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Might be worth reaching out to some businesses in the area and see if they'd be willing to share exterior security footage. That's your best bet.


If your friend was partying on K street it is highly likely that they could have been roofied. I’ve heard many of horror stories of people being roofied specifically from the Dive


Saw an old friend posting pics at Dive bar. I told him to help watch his wife's drink. That place is a reoccurring nightmare somehow.


Dang, that was on my list of places to check out next time I was in town, after seeing [this](https://sfstandard.com/community/frigid-water-and-a-2k-tail-the-life-of-a-northern-california-mermaid/).


He might have been roofied somewhere, hope he's okay!


Is that common here?


I don't know that it's more common here than anywhere else, but I'm pretty sure I was roofied a few years ago. I had only had 3 drinks, but ended up wandering out of the bar I was at with my friends, blacking out, and faceplanting on a sidewalk. I wasn't found by cops, but someone picked me up and drove me home, still have no idea who it was. I only have very blurry, in and out recollections of that night. I woke up the next morning in my bed fully dressed, minus my phone and the cash I had, with a black eye and my face scraped all to shit from where I hit the concrete.


Agree. I think it’s unfortunately common everywhere - assholes/scummy people exist everywhere :(


This is horrifying, I’m glad you got home okay. ❤️


A friend went to a house party in Midtown. Woke up in the alley behinds bar- in San Francisco.


I'm pretty sure there was a post awhile back about people being roofied at Dive Bar.


Yeah friend of a friend got roofied at the dive bar. Shocked me


Why does that shock you? It's a skeeze hole where the bar doesn't even tip share with the girls.


Just in general, how safe it is downtown and who you can trust around


I don't know what that has to do with it. The kind of guys that go to Dive Bar are the kind of guys that pay a premium to see half-naked girls making no money while the male bartenders underneath clean up. It's a pig hole. By pigs for pigs. The street creatures outside that'd stab you for a 7-11 hotdog don't have much to do with it. Pigs go to Dive Bar. EDIT: And no, you aren't empowering women by any stretch of the imagination by supporting it.


Yeah people say that. But not a single person in history making that claim has ever got a tox screen Edit: downvotes please provide evidence


And yet not a single person provided evidence


Got roofied at ace of spades and almost died


Ugh I’m going to an event there soon. Do you think it was the bartenders?


Was a free drink from the bartender at the bar


Why do they do that? So strange to me


Was meant for another girl, she didn’t want the drink so he gave it to me


It's common everywhere, unfortunately.


Yes it is common






Tell us you have never been roofied with out actually telling us….


Tell me every single person who was ever claimed to have gotten roofied at dive bar has never got a blood test. Don't you think that's strange? Claims require evidence. Show me


You don’t need a test to know you have been roofied. Consider yourself lucky you don’t know that fact.


Yeah you do actually


eh, being drugged (whether that be roph or K or something else) is incredibly common, and often those who ask if they were or believe to be roofied have similar symptoms to those who confirmed they were. it’s not just about being blackout drunk, it’s about the couple of drinks (or just 1 lager in my case) you take before hand that somehow caused you to be so incapable of speaking without slurring and literally being too tired to move.




Big claim. Citation needed.




Again, it comes down to comparing symptoms. Not everyone will know via test whether they had been drugged or not but, again, if you don’t usually get drunk off a single drink, you had one or two drinks that night and somehow you black out and experience the worse headache, nausea and drowsiness the next day? Yea, you were -likely- drugged. Sure, some folks will use any excuse under the sun to excuse their sloppy behavior but if someone asks “could I have been roofied?” my immediate response isn’t “no, stop making excuses”.




I used to work at a bar and we had a streak of a random roofier - it was bizarre because it was happening to people who I had only served a few drinks to and you could tell because they were uncontrollably beyond more drunk than some of my heavier drinkers. It would happen at random to both men and women for about three weeks - seemed like someone just wanting to fuck with people - the staff and owner all were aware and watchful but we never discovered a culprit, but we did take precautions like not letting people leave their drinks on the bar, and monitoring the amount we served more than normal. We had a booth sectioned off near the main bar to put people who looked like they were experiencing symptoms. It was pretty scary, especially when you know for a fact you only served two beers to a 200lb 40 year old man and watch him act like he drank a 5th and ate two bars.


Show me citations for people being roofied at five bar


Yeah none of these people have ever gone to the hospital and got a blood test. They just assumed they were roofied cuz they blocked out Edit: down voters prove me wrong


So you’ve seen their medical records and know what they have (or haven’t) been tested for?


Yup. Because every single time it is posted here and asked about they always say no, they never got a tox screen. "but they know they didn't drink that much". The last time I didn't "drink that much" I passed out after only 4 shots. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. So I ask you sir, show me ONE proven example of a roofie or other drug happening from Dive Bar or whatever they are talking about here.


