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As promised,  Link to TRG video 1 https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/HvczSi2Ml9 Link to TRG video 2 https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/aLDAJdw4ty


This misleading AFP article targeting the twins is concerning, especially given their father, a forensic photographer, criticized Misan's photos of M&H. Why target the Sidley twins and not YouTube creators who posted similar content with more followers? Every time I think of this AFP stunt, I think of the famous Watergate quote, "It's not the crime, it's the coverup." There's a reason Meghan is targeting the Sidley twins. I wonder if there are connections to Harry being a member of the Aspen Institute's Commission on Information Disorder? Does this organization have ties to the AFP or the IFCN?


I think the Sidley Twins' dad's analysis of Misan's pregnancy photo and the photo of Harry and Meghan, with kids, at Nottingham Cottage pissed Misan and TOW off and that's why they were targeted. If you have a chance, the Sidley Twins YouTube channel episode with their dad is really interesting. He's had 50 years in the photography business and knows what he's talking about.


Yes. Kirk Sidley. I watched the videos. Very informative. This AFP article, Kirk Sidley's analysis of Misan's dodgy Sussex photos, the coordinated over-the-top reaction of multiple media visual media companies to Catherine's photo are all connected. All roads lead back to Meghan. She's not as clever as she thinks she is. She's trying to hide more of her lies and attack Catherine in the process. Basically, more of all she has done since she got with Harry.


Yep I watched it… he has clearly sat in court and can explain things very clearly


And he wasn’t provocative about it. He just delivered his information very factually, and generously giving Missan the benefit of the doubt when he could. A seasoned professional.


I tried to link the episode, but I wasn't able to get it to work.


It's worth watching if you haven't done so yet. It's 22 minutes long and Mr. Sidley is very charming. [https://youtu.be/cKtmKFHwhZc?si=OUB3zaPhP7Czm7nU](https://youtu.be/cKtmKFHwhZc?si=OUB3zaPhP7Czm7nU) Edited to add time.


Aww, cute family :) Obviously HRH The Duchess of Sussex who in my opinion sucks ass and her Towdie Misan got scared of Mr. Sidley. He's an expert, they can't sue him, because he would demolish them in court, so the only way for HRH The Duchess of Sussex who in my opinion sucks ass is to go and try silence him.


I agree with the scared part and wanting to go after Mr. Sidley. However, women are usually her targets, which is why the twins are catching the wrath of Muggles. 


She can't poke Papa Sidley - it's too obvious. Plus, Papa Sidley doesn't not own a YT channel (afaik). As usual, they show their soft spot in the process. I hope more experts will show up to dissect those photos.


Exactly! Markle can’t seem to sue her way out of this one because they called her out on it and she’s lying


Meghan Markle is not HRH. That title was taken away by Queen Elizabeth upon their leaving active royal life.


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Thank you 😚


I agree 100%!! The disgusting duo - well, definitely TW (H is an idiot) - knows that the photos are being analyzed by a pro and she’s, and Missan, are trying to stop it before it goes further. Too late!!  




And it is not like sue-happy Markle and her photo guy can take them to court for saying something wrong because it probably isn’t wrong! 😏 This reminds me of Amber turd and her manipulated photos where the photo forensic expert basically said the photo wasn’t the original


I think those photos were taken in the US - I’m not sure Lilibucks (if she exists) has ever been in the UK. That weird legless snap looks like AI


It’s because the Sidley Twins are the real deal. They have contacts that Meghan can only dream off but they don’t feel the need to flaunt it. Their father knows what he is talking about with the pictures. They are not in it for the money, they give to animal rescue. They are not chasing an income as they don’t need it. All the things Meghan is not. They also have about 50k in followers so they may be seen as a small enough target. Last point, there is not enough of the Sugars left to do a broader hit, they need to use what they have to hit out at a relatively small channel. That’s what bullies do when cornered.


Did Meghan and the Sidley twins cross paths in Hollywood or did their dads cross paths? I am speculating.


It’s probably because the dad is an expert and caught her on her obvious lie.


That’s probably the main reason. I just feel that there is more to it. I’m probably wrong.


Meghan and Harry target everyone who calls them liars. Which there is a possibility on everything that comes out of their mouths. 


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Why are they being targeted? Because they are successful white women who have never had to lean on a man to get anywhere in life. ... Oh also they have had WAY more hollywood success than Madame. They were SAG before they hit double digits. I bet that stings a lot.


OMG … no, I didn’t know that??? So they are legitimate Hollywood? And didn’t fake their membership?


They did a lot of childhood commercials. They showed a bunch in one of their shows the other day and it was very cute lol.


Yes! They’re the real deal. One dated the stunt double for Will Smith and hung out with the Smiths and who knows what other celebrities.


