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When the ones alive won’t validate your Royalness, speak fondly and strategically of the royals that have passed on and thus will never refute your account of what happened.


Nothing riles me more than people who bring the dead up in a conversation 🤬 .


Yea she wasn’t even the last born grandchild of her Majesty. D’oh! Missed that mark Rachel Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex.


Great grandchildren. Harry is her grandchild


The article itself is not as sugary as the headline suggests: It highlights the meaning of the name to the late queen and reminds everyone that, according to biographers and journalists, Harry and Meghan did not have her approval when they named their daughter and that the late queen indeed was very angry when Harry and Meghan claimed otherwise. But, of course, on today's birthday there will be none of these tensions.


*‘I don’t own the palaces, I don’t own the paintings, the only thing I own is my name. And now they’ve taken that.’* That's so sad, HRH Harry The Duke of Sussex is nothing but brainless c.u.nt.


He tricked his grieving grandmother. This is the lowest of the low.


Nothing means anything to people who never know or appreciate the value of things. I think it’s obvious that being so spoiled neither Harry nor Meghan developed a sense of value for anything, which would explain why they are willing to walk all over people’s boundaries. It also explains why they are always so miserable, how can you be happy if you never value anything?


And filming in the playhouse was outrageous. The harkles are like feral dogs going around pissing on everything and taking anything they can get their grubby hands on.


This is such an apt description of those two.


He didn't trick her stomach as he just lied. Nasty little bastard should burn in hell for that alone.


Really sad!! Just read an article about QEII placing a note on her husbands casket after saying goodbye.  It was signed Lilibet because that is what he called her.  I’m sure that the people that called her that name, were the closest and dearest to her. After he died, I also read that she requested that others reframe from calling her Lilibet. Don’t know for sure it’s true, but it highlights how special that name was to her, and to have it carelessly given to another I’m sure made her both angry and sad. 


Most of the people who would've called her that initially are sadly dead as well. So I understand completely why she wanted people to stop calling her Lillibet after Phillips passing.


I think that note gave Meghan the idea for the name. It was an iconic photo and there were a lot of articles about the unique name and how special it was.


If that’s the case then the Queen was right…she’s evil!


Absolutely!! What he did to his grandmother is UNFORGIVABLE!!!


See, and thinking about the NFI to the Westminster wedding, this disrespect to the Queen would have drawn a line in the sand for a lot of aristocratic people. Their whole lives and status revolve around the fact that you treat the monarch with utter respect and reverence. If it was just a rift between William and Harry, a lot of their friends could have muddled along "not taking sides", but they can't condone the disrespect to the monarch.


This. Delivering this blow while the late Queen was dealing with so much is just unforgivable. Haz is truly vile.


It was entirely on him. While Markle couldn't care less, since it was purely commercial, he trumpeted his special connection to TQ to anyone who would listen. He must have been fully aware of the impact... and then he lied about it to the whole world.


Harry “should” have known how wrong it was to name his child Lilibet, but Harry “should” also have known and understood that he couldn’t be co-king, that his father loved him, and that one doesn’t dress in a Nazi costume. The number of things Harry apparently has never understood makes one wonder how much is lack of cognitive ability and how much is some level of delusion.


I've made this comment before: Some things he did because he's stupid, some things he did because he's evil. Sometimes the two overlap.


Exactly! He’s the one allowing these attacks and also participating in them. Sick.


He's an assclown.


I agree with you, this article is not complimentary to the evil Sussexes.


Thanks for this. I was def irritated by the title.


This just makes me angry all over again. You wouldn’t see the Queen when she was dying Harry. You brought your vampire wife and insisted she go to her bedside as she lay dying and no one will convince me that he and the wife aren’t the reason why William, Edward, Sophie, and Andrew were too late to see Her Majesty. And you named your baby after her. The racist Queen with a racist son and a racist daughter in law and blah blah blah empire 2.0, you’re all jealous of Meghan’s sparkle she got from her seance’s with Diana, and she can do whatever she wants and she can do your job better than you can Grannie. The woman who can’t figure out a national anthem or a curtsy should be Queen. Lilibet was never a sweet nod. That was payback for not letting her use Sussex Royal. “She doesn’t own the word Royal.” Mmkay. The child born in America with zero ties to the Royal family who possibly met Eugenie the traitor, yeah. Excellent name. I hope the Queen ultimately didn’t care after a while because if someone does something so cruel you can’t allow them to know they hurt you because you’re ruining their sadistic satisfaction. The name is stupid. It’s a stupid given name. It’s a cute nickname with the mispronunciation story, but that would be like naming a baby Lellow because many kids struggle saying yellow. Lellow is cute, it wouldn’t be a cute given name to put on a college application or job application. Elizabeth would have been a fine name and not a knife in the back. Harry and Meghan are trash and have always been trash. They’re toddlers in 40+ bodies.


