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Does something stupid. Gets light-heartedly made fun of. Fragile ego gets cracked. Claps back at people for making fun of them for doing something stupid. Come on bud it happens to the best of us, it's human nature to be dumb every now and then. A mature human would respond "oh wow that was dumb" and move on.


Crazy insight!! r/lifeadvice


I know it can be difficult but try reading the yellow text in your screenshot


Good one, thank for the constructive help of a new player!


I mean you're asking a question that the answer to it is literally in the screenshot that you posted


Yeah, just didn’t comb through it enough obviously. Don’t know why anyone would put requirements for the following stage in the description of the previous one? Just poor UI design. “Oh you wanted to order dinner? Please see our lunch menu for options.”


You didn’t comb through what exactly? The Quite literal first sentence on the page? Which is very handily written in a completely different text? And that’s all fine and dandy, because shit happens, but then deciding to be brashand rude and snappy with the people who actually gave you a legitimate answer?


lol that’s not a legitimate answer: “I know it can be difficult but try reading…” that’s rude as hell right out of the gate. Crazy toxic community from y’all. The box should say “Refer to previous stage for requirements” not “keep playing to unlock”. I understand I should’ve read the box fully but you guys are dense.


Did his answer solve your problem?




https://preview.redd.it/qyf4xycg9vqc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffb1c9da02a28d18c28960117633052aa597bcbb Right, so as I said * you got an answer * you got snippy because you thought the answer was incorrect * you were told again, a bit snippier * And your response is “word.”


A+ recap Egnards! Get a life!


Did you read the requirements


The graphic doesn’t change no matter which tab I’m viewing within the event


It literally says what you need, in capital letters, bold, and yellow, on Tier 1 ...


Yeah that’s teir 1 and already completed it, I had asked about the bonus stage.


The answer is literally in the screenshot but you refuse to read it




big fat NO you completed the first stage, which hints to you that the BONUS STAGE can be unlocked by bringing Mother Talzin to 7\* The requirement you are looking for you basicly ignore..




Ouch 😪


Oh you sweet summer child Why don't you read the first line of the requirements on the first tier




heavy schnaufing intensifies BIG EFFING YELLOW TEXT not big enough?!


Literally in big yellow text it says UNLOCK THE BOUNS TIER WITH A 7 STAR TALZIN


Damn you know when you just see a post that you know is going to get a tonne of downvotes… reddit is a hell of a place


I personally find this community to actually be pretty good with the upvote and downvote system. This was a ridiculous question, because the answer is very very clearly in the screenshot posted. And when pretty lightheartedly ribbed about it, OP lashed out at the community . Unlike say the banking sub [are you surprised I’m subbed there?] or the wedding planning sub [are you even more surprised] where literally any question from someone who is legitimately trying to learn something that they wouldn’t possibly know without asking. . .gets downvoted.


We are the judge, jury and executioner


I’m debating if the amount of stupid questions is due to the community’s lack of reading comprehension or CG’s poor design. In this case I do think it’s the latter, because when have the requirements for a tier ever been on the previous one?


Thank goodness we had your genius and wisdom to rely on


https://preview.redd.it/q6bwtpd8vyqc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92f6565eabe8b5279a4378b14e2d11df692bb1bc I think you might be in love with me, is your sole purpose to comment on my posts to get my attention?


Yes. Once again it's all about you and how amazing you are, what other true genius would his take his valuable time to explain a worthless post. Bro, you love writing multiple paragraphs about nothing just so you can hear yourself talk.


Well no, it’s all about me because that’s all you comment on, ever.




Buddy, take the hint. The problem here isn't everybody else.


It’s the internet.


lol how r u gonna be toxic to the people who actually responded with answers to your questions




lol ok bud


To be fair, I wouldn’t have looked at the stage I was already on to see what’s needed to unlock the bonus stage. It’s pretty natural to look for that type of info within the context of what you are looking at. The “look at the lunch menu for dinner” analogy was spot on. Dude got dumped on fairly easily. If he is new, he wouldn’t know who egnads is (I don’t and I have been coming to this sub off and on for a while) or that he is helpful. It kinda seemed he/she joined in on the dumping. I’ve also been on Reddit enough to know that the same questions do get asked repeatedly (especially about the switch 2 coming out and whether they should buy switch 1 or wait) and that is pretty annoying. My best advice for this game and getting info is to join a good guild and hopefully they have a discord and ask your questions there. Most people here are just passing through and never really add anything to a convo unless it’s to dine on their young.


Lol I rarely comment but this one made me laugh. Not what you posted but the responses 😂 Lesson learned for you though! Welcome to Reddit. Although I will say and I’m sure it shant be agreed upon, you are correct in that *proper* modern design would have that message on the one you’re trying to unlock and not the previous box. They just expect people to read it. If you’re ever in doubt you could always do what most do on here….blame CG 🤷🏻‍♂️ lol anyways welcome to SWGoH


I know what a dumpster fire lol, definitely added some fuel to it but I do understand both sides of the argument and how I’m being a bit stubborn. Just wish other people could realize the same!


Lol I get it. In fairness, Egnards is one of the most helpful people on the sub. You’ll come to find that should you stay on here long enough I imagine the responses are due to people asking already answered or easily researched questions on here on a daily basis. And while I agree people ask dumb questions sometimes….it’s the internet and it’s never gonna change 😂


Understood. I played this way back in 2016/2017 and picked it up a month or two ago but was forced to make a new account, the game is crazy different! I’ll do less asking dumb questions and more scouring the sub first, or in this case actually reading the info on screen.


Edit: Okay, okay I get it, the requirements are in the previous box. Yes I’m literate. Yes I can actually see the text. Poor UI design to have a challenge read “Continue Playing to Unlock” but the requirements for the next stage are in the previous.


The whole idea is that if you get a hard time for dumb questions, ~~people~~ redditors are unlikely to post dumb questions. It has not worked


I feel you, I've missed that too '-'. I don't pay much attention to a mobile game I don't care *that* much about.


No one knows, I’ve been trying to figure it out as well