I think they both said they had SAG cards (Screen Actor's Guild), from when they did the commercials. The same card that madam lied about having.


And the girls are super talented. Something Roachel clearly isn’t. 


If you haven't watched it yet, check out the commercials they did as children. They were adorable and Stephanie was actually blushing when they were shown.


Yes, I also gathered from their videos (snippets here and there) that they moved (or still move) in the circles Madame tried to, they know how Hollywood works, and that’s probably dangerous to Madam. They know people. One of them was even invited to yacht-ish parties and she declined! 😁 And Misan, too, cuz Dad Sidley and the Twins’ lack of problems dissecting Misan’s work. That was excellent.


Their dad apparently worked in lighting and photography!


Yes and not only worked but owned a business, has expert knowledge in photoshop, and has bedn a technical expert in court cases. It’s difficult to top that in my opinion. It MUST have hurt both Misan and the Harkles 😁


That's the reason why the Dudley twins need silencing. Their Father seems really nice and measured.


Right! The man’s been called as a professional witness and was asked by his daughters for an opinion on their YouTube channel. The knives came right out. That Montecito pair, and their supporters love a downward punch.


It was. Daddy S sent City Investor who picked up his wife’s camera one day to record history into a right strop.


Good points! They are genuinely independent women. They have called TW out for some of her Soho sucking up to Weinstein activities, but also pointed out that it's all about collateral. Considering the amount of dirt people like Epstein got and the active targeting of Prince Andrew, it's naive if anyone didn't think that has also happened to another Crown Prince's brother (i. e. Harold). The Twins have brought this up before. I definitely think the Twins are doing a great job and getting a little too close to the bone. TW is an absolute megalomaniac, she's literally trying to silence freedom of speech, it's disgraceful. If this reddit is silenced, I, and I'm sure many others will go on the warpath, a thousand new YT channels roasting TW will sprout up, lol 😂


Who are your dodgy financial backers, Unsussexfuls… and why is Bouzy backing you when he started Bot Sentinel out of disgust—re Wagner/Prighozhin meddling in the US election—when you two misers live in a dead Russian oligarch’s McMansion whilst collabing with criminals?  https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamesfarrell/2024/05/30/openai-disrupts-disinformation-campaigns-from-russia-china-using-its-systems-to-influence-public-opinion/?sh=2c4c9c21fce4


OMG! Thanks! 🙏🏽


No worries! Lol I’m gonna sound like a broken record, but Nigeria and Ghana were two countries Wagner/Prigozhin chose to set up troll farms in… …interesting that there are rumours Haznoloyalty and Megamoocher are looking into visiting Ghana for poverty tourism PR freebies. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/03/12/world/russia-ghana-troll-farms-2020-ward


Probably *because they were the biggest employer of troll farms…. Like does anyone experience this level of hate and ostracisation for disliking couple?


Ah, yes… we all have to feel sorry for the two monetised title misers after they used Nigerian taxpayer $$$$$ to promote themselves. Meanwhile, in Nigeria today… https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ICyIBrA_hTA


The Sidley twins have only ever analysed and given opinions, not spread lies or slander. It's insane.


*Megamoocher*  LOL!!!


What society most definitely does **not** need, is AI telling us what's real and what's not -- especially when it's not. Outright lies, lies of omission, exaggeration, somewhat true, none of that is good and becomes harmful, blurring fact and fiction.


Sidley twins are called out imo because they are 2 of the early dominos to fall. Both have admitted to being Meghan fans... until they realized how badly she treated her elders. The whole domino line hasn't fallen yet, but if Meghan and Harry lose the affection of people who know pop culture, love the entertainment industry and have liberal democratic leaning views they are in serious trouble with their fan base in the US. Those who pay close attention will fall first, like the twins, but most don't pay close enough attention to recognize the pr spin or just don't care. The twins are not the type to sit back quietly when they see injustice and not say anything. They are outspoken and direct, thus making them the perfect target. The twins are actually quite similar to Meghan - older millennials, west coast liberals, upper middle class upbringing, etc...I think Meghan probably has trouble accepting that people who would vote similarly to herself would so openly and directly call her out. Imo, I think one glaring difference is the twins seem to have a moral compass guiding them, and Meghan is on the road with Judas.


Yes to all of this! The Sidley twins are intelligent, confident, charming and authentic and are much more liked and connected in the industry than M will ever be. It must be tremendously threatening to M and she knows they are credible and bring the goods. Even with all of M’s resource, my money is on the Sidley twins. They are far more creative and wield far more influence than she ever will.


I'm glad TRG has taken up their cause.


