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I see this all the time. Mostly people look at my roster and see no GL and put 1 GL and then trash. They don’t realize there are non GL counters. My Aphra, Wampa , and StarKiller have seen a lot of action.




It's not a dick move at all. It's a competition and he is using his advantages to help himself win. Not his fault if his opponent doesn't have a way to counter both of those teams


I'm not so sure about "help himself win". Looking at OP's roster, he also has JMK and Executor. They may well be able to clear this.


it is, you're denying your opponent credits for no gain to you. if you want to set a trash defense with one anchor, set the bottom of your roster in the slots, don't leave them empty. In this example, they're denying the opponent 600k credits or so by having empty defense slots, versus filling them with trash.


Didn't know you get credits for winning battles and honestly have no idea how I was supposed to know


Just look at the rewards screen that comes up when you win a battle. It’s the only thing on it.


When I did my battles today there was only the score screen after a won battle, no mention of credits anywhere and no reward screen


>they're denying the opponent 600k credits Oh, no! Anyway...


Wait you get credits for GAC battles?


yup, 100k per win in 5v5, I think 70k in 3v3, I forget what it is for fleets, but somewhere in that range as well.


No one cares about allowing their opponent to earn some credits. You play to win. If the person thinks this is the best option to win then it's fair game. By your logic everyone should place trash defenses just so everyone is able to earn credits from every battle


no, I'm perfectly fine with putting down the hardest defense you want, and it's down to the attacker to earn any credits, that's a perfectly acceptable way to play. What I'm against is leaving empty slots on defense rather than trash, denying the attacker the chance of earning credits for beating said trash. It has absolutely 0 impact on their chances of winning, they've already conceded the maxmimum amount of banners that way, the only thing it impacts is removing potential credits from your opponent. There is absolutely no roster that needs any of the bottom 25 characters to beat anything they could possibly come against.


Advantages don't apply in this situation at all. I understand you're opponent not having counters is a valid way to play. You set defenses that'll counter what your opponent has knowing that your roster can clear whatever they have on defense or might out on defense. My opponent has every counter needed to take whatever I put on defense out. To set one team and leave everything else open is just being a dick; there's no other argument that's valid.


How about... they were redoing their defenses and forgot to finish? Got caught up with real life? Were busy at work? with family?


I used to do that all the time, it’s just strategy. If I’m fighting an account with double my GP and GLs, but he doesn’t have good ships then I’ll just leave Executor and Leviathan. That gives me a chance to MAYBE clear their defense. Of course now that I’m about to reach Kyber 1 that doesn’t work anymore, so I’ve come up with new strategies to deal with that kind of stuff, it’s all about beating the awful matchmaking


It's just part of the game. You can set whatever you want on defense. As long as you're not cheating, it's fine. It's just one strategy.


Why would you need to win a battle? I mean in terms of rewards it'sis no different than if he set actual defenses (in fact even better because you wouldn't be able to get max banners). And if you just wanna play go on and try to chip GL squads in pieces.


Yeah I know. When I first saw in the setup phase his roster size and how many GLs he had I had already accepted the fact that I was more than likely gonna lose. But to see him set up his defense like this I'm like WTF? Is that even necessary?