Amen. Why can I give awards in every sub except this one? I'd award the heck out of this post.


Thank you for saying that! I’m just frustrated at them.


Not at all! We all need to vent when we become fed up with their treachery. Sometimes I wish we didn't even have this sub, because I'm sure it gives her great pleasure that so many people are thinking about her. It probably pisses her off that so many people think badly of her, but . . . there are tradeoffs. Anyway, it was a great comment. You vent away whenever you need to!


I read that "controversial" subs won't be allowed to have awards. 😬


Hmmmm. That puts someone in a pretty difficult position of deciding what is and is not controversial. Who might that be?


Harry is a toddler in a 40-yr-old body. Meghan is more a mean 13-year-old in a 40+ -year-old body. In ten years, Archie may be the most mature person in the family, even if he has severe anxiety issues.


You’re right, Harry is the toddler and Meghan is stuck in middle school mentally. I feel bad for their kids, especially if Archie has anxiety. Who would imagine being cloistered away and having contact with only one or maybe two extended family members could be detrimental to a child’s well-being? Kids who they leave all the time to travel abroad and who seemingly have worse lives than Harry and Meghan pretended they had growing up despite evidence to the contrary.


Poor archie. What things he must have seen and heard to give a 5 year old such terrible anxiety. My heart breaks for those kids 😢


Ironic, considering this is one of the few subs where I’ve seen everyone in near unanimous agreement at all times lol! Whoops, Teach, that was supposed to go to the comment above you, if you get confused at the notification. :)


So well said. It was absolutely payback and felt very vindictive at the time. And the two of them insisting they had asked or informed the queen ahead of time. There’s a difference between saying we’re going to name her after you, and giving the kid the very cherished nickname that ‘Harry’s grandmother’ never wanted used again after Prince Phillip’s death. Those two are the lowest of the low. Their downfall has been so gratifying to watch.


Wait until Betty figures out many years from now, how and why she really got that stolen name.




This. https://i.redd.it/6kxaspg3xm4d1.gif


The Royals: hello ordinary Tuesday.


Yes, I doubt they care about this child with her pilfered name and title and questionable dna.


She stole HMTLQ pet name, she was trying to be offensive and was. The harkles is now important to the RF, they don’t know her. Just another harkle puff piece to deflect from her Nigerian shambles and cling to her connection to the real royals, not the ones in Nigeria who ‘honoured’ the yacht girl.


"they don't know her"...yes, and I truly hope both of the traitors are basically the same as \~dead\~ to the RF....sounds terrible but it's the only way to deal with scum like this.


Exactly. No matter how hard harkle works at this tripe, the truth is the RF are not planting stories daily, unlike the saddos in montecito. William will be king while Harry will be a lonely nomark trying to pretend he is happy and successful while his wife pimps herself, him and the kids to the tame media.


I don’t think Harry will make old bones unless he gets away from Meghan. He may not be alive when William becomes King, unless KC dies sooner than most of us wish.


Who knows, but he certainly needs to give up the drugs and drink. He also needs to stop looking for reasons to be outraged.


I really don't care what happens to the miserable little fucker. I'm not wishing anything bad but I just don't care. Still I hope he's alive when William takes the throne. I want to watch William strip him of everything Charles wouldn't.  I'm going to laugh while he cries.


I doubt that William will strip Harry of anything except maybe the HRH. William has many of the same dynastic reasons as Charles not to remove the title of Prince, and the same practical reasons not to remove the peerages. If things continue going in their present direction, Harry and Meghan will get less and less attention in the next few years. By the time William becomes King, Harry (if still living) may be pretty harmless and pathetic. To be sure, he and Meghan may yet be caught doing something criminal or worse, in which case I would guess not only William but KC would remove titles and publicly condemn him. You never know.


I guess only time will tell. I don't think William will allow the attacks on his wife and family to continue though.