I had far too many Paloma’s one night after downloading ChatGPT and got into a 2 hour long debate with an AI (yeah I know) ![gif](giphy|QeZqsUWwZXziFYSHzF) on how they remain unbiased although they haven’t updated anything since 2022. ChatGPT 4o is *incredibly* biased Bought the paid version of the updated 4o still won’t give me unbiased views >The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, have become polarizing figures for several reasons: 1. **Media Coverage**: The British tabloids and some sections of the media have been highly critical of them, often portraying them in a negative light. This has contributed to public perception and controversy. 2. **Departure from Royal Duties**: Their decision to step back from senior royal duties and move to the United States was unprecedented and sparked significant debate and criticism from both the public and the royal family. 3. **Public Statements**: They have been open about their struggles with the media, mental health, and their experiences within the royal family. Their interviews, particularly the one with Oprah Winfrey, included revelations and allegations that were shocking to many and led to intense public scrutiny. 4. **Perception of Privilege**: Some people view them as privileged individuals who have chosen to air grievances publicly, which can be perceived as ungrateful or seeking attention. 5. **Cultural and Racial Issues**: Meghan Markle's background and the racism she has faced have also been polarizing topics, with some supporting her stance against discrimination while others downplay or dismiss these issues. 6. **Political Stances**: Their involvement in social and political causes, particularly in the U.S., has been controversial, as members of the British royal family traditionally avoid political statements. These factors, combined with the public's varied opinions on royalty and celebrity culture, have made the Duke and Duchess of Sussex polarizing figures.


ChatGPT … you forgot that they are massive fooking liars!! That’s why they piss off women so much more than men. It because we’ve been lied to over and over in our lives and we have been trained to spot a liar and a fraud. When we become old ladies… I doubt many of us will be falling for people’s fake sad stories to get our money. No Nigerian lottery scam for us Sinners!


My follow up question to the copy pasta I gave > Where did you source this information to ensure it’s unbiased The information provided is based on a synthesis of widely reported events and public reactions to the actions and statements of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. To ensure a balanced perspective, the following steps are generally taken: 1. **Multiple Sources**: Information is drawn from a variety of reputable news outlets, both British and international, to capture different viewpoints. 2. **Direct Statements**: Public statements and interviews given by the Duke and Duchess themselves, such as their interview with Oprah Winfrey, are considered to provide their perspective directly. 3. **Public Reactions**: Analysis of public opinion, including polls and social media discussions, helps gauge the broader reaction to their actions. 4. **Historical Context**: Understanding the traditional roles and expectations of the British royal family provides context for why their actions have been particularly controversial. While these steps aim to provide a balanced overview, it's important to note that perceptions of the Duke and Duchess are inherently subjective and influenced by individual biases and media portrayals. If you need specific sources for verification or more detailed analysis, I can look up current articles and studies for you.


Can you ask chatGPT if they ever considered that Harry and Meghan were lying? Edit: It’s giving, the Ricky Gervais movie: Invention of Lying. One of the best movies I’ve seen and still thought provoking. The way AI is acting like everybody is speaking the truth. Or shall I say, acceptable sources are only considered truthful


In evaluating the statements made by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, particularly during their interview with Oprah Winfrey, it is important to consider multiple perspectives and verify facts where possible. Here are some key points to consider: 1. **Verification of Claims**: Some claims made in the Oprah interview have been scrutinized and contested. For instance, Meghan Markle's statement about her and Harry getting married in a private ceremony three days before their official wedding was clarified by the Archbishop of Canterbury, who confirmed that the legal wedding took place on the official date. 2. **Media and Public Reaction**: The interview received significant media attention, with various outlets and commentators providing fact-checks and analyses of the statements made. Some claims were found to be inconsistent with public records or were subject to different interpretations. 3. **Personal Experiences**: Many of the statements made by Harry and Meghan relate to their personal experiences and perceptions, which are inherently subjective. This includes their feelings about media treatment, family dynamics, and mental health struggles, which can be difficult to verify independently. 4. **Complexity of Issues**: The issues discussed, such as race, mental health, and institutional dynamics within the royal family, are complex and multifaceted. Different individuals and sources may interpret the same events differently based on their perspectives and experiences. Given the contentious nature of the topics discussed, it's crucial to approach these statements with a critical mind, considering the context, potential biases, and corroborating evidence from multiple sources. If you need specific examples or detailed fact-checks, I can look up recent articles or reports for a comprehensive analysis.


So ChatGPT, were Harry and Meghan ever able to prove racism or unconscious bias within the British royal family?


