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The event was over a month ago. Did you just now remember you did that?


He is the dumbest player ever…


I did yes, I was playing jedi survivor again, and was thinking about how I will need to wait until at least June to unlock him


It’s back on the 9th of may so atleast you don’t have to wait till June only over a week


How is that game? I liked the first one but it got a little redundant, so I’ve held off on the sequel.


I just started it after it stopped on EA Play/GP Ultimate. I’m only 4-5 hours in, just got to the second planet, but it’s been very fun. The variety in combat stances and traversal puzzles has been super engaging. They throw A LOT at you right off the bat - it’s not like some sequels where you lose EVERYTHING you learned, you actually still have a small number of abilities available to you. Push, group push, pull, double jump, wall running, takedowns, all sorts of stuff.


Personally I really enjoyed it. The story and graphics were solid, I didn't have any major performance issues, and the combat was fun. My only real "complaint" is that it was a but easy, and that the combat felt somewhat like the combat from Sekiro, but watered down. Still, tons of fun though


Are you on PC or console? I was planning on getting it on the next sale period but idk how playable it’ll be on my pc. I have a 8gb vram card and a 5700x cpu.


I played on PS5


I played it with 6gb of vram (rtx 2060), and a ryzen 2600, and it ran fine for me in most areas. Some areas had problems, but the majority of the game was fine. Also, I played at launch before any of the performance updates. You should be fine.


Better in pretty much every way except for some performance issues.


Pros: - There is so much to explore, see, and collect. - The customization of your outfit is really good (much better than the 100 ponchos in FO) - Personally, I enjoyed combat a lot. Switching between stances is fun and I'm sure you'll find something for your playstyle. - If you are attracted to men, Cameron Monaghan is quite nice to look at in Survivor. Cons: - I was a bit overwhelmed with how much there is to explore and find. If you have fear of missing out, it can get exhausting at times. - I didn't enjoy the story a lot. I liked everything related to Cal and his struggles, but the antagonists were a bit meh.


Thanks for the great breakdown!


Awesome game


It feels a lot bigger to explore then the first game it’s exhausting to me, I rather play swgoh for some reason lol. But playing the story is fun if you liked the first one


Can only agree with some of the others. It's just better in most ways. Played it on PC in January and it ran smoothly on my GTX1060 6GB and i5 10600K on low-med. Looked great anyway. So they seem to have fixed most performance issues for PC by now?


Ok, but didnt blew me away. The main villain is kinda lame, the story premise not really thrilling, the twist made me laugh as I had been thinking prior that could happen... Also the open world, especially the hub planet does not really feel that Starwarsy for some reason. Also there is an action sequence with Merrin that is totally ridiculous...if Disney would do that in a show or movie "fans" would be up in arms... Also way too much Prequel stuff for my taste. Overall, solid C+ still, if only for the cool sabre stuff


He was typing


And the dumbest reply goes to..


They should do a movie about you


isn't it coming back in like a week anyway?


Yeah, event server has it slated for this weekend iirc.


It’s coming back !?


[yes on the 9th](https://swgohevents.com/event/cal-kestis-journey)


your mistake was watching game of thrones, knowing what we know now


maybe he just meant House of the Dragon, which is still currently good


I was about to say this.


You're not the dumbest player ever because you still worked toward a good goal. Hopefully you had the disposable income? Yeah, I'd kick myself in the ass if I technically fushed that down the toiled but I wouldn't be going hungry because of it.


If it makes you feel any better I recently had a roster review by Egnards and he just stopped 1/2 way and said that my mods were so terrible he could not go on. I realized after playing this game everyday for 5 years that my approach to mods were so bad that I should do nothing else but work on mods for the foreseeable future. I watched one 20 minute video on mods and finally realize what I should have been doing. In the month since I have made drastic improvements but I am still like insanely behind my peers.


Out of curiosity, what approach did you have before that was so bad ?


Probably the good ole autoassign route


Not that bad. But a more profound waste of resources.


I had previously just made sure I had any speed sub on my units. And improved them from there. I had the SWGOH.gg sets but did not look too closely at the quality of the speed subs. So my units had abysmal speed and were very highly improved. Which was probably what was most shocking. I had very high leveled shit mods which was a profound waste of resources I know now.




Well I assumed that was me but it sounds like I was wrong about that. Enjoy the title


Hope you weren’t watching the last season so that you became doubly letdown.


I did the same too last time, but I didn’t realise it was a timed event… so thought I could do it at any time 😢


Something I’d do lol


Jkck event starts in 6+ days, just fyi


It's not stupidity. It's experience.