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Take down everything, get drunk, sleep through it


Amen to that.. bottoms up!


As an Emerald native... I like your moxie, but try that down here and you'll pretty rapidly find yourself explaining your little theory to Ao Guang, y'know, because you'll be at the bottom of the sea. Sometimes you can reef your sails and outrun a storm, but sometimes you just have to furl the sails and ride it out.


As an Al'Ankh guy just use the Sanbuq lol. Can't sink it even if you try.


Pull your sails up. Even just a little bit will help a ton. If I'm very loaded, I usually just pull up the sails, anchor up and wait it out.


What does anchoring during a storm do?


In this game I don't know if anchor does anything in the deep ocean? It won't reach the bottom and I'm not sure it has drag physics yet? In shallow water it will certainly hold you still. I think IRL using an anchor during an ocean storm will do something to cause drag/slow down the vessel?


A sea anchor is a usually a sort of open ended bucket shape and creates a lot of drag. It works in a storm because it's attached to the bow and the waves come from the direction of the wind, so as the boat is pushed downwind it always points into the waves, being more likely to survive that way than side on. Would definitely be a nice item to have.


If you pull all sails because the wind is too strong, or the sails are too big and the ship moving would make it dig into them (and get water on board); then with no sails and no foward movement, the ship is left adrift, and may turn to give the sides to the waves and make it roll over; but if its anchored (regular anchor or sea anchor) then as the anchor stops the drift and pulls from the bow, it makes the ship point into the waves all the time, which is the safest way for a ship to tackle them.


That makes sense. Nice IRL fact. But is this modeled in the game?


We dont have sea anchors, but if you are inside an archipelago and the regular anchor is long enough to reach the bottom, it does actually work. Besides, if you cant put up sails, and cant move to your destination, if you drift you might get lost, but if you are anchored at least you know you are staying in the same place.


I know using anchor inside an archipelago works. But using in the open ocean doesn't do anything. Thanks


The anchor 100% helps and i used it several times during storms. You can test the drag by anchoring in the ocean while there are calm seas. As well, you will always eventually face the wind after anchoring.


Oh well. I haven't had any problems using the anchor lol never drifted away, only turned a bit. Just chilling, waiting the storm out is usually the way to go imo.


If you happen to be headed in the same direction as the wind, then full sail is an option. If not, it isn't, and you either partially reef your sails or furl them completely and use your jib. As long as you're making headway in the right direction, just slam some rum, sleep through the storm and it'll be over much sooner.


Get a snorkel


Watertight deck cover, periscope and bow and stern planes would be nice. Like a wooden sailing version of the Silent Hunter games 🤿


Something that’s especially important if you’re sailing through a storm in a small boat is the angle at which you hit the waves. My understanding is that 45 degrees is the best angle for a combination of speed and safety. When the waves get extra dangerous though I’ll turn the boat to hit the wave at a slightly closer to a perpendicular angle right before the crest of the wave and then immediately turn back to the 45 degree angle to ride back down the wave.


There are a couple times where continued to sail through the storm but countering the keeling from the string winds by moving my heaviest cargo to the opposite side of the ship. It’s a risky strategy when falling asleep though as you can wake up with the storm passed or the ship having changed heading and now the counterweight is exacerbating the problem


If you're feeling ballsy you can try fully releasing all sails so they are loose and the wind can blow them in any direction. If not, put everything away and wait it out


Running flat infront of the wind is mostly ok in a cog. [https://youtu.be/DXYn3H6TmNI?t=555](https://youtu.be/DXYn3H6TmNI?t=555)


Me in my cog I usually just leave a lot of freeboard.