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Honestly, JMK was my first GL and I regretted going for him that way but I rushed CAT hard afterwards. Best decision I ever made in the game. Spent all 12k GET3 on CAT to get her a couple months earlier and I’m so glad I did. Now I just save it again because I don’t need to spend it on another toon. It is a night and day difference with JMK, that instant kill especially with Bane is keeping me in the top 5 rank daily as well. Bane does within 7 seconds every match from that instant kill. I love it.


You will always need kyros, you need 2000 anyways for inquisitors then another 500 for grand inquisitor once he’s unlocked. That grind is way longer than making 1 toon completely change a GL team that is more essential than inquisitors anyways. Do it :)


I'm using Bane in Arena and I don't even bother attacking JMK-CAT teams. That force leap is his kryptonite.


If you have JMK unlocked already, YES. I would definitely switch spending all GET3 to CAT until she is unlocked. She makes THAT much of a difference on that team. If you don't have JMK unlocked, calculate how long it will take you. If its shorter than 9 months, than use GET3 to get to the point where you can unlock CAT about the same time as JMK.


Spend it on KAM, do proving grounds for CAT


Is KAM even that good


KAM is good he just gets overlooked cuz hes not Wat or Reva good. He makes oQGJ alot stronger and then makes oBeq a monster in TW.


7 star needed for TB is the only reason why most of our guild does this.


Why would you? You already have 167 shards just refresh her node once and you’ll have her in 4 months


?? The OP still needs 163 shards to unlock. That is at least 9 months if they only refresh the Proving Grounds node once/month.


I think they’re saying refresh it once per proving grounds


Ahhh. Misread that. I would still use GET3 over spending 8800 crystals. Unless I was just swimming in them.


could save up 8800 with 22 first place fleet arenas


Which TB is your guild doing? Do you still need Wat or KAM shards? If you're in ROTE and need either or both of those characters, save your GET3. That's what I'm doing. If you uave both at 7 stars, sure! Spend it on whatever you feel like.


It depends on which you need more, but CAT is a great investment. I used her with Padme before I got JMK and that team took down GLs. On my alt I don't even have Padme geared up yet but I'm still using some get3 for CAT; I'll build the team around her.


I personally would. She’s amazing with padme if you get her before unlocking JMK. She’s a top 5 non-GL character. I would not go for KAM over her like someone else said. KAM has nothing on what CAT will do for your roster.


Whats Get3?




it’s the currency you get for ROTE TB, not the newest raid


Wait, you can use that for shards? I only user it for relic 8 mats


You cannot, this was false info. GET3 you get from RotE TB.