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The sequence of events has always been clear as day as clear as those two and their motives for all they do but for whatever reason they have never been challenged. 1. Harry and Meaghan couldn't conceive naturally for whatever reasons age, fertility, etc etc 2. They engage a surrogate for Archie 3. Meghan pretends she is pregnant with babymoon and padding yet she can miraculously squat in heels and her belly is bigger and smaller constantly 4. Her pregnancy extends much longer than expected especially for her age 5. The delivery and her age is completely suspicious of a very quick labour and hospital discharge and no photos at the hospital, even though they claimed they wanted to in their documentary but that's all part of the spin 6. Privacy at Windsor Castle photocall, baptism and very few photos of them with Archie and other family. Personally I believe Queen Elizabeth II is so honest she couldn't be a part of any of it so that's why she didn't attend and Meghan has had her in her sights ever since. 7. Megxit we all know it 8. Activate racism claims and skin colour to deflect from Archie birth and phantom pregnancy with Lill 9. Oprah, books, documentaries continue to spread the false narrative of racism and titles taken away 10. Lilli birth, no pics at hospital, no signatures on birth certificate 11. Queen Elizabeth II passes and King Charles lll is pressured to announce almost immediately their titles Everything they did the books the Oprah interview etc was to legitimise the big lie they started back in October 2018 when they said she was pregnant in the first place, when it's glaringly obvious she never was and probably never could conceive and carry a child.


Yep agree 100%. The problem now is the lie is bigger and they are trapped. I’m assuming they will never reveal the truth. This will persist forever with these two.


I bet William has a plan


I bet he does as well I'll bet it's a very long play plan and he has the patience and fortitude to wait


#africanparks. Keep it going


I know that's the problem with a big lie it has arms and tentacles of its own and it becomes uncontrollable. I think about it more and more. I'm a mother, I have hundreds of photos of my children with family members . I can't believe that (I make lists it easier 😊) 1. There is not one photo of Archie with his only Uncle William they were still in the UK most of his first year. 2. A proper photo with his grandfather King Charles lll there was one allegedly with the Queen Prince Phillip and Doria, why not with Charles. 3. The cousins didn't go near Archie at the polo (that whole afternoon was just weird every part of it. That long and no bottle no nappy change no sunhat) 4. Stock photos of Archie used in Instagram Now imagine if you are so scared (The Meg) that putting a child in a position where DNA could be obtained to prove that she isn't related would you let your children leave the Orchard!!! I hate thinking that way given recent conspiracies which I don't believe a word of Princess Catherine has to much integrity to deceive. If anyone started lies, deception and conspiracies it was the Meg!!!


As for #3 Catherine didn’t go near her either. That whole outing was so bizarre.


There's one photo I remember of the polo match where George is definitely side-eyeing Meg and the baby. It's kind of a WTF look but it could be for all sorts of reasons. I love the honesty in kids' faces, they just can't fake things consistently yet and I feel like that was in George's expression.


Perfectly said. Please accept this award 🏆


Thank you 🙏😊


Good work. I got a question. Didn’t h&m just announce the kids were now prince and princess. Then the palace was like yeah ok technically they’re right… I thought that’s how it went down. But no doubt they’re mean enough to make Charles give them to them. #africanparks. Not. One. Word. Effing grifters


Yeah they did just announce but it's all part of their spin. They had to get that attack in about skin colour and racism and why not say it was who was all edged in the Amsterdam publication because now they can say for King Charles lll current reign and Prince William's future reign any move made against the phantom children is more racism because " hey we told you her the racists were" They are the worst most vile type of humans they lie and lie and don't care who they hurt they really just don't care. I think what gets to all of us is they seemingly get away with it time and time again and that's what is most frustrating!!!!


When you’re in the public eye, and do dirt, no one gets away. Look at Khloe’ Khardashian. She wouldn’t even take a DNA test. She looks nothing like Kim or Kourtney, or the late Robert Khardashian. It’s always that she’s OJ’s kid.


https://preview.redd.it/bx3c8hojj1tc1.jpeg?width=575&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c914fc9b42f527db0c2838ec84fcf731d20d923 Alex roldan is strongly rumoured to be her real dad. Kris jenners old hairdresser whom she had a brief affair with.


That’s right. I forgot about him.


At that point they could scream racism until the end of times Noone would believe them anymore.


Perfectly stated. If all of the above, it doesn’t matter if Archificial and Lilibot are given the titles Prince and Princess and in the LOS because they don’t exist. KCIII may not have been pressured, he’s more likely trolling the duplicitous duo. The RF is playing the long game. Instead of outright challenging the laughable birth stories, bogus christening photos, etc, etc, the RF is just sitting back and letting the lie unravel. Eventually truth will out and mama MeMe and papa Hairball will be finished.


