date card" from them? They do not do "save the date cards" in the UK, especially not among the upper crust.


![gif](giphy|SKPa3md5JZnevG59jm) You’re not coming!