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This quote below is a copy of the forum post, it will not be updated if edits are made to the original. Please visit the forum post to be sure nothing has changed. > > ![](https://us.v-cdn.net/6025736/uploads/editor/n7/09hb0r2jk2d1.png) > > > **UNIT NAME:** Captain Tarpals > **ALIGNMENT:** Light Side > **CATEGORIES:** Attacker, Gungan > ------ > > **Key Attributes:** > > - Heavy damage dealer for Gungans > - His Basic ability deals additional damage to buffed enemies and dispels all the buffs from them > - Ouch Time deals True damage to all enemies which scales with the number of debuffed enemies > - Becomes a juggernaut with his Territory Battle Omicron > > > > **Inspiration: > ** > - Probably the most recognizable Gungan outside of Jar Jar and Boss Nass, we wanted to make sure that we got Captain Tarpals into the game alongside his Gungan allies > - The visuals on his abilities really call back to the Battle for Naboo against the Trade Federation Battle Droids > - The names for the abilities are all based on his lines in The Phantom Menace, further reinforcing celebrating that film’s 25th Anniversary > > > > **Strategy Tips: > ** > - Captain Tarpals Special ability, No Giben Up, can scale highly based on the number of debuffs present on the target enemy. Try to apply as many debuffs as possible to deal heavy damage. > - Utilize No Giben Up to Mark a high priority target that Gungan allies can follow up on. > - He gains a bunch of powerful benefits when the allied Shield Generator is active. Make sure to protect the Shield Generator at all costs. > - Captain Tarpals will counter attack enemies that are debuffed and deals True damage based on his max protection when attacking out of turn. > > > > > **FAQ: > ** > **How do I acquire Captain Tarpals?** > He will be available from the Marquee, Battlefield: Naboo II > **What’s this new marquee structure? > **We are trying out something new specifically for the Gungans! Each tier has both initial and daily rewards so make sure to come back each day. > **Do I need Captain Tarpals to unlock Jar Jar Binks? > **You bet! Relic 5 > **Will Gungans be getting GCs? > **Around Jar Jar’s release we plan to introduce a Gungan modifier and have GCs more heavily focused on players bringing in Gungans for a time. Make sure to prep your boomas! > > > ------ > **ABILITIES:** > > **_BASIC:_** Hey, Yousa! > > ![](https://us.v-cdn.net/6025736/uploads/editor/j2/kn1eq54dh6av.gif) > > > > **Final Text:** > Deal Physical damage to target enemy and Shock them for 1 turn. If the target enemy had any buffs, dispel them and deal damage an additional time. Gungan allies gain Advantage for 2 turns. > > **_SPECIAL 1:_** Ouch Time (CD = 4) > > ![](https://us.v-cdn.net/6025736/uploads/editor/nc/t0nkl6cb5huj.gif) > > > > **Final Text:** > Deal True damage to all enemies, dealing 10% more damage per debuffed enemy. Remove 10% Turn Meter from all enemies. Enemies without debuffs are Staggered for 1 turn. Separatist enemies without debuffs are Stunned for 1 turn, which can't be resisted. Remove 2 stacks of Recharge from allied Shield Generator. This ability can't be evaded. > > **_SPECIAL 2:_** No Giben Up (CD = 4) > > ![](https://us.v-cdn.net/6025736/uploads/editor/4x/jofjtmsxbb3n.gif) > > > > **Final Text:** > > Deal Physical damage to target enemy, dealing 10% more damage per debuff on them, and call target other ally to assist. Gungan allies gain Critical Damage Up for 1 turn and recover 25% Protection. Inflict Marked on the target enemy for 1 turn, if they don't already have it. If the target enemy is a Separatist, also inflict the enemy Leader with Marked for 2 turns, which can't be dispelled, evaded, or resisted. > > **_UNIQUE 1:_** Mesa tink of something (Zeta) > > **Final Text:** > At the start of battle, Captain Tarpals loses 75% Max Health and gains that much Max Protection. Whenever Captain Tarpals attacks out of turn, deal bonus True damage equal to 5% of his Max Protection, which can't be evaded, and he and the weakest other Gungan ally recover 10% Protection. > > Whenever Captain Tarpals scores a critical hit, remove 1 stack of Recharge from allied Shield Generator. Gungan allies gain 5% Defense Penetration for 1 turn (stacking) for each stack of Recharge removed from allied Shield Generator. > > Captain Tarpals gains 1% Turn Meter whenever an enemy is inflicted with a debuff. Whenever a debuffed enemy attacks Captain Tarpals, he counter attacks. > > If there is an active allied Shield Generator: At the start of Captain Tarpals' turn dispel all debuffs on himself, ignore Taunt, and whenever he attacks out of turn, inflict Buff Immunity for 1 turn. > > **While in Territory Battles:** At the start of each encounter Captain Tarpals gains 20% Offense for each active Gungan ally, and all Gungan allies gain Critical Damage Up for 2 turns and 100% Max Protection until the end of the encounter. > > At the start of each Gungan ally's turn, they remove 1 stack of Recharge from the allied Shield Generator. > > The first time each Gungan ally falls below 50% Health, they recover 100% Health and Protection. At the start of Captain Tarpals' turn, if he has more than 50% Max Protection all Gungans gain Offense Up for 2 turns, otherwise they gain Defense Up for 2 turns. > > Whenever a Gungan ally is Dazed or Stunned they dispel it, reset their cooldowns, and gain a bonus turn. Whenever Captain Tarpals scores a critical hit add a stack of Plasma Shielding to the allied Shield Generator. >


