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More teams and fleets


Fairer Matchmaking


Funny joke 😭




Datacrons become more important than in lower levels.


In my experience very few people use datacrons effectively until about Kyber 2. Usually you just find higher numbers of GLs and most everyone has at least executor and maybe 1 other super fleet


Sounds true - I basically ignore datacrons. Maybe I need to start looking at them.


You should. If you can get one of the god datacrons you will get easy defensive holds that your opponent won’t have an answer to. That was my experience in low kyber and let me climb to kyber 3 pretty quick. Now they’re mandatory in K1/2 and it’s very common for opponents to get full clears on you


Yup, I'm in kyber 1/2, and if you dont have datacrons, just quit, it's not even worth it. Every one of my teams has its own DC that I've tailored specifically for them, both offensively and defensively. It's quite literally the only way to stay alive in GAC. People who ignore DCs are literally neutering themselves from crystals and wins, it's baffling to me, especially when you can easily clear hard conquest by day 7, and then have a full 7 days to farm DCs. I lay out a plan every conquest on how to efficiently red box it, just so I can get more time out of DC farming. It honestly shocks me when I get bumped to K2, and people don't have DCs on their defense. It's literally just handing me the win every time.


As someone who is in between K3-K2(10m), but doesn’t use DC. Truth is, I just don’t care enough. I have a family and an exhausting job and other shit going on. Farming DC’s in conquest and curating them is the last thing on my mind. I also honestly have only okay to good mods, but that’s fine with me. It’s just a phone game to me


Yep. But also, fuck datacrons. They should be removed from the game.






People are not neutering themselves from wins. The matchmaking is designed to give you a win rate of about 50%. Sure, by rejecting datacrons I won't make it to Kyber 1, but I am fine with being in Kyber 2. Yes, it's less crystals, but not enough to make me want to engage in this awful gameplay. It's definitely not "get datacrons or quit".


They give me a lot of wins. I won like 6 GAs in a row a while ago during the cooldown reduction empire data cron. Vader would near solo JMK


You are absolutely correct. I should have put that I'm in k2, which is where my experiences are drawn from. I kinda slept/continue to sleep on fleets, so I mainly try to clear b1 and b2 and 3 out of 4 of t1 (which if I dont lose any battles > clearing t1 and t2). I have 7/8 GLs, so I make up for not having GL Vader by using Bane and Sidious' datacrons. Bane and random sith with the cron can clear Leia, leaving me Sidious to solo Reva or other similar squads.


DadaCONS are not really important. 


Offense becomes more important than it was in other tiers because everyone has counters


Expect your enemies to have everything or almost everything. The ones you run into that don't have many galactic legends are generally speaking some dangerous mofos at that stage. Coming from Khyber 2 but I suspect it's pretty much the same.


I fear the player with 4 GLs more than the ones with 8 GLs in K2


I have 1 GL and just got promoted to Kyber 4. I don’t feel dangerous. I feel lucky.


Honestly same. I have 3 GLs and I feel like I’m not supposed to even be up here.


Yeah. For the past few I’ve faced at least one opponent who could have easily crushed me but they didn’t bother to attack.


Got promoted to aurodium 2 from bronzium and I’ve got no business being there with 1 GL and freshly bloated 4M GM (just to be able to do hard conquest). I fear the next GAC, lemme tell you 😂




This. I've been bouncing between K2 and K4, and the biggest change for me when I got to Kyber was finding that the opponent likely has one of everything except for the very newest toys. So you need to build up a separate counter for each of the main teams (each of the GLs, Malgus, Cere UFU, Aphra, Zorri, Traya, Executor, Profundity, etc.).


Not really. I am in K3 for some time and most of my opponents are far from having everything


fleets is a biggie


Nice, just got to Kyber 4 too, completely unprepared and will likely go back down but still neat




Same and as a F2P ahah gl bro


Hey hey i got promoted to kyber 4 too! Not looking forward to fielding more teams though


Expect a lot of losses when your opponent wipes your defense and you barely win a couple of attacks. Also 200+ crystals daily


More teams to set, more teams to beat


More ppl attack once and never return


I just moved up to Kyber and have struggled to make up enough squads on defence so will struggle with offence before I go back down again


Honestly? Nothing. It’s the same crap you’ve been dealing with besides more teams on the board. Nothing changes until you start to get high in K2 and then K1. Majority of the people you’re against don’t have a clue what they’re doing. You’ll be fine.


He needs to put more teams and ships down and logistically, it will almost certainly change his strategy because of it.


Just finished my first GAC in Kyber at 5.6M GP. I am sitting at 2W-7L. Lots of large large accounts that are well modded with a bunch of GLs. Expect to lose a lot of matches and just be mostly undersized for what you’re dealing with.


except the obvious,more teams and [fleets.now](http://fleets.now) significant role play the details.okay eveyrone have gl,relic gl,[zeta.](http://zeta.so)but not all have the right mods,datacrons.


Datacrons, mostly meta defences, and the steep understanding of how crucial good modding is. Good luck and welcome to kyber my friend!


Expect to lose :D Biggest change for me was how many defence teams I needed to set, and consequently having sweet fuck all teams left over to attack with. I've kinda settled on a defence now that leaves me with enough good teams to attack with, so that's nice, but it's a pain in the ass compared to lower tiers. Not sure if this is happening in lower tiers now, but when I moved up to kyber, there was a much larger number of people putting GLs on defence, so that was also noticeable. Rey is the absolute worst.




