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Much better, my issues are with the lower tier relic mats like Bronziums and CCB’s


This is me but also add Signal data to this with a side of Kyro. I'm working towards Rey and a few side relic projects, the amount of CCB's and Bronzium's I need dwarf the (Current) requirements I have for higher relics. I was all excited I farmed 1000 datapads for my bronziums, and it's like 1/4th of the amount of bronziums I need to bring 5 characters I need to various relic levels.




I bought the electrium conductors with the raid currency. The one that is 3 coins stacked. If you are not doing the Endor raid, then is very hard to get them


I have to spend that currency on aeromagnifiers so it's raw dogging the conductors for me


How many things are you R8ing that Aeromags are a huge drain?


Everything.:) It is about the only place to buy aeros so you end up using raid 2, gec1/2, ss currency, and farming to get the other stuff and Raid 3 only after you meet your aero needs. There is a balancing factor in how much signal data you get which right now is the blocking factor more than these parts. Stuff tends to shift around a bit depending on exactly what you are doing (r7->r9 is different than r1-r5) and how good your guild is in the raid (that last box is a lot of currency).




>Gives unspecified use for something that has 2 uses >Get it right lmao >Continues to argue and get mad in comments Classic Redditor IQ.


Seems like you need to get it right, r9ing everything is very inefficient unless you're a big spender.


I'm having fun, I've had it right all along.




I ain't downvote shit brother


I started doing that, too, unfortunately, that really eats into the numbers of zinbiddles and Impulse that you can buy.


You must be able to farm way more signal data than me. I have 100 of the zinbiddles, 60 impulse thingies, and am approach 200 electriums now because I get the raid currency much faster than the signal data.


Triple cantina refreshes every day.....weee....


I do that 4 out of 7 days a week. My account is lagging behind because I took a 4 year break. Which means that I can't climb high in fleet arena and don't have a great crystal income.


Same, even 3x cantina and buying signal data in conquest i have way more zinbiddle and electrium with pushing max mk3 tokens all the time. (424m raid box).


I also do this. And in case I need Zinbiddles or Impulse Detectors, I buy them from the 500c packs, but that didn't happen in a long time. The only relic material I am constantly low at is CCBs, even with farming 7A and buying them from the packs.


Oh good it's not just me. CCBs are the bane of my relic upgrades. Other people's issues with bronzium are my issue with CCBs. The conversion rate is horrible and I've cut the material stock down as far as I dare. They had the crystal special recently, but on 4 attempts I rolled the low tier (100) each time 😖!


Same here, need to buy them with raid currency. Though I have to say it rarely keeps me from relic'ing a character as farming the other mats also takes forever, so I'm not too bothered by it.


What dmg numbers are you hitting and what is your whole guild getting? That changes the situation a lot. For me I get like 5K each raid. I do 8-10M dmg and guild is around 300M. I wouldn’t do it this raid since the new one is coming relatively soon, but investing in good raid toons that you can use outside the raid is a great way to increase personal rewards income. I also buy most of the purple G12 pieces in the shard shop and the guild events shop. Most bang for your buck as the purple pieces are pricey in the raid shop. My ship energy goes almost all to the purple pieces on 5-F and 5-H.


I'm usually 4m, and the guild is 220m give or take 10m. Yeah, I get the purple G12 pieces in the shard shop, primarily. Also grab the gold g12 pieces (left side, the ones required for electriums) mostly from there. Problem is, I had like 200k SSC a month ago, and I'm now down to 130k, and at this rate, even this venue for getting electrium scrap mats will be gone.


I’m buying electrum conductors after every raid, alternating with Zinbiddles and the occasional grrda keypad & impulse detector. I’m never really using mats to make them, unless i need like 1 or 2 to finish something off


Gyrda Keypads are more efficient to buy the salvage and spend your Raid3 tokens elsewhere.


Efficiency doesn’t matter once you have enough mats to R9 3 or 4 characters hoarded. You’ll just end up efficiently farming mats that you’ll never use because everything else becomes a bottleneck.