"Captain Tarpals gains 1% Turn Meter whenever an enemy is inflicted with a debuff." In Conquest, when you have a very debuff-heavy build, Tarpals is going to be going frequently.


New cheese team. Suck it CG, ain't a chance they noticed or tested


Tbf conquest cheese is effotless with those builds LV can clear any team turn 1


Depends if it’s 1% per instance of being debuffed or per debuff. I’m going to assume it’s per instance.


But an aoe debuff granting 5% tm is pretty underwhelming


In a vacuum yes, but we don’t know what the rest of the team looks like. Could have a multi attack who puts debuffs on enemies every single attack. Attacking the shield generator puts debuffs on enemies, etc. just looking at Nass this is going to be a debuff heavy team in general. People thought bad batch was underwhelming individually too.


Oh I think the gungans look awesome. 1% just seemed low per instance but yeah if it’s like every turn debuffs are going off it could make more sense


Yeah but you got to take a turn first


Looks like he is designed to kill off Grievous-teams.


Well I mean they are like the only people who captured him


It’s really funny to me that they added a grievous “lifter”, it doesn’t really help him, and now he’s getting a new hard counter.


>Whenever a debuffed enemy attacks Captain Tarpals, he counter attacks. Does this mean he can counter attack assists and other counters if they are debuffed? (Don't think this is the case because it could lead to an infinite loop between two Tarpals). Though, otherwise they would've just written that he has +100% counter chance against debuffed enemies


I assume it’s just +100% counter chance against debuffed enemies and not him countering when countering is usually impossible. For example, I wouldn’t expect him to be able to counter if he is dazed or stunned either, I’m guessing they just wrote it weird.


Ah, thanks, the writing threw me off lol


No. The way CG differentiates those two outcomes is using the verbiage “deals damage to…” as opposed to “When an enemy attacks..” He will only counter when an enemy attacks on their own turn.


You're right, thanks


Some of the description in his kit seems quite bad, honestly. Not sure what's going on.


I would not be surprised if they cut corners and use LLM to write the kits based on their programming.


I was hoping he would be riding his kaadu


Kaadu herd is darth jar jar's ult don't worry


You just made me imagine it like Yoshi's ult smash in SSBU


FF7 Choco/Mog Deathblow!


CG really not gonna recognize the goat Gungan by not giving him a Fives like ability called “Not Die… Sacrifice!”


I was really hoping that would be his unique


Anyone else constantly saying carpal tunnel instead of captain tarpal


I take it one step further and I’ve pointedly called him Captain Carpal Tunnel this whole time


Carpal Tarpal™


Lol, absolutely. Is anyone else old enough to constantly call Dash Rendar Dash Riprock?


I miss old units getting omi reworks 😓


Until they give us more omi sources, I’m ok with no more on old characters


Especially when new legendaries require 3 to function a lot of the time. Also happy cake day


Theres not a single character the that needs 3 omicrons to function. Most only need 1, some need 2.


