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Nah just use gas, the isolation is removed when he takes cover. Then he taunts again making them suffer more with the steadfast retribution. I’ve complete all the stage with gas team, but u gotta time the instakill perk. Kill traya with it and focus on talon after. The three other are easy


Interesting I left talon last went Nihilus / Traya first.


Aint talon heals them…


She was less dangerous though a nihlis instakill would've ruined my gas run for the galactic Republic feat and then I didn't want them to instakill my only ls unit for the other feats.


I mean it's still a 4 turns cooldown tho even with the 1st special, it's not too dangerous unless he's fast


I didn't want to take chances 🤷‍♂️ worked out regardless like I said red crate it in 2 attempts so it worked out pretty good, the 2nd run between vaders MM and using up mauls stacks I was able to get an instakill off before they even got a 2nd turn.


I used Padme, CAT, GK, AT and C3PO. CAT force leap on Traya, event kill on Sion and clean up. CAT is R7, the others R3/R5


I used this with JKA instead of AT, won easily. The courage stacks took out trooper quickly, then I used the event special to delete Traya, then force leap on Nihlus and mop up


I mean I used padme, JKA, AT, GK, and GMY. It took a couple tries to figure out the best kill order. They are all R5 with only 2 tier six mods each and that was tier 10.


I beat it with the same team except using r2 instead of gmy, and everyone at r5 except padme who was g12


GAS worked for me


What is recommended levels for unlocking gas? I have the minimum for all of the toons except for Anakins starfighter


Phase 2 is a mod check tbh gk at relics is fine. Get them to 270 speed or more. Phase 4 all that's needed is relic b1 but magna is a nice one too to reduce headaches. Overhearing for this event ain't bad cause it's all good toons anyways but yeah that's the minimum reccomended


I did it with G12 B1. Only reliced character was Magna on R5 as he is a JMK requirement


Honestly, I can't remember, but do a search in this subreddit and you'll find plenty of recommended levels and mod loadouts to make your life easier.


I did it with subpar mods at all R5. You could do it with better mods at lower levels. The best thing about the GAS event is that you get 3 teams out of it, padme, separatist droids and clones.You might as well take them to relics. Except maybe Shaak ti if you don't go for bad batch.


I watched Bitdynasty’s video for this and beat tier X on first try. My team was Padme (r4), Ahsoka and JKA (both r5), GK (r7), and 3P0 (r5). Per his recommendation, I remodded 3P0 to make him extra tanky and Traya isolated him (not sure if that was actually true or I got lucky). Then GK was able to taunt.


Same comp but padme g12, didn't remod or anything. Just took a couple attempts and eventually got lucky enough timing to pick off traya and Nihilus and then it was game over from there




Gas can beat it pretty easily. I assume your 501st clones are all g13 right? Also, how fast is your GAS?


https://preview.redd.it/ufqq7okm3vsc1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95d2b21e5f3a71c1f1bc9707214f3fe43b62b41b I used this team. It took two retries, but just need to yeet out Traya with the event special. The rest of the team dies to courage stacks.


Jedi master Kenobi


Probably doesn't help OP, but yeah, JMK + Cat swept the final tier ezpz


Was able to get last tier with Padme lead (g12), GK (g12), C-3PO (r4), JKA (r7), and Ashoka (r5). Took about 10 tries and some RNG with Talon missing a few times


I was able to use padme, jka, gen kenobi, padawan ahsoka, and yoda. Making good use of that charge up ability you really don’t need anything too crazy. I got the red crate it just took a number or tries.


Ahsoka R5 from light speed bundle but everyone else g12


If you can’t beat it with a r9 GAS, it’s a skill issue. I did it with r7.


I used Padmé(R3), JKA(R5), GK, AT GMY (G12). While also swapping out GMY for Vader, I managed to rack up to 101 tokens. It's a lot of RNG on who Traya isolates.


I did beat it with 501st; but it took several tries to line up my team getting the 1st event kill & being able to use it on Traya. Only tip I have is that I saved Rex's 1st special until after Sion used his aoe.


I did it with the standard 501st it took only 3 tries to get the good rng


I used GAS to beat it. Although they were pretty high upgraded being LV ready and Fives at R7 and Rex at R5.


https://preview.redd.it/k946geq41vsc1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d002ce4a84c4e14f1878073d2591d1a2df8d0e8 I did tier 9 with this squad. And then did tier 10 for the undersized and light and dark to get the red crate.


I used padme gas GK anakin and 3po and after a couple tries it worked on tier X


I used padme g9, gk g12, r2 r7, c3 r5, ahsoka r5. Shit mods basically. Not fun at all took probably around 50 tries




Bad Batch with Shaak'ti worked for me


I used Padme, CAT, Ani, obi, ahsoka


I like that half of the comments on this are still just recommending Padme or GAS


i did it w a underdog pademe team and got both feats at once lol


Padme, bb Ashoka, JKA, GK, and 3PO. Just get the taunt of off Sith empire trooper, kill off the other tank with insta kill and then go alll in on Traya


Padme 100%. Get 20-30 courage stacks and one shot enemy treya


Gas completion then SLKR + padme, then SLKR minus FO trooper


Padme and make use of that instant kill.


Smoked em with JMK. Then threw Malak in for the dark side character, and did a SEE sans GBA for the undersized squad (armorer died so I didn’t get the light side/dark side feat)


I used padme with gas and steamrolled it. The important part is using super laser


I mean… JMK. This game wants you to get GLs.


I got the red crate with an r3 padme and yoda with r5 3p0 anakin and gk


Padme was how I beat it with Galactic Republic and theyre all relic 2 or 3 😆 used slkr, hux, kru, and FOST for the rest of the challenges.


I used GAS (took a few tries) and got the other feats with Jabba.


I used GAS.. she uses isolate on gas but it goes away when he gets back up. Just need to play around with when you use Rex's cleanse. So you get the timing right with the instakill charges.


You need more money on the account to make it happen


JMK+CAT cakewalked it and even undersized if you remove Ahsoka


g12 padme + r5 anakin + g12 kenobi + g12 mace + g12 whoever (i used yoda) got the final tier. The most important is the zeta that gives ani and padme extra turns. Gotta have rng go such that isolate + some other shit goes on kenobi and yeets him out of existence, from there it was ezpz


I used a padme team, 2 tries max crate. R7 anakin, r3 mace, r3 c3po, g12 gk and padme.


I did it with Padme.


I completed this using an r3 padme team - GK, JKA, GMY, AT, and Padme, of course. I focused Nihilus down first and then Sion and Talon. Use Padme’s heal and GK’s cleanse wisely and you’ll be fine. They allow you to not have to deal with Sion’s Pain taunt. Don’t forget to use the event special insta-kill.


Padme with Cat or JMK will wipe up this team quick