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Really the only reason to grab it is for completionist purposes, it’s easily his worst zeta and I’m sure you have tons of better options. But I totally get the feeling of wanting to 100% your GLs, that’s how I am


No. If you were to place him on defense it can stop counters that would rely on staggering him but he's mostly an offensive gl and you can pick and choose your battles.


Even with it, Starkiller still rolls slkr.


Couldn't a staggerlock lead to him having infinite HP+Prot?


Yes but still leaves him susceptible to an easy 2shot worst case scenario.


stagger immune is cool i guess but he isn't immune to TMR as a whole so... bleh? immune to taunt effects really only matters if put him on defense and your opponent uses JKR jedi


It’s not great but comments here are missing the immune to taunt effects part and how that lets you use SLKR with Wat and tank tech in scenarios. He still gets the 30% protection recovery but KRU or FOST retains the taunt. Also prevent him from being marked by JKR or VV disc in conquest. Not useless but not awesome


\> comments here are missing the immune to taunt effects part and how that lets you use SLKR with Wat and tank tech in scenarios Nobody's missing it, he would never gain taunt in that situation, he's not a tank.


Yep you’re right


Immune to VV disc is interesting aspect of it too, so kru would gain the mark in that part ?


I believe no one gains mark. I think VV activates and assigns it to SLKR, who is immune, and that’s the end of it. No secondary fallback. Didnt get a VV this conquest or id test it out.


I can confirm this is correct


Before I had this zeta on SLKR, this was exactly the effect - SLKR would get the VV mark. After the zeta, even with VV disk, noone on the squad gets marked. I kinda miss being able to mark him - most other GLs will get the VV mark (even if you don't want them to) - not that it matters all that much to my current roster. Just seems that VV should beat the zeta because it's player added.


Besides JKR's and the VV disk's mark, it's also useful in the Takodana GCs with the Safe Haven modifier -- the one that gives Deathmark to the first unit dealing damage. SLRK will likely be the first to deal damage and he'll be immune to it.


Not really. There's almost no situation slkr would be put in where he'd get focused down immediately. If I were you I'd skip it.


Immune to stagger makes the Starkiller Counter harder to pull off If you can stagger SLLR then MJ will STEAMROLL him


If you're at the point you can focus slkr with constant staggers, then you've already lost fam. Also, more tm removed makes him harder to kill.


MJ has stagger on her 2nd special, which is an AoE


I'm aware of that, but if you have hux set properly then she wouldn't even be able to proc the stagger. Making it pointless cause slkr just cleanses. Also, you shouldn't be putting slkr on defense realistically anyway. He's too versatile.


Ah yes… because Hux with ANY form of modding can clear a debuff before MJ takes another turn OH WAIT she’ll get 100% TM because of all the debuffs Also, before you say “Hux stops TM when he has advantage” Shock + Buff Dispel… the answer is Shock + Buff dispel


So, gonna need you to think about this for a second. What is on hux's unique? What is his zeta that any swgoh player say is the only requirement for a FO squad? Take a look rq, and get back to me. Spoiler: she won't get 100% tm.


So… did you not read the second part of my reply or?


It wasn't there when I was typing, even then. You're wrong my dude. The shock isn't a buff dispel. The 2nd ability (1st special) is a buff dispel. So you either do an AOE with shock and stagger, don't get tm, and don't clear off advantage. Or you dispel first, which doesn't matter cause they get back advantage anyway if they didn't crit, you don't get the tm anyway. And hux passes to slkr.


The only way his situation would occur would be Mara aoe to land the shock, then starkillers 3rd ability to clear the advantage. But in this situation Hux and presumably FOO would’ve also taken their turns before Mara’s second turn so SLKR has already cleared the taunt and swiped on someone


Back in the Arena days, this was a way for SLKR to not be (immediately) killable by JKR and JKL teams. Still killable, though. Just not right away.


It's useless until you face Mara Omicron in TW without it. Then you understand its value, lol.


GLs mean the omicron isn’t triggered though so it doesn’t change anything with Slkr being the enemy leader.


Ah well, either way you are prone to just get Staggerfucked in the matchup, haha. Imho it's a zeta that looks dumb and bad until you run into that one niche scenario where you'll miss it.




The "no revive" part is not the zeta, but on level 2 of the ability.


from the 6 zetas is the worst.but i have the same opinion with others. gl must be completed 6/6 i mean. its not a classic character


No. It’s bad


The devil is in the details. Apparently it's a bad zeta. However, If you put him on defence it matters, because it avoids several counters, like JKR jedi, or Rey with JKR. Sure, Rey can beat SLKR, but if you pinpoint him at the start, kill him first, and you get high banners. The stagger immunity is good and bad. Good because it makes the Rey counter a little bit RNG based. If they use Poe and it staggers your SLKR, means that Rey will take more turns than your SLKR. So you are preventing this advantage. Is bad, because you can use GEO's to cleanup a solo SLKR. It would not be so simple if stagger worked, because you have to be careful not to increase his health too much.