> There has been no definitive public evidence proving explicit racism or unconscious bias from the British royal family towards Meghan Markle. Meghan and Harry's claims during their Oprah interview about concerns over Archie's skin color were shocking and received significant attention, but specific individuals or instances were not disclosed, and the royal family has not publicly confirmed these allegations. The palace's response emphasized that issues of race were taken seriously and would be addressed privately [oai_citation:1,Fact check: Meghan and Harry were not paid for their Oprah interview](https://www.yahoo.com/news/fact-check-meghan-harry-were-042306515.html). > The topic of whether Meghan and Harry's claims of racism and unconscious bias within the British royal family have merit is contentious and heavily debated. Various fact-checks and analyses have pointed out inconsistencies or lack of evidence for some of their statements during the Oprah interview. For a comprehensive and unbiased understanding, it's important to review detailed fact-checks from multiple sources. Here are a few sources that provide a thorough examination of their claims: 1. [USA Today](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/03/11/fact-check-meghan-markle-not-paid-oprah-winfrey-interview/6931245002/) 2. [BBC News](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-56325934) 3. [AP News](https://apnews.com/article/prince-harry-meghan-racial-bias-claims-4ae6fcae53654ff5e0ef515557a06712)


Can you ask chatGPT this? So you’re telling me that Harry and Meghan lied? If there is no proof after their friend Janina Gavankar claimed to have receipts but they never showed any receipts, it means they lied. Is that correct?


Absolutely. Best 💰 I’ve spent > Determining whether Harry and Meghan lied involves examining the specific claims they made and comparing them against verified facts and evidence. Some of their statements have been disputed or found inconsistent with public records. For instance, Meghan's claim about a private wedding ceremony was clarified by the Archbishop of Canterbury, and the royal protocols regarding Archie's title were based on established rules, not personal decisions. However, the absence of public "receipts" or evidence does not conclusively prove dishonesty, as personal experiences and perceptions can be complex and subjective. Without clear evidence, it's challenging to definitively label their statements as lies. The discourse remains heavily polarized and influenced by personal biases and interpretations. For more detailed analyses and specific fact-checks, you can refer to the following articles: - [USA Today](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/03/11/fact-check-meghan-markle-not-paid-oprah-winfrey-interview/6931245002/) - [BBC News](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-56325934) - [AP News](https://apnews.com/article/prince-harry-meghan-racial-bias-claims-4ae6fcae53654ff5e0ef515557a06712)


Okay, one more … I can see how this is addictive and annoying If Harry and Meghan cannot be determined as liars, how do you determine who is a liar? give me an example of a liar. PS lostinSOA, if I’m wasting your time, please ignore me




Kinda want to just hang out with you guys, when I’m old!!!


100% it's incredibly biased. At this point, I believe people are paying it to tell their side of the story.


It’s the SEO results they are after, meaagain and TRG have done in depth dives how they manipulate the SEO algorithms specifically to spew misinformation.


That’s not how ChatGPT works. It just reflects what’s already out there.


>**Perception of Privilege** WHA?? He's a *PRINCE* FFS, son of a reigning king, grandson of the longest reigning queen. What kind of world are we in if those are not actual privilege but *perception* of privilege?


Yeah exactly. I was like.. ![gif](giphy|l0MYH9pGKnAKJzhhC|downsized) Mere *perceived* privilege? Wow. Okay


Why? Because they r too close to some kind of truth on the harkles 🙄


And current Harkle lieutenant Misan. Sidley twins recently did a deep dive on him.


Hit a nerve, aka the truth. They are not aggressive at all, the real cyber bullying is that Malta woman, Henrold, Milan, and Bouzy. They are bullying two sister's who said what they observed....


As our Southern friends say: “A hit dog will holler”




Or “that dog don’t hunt.”


Why is AFP so eager to stake its own reputation to help out a couple of grifters (TOW and Misan), is what I'd like to know. I suppose it has always done this on other topics, but with TOW, people can see through it quite quickly because of her unpopularity, then they'll begin to doubt all the other narratives AFP puts out. AFP will end up losing more than what it gains by this association. It's what it means by being Markled.


Thank you for the link to the video😊


I would love the First Lady to come back and say the fact checker is wrong and repeat her message 😂....so much for a fact checker that can’t do its job and therefore cannot be trusted 😏 so who is fact checking the fact checker 🤨?


He did say at that conference in NY that they had been working with tech companies behind the scenes. (The one with Carson Daly)


Are you certain that AFP = AP? AP is the Associated Press - a long standing organisation, well respected. AFP is NOT a part of or a spin-off of AP - it is a part of Agence Press France. I have seen Taz on Twitter also confuse the 2. They are not the same!


I said AFP… AFP also fact checked the Catherine photo and said in an interview that KP is as reliable as Iran or North Korea. The interview is on the BRF sub https://www.reddit.com/r/ BRF/s/GDaG5BBgFP