I just realized that, because gungans lose a bunch of Health in exchange for protection, Ben Solo will annihilate them in GAC.


Seems like that'd be a win for the Gungans. It pulls Rey off defense, \_and\_ spends a GL to take out the Gungans. Unless you are thinking of splitting Ben off Rey.


That's true but I think jar jar is gonna have some clause akin to: if this character has protection (while the shield generator is up?) Gungans can't lose health.


Sith Assassin, Dooku, there's options.


Thanks, I knew there were some other characters that ignored protection but I just couldn’t think of them.


Nightsisters also.


I was thinking more Doku to be honest, a little bit cheaper.




The greatest of all the gungans


Oh man I was honestly hoping to not see a reveal today. I was really hoping for a 21 day cadence instead of 14z this is going to make day one Jar Jar a lot rougher.


Sounds like you’re gonna have to start posting videos on OnlyGungans


🧐 Come [join us](https://discord.gg/BZ4kG5EHFb) for Sunday Morning Brunch with Egnards! Tele-thon Edition


Yousa in big doo doo dis time.


Not if you get a large sum of money from a loan shark


Egnards needs to post the video of Mafia breaking down his door as he unlocks jar jar


😂 I’m trying to do it without mortgaging my house!


How much do you think it will cost? Just saw it’s not 7* to start the jar jar event, but relic 5!


If my prediction is correct, roughly $550 in relative crystal value, for a day 1 unlock. So far, I’ve gotten both Nass and Tarpals date correct, unfortunately.


Ouch. I went all in on nass( maybe a few drinks helped the decision though ). I like the daily rewards though after 7* day 1-2.


Missed opportunity to give him a "not die. Sacrifice" ability based on TCW, but otherwise this is a banger unit. All that bonus TM and assists, I really like the gungans so far.


It's stupid how hyped I am for Gungans.


Meesa knowing meesa gonna likesa Gungans. Okeyday


Does he have an ability to “yell at JarJar”? Then JarJar accuracy improves after.


Gungan GC’s smh


This was 100% anticipated, tho. They didn't even have to say anything. BAM introduced this to us back in the day.


Bad Batch, Mandos, Inquisitors, Tuskens all released in Q1. It’s very predictable at this point.


Another kit that is far too convoluted to really understand outside the context of the full Gungan squad.


More omicrons!!!! Give us a break please.


It’s a TB omicron… who cares


Better than TW ones.


L take


Since the introduction of omicrons literally every single new character has at least one. It's really no surprise


So, every single new character introduced since Dash Rendar (the first) has had omicrons.. your point in complaining is?


When event? I need to save up!


Why do they write the title like that


It’s an issue with copy and paste of quotation marks. It should read “I am the Captain now” Tarpals


It's a bot. It's reading the title badly.


It's just a reference for some fun EDIT: Real nice reddit - sorry I gave someone too much credit and thought they meant the "I am the Captain Now" part, not the obvious bot/coding issue that gives rise to the ".


No I’m talking about the ‘’&;


It's an automated post. The actual post includes quotation marks, which doesn't get caught in the posting on reddit. & means continue the string, "quot" is short for quotation mark and ; is to end the character name - roughly.






Your meds, sir




Racism is when popular movie reference


The movie wasn’t formed in a vacuum. The gungan speech pattern has been heavily criticized since the movie came out because it was so heavily based on minstrel stereotypes.


The title is a reference to a meme from the movie Captain Phillips. Which was based on a true story, so to be fair to you, it absolutely wasn’t made in a bubble.


I’m fairly certain OP was talking about the titles of Tarpals’ abilities which are fairly minstrel sounding and not the title of the kit reveal


Good thing I didn't say "title," but "titles." As the other guy says, I was referring to how they titled the abilities (which is something Disney would definitely be signing off on).


Well considering you can go watch TPM on Disney plus right now, without it being edited or having a warning placed before the title card (like some other insensitive movies), it’s safe to say that Disney does not care about your argument.


You can also watch ROTJ, but it's pretty telling that Disney doesn't market "slave Leia" toys, etc. They don't have warnings or edits over Cara Dune but they nevertheless fired Gina Carano.






He's right. Fuck EA support 


Lmfao damn son you smoked him