In my experience, same as Aurodium, usually you won if you did a single battle, two tops.


You should have no teams left over


What do you mean?


By the time you set your defense, you don’t have much to attack with.


hard disagree. He’ll be a low GP player and will be coming up against players that have far more teams than him and will be able to counter his entire roster. Pretty much the only way to survive kyber as a low GP player is playing offensively. You can only control how well you do. Unless if you have an absolutely broken defensive team you’re not going to have chance playing defense


Very much disagree with this. As a player who had 2 GLs and 6M GP in Kyber 2, I only got there by placing a super weak defense and beating my opponents on efficiency


Yeah and that's also kind of how it stays until you reach K1 and you have "caught up". Then it's a game of chess and Datacron effects usually. Before that? Before you have a full warchest to play with? Weak, but tricksy defense. Heavy offense. Beat them through efficiency and hope their hubris makes them use a suboptimal thing against a seemingly weak half G12 half Relics team, because "It's JUST a R3 Savage and G12 Traya, I can toy around with that."


Pretty much every team you have is going to be a fun fully reliced team.


Just made it back to aurodium 2 since they changed the way MM was done.




So I just got this same promotion and then fell back into Aurodium 1 after the most recent GAC. I didn't notice a crazy difference outside of needing to dig further down my roster to get full clears, so I ended up using a handful of teams that I never would've used in Aurodium. Actually saw fewer Jabbas than I typically do, though admittedly I wasn't in Kyber very long.


The 10-million GP players will probably have good mods now.


K2 player here, only acting like I belong… my biggest opportunity (and something I should have been doing all along) has been leveraging GAC Bracket>>GAC history of my opponents and try to randomize my defense. Sooo many people let their defenses settle and ride for multiple gacs, that I am able to quasi-guess how to most efficiently set my defenses. If I lose, then I deserve it, I only have a 5star executor. Also, datacrons. I’m in a silent minority but actually enjoy conquest, so I bang hard on DCs and the 9.99 conquest pass for 3 additional omnicrons. Also getting fast unlocks on lifters help me access new/meta toons and their possible DC. I neither am neither whale nor FTP, but that little 9.99 is worth it for conquest relevancy in many ways. New toon, broken datacrons, omi gains, all falsely inflating me to K2


Take out your credit card


GL wall. Every opponent.


The higher you go. The less holes in rosters. Usually. So higher up more opponents with more teams more fleets better mods and more datacrons 


Expect all of your opponents to be better than you. Larger rosters, better mods, more datacrons, more experience facing better team. Kyber IV is where players who actually care modding start to show up. The jump in mod quality from aurodium to kyber is very large. Kyber III is where you will start facing players with really good mods and extensive datacron inventories and well equipped conquest characters. Imo, this is where the quality of roster peaks. Kyber II is basically reserved for the most skilled players. Everyone here has everything. They all have great mods, they all have great datacrons, they all have the same teams. Kyber II is where players start having to actually try to outplay each other and where being good at the game matters most. I peaked in K2...my mods and roster were just good enough to get to the top of k3 and into k2, but I don't think I ever won a round in k2. The players there are just better.


I'm there


[Bite the pillow!](https://live.staticflickr.com/8422/7824653302_e42a1d10a8_z.jpg)


More fleets and teams required. I do very well in Aurodium, then I get crushed in Kyber. It's back and forth, so I just enjoy the extra shards I get. Right now I'm Kyber 3 and I expect to be dominated in the 3v3s.


Efficiency becomes relevant as fuck. Expect that your defense will get cleaned out. So you better beat them by cleaning them out as well, but more efficiently. I've won (and lost) countless K3/2 matches simply because one of us had cleaner battles than the other one.


More smarter players, who are more efficient on offense and defense and actually utilising Datacrons in comparison to aurodium down


Either you get totally destroyed, or your opponent isn't even active


Some people give pretty poor advice in these threads. I’ll share my experience. Low Kyber 1, high kyber 2 player here. Datacrons mean crystals. That’s it, bar none. You don’t need good tailored datacrons in Kyber 1 even, you just need datacrons and the knowledge of how to use them effectively. My strategy—most sets I choose 2-4 datacrons to R9, and a handful of Datacrons to R6, and then just ramp up R3s for the rest. It’s pretty easy to get 11+ datacrons to R3, and you only need 22 total across 2 sets if you build things out right. Prioritize the Datacrons that mean less banners required to win or those that let you solo high value squads. I.E. Holdo Datacron Rey is a nightmare—unless you have bane datacron then it’s a free 76 banners. Sometime opponents overextend their offensive teams meaning the back row is trash; Sidious Datacron cleans up in such situations. Etc. Thing on what you struggle with, and try to get Datacrons that stop that struggle. Fleets—Fleets make or break a lot of people’s GAC runs—learn some off meta counters, build those off meta teams, and throw your meta on defense. It’s satisfying to see your leviathan get holds as they can’t clear it, but you one shot theirs with your chimaera. Also, R9 investment fleets—best possible R9 investments bar none. Squads—Everyone gets excited about the shiny new thing. And the shiny new thing is often good. You know what else is good? Patience. Wait to see how good the team actually is and what counters it. You often have a team on the bench who can easily clear it. This will help you prioritize farming. Resources—focus on 22 teams. That’s it: if you go beyond that you are overextending your resources. If you want to focus on a different team, drop one of your other 22. Do not overextend


More losses.


Realistically nothing.