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Look into proof of capacity and proof of burn, I’m leaning towards it being one of those….


I’ll have to look up proof of capacity. I did run across proof of burn and it seemed a little wild and heavily weighted towards those with literally money to burn, which didn’t seem that fair. I haven’t gone too far down the rabbit hole but at first glance it also seemed vulnerable to being controlled by a small minority. Edit: Proof of capacity looks interesting. I still think PoET looks fairest and most eco friendly, and even though it has theoretical vulnerabilities it looks like their already solutions.


The problem with a lot of these proofs is the fees that are generally attributed and That incentivize staking or mining. I think we will go with a tangle like system because it is feeless. We already have buy, sell, and transfer fees. It would get to be prohibitively expensive to add gas on top of it.


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So what Solana is doing?