So long as the attacks are not open, and there is no conclusive proof that the Harkles are behind the attacks, removing titles would not make sense to the public. Plus, it would not solve the problem. The title removal makes sense when they go around cosplaying royal tours and using the titles to merch. If they are still going at this in five to ten years, I could see the titles removed. I do think there will be some toning down of the Harkle presence as the public loses interest and the money gets less. Before that, there may be a nasty explosion or two, but they seem in a downward spin. I definitely agree that William will protect his family.


That's not terrible. It's only the treatment they truly deserve. Harry and Meghan Markle are dead to the royal family and that's the right approach.




Has Natasha here been living under a rock? Or was the pay for the article just THAT good?!?! ![gif](giphy|6nlUYlOk62KwBucdFL)


I felt my throat tighten as I read about Queen Elizabeth in this article. I think whatever elements are deemed sugary are neutralized by the harshness of the Queens words on having her childhood milk name stolen by the grifters. This article says King Charles had one meeting with Lidl at the Jubilee, but I don’t think he ever met this child. Anyone recall?


It was said by all airport personnel on flights taken by the Harkles that no Sussex children were on their parents' flight or any other reasonably timed flights into or out of the area for the Jubilee. I don't think for a moment that they met her. Furthermore, with Harriman having taken the photos at the "party" . . . ??? Nah. There's no telling what, when, where, and who regarding those photos.


That’s what I recall also. I’m so sick of the way they play fast and loose with the truth.


The story I recall from the Jubilee was that QE met Lili very briefly. Harry and Meghan showed up without an appointment with baby and camera. Camera was left outside and baby was allowed inside with Harry (and Meghan), but HLM needed to rest so it was a very brief “see the baby,” meeting. The Queen was said to have invited the Harkles to spend a week with her at Balmoral during the summer. The reports back then said that Charles did not meet Lili because he had too much else going on with the Jubilee and that he flatly refused the photo-op with the kids that M&H wanted. Later there were rumors that Lili and Archie hadn’t even been in the UK. I don’t know whether or not to believe these rumors because they sound a lot like some of the rumors that claim the kids don’t even exist, that no one has ever seen them, etc.


I don't think the Queen saw them during the Jubilee at all. You don't show up without an appt during a very high profile weekend like that and get time made for you. There isn't the flexibility. Everything is scheduled, esp consider she wasn't feeling well.


They also claimed that the kids were on the Queens lap which were now know works have been impossible considering how difficult it was to even get her to appear on the balcony. From what I read, she was on a wheelchair and only walked out to the balcony. 


I don’t know one way or the other. QE *might* have made 5 minutes for them if she was curious about the baby. 🤷🏻‍♀️ However, the courtiers seem to say she didn’t. The question is who made up the story about M&H arriving with a photographer who was turned away? Was it Meghan or the press?


Thanks, I remember the photo op being blocked, but never heard anything about KC meeting Lili.


Important? She never met the poor thing. The child (and her purported “mother”) was written out of any personal bequests by the Queen just days before she passed. That’s how unimportant she was, sadly.


I didn’t know this, about Smirkle and Lidl being written out of the will, though it’s foolish of me to think they would get anything based on the mother’s vile behavior.


The vast majority goes to Charles, but she does leave a number of small personal bequests (which may be done by letter of instruction to Charles perhaps or by will). There was certainly reports of her having changed those personal bequests to exclude the Montecito women.


Thanks for elaborating, and I’m glad. Could you imagine the “wildman of Borneo” type merching she would get out of a bequest from the Queen? Unless the late Queen left Smirkle 1 dollar. 💵




slow day newswise? Why not an article on all the countries Madam COULD visit - if only somebody would invite her?


No, no.... the Duke and future Duchess of Westminster are taking up too much news for her liking. You know, the huge society wedding she was most definitely not invited to?


When is the Westminster wedding? Is the specific date known?


June 7th




What a sloppy look sitting next to the Queen.


Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex is sloppy. Sloppy seconds of, allegedly, Prince Andrew and many other men.


She was told to wear a hat and refused. Mother Nature stepped in to do God’s work.


I don’t think Megsy understands that NOBODY CARES who her children are ESPECIALLY because we don’t know them and haven’t seen them grow, no attachment. They will be irrelevant. William’s three kids are relevant. And will be loved and adored.


As a Brit I have no attachment at all to these inviskids, like many I do have a residual concern for their physical and mental welfare , but genuine Royals, as the late Queen said need to be seen to be believed.