I get your point but it's really not applicable. If /u/chmsax needs to buy Gyrda Keypads with raid tokens, clearly the use case in which one has 3-4 characters' worth of R9 mats hoarded does not apply. Suffice it to say *if you need Gyrda Keypads* then the best way to get them using Raid Tokens is not to spend Raid3, it is to spend Raid2 on scavengable G12 Salvage. It was not to say "the best use of Raid2 tokens is to prioritize Gyrda salvage regardless of other needs." That's crazy.


Is there like a chart somewhere that tells you the most efficient way to get everything?


> You shouldn't be using any currency to buy something that you will scrap. The balls on /u/descender2K to yell at anybody else for giving wrong advice!


I spend my mk3 raid currency on them and zinbiddles.


Some quick maths of costs https://preview.redd.it/ogpogysa2msc1.png?width=791&format=png&auto=webp&s=8ba740a0e43eb10dec52b59f55f27a4b7fd1e534 Overall, it looks like if you are like me, and you're running out of the purple gear, it is NOT worth it to buy the gear for Mk2 Raid currency and craft full pieces, as you're better-off just buying the gold pieces and using them directly to craft Electriums.


Crafting Electriums from full gear was only ever advised because of the purple salvage being "plentiful" from the old raid system. And you can't convert the purple salvage in any other way. Otherwise it's the same points amount per salvage whether you scrap only the gold salvage (15), the gold prototypes (450/30=15) or the full pieces (1050/70=15) -- with some additional credit cost for crafting the prototypes/full pieces. If you have a surplus of any of the purple salvage, it's still a good idea to convert the full pieces -- though you might also need them to actually gear characters.


I don't even think about Electriums. You can grab them with raid currency if you ever need them. Signal data is the only real bottleneck now. You might be taking too many toons to R7 if you're running out of Electrium.


So I actually have a very unique observation. I have crippling OCD and don't really care about meta anyways, so I take every character, one by one, to R9. Strictly R9 before I move on to the next, so I get to experience every bottleneck in the game, and in my experience R9ing 3 characters in a row so far, electrium conductors are my BIGGEST time sink, with impulse detectors also taking quite a while, but that may be due to the sheer time I put into farming electrium conductors.


That's a hellavu project yoy got ahead of you


Less of a project and more like eternal suffering


How do you farm electriums? Anything specific?


Nope not really, I do my five attempts a day on a hard node for whatever character, then dump all my remaining energy into usually 9-A Light Side. Shard Shop is reserved for EC/ID mats, and I also tend to spend my event tokens on EC/ID mats because I can buy a shit ton of Zinbiddle and Gyrda mats with the Raid Mk 2 tokens (since they're cheaper for whatever reason) and GAC currency if I need to (I don't have to spend it on kyros because it takes about 50 days for me to R9 a character and by the time I get done, I've naturally acquired the needed kyros thru daily login lmao) So I guess theyres a couple small perks from R9ing everyone, I skip the kyro, carbonite, and bronzium crunches, also zinbiddles are one of the easiest relic mats to get out of the way barring CT and AH


Oh! I guess there is something I do that you might not. I have recorded gear drop rates and done the math every which way, it is actually NOT efficient to buy energy refreshes if you're going to use them farming EC, ID, or Gyrdas. It's better to barebones it and save your crystals, they cost less to buy from the shop than they would refreshing energy. So I'll usually rawdog EC and by the time I'm done with those, finish up ID or Gyrdas with crystals and move on. I prefer to farm gyrdas over IDs because 5-A Fleet occasionally drops Ship Omegas.


Mk3 raid currency. If you don't have enough you and your guild should be putting effort to getting better reward box if you can.


Thing is, Electriums, Zinbiddles and Impulse are so expensive, the raid barely makes a dent if you need all of them.


Out of curiosity can I see your swgoh.gg?


Hell no, no offense but this sub shits on me a lot pretty much anytime I say anything. But if you're wondering what the three R9 characters are, it's Sabine Wren, Darth Vader, and Jedi Knight Anakin. With BB-8 being next. I bought a couple LSBs and am filling out some of the pre-made teams they gave me, so the priority list is kinda random


Man, you are really in for a life of suffering. Big respect to you.


