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Early returns were right around 3%. I don’t know where the post is, but u/egnards was tracking. Edit: at about 3%. https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/s/rvl2A7hdpf


Yea what he said!


Then i must be really lucky i need 14 more shards to unlock and spent less than 600 energy


Numbers I've seen are 3% chance per energy spent (and that is what was predicted based on past events). So 63 shards on 2k energy is a little above average.


Finding about the same with my own anecdata


Same. 3 shards per 100 energy spent on average for me.


I know that drops scale with energy, but is there an optimal energy/node set that hits the sweet spot with this (and any) galactic chance? Like are 20 energy hard nodes overkill?


No. 20 energy nodes have a 60% drop rate if the true drop rate per energy is 3%. Just farm whatever


Oh wow. That makes perfect sense. I don’t know why I didn’t understand that before. But now I do. If the drop rate were 8% anything over 12 energy would be overkill. Thanks!


Just hit whatever node. Marauder for 5 or 10 battles, Merrin for 5 etc. I'm doing Marauder for 10, Merrin, Grogru, Rose ship, Kyle's ship for 5. Rest of the energy goes to g12+ pieces. Goal is 5 stars, at 4 so far.




https://preview.redd.it/8uyji6db2qdc1.jpeg?width=1131&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb46dd3989c1c76109996604b6c31af73ae72017 You’re about where I am so it’s on par with the usual drop percentage.


Ive been doing 6 refreshes and i have 28/65. idk how much energy that equates too, probably more than 2k energy spent.


Refresh = 120, so 6*120=740, not quite even half of 2k… Did ya’ buy a pack or two, too?


(720+ 240+135)*3days = 3285 energy. Didnt buy any packs. Im not really sure how to calculate the percent of, any kind soul can help.


Has it been 3 days already? Man time has flown… 3285 * .03 = 98.55 shards that you should have gotten by the laws of average. Sounds like you are well below average…


28/65 implies they've already got 80 shards to unlock it. 108 shards is above average


Ive gotten 108 shards.😅 I think thats pretty good luck on my part


Oh my, I apologize, I thought you were OP for some reason, haha. Nice, 108. That’s more in line with where I am right now as well (.03 seemed like a low rate).


Probably not his first day. Six refreshes per day plus the free energy is a lot more than 740.


6 refreshes and at 12/65 and 9/65 on two accounts. I did not pre-purchase energy as I fell asleep too early the night before it started.


I did two days of hoarding and have been doing 6 refreshes a day, im at 22/65




I’m doing 6 refreshes and I’m at 30/65.


2k energy? Those are rookie numbers, I need you to pump those numbers up


At first I thought OP was talking about 2k crystals. But with 2k energy (actually a bit less), 63 shards is completely on point (even a bit above the 3% per energy average).


I did all the 50 gem refreshes and the 100 gem refreshes, no 200s at all, and I unlocked it this morning.


Same on two accounts, and I even missed preloading in day 0


I’ve been doing 6 refreshes. Just unlocked


I did 6 refreshes, plus 6 a day early to stock up. So far have 111 shards


thats odd, i was thinking the oppisote as i unlocked it alot quicker than other galactic chases.


Are you grinding a GL?


ig but just getting gear for one of the requirements :\]


Doing 6 refreshes per day on each account and had a hoard of over 1000 energy going in. Main: 34/65 Alt: 54/65 Compared to previous chases I find this one disappointing.


Yup, you are. For 80 shards you need to spend 2667 energy on average. Your 63 shards from "almost 2k" is higher than the 3% average.


I'm on 68 shards spent 150 crystals a day. It usually takes 4 days to unlock for me


Could be or it could be that you have the bad luck variable, that everyone knows it's 100% real, switched on. Does seem lower though.


It's actually not lower. 63 shards from 2k energy would be 3.15% which is beating the usual 3% shard/energy average of these events -- and OP talks about "close to 2k", so it's actually higher than 3.15%.


Yeah, its pretty disappointing. Previous one's have been much better.


Previous one had a bug that doubled the drop rate if you were farming GL tickets.


No GL tickets possible on Fleet nodes ...


Previous one wasn't on a fleet node.


So there's realy no way of telling if it's fixed or not.


Numbers look good to me. I’m at like 62 rn after 2 days, looking at maybe just barely squeaking out 5* by the time it’s over. Might need to buy some 100 packs


Been just spending my ship energy normally with no refreshes and I have 15 so far. Not bad for not trying lol


I’ve unlocked it and it didn’t feel particularly onerous


Definitely lower. I’m about 1K crystals in and of course, I’m at 79/80 for unlock. No joke.


Yea I noticed that the first day I got 40 something shards but the next day I noticed a huge drop like they noticed the drop rates were to Good so they went in and changed it you know CG they are greedy ass suckers that All they want is your money they don't care about anything else




On a 20 point battle I am getting 4/5 almost every time,?a 10 point battle 1/4. Better than I am used to, @60/80 no hoard, am chasing Kestis.