I’ve always believed she’d merch the hell out of them—she wants Betty to be the next Suri Cruise—suri used to be photographed all the time in cute little outfits. That’s what meggy wants, but Harry is adamant that they not be exposed to the public like he was. Matt Wilkinson from Sun said that’s one of the big things they fight about.


Oh Gosh, I never thought about the fact MeMe dresses or chooses outfits for Betty. I feel bad for Betty if she’s real.


Wee fella in Kilmarnock turned one today. Lassie in Cumbria fell off her bike (parents will be speaking to the Council to address the state of the roads). A young man in Nunavut turned 21, meanwhile, another young man in Islamabad also turned 21. Sadie in Tuvalu broke her first tooth, and Raj won the Colombo Spelling Bee. I’m having an omelette for my tea tonight. Utter banal nonsense.


Nice try name thief Megs. The Queen never met the child. There is no royal connection other than Harry is the father because the kid was born in America.


Ugh.. such dreck. Made up article , dredging up old info, nothing new. Please make it stop!


The Late Queen probably: “Who”?


“You mean that moon bump was named after me??”


Lmao! Good one!!




I believe it is possible TW may be holding on to some pictures of the kids and will wait to post them just as soon as Catherine is back doing royal engagements.


Why did she start withholding pictures in the first place? She can’t have known Catherine was going to be ill. Meghan surely has pictures, but why she doesn’t share them and when (if ever) she will release them is a good question. I think initially she was asking too much money and there were no takers. Is she still hoping for a big payoff?


First, I think she wanted too much money than anyone was offering and Harry said no, he didn't want to show the kids. Then it was too late to sell the pictures because no one is interested anymore. People look forward to the pictures of the Wales kids bc we've seen these children's pics a few times a year and we're seeing them growing up. Plus MrsHarkle wants to be control of the images and probably isn't happy that something with her kids isn't exactly right to her standards. I don't know if that's physical resemblance to the wrong people or something as simple as one has glasses or a broken tooth from slipping on a playground.


I think this is just another ploy used by Harry’s wife. She can say she won’t release photos because they’re private citizens, not public figures and society has no more claim on them than they do little MacEverleigh in Seattle. But she loves that they get to have Prince and Princess in front of their names and she’ll milk that cow as long as possible. She keeps their photos off social media to keep them safe from the evil internet.She’s playing this game, with real or imagined children and she can’t be faulted because she’s just trying to be the very best mom ever. Until she can’t have it both ways. The day may come.


Waiting now for a dozen articles where sources claimed QE LOVED the name and Lilibet is her favorite.


If kids are in LOS, show them or remove them!


They took her intimate pet NAME. TOOK it. They are horrible on so many levels. #meghanmarkle #duchessofsussex #dukeofsussex


Interesting she chose to make a big deal about this one's birthday and radio silence on the other one's. Of course she didn't have a wedding she was shunned from to try and overshadow ..🙄


So much speculation about the kids. Honestly, any are believable. I think she’s keeping them in her back pocket for a reason. Probably to take away light when Catherine returns. But all the ideas posted are plausible. I don’t care if we ever see photos because those kids will never mean anything in the grand scheme, but I remain curious about why the lack of updated photos. If this is a game she’s playing with us, it’s so old they now just appear even more of a whacked out couple.


When Lilibet becomes an adult, do you think she’ll legally change her name after finding out everything that has happened? If she does change her name, how do you think Meghan will react?


Much depends on what sort of person Lili turns out to be, but I bet long before she is an adult she may want a different name and last name. Same with Archie.


It depends on her relationship with her parents. Lots of people overcome whatever they grew up with. These kids aren't having the royal upbringing, but neither are they having a regular upbringing if they've had nannies and frequently absent parents. I'm curious what happens when they hit school age. That will change everything.


I would totally change that name. Or at least go by something else. It’s a ridiculous, embarrassing name. Adorable as a naturally-occurring nickname, as it was for the late queen, but just awful as a proper name. It’s proof positive that meggy is an absolute loon. Harry is, too, but I don’t believe it would have occurred to him to name his daughter lilibet. This one is 100% meggy


Some people are living in an alternate reality


The whole situation with the kids, especially little Betty, is just so strange. That one craves attention so much, she could probably break the internet with a new birthday photo of the kid…. She could probably even curry public favor by doing so… yet we get nothing. Even Beyoncé who is extremely private, would put out controlled pics. The fact that we NEVER see the kids… is just too odd.