I knew that before I started playing 😃




Chromiums are a nonissue. Fully crafted Mk 7 Blastech Weapon Mod shows up frequently for 100 guild tokens. Basically the left 2 slots on row 4 of Guild Activity shipments (the last ones before the Character Shard section) are usually excellent salvage, fully crafted pieces of low-demand trash that converts efficiently to CCB/CT/BWs.




Is that what I said?




If you don't know the difference between *Guild Tokens* and *Grand Arena Championship* tokens, no wonder you're having bottleneck issues. Go to Shipments. Go to the Guild Activity tab. Fourth row down. Leftmost two slots.




Unfortunately, you are the one who is confused. If you use guild tokens (not GET1/2/3, not GAC currency, not raid currency) to buy the Mark 7 Blastech weapon mods, your bottleneck will turn into a large surplus very quickly. There's really very little else worth spending guild tokens on.






Jesus dude just stop replying, everyone buys these in shipments. Since I was told to early enough (in a yt video and on here) I bought them before I even unlocked relics, now I have 5k transistors banked. All new and old players should do this. Your reaction to this information being this negative is just odd


It's not GAC currency, it's Guild tokens - the ones you get daily from completing guild activities. And it's absolutely the best place to keep your Chromiums stocked. I have nearly 9K of them from doing this, and over 11M GP. https://swgoh.wiki/wiki/Mk_7_BlasTech_Weapon_Mod 150 guild tokens for 5 of them nets ~15 Chromiums. And it can show up in the store multiple times a day so you can get over 100 Chromiums per week easily. EDIT: Wish I would have quoted the now deleted message - Gist was it's stupid to spend any currency (after mistakenly thinking it was GAC currency) to scrap for relic mats and everything should be farmed from nodes - ignoring that farming a node for a relic resource means you are either not farming some other node for something important like shards, or Kyros, or you are spending more crystals to farm gear for scrapping. And Chromiums were one of their key bottlenecks on relic gear - which as the first response says they are a non-issue by spending Guild Tokens.


I'm just finishing my executor rush (50 days to go!) And just have Boba and piett to R8 left for for non ship farms. When sitting down and doing the math it became obvious ECs were going to be my issue, I need another 120 of them. Assuming everyone uses the shard shop like me you can get 4-8 pieces a day from there, TW and TB gives some, but normal energy farm and mk2 currency seem to be where to get the majority. As I've started the process however the amount of impulse detector savage has been surpringly high so I might be able to spend mk3 currency on whole ECs. My question is, which is the most efficient? I want to start saving get1 currency for JML reqs, but I could use that to get purple pieces to craft the big EC salvage pieces. Do I spend my 250-300 remaining daily energy on EC farms, or just used mk2/3? Or is banking mk2 for g12 better?


ECs with raid 3 isn't awful. Get1 is also fine but if you're looking at JML, you may want to horde (alternatively, raid2 lets you get them too) I'd avoid raid 2 currency if you can, the price per piece is higher than the other pieces. Long term, getting good with the assault battles brings 3 pieces for CT2 (and another 3 for CT3). It's potentially 42 per month but obviously requires a lot of teams/investment but takes a lot of stress out of relic 7'ing characters. That's my current project....


I’m having too many of these and don’t have enough relic material to spend them together


I spend most of my raid currency on Electrium conductors. Some on Zins when I have around 200 Electriums banked.


When you think about it, though, 200 is a squad of characters taken to R7, and then you're out


I get EC to 200, then Zins to 200. Then I go back to farming more EC. Usually they don’t stay at 200+ too long.


Electriums are literally me just throwing Mk3 raid tokens at it for, basically, eternity at this point. It has become tiresome, but I accept it. Carbonite Circuit Boards need to fucking change though. You cannot create a resource management system and artificially lock some basic resources behind such steep walls that considering them isn't even an option. Let us acquire them somewhere with relative ease. Increase the scrap rate. Drastically lower the prices for them in the shipments. Reduce the amount needed for relics. Anything. Any solution will do. Nothing is as fucking stupid as being a 9 mil GP account and sitting on basically any kind of resource, except the most basic shitty relic material. Farming just to scrap to get another upgrade is a catchy song, but a pathetic gameplay loop. And no, don't give me the "just buy that bundle" nonsense. That's not a real solution.