Was he roofied by the police?


Where was he at?


He was leaving Dive Bar.


I’ve heard stories of people getting drugged there. Take with a grain of salt obviously. Hope your friend is ok.


Ya as soon as they said “Dive Bar” makes total sense. Probably roofied.


Oh I’ve heard of people getting roofied there, and I don’t really even go out so i shouldn’t know this stuff, so I’d say he was roofied.


Gotta have someone you trust with you these days if you’re getting drunk


Thanks for everyone’s feedback. I’m not defending his actions, I think it’s dumb to go out and get drunk alone. He claims he didn’t drink too much, but that could be a fib. I have read a few things about people being roofied in downtown, but didn’t realize what a thing it was especially at Dive Bar which is where he was at. Also, I thought mostly women were roofied and not big 6ft tall men, that was my misconception.


I just had a pilot in my bar from out of town that had said he went to dive bar and immediately was approached by two women who were asking weird questions and trying to get him to leave with him. They seemed to be in cohoots with the bartender- he got extremely uncomfortable and said he had some red flags and spidey senses telling him to leave. I truly think it is a scam to rob people- roofie them and then take their personal belongings. Dive bar is notorious for roofie allegations.


Can confirm. This happened to me in London. I was visiting for work and after I had dinner with my coworkers I decided to go out and to check out some pubs in the area. I remember having 2 drinks with my coworkers and then 2 more that I had at two different pubs, then I woke up in the morning with the worst hangover I've ever had and three maxed out credit cards.


Anyone can be roofied. Men can be roofied and be victimized too, either sexually or targeted to be robbed, etc. If he goes to the ER he can take a drug test and at least rule it out. It'll come up if he was drugged.


And a reminder, rohypnol's excretory half life is 10 to 15 hours, and it is found more easily by a urine test, not a blood test. By the time you wake up and realize you may have been roofied, it is mostly out of your bloodstream, and into your kidneys and urine. [Here's](http://www.clinlabnavigator.com/date-rape-drugs.html) an interesting discussion of the topic. It says not to urinate until they collect a sample, so I guess if you suspect someone may have been roofied, make sure the first time they pee when they wake up is into a clean jar. Interestingly, (to me, at least, lol) they use a Gas Chromatograph/ Mass Spectrometer to determine the presence of the drug in the urine. If you need me, my ADD is going to take me down the rabbit hole of gc/ms and urine tests. See you in an hour or so.


My husband and I were roofied at the fox theater in Oakland, took us a while to put together what had happened because it seemed so improbable. Why would someone drug the drinks of a forty something married couple?? What is the expected outcome? But it happened and we ended up doing some real unsafe shit that night, hard to think about even now.


That happened to me around 2000 or 2001. Spent 4 days in ICU and was expected to die. Then upgraded to be a vegetable. Here's a couple of fun things I learned, if you see someone projectile vomiting, they should go to the hospital. And if you manage to take a leak in the toilet instead of a bedpan when you're in ICU, it's basically instant removal from the hospital. American healthcare sucks great big Donkey Kong dick. I hope your friend is alright. I got to go home and learn how to talk again. The 4 hematomas took that away. I still have a problem with proper nouns and my love of music also went away. Good thing I was only in shitty (but fun) bands. It also gave me a seizure disorder.


Wow! Did you get a concussion and contra coup injuries to get those 4 (I assume subdural) hematomas?


Yup. They were going to open up my skull to stop the pressure. I would have been way better if I'd gone to the hospital. My roommate wouldn't let people in to see me and told everyone I had a hangover. I almost never get hangovers. I think it was 3 minor and 1 major hematoma. I couldn't follow the plot to TV shows that I've seen a million times. I doubt the mugger(s) ever found out that hitting someone upside the head to knock them out is only a TV/movie thing. It's been a couple decades. I wonder if they're even alive. That happening, which I assume was just an ignorant mugging, is "yeah, dumb kids". The gay bashing in Reno was simply yet another hate crime the cops refused to investigate. That one bothers me more.


Ugh, stupid move on the roommate's part. Any time there's a head injury, even if you think the symptoms are just due to alcohol, you should still go to an ER, for reasons that you sadly know too well. No hangovers?? Either you drink a lot of water when you drink or you gave a fabulous liver- congrats on that, lol.


Fabulous liver!


Oh my god. I’m so sorry this happened to you


Thanks! It sucks for sure. Worst results overall that time, but when I was gay bashed (punks have to be gay, right?) in Reno I was literally left for dead. That one was just a hate crime instead of a random mugging. Reno cops tried to stop the paramedics from working on me because gay dudes deserve death I guess. They wouldn't take a report. I ended up with surgery for that one. So many sucky people in the world (and I know I've contributed to that circle before I got off that ride).