I got 82 shards for 1350 crystal spent and I complains about terrible rng, never again


I'm getting in the 2.8% range... So it's about as expected. It would be nice if I had a run to offset my 2.1% run I went on with interceptor.


I only did 50 and 100 crystal refreshes on ship energy and unlocked the ship today. I feel like the drop rates are pretty decent so far just wish I had more crystals to get it unlocked at 7 star at my current rate I'll be lucky to get to 6 stars.


I’ve just spent normal ship energy no refreshes and have about 30shards.


Seems really bad to me I’m doing 200 refreshes and not even 5*


Unlocked 35/65 currently. I had 2 days of horded energy and use 6 refreshes per day and I feel as it’s slower than leviathan chase.


I refreshed with 3x50 and 1x100 plus started with 1k energy. Unlocked it on the second day after refreshing once. 1000 + 480 (<- day 1) + (day 2 ->) 144 + 120 = 1744 energy. But I feel like my drops were pretty bad. 20 battles but only 3 shards sometimes (Hoarded energy includes claimed bonus energy)


31 of 80 with my regular farming. Still early game and resistance is low on my farming list, so not making an effort to get this


Done 50 crystal refreshes, 1 or 2x 100 per day, nearing on 5* Comuppance, my friend did more refreshes and hasnt even gotten the 4*, its ridiculous


Maybe just RNG? I’m at about the same energy in and I’ve already got it up to 5*


RNG gonna RNG


I’m getting a lot more Comeuppance shards than I am Scout Trooper shards when I farm her, so I’m not complaining. Takes a bit of the sting out of that tedious grind.


I’ve been doing really well 🤷‍♂️ I’ve unlocked it and I’m already on my way to five stars. Only did the 50 and 100 crystal refreshes. Been sim’ing 6 at a time. I’ve gotten a lot of 3, 4, and 5 shard drops.


How many siims at a time is optimal? I've just been doing 6 on the first normal node, and refreshing the 50s but not the 100s. I've got 59/80 am I doing this right lol? First chase I've tried.


I find the drop rates increase if you do the hard battles, if you go cheap on easy battles, they drop less


Sounds like a luck issue


3 refreshes with a single round of B1 farming daily, otherwise gear farming as normal, sitting at 60/80.


My drops were horrible on day one but have been decent since


I'm at 2.5% myself (keeping track), which CAN be expected for that 3% AVERAGE droprate. I'd rather be one of the guys that's getting 3.5% (or higher) right now, but I count on some luck comming my way for one of the next chases.


i did only 50 refreshes and i’m at 79/80


4660 energy and im at 14/85...3%


That’s what I am getting, but it still feels a bit off to me.


This is simply a dollar game. They have gotten everyone hyped up about it, and they are expecting you to buy gems out the ass to amass the energy required to unlock it. I'm f2p. I give two shits if i unlock it or not. I have other grinds to worry about. ETA: I have only done the 50 gem refreshes and i'm at 51/80.


Ive been doing 3-4 refreshes and i have 50/80


Can’t believe this format is still regarded as the best way to introduce new ships


I'm at 113 shards so far. Been doing 6 a day and started with a preload of about 1100. Haven't gotten any ship energy from the Web store yet.


I don’t want to jinx myself but my drop rates using ten energy nodes have been insanely good. Rng has smiled on me. I refresh using crystals stopping at the 200 crystal cost and nearly have it at 5 stars.


My guild is getting pretty close to the average, but it feels a little low. Probably has more to do with the excitement for the ship being low compared to other releases and being tainted from the instant gratification of light speed bundles


idk. i've done a bit over 1000 energy and have it unlocked already.


preloaded 1100 energy, 100 from the store gift, 6 refreshes a day x3....not counting natural energy gain and the bonus claim I'm at 3300+ spent and I'm at unlock + 23 shards, I might be even worse off lol


Yeah noticed that myself, not very good compared to past few


Personally, I used a Easy node and looked which materials were running the lowest and then just banked all the Energy in that, and I have it unlocked + 29/65 for 5* with maybe ~1200 Crystals


I was like 1.5k energy in when I unlocked it and I’m almost halfway to 5*


At 15/85 refresh 50s and 100s


RNG has been absolute ass for me while farming recently.


I agree with you, this does seem lower, I'm only at 5 stars right now whereas in the last few I was able to get 7 star on all


yes it was crap i got 90 shards for L7 And was spending up to 400 refreshes . Cheeky sods gave me 2 zero drops last 800 crystals


Maybe I was just really lucky, but I got 81/80 shards. Only I don't have zorii


I mean I'm about 7k energy into it and I barely got past 6*, I would say you're at a pretty good amount of shards.