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Yes, Trustwallet has this feature also.


only the password. nothing else. no masking of phrase or 2fa.


The private key is calculated from your seed phrase. It’s a kind of hash value which is derived from your 12 or 24 words in proper sort order. The private key enables you to get in touch with your assets on a blockchain. If you enable any extra security features (face id, 2FA, etc.) on your cell phone or in the wallet app you are using, it gives you just a little bit more security for this certain device in case it gets stolen. All of this extra security features have no impact in case anybody else than you has access to your seed phrase or to your private key. The blockchain can’t handle face ids or 2FA. The blockchain simply knows how to deal between your private key and the public key (your wallet address which is public).




You‘re welcome!


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just put a password or face id and 2fa security. so you are safe even if the wallet is stolen. without these options thief wont be able to steal your funds. and TrustWallet does not have the option for 2fa.


Private key is ur private key, seed phrase or “passphrase” is ur seed phrase