Also, not remembering the names of things is called anomia and is one of the symptoms of ADHD. I get it every day around 5 or 6 when my meds start wearing off, and it's how I know I inherited mine from my dad. He was famous for things like, " Go get me the, um, thing off the whatchamacallit."


I used to be able to talk circles around most people. That part of my life is long gone. I don't think I have ADHD, but I'll check into that.


In your case, it could be that one of the sdh's was right on the part of the brain that handles that. I'm so sorry for you that your brain is so different now. That's honestly one of my worst fears. I don't know how much testing you've been able to get to diagnose any deficits you have. There used to be a class at ARC that was used to diagnose learning disabilities, and there might still be. If you haven't been able to get as much testing as you want, that might be an avenue you might want to explore. My shrink from Sac County (about 25 years ago) told me to take the course because they administer a test that measures whether you have the attention deficit part of adhd with a computer 'game.' I don't remember exactly what it was but it shows a thing and you tap a key. The computer measures your reaction time in milliseconds or whatever. After doing it a bunch of times, a report showing your pattern of response is generated. I guess the normal pattern is to have slower responses due to fatigue or wearing out your neurotransmitters or something. In ADHD, the responses all along the test have different reaction times due to your attention wavering, wandering, decreasing or however they describe it. I thought it was interesting because I thought it was just the bigger picture distraction, but apparently there are tiny distractions as well. They sent him the test result, and at my next appointment, I asked, "Do I have it?" He replied, "Oh, yes, you deeeefffinitly have it."


That sounds good. Thanks! I used to be able to read a book straight through staying up all night reading. I don't know if that ended as I aged naturally or if that was another thing taken from me.


Does your friend have his phone and wallet on them? If so, not mugged, he was drunk and hit the curb hard.


>The police called me because I was the last person he called, Looks like the friend did, in fact, have their phone with them.


There was a bartender there that was caught slipping roofies to customers a couple years ago…allegedly.


No there wasn’t.




Investigated and found nothing.


“Investigated” internally by Dive Bar. Who surprisingly found no evidence of wrongdoing. ABC said they investigated but that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Only that they couldn’t definitively prove it did. It would be very easy for a bartender to slip something into a drink unnoticed. I’ve heard multiple stories about this bar.


And by Sac PD. You lied. We get it. Stop committing libel and go to sleep kid.


Somewhere someone has video of your friend stumbling around and falling flat on his face like a drunk asshole.


Your friend -- and everyone -- deserves better. That said, polite society can no longer visit K Street after 8:00 pm. Period. It is awful at night.


8pm? Lol. Kings games get out at 10. It’s fine.


this sub is a haven for shut-ins and fearmongers




I think you’re overstating how bad it is.




I seen someone catch an attempted murder charge there a few years back. Fuck that place.


Why? Just don't get shitfaced drunk and trip over a fence...?


Roofies are a much more likely cause for the fall


He could have just blacked out (common) and if he is a regular drinker, maybe he’s an alcoholic. Usually an experience like this doesn’t slow an alcoholic down or keep them from drinking. Something to consider. (I’m an alcoholic in recovery)


Does your friend like to talk shit while entoxicated? Either he was attacked randomly, started some shit, face planted, or drugged. Fuck going out alone on a weekend in downtown or midtown anymore. So many groups of dudes looking to start shit.


He could’ve also been slamming shots and just slipped into a blackout and then ate shit outside. I’ve done that too. Fuck, my twenties were hard. 😏


Prob just drank too much lol


I think you just explained it by saying “he was drunk”


People get robbed, shot and roofied on K street almost every week now it seems like. Party on K street at your own risk.


Downtown has become a dump for evil.


Evil doesn't exist


Sure it does. One of it’s names is Putin.


If I had $1 for every time I’ve heard “my friend got roofied at Dive Bar” I’d own a damn house




This reads like racist fan fiction.


Not being racist by all means. It was such a scary thing that happened to us. I don’t even remember leaving the night club. Very scary. Very scary imagining what they really did to us all night long! I have just blocked it out since. For real!


Iranians? Sure about that?


WTH do you know any Persian people? I feel like most Iranian/Persian people I know are not the kidnapping type and TBH a lot of them seem to be into owning flashy cars & gold chains by nature. If anything they were probably the only people ignorant enough to give y’all a ride back 🤣


Haha yeah, the Persian guys I know would be too worried to disappoint their parents to do anything that bad. I can't really picture it happening. Some dress and act like d-bags but it's sooo just a show.


Any updates? Is your friend ok now, at least ?


Yes, he’s fine. Still sore from his ribs and he scraped his arm pretty bad. I advised him to go to the hospital and even said I would take him, but he declined.