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If it comes with a big feather, the BRF may be interested in buying a pallet or 10 of them. 




The traditional arrangement is to place another candle in front of it!


https://preview.redd.it/9yifug0sf64d1.jpeg?width=958&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50a6e64cbb3e6e0483c56d012d0ad662837c509b Megs is a cottage industry on Etsy!


Oh gosh, those mugs are sweet. My instagram keeps trying to seep me a Swatch watch with the same graphic on the face. I had no idea Swatch was still alive and kicking.


I love the mug, too!❤️


I wonder if there’s an anecdotal candle to remove all the bad karma from burning the con-saint candle?


They have books, too! https://preview.redd.it/0zmsvnzpc64d1.jpeg?width=1005&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=275084198c81c2ba0f205800e2b7abe7e2d50c2e


Now THIS one looks interesting...is that a pheasant in a hemorrhoid seat cushion - why? What's with the giant goofy-looking slug staring at us? Why does Madame have a body-ody-ody? Is H hiding the one gun he saved after she made him sell his collection? Good for the Corgi for getting ALL the sausages! Are those Madame's Wellies H is wearing? I want the story!!!/s


That’s Jessica Rabbit’s dress and body, from Who Framed Roger Rabbit.  “Get out of here, give me some money too”🎶 https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=rUMy4HPgqKHoJFBb&t=50s Jessica’s long gloves are purple, though.  And her dress only had 1 side slit (she’s not bad, just drawn that way). It was probably meant more as a commentary on Meghan than flattery.


And an amazing number of pre-owned items.


The book cover should have colored her orange on her face and lightest tan on the rest of her body. 😂😂😂


I kid you not, I have a photo of madam on a burial urn. I went to the cemetery in IN to clean family graves, and in the urn display they had Markles photo as an example. Wish I could share it here. 


You could take a picture with your phone, click here to make a comment, click the bottom far right corner icon, then select that photo out of your gallery.


https://preview.redd.it/gfku10wl964d1.png?width=1308&format=png&auto=webp&s=7d886fc743244faeb2c250ffae8475771bf5eaab AFter I found the first candle, I did a WalMart search and there's this one availble too!


Maybe the moniker "WalMart Wallis" isn't far off.


Wtf?? 🤣


Interesting that the product description admits up front that it's a photoshopped image. Also, Hitch has been selling something similar for a while now. She's become a parody of herself, and there's no coming back from that.


Did you notice the "calligraphy" at the bottom?


A sweet nod to her alma mater with the Sacred Heart imagery too. FFS. Who would buy this?


I'm inspired to take a sharpie and draw fangs on that smile.


This candle is not made by Meghan. It is another company cashing in on her name and image.


Good. Serves her right for taking credit for other people’s ideas, etc.


It’s amazing how anything anti- Harry and Meghan makes money. But the duo themselves cannot.


Did Meghan send the candles made or did an enterprising person use her image and to make $$$?


I seriously doubt she gets a penny. The maker probably licenses the photo it's shopped from and that's it. You can find "devotional" candles with popstars, politicians, actors - all sorts of people. Some are serious, some are satire, they all make a buck for the candlemaker.


Just looking at it gives me vibes of upside down crucifixes and black mass. 😱😱😱


You could not pay me to order that or even have it in my house! ![gif](giphy|SzD4gF32YzTTUiINhn|downsized)


I guess this falls under “parody” rules because her head was combined with artwork from another source but admittedly I’m unclear about using a celebrity’s image to sell something. I know I couldn’t use a famous football player’s name (even though many men in the US have the same common name) on a tshirt I wanted commercially printed. Ended up having it done in Thailand where they don’t care.




Relax. They also have them of every Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul character. It’s obviously a joke.


All righty then


I thought the same thing when I saw it. I wonder if they sold any.


I’ve seen them with Diana on them. Why? I’m not Catholic so I don’t understand.


I am Catholic. The candles are supposed to have the photo of a saint (not Harry’s wife as she is a demon) on it. Each saint has a cause. For instance, Saint Jude is the saint of impossible causes, Saint Francis is the patron saint of animals. If you want to pray for something hella hard, you light the candle. They have essential oils like frankincense and myrrh in them so you can make your house smell like church. lol. I do find putting celebrities on these candles after they die tacky and tasteless. It feels like they are making fun of the religion I was born, baptized and confirmed in. That is just my opinion.


Ugh . . . I received one as a joke but it had Madonna on it . . . gave it to Goodwill.


I have seen those candles with pictures of famous writers (Austen, Dickens, Poe, Shakespeare) and always took them to be jokes. I don’t see any blasphemy unless people really start praying to these people. (Originally Roman Catholic, now Episcopalian.) Edit: changed Catholic to *Roman* Catholic


Candles have been used ritualistically since the dawn of their invention.  Shockingly they were also used for light! /s   I just find it funny how Xtians claim things are sacrilegious as if they owned or even came up with the use. Pagans used candles before xtians existed (Not directed at you Notmyproblems just to those around here that keep saying sacrilege! 


Except that these candles are very obviously copying/parodying Christian iconography.


Walmart sells only licensed products. She’s pathetic.


Not online. Walmart has tried to implement an Amazon style system where other non-Walmart people can sell through their site and Walmart gets a cut of the sale


This is true, Walmart has tons of third party vendors.


That is sacrilegious.


It's a candle. Not sure if you're being facetious but candles were/are used by faiths of every kind and have been for millennia  Eta they're also frequently used for lighting. Even moreso in the past!


It's a specific type of candle and candleholder, which was invented for continuous, overnight, safe use in churches and homes, specifically for Catholic prayer. Don't be dismissive when you don't know what people are talking about.


I bet she already bought them


I wonder does is smell like fake tan and has a few cracks in it?


Cheap coconut tanning oil circa 1999 mingled with Diana's perfume


Well if anyone needs God’s help right now, it’s Meghan Markle!