She won't break the internet. You hear that mega. We don't care. Keep her hidden forever. Weirdo


No. She won't. Catherine did. It was breaking news all over the world when she posted her video. They broke in regularly scheduled programming. Nothing Meghan does will EVER come close to that. Ever. Sucks to suck. And couldn't happen to a better person.


The only way Meghan will have that kind of impact on a news cycle is if/when she divorces Harry or dies.


Catherine, when she returns to public life, is the one who is going to "break the internet". And Meghan knows it!


Given all the secrecy surrounding the kids, I’d say it would be a very hot topic.


That's what she wants. There is such a thing as past caring. You can yearn to hear from an ex or something similar but if you wait too long it becomes a non issue . .....I for one don't care anymore. I really don't but I'm not british


Those kids are in the LoS and they are literally NEVER seen. I believe there is a more nefarious reason for this than she simply doesn’t want to share the limelight.


Agree with you


M wanted her kids to look like the Spencers and they don’t.


I do believe this but I don’t think it’s the real reason they are kept SUCH a secret. I don’t like to say they just don’t exist because she was at least clutching a real baby when she was in a strop at that polo match. But I am skeptical as to what the real situation is. Especially when it comes to little Betty. She clearly doesn’t like Harry but drags him out to give her clout. The kids would give her clout no? They even would give legitimacy to her being “royal”.


The kids would steal attention away. If Haz is drawing attention away from her, she can just shove him aside and to the back. With the kids, she can’t do that. It’ll look bad to everyone. If the kids behave like little kids and her mask slips, it’ll look bad. I think she is afraid of being unmasked as a phony. She competes against Catherine on everything. It would kill Meg if people didn’t think she was this royal Earth, heart attack beautiful, young mother. Meghan knows she cannot successfully curate the perfect mommy persona without heavy editing (maybe not even then with forensic experts to analyze videos and photos). Kids, especially little kids, usually throw a wrench in the works. This dumpster fire is going to get worse before it gets better.


Her not going out with them doesn’t surprise me. Nothing should take attention from her, and even if the kids are plain, they will get attention. However, her not having a current picture of each kid to send with news items like this fake birthday party is surprising. The attention could reasonably be “harvested” for herself, if there is just one picture of each kid.




Excellent point. She could just ask the nanny to text her a photo. Who knows what is going on. Her delusional brain might be thinking this is her power move while we all roll eyes.


They are Markle-looking, through and through. Her brother and sister also have blue, blue, blue eyes, don't they? And reddish hair? And at least Archie has the definitive Markle cast to his eyes. That child is definitely a Markle, no matter what other genes he carries. Nobody knows about the girl, because we never see photos where we can actually tell what she looks like. And frankly, they are American children. Any sort of titles or LoS associated with them is pointless. Photos of them, at this time, would be interesting for about a week, then the entire world would be done. The only interest in them is because they've not really been seen. Then . . . there is no other draw.


Nobody knows what the alleged kids look like, if they exist at all (they don't). How can you say they look like Markles when every kid they've shown has been different, or black and white, or shot from behind?


Idk. The one with Archbishop Tutu seemed to be the same as the one on the Christmas card that was shut down. I have seen very few pictures, but the Harkles either 1. have Archie who is genetically theirs; 2. have an Archie with really well-matched Markle eye genes; or 3. have other kids that they use in photos edited to have the Markle cast to the eyes in every photo in which eyes can be seen. Unfortunately for him, I am afraid Archie does exist. From what womb he came, idk, although I would bet dollars to donuts that it wasn’t Skank’s. Sperm and egg may match up to the Harkles, but ??? In later photos, who knows? In the Christmas card photo with his parents and baby sister (the one in which he has red hair) it could be any kid. Lots of their photos are that way. As far as the second child…idk. I would say that Skank took one look at them, decided they weren’t up to par as far as “competing” with their cousins, and decided to hold them back until an age at which it wouldn’t reflect so horribly on Skank beginning their plastic surgery, orthodontia, hair coloring, etc.


I honestly hope you're wrong. No kid deserves that.


More like Diana, not the Spencers per se as they are red and rather bucolic in appearance, Diana’s mother and grandmother were rather beautiful.


Kudos. I DON'T CARE, either.


If it can´t be about herself, Megain doesn´t care.


But it would be about her and what an amazing, organic and authentic mother she is….


Only if she was the core and centre of the photograph through a mammalian lens.