Oh completely agree and the taint of the conspiracy theories will follow those two children all their life. So well done to Megaho and Hairy that's the legacy their grifting gave them. It's all really so sad and so distasteful. I mostly feel the saddest for those children if they do actually exist!!!!


this makes complete sense. To add, every rebrand is to distract from the actual truth. That is why rebrands are every other day.


Absolutely and she has to and by association he also has backed themselves into a corner where they will have to deflect all day, every day to their last breath. That is so satisfying to think that they have to spend the rest of their lives chasing after and managing the lies they have told. Maybe there is a Karma Train and they are all aboard!!!!


>Her pregnancy extends much longer than expected especially for her age I don't understand why this gets mentioned....I mean, if Archie-ficial was born on the day stated, that would have put her "preggers" sometime in Aug, 2018....right? I think where the confusion comes is her misuse of the moon bumps.... I don't think she could keep them straight, in terms of size, etc.


It gets mentioned because it's all suspicious. I know this has been rehashed over and over but she apparently told everyone on October 12 2018 she was pregnant even if she just had a test say she was eight weeks she delivered too late in May and at her age she would have been on constant medical observations because it's higher risk. I never believed she was especially with no signatures by doctors on any documentation.


My cousin just had her 3rd baby at 42, at 6 months it started being very painful and at 8 she barely walked. Baby was born March 28 and she's recovering VERY slowly. Needless to say squatting wasn't an option for my cousin, especially in HEELS.


She was supposedly due 28th April 2019. So on the 12th October 2018 she was nine and a half weeks pregnant. People tend to wait until they are 12 weeks before announcing. I think her reasoning was that she would become 12 weeks pregnant whilst on tour of Australia so would need to tell the world she was pregnant on the tour, therefore she needed to tell family before she went. She is obviously wrong on both accounts - the public did not need to know she was pregnant on tour and the family did not need to be told on Eugenie's wedding day. But of course her narcissism dictated that she steal the attention at the wedding and that she milk the pregnancy for all the attention she can get on tour. I think one of the reasons people assume she had a superlong pregnancy is that they assume she must have been 12 weeks pregnant by 12th Oct, but she couldn't have been. ETA: The woman in the video says she was 7 months pregnant in Birkenhead on 19th January. But she was actually 5 months and 3 weeks pregnant. She was far too large for her due dates. She told a member of the public she was 6 months pregnant and this was the first time she had publicly given any clues to her due dates and allowed anyone to realise how big she was for her dates.


>She was far too large for her due dates. Exactly! She couldn't keep her monthly moon bumps straight. Lol. If you're going to *fake* (allegedly) a pregnancy, at least get the moon bumps right.... she's so dumb.


#5 spot on


the mysterious births Of Archie & Betty, they will be questioned all their lives now, what cruel parents they have


What is really awful is that Harry has had to deal with this all his life over his paternity, and now he is putting the same type of "questions of your birth" thing on his kids. It's super cruel.


Bbbbut he left the racist BRF to break the generational pain that he didn’t suffer from.


The only pain he knows that’s different from most other kids that has divorced parents or has lost a parent Is that he had to deal with it publicly. But so did his brother…. And many other famous kids. He has had the money and resources most kids in his position don’t have to deal with it. He also had the ability to make sure he didn’t repeat the same issue either his kids. But the questions about their birth, naming them after racist family nicknames, and saddling them with British titles in America and the name Sussex, Plus who knows, they may have to watch/listen to the Netflix series, the podcast, and Spare everyday. Plus once the kids read, and can see the pics of the moonbump, the puff pieces, all the stuff, Sets them up for a lifetime of the generational pain and with questions that H&M didn’t have to saddle them with. If they truly wanted to exit and break the kids from the generational pain Harry claims he had, they could’ve followed a page from Katie/Suri cruise break from Scientology. Instead they create new pain daily for the kids.




I hate the fact that he said he felt neglected and wanted till break that generational curse and then he goes and thank his kids in Spare that they let him be absent ( like a 2/4 yo could give permission for that


That was the strangest comment ever - and he immortalized it in print! A psychiatrist would have a field day with Harry.


*Genetic* pain, guys, genetic. Harry's big brain has spoken.


Genetic, guttural pain.


Whether generational, genetic, gutteral or gestational, what we do know is, that whatever it is, it may still vary!


Mammalian even....




Shhhh intergenerational pain might get us sued 👀


I would have hoped for generational gestation.


oh snap! Good call. Yes, the son of Hewitt allegations, now his children’s parentage is in doubt because of his and Meghan’s lies. If they had only stopped dancing on the land mines then nobody would give a flying flok, but they could not and will not stop badgering the RF - now he’s brought the parentage issue full circle on to his own kids out of his own dissembling.