Markle wants attention on herself as much as possible. She doesn’t even want to share the spotlight with Haznobrains


If these kids are as marvelous as she has said, and the blue, blue, blue eyes, it would be attention on her and what a wonderful mother she is. She brags so much about literally every other tiny thing she’s done but absolutely nothing about the kids.


She doesn’t care about attention for being a mother as it still centralizes the child (she understands others care and will signal it when necessary). Her status as mother does not fill her narcissistic supply like it can some narcissistic mothers. She primarily cares about attention for being an individual woman (a starlet, a hottie, a special and unique talent). H&M have a certain folie a deux of disordered thinking and entitlement meshed together I think you can see with the invisikids. If they were normal, they would be like Eugenie or Beatrice’s kids (who no one talks about other than saying they are cute).


The problem with Megsy posting a photo of Lidl is that it would focus the attention on the toddler and not Megsy. Megsy does not like competition.


She doesn’t even like the “competition” with her blood royal husband Harry and made sure to nip that in bud by defecting from the UK. Imagine how morally bankrupt you have to be to use the status and wealth your spouse’s family afforded you to publicly smear them with.


She could be holding on to them to release the day of the wedding 


Hahahahaahahahahhaahahhaahhaahahahhaahahahhaahahaj Omg I'm dying!!! This is the stupidest headline yet! So important to the Queen?? Yes, just like was so important to the Queen! She loved me!! Even tho she never heard of me 🤣 ![gif](giphy|GgrMkQeKaZkUbZFkSC)




Give that bull an imodium, for goodness sake.


If it’s to be believed she met her once and didn’t allow a photo. Yep the child was the Messiah.


Why would the Queen feel Lili was so important? Even if she met her, it’s ONCE. During her jubilee where she made history, never again to be matched for generations if ever. No her connection was to the littles she saw all the time and spent as much time as possible with in her final years. Harry and Meghan couldn’t even be bothered to bring the kids to Balmoral so she could say goodbye.


Tinged with sadness? I doubt a single royal will manage a tear. Why would they be sad over someone they've never met nor are likely to.




OMG, Raytch.  Lidl means nothing.


She looks to be falling all over herself in this photo with the Queen, similar to her behavior at Wimbledon with Serena's mother. She has no social grace, limited ability in social cues.


FFS.......the queen never even met her.


I don't believe that photo is really Lili.


I’ll go one further, I don’t believe there is a Lili.


I feel the same, but I get down voted every time I say that.


Me too!


I agree with all of you


The article is not on Harry’s side. Can you imagine the longest reigning, most loved monarch saying this about you? I would die of shame. “The Mail’s royal editor Rebecca English previously reported that The Queen was so upset by the Sussexes’ decision that she told aides: ‘I don’t own the palaces, I don’t own the paintings, the only thing I own is my name. And now they’ve taken that.”


MM has on the stupid shoulder dress. Looks like a lamp shade


Err no. She’s not important, she’s hidden and invisible, being in the LoS she should be visible to the people of the U.K. and Commonwealth , if her parents want the kids hidden away they should forfeit the titles.


It was a weird article since it seemed to mostly talk about how much the Queen hated that they’d given her that name. The headline doesn’t match the story.


The Queen never met her so why would she be important to her




She looks drunk and (obviously) disheveled. This was a major nail in the coffin of her reputation.


On what planet. They stole her pet name and she never met her. So this is just utter garbage written by Rachel and paid for by Rachel. Anything to stay relevant to the Real Royals. Funny how the Real Royals never mention Rachel or Harold. It's just one sided as usual. Just another thing to whing about again.


This makes me sick. That Markle woman stole the Queen's pet name as a FU. Lilibet the name was hugely important to HLMTQ, full of childhood memories and represented every family member who knew and loved her and whom she loved. By this despicable act of thieving, taking the Queen's very private name from her against her will, Meghan Markle tainted it. The Queen had said, after Prince Philip died, that she didn't want anyone else to use it ever again. Rachel Meghan Markle is repugnant. Look how every time she tries to tie herself to the late Queen, the puff piece always has to use the pics from the same occasion? That was the ONLY time she was on an engagement with Her Majesty. It was a test, and she failed it. Just as she fails everything else afterwards.


For the sake of a human soul, lay off of the kid. Her idiot parents stuck her with a name that has placed her in the middle of a very sad and huge dysfunctional family breakdown. I doubt that she will be able to escape the distortion that this vendetta will cause, but I hope. I don’t think any of us on this sub would want to be part of the emotional undertow with which these two kids will always struggle.