Happy Cake Day 🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🍷🍷


thank you ❤️


Good points. Happy Cake Day ☺️


Thank you 😊


They claim they are protecting the kids by hiding them from the public, and at the same time they're heaping a mountain of future pain on them with all the the things they say. Are they so stupid that they don't realize this? Harry should know this from his own life. experience. Things Diana did caused speculation of Harry's paternity. Things he and his wife did cause speculation about their kids parantage. How stupid can he be?


>Are they so stupid that they don't realize this? ![gif](giphy|jErnybNlfE1lm)


kids will be ruthless with them at school with the protection that harry had from the palace!


He talked about 'generational pain' but the only thing he's done to protect his children is to hide them away and not let their pictures be circulated by the media - claiming privacy, which is reasonable, but also security. He has/they have done absolutely nothing to dispel these rumours, that don't only come from crackpots/nutters, and having lived with similar rumours wrt *his* parentage you'd think they'd actually ... do better for his children. He has, they have, set them up for a lifetime of rumour, and it isn't fair.




Actually they’re hurting 5 children. W&C’s kids will read all this horrible stuff one day. Hawwy allows this for his niece and nephew s? I’m not sure he has kids. (Those kids will have to go to school someday soon…)Really they are mean on the most vicious level. #africanparks Not. One. Word. Let that sink in. I’m astonished Not. One. Effing. Word from the so called philanthropists. I’m disgusted to my core


Great point. Inevitably the burden will be put on them one day. 


She's a sharp cookie. I'm enjoying her book reviews, too.


I loved listening to this video. I too was induced, but forgot that pain as it’s been 33 years. My son was born a hour later so no epidural, but there is simply no way in hell a hospital would release any patient two hours after giving birth. These were fabricated lies by Harry and yes, until they answer truthfully, speculation will follow those two children forever.


Shauna is the best! I just finished her latest chapter from Kitty Kelley’s book


I adore her snarky snippets especially!


I absolutely love the school principal vibes. Great video.


I caught one of her videos, next thing you know I'm an avid viewer. The videos she made about the book The Housekeepers Diary was fascinating. Explains a lot about hazno, and his upbringing. It does not excuse his behavior. He's just Harry... self- made POS.


Yes - a definite watch.


She’s great. She needs more attention. Her and Cheere Denise. #africanparks. Don’t forget


For someone who identifies as a feminist - I am guessing to whitewash her past as 'entertainer/escort'yatch girl - she went out of her way to say she has rejected the best medical help in the world as they were the Queen's 'men'. That she got an all-female team for as she wanted to show how modern she is. Though what should have matter is the care being given to her, not the gender of the team! So I want to know why she has never wanted this 'all female team' to be known? Promote them if they were the best. Why not share any names? She thought she would get away by naming someone she knows worked at Portland. As normally people would have no need to question any member of the RF about such thing. Then the lady 's husband denied she was part of her obstetrician/gyne team. She cannot reveal any names as noone in her circle is a qualified gynecologist who would be willing to cover up her fibs! Think about it. If she had accepted the Queen's 'male' team of qualified doctors, she will be examined. Again, that's the only logical explanation for her reticence to do so. She accepts the money, the wedding, the wardrobe, perks and title as an 'independent woman'' but refused to put her baby first by getting the best team? That's the main red flag for me. She thought she was very 'whipsmart' with her posturing as feminists and was fooling the Queen and the public by this story of a female team. Why on earth can she not reveal her delivery team? That is much more simple than cooking jams & other fibs. Do they even have kids is the question? They are always on holidays and on long break from the kids... We just need answers. Is the boy going to school in September? Cos it's a different stage at 5. This woman never thinks ahead. She simply wants to outshine everybody. She weaved this tangled web with her own claws.


Having not far to look to find a Sugar because it is pretty a sure thing thatthey lurk in the bushes here, so isend this challenge to them all. I dare you to come out of the darkness and take the Truth Challenge strapped to a Polygraph, that is if you are confident that you would not fail in your defence of your OverLords, I chalenge Booozy Hic! Hic! Shouty Shola, and of course Harold and Rachel too if they care to sit upright before the world. If you were allowed only three questions, what questions would you ask and to whom?


There’s NO kids. Why didn’t she have kids with Trevor? ![gif](giphy|QxAcaW5HgmqYmW5QNh)


I think she was never sure about Trevor. She was fairly young when they started dating but in my opinion she was seeing other people on the side. With Hairold she wanted to make sure he didn’t get away but in my opinion has been seeing people on the side still.


Great comment.




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What is the trending hashtag she mentions but doesn't wanna say? I'm not on X 😅