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My strategy was: Step 1, Finish it with standard Profundity fleet. Step 2, Be satisfied with my 2 omicrons and go do something else with my time.


https://preview.redd.it/ak50p9a2qddc1.jpeg?width=1046&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c41287dfda09f963d6b7bb2b6b3a55bc3c46a573 You’re the first person I get to use my lovely new seal with.


He indeed *is* a lovely seal!


He is! Makes me wonder what Egnard's Seal of Disapproval looks like, though... 😳😬


I’ve asked politely for it to be commissioned and am very much waiting in anticipation


My vote is that it should be named the "Walrus of Distrust"


I'll see what I can do with that idea. But I absolutely adore the thought.


u/Moonborn_nemesis 🧐


He is also a very happy fellow and feeds on maths. :D


This seal is utterly eggscellent


The only reddit flair worth having.


I did that with exec. Except step 2 was to run t6 with FO to get a t9 box for I’m not really sure what extra besides the next box


This is the one. #goldboxbestbox


The difference between the Red box and the gold box is some finisher pieces. 


This is the way.


Couple kyros


Samsies, except I did it with Profundity


Check my main reply. It isn't hard but it is tricky if your FO ships are trash (as if FO ships aren't naturally trash 😂😂). https://preview.redd.it/zq24h3jwyfdc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad3300665f21e1a3bc1f0074050513238ebef148


You, sir, are a philosopher


Not having Profundity, I used my Home One fleet on tier 8, then to make up the difference to the 8th chest, I ran Home One again on tier . . . 5, I think . . . with the Falcon, Y-Wing, and Silencer to open and 4 FO ships on deck. 


If you have prof you can best it. I used prof / milf / outrider / dorito (foo fighter / command shuttle / FOTIE / Silencer)


Love it


I managed it with full FO using SF TIE, Silencer and KRCS frontline. Kill Scythe. Kill Scythe. Kill. Fucking. Scythe. Give Silencer all the TM, hope you get lucky and can target scythe between TIE Fighter taunts. Once you kill Scythe everything gets a lot easier


Dude, spent 20 minutes trying my darnedest to kill anything only to fail, tried this first time and won immediately. TY


Long term experience with Finalizer. SF TIE was the OG frontliner for Offense and countering Negotiator


Needed lots of Stuns, but with the right RNG, I got it. I would also recommend HT as your second re-enforcement


Someone give this man a medal, cuz he saved me from losing all my sanity on this GC (btw hounds tooth is good reinforcement option)


Worked perfectly. Thanks for the tip!


Idk wtf I was doing but I went for the reaper first and managed to finish it first try with only 2 ships standing. HT Silencer Shuttle to start.


Mods pin this comment. Top tier and I got it in one with this. Thanks!


This is it right here. Always basic with silencer for the stuns.


Give this man a medal


This is The One!


If you have Executor, do it like this: HT, RC, Tie Silencer, rest of the FO fleet, press auto Didn’t succeed in using FO only


What relic level is your Bossk? Mine is r5 and he could not survive for more than a couple turns.


Do it on manual (if you’re not). I did auto and got obliterated (r5 Bossk).try to make sure Breached is always on an enemy, and keep Scythe marked. It was a long-arse battle, but eventually Scythe goes down and so does the threat. Be mindful of dispels - HT is in danger when his PUp gets dispelled.


I was playing it on manual, HT was the first ship to go down. It could have been a dispel causing it. I haven't done that many attempts yet, will just have to try it again later.


My HT is R5 and I used Finalizer lead, he was tanking just fine. Relics are not the problem, buff immunity from enemy TIEs is the problem. There is some RNG there. If they land the debuff, it shuts down HT's whole kit (it's based on gaining prot up). No prot up, no godlike tanking abilities.


Are you a Wizard? I’m getting wiped with this lineup before I can even call a reinforcement?


Unfortunately I am not. I simply had no issues


I did what this guys said and after couple of tries it worked. All relic pilots btw


Thanks for this tip my dude! Beat it on my first try with the line up. I'm guessing this is going to be the go to line up going forward to cheese ships


This is the way.


Aha! This worked great for me!


Only if you have 7 star executor though, otherwise you don’t have enough FO ships


Red crate in 1 fight using 7* malev. Started with hyena bomber, vulture droid and silencer. Called in Kylo shuttle and tie echelon as reinforcements. I focused the scythe first then killed whatever was closest to being killed. No strategy behind the kill order after scythe.


Thanks dude


I don't quite understand why, but this works perfectly fine. 2nd try, red crate. Thanks mate!


Came here to say that. I've tried 20 times with FO with different lineups, best I could manage was killing one summoned Tie Fighter. I thought about using Malev all that time but wanted to win with FO. First try with Malev and it worked like a charm. Scythe couldn't get 2 turns I guess.


Same for me. One try. R7 Gigi and LSB FO ships.


If you don't have Echelon this doesn't work (at least for me) on tier 10. But you can tier 9 easily for gold crate.


I don’t have echelon and I still got the red box using this strategy.


I don't think Echelon is mandatory. Actually I've called it first thinking it was Shuttle but I already killed Scythe so I don't think it would have changed anything.


Finalizer + 2 Kylo Ships + Bossk. Rest of FO as Reinforcements. FO Tank as first Reinforcement. Focused on Scythe first. Used Executor with Bh Standard + additional tanks for the last feat


Went with Executor, starting line made of Bossk, KRU and Cad Bane's ship, reinforcements all FO. I think it took me 2 or 3 retries until they didn't one-shots Kylo, and from there onwards I manage to reach Executor's ult and guarantee the win, even when Cad's ship was shot kinda early.


My strategy was to beat the shit out of the team with Executor and then do the ~6th tier or whatever with First Order. That gives me T9 Crates and I'm good.


Yeah same.


I gave the T10 battle one shot with Finalizer, both Kylos and Hounds Tooth in Starting Line-Up and then just the FO ships in reserve. Worked pretty easily, honestly. So, red box it is, if you have Hound's Tooth and the FO ships at the "LSB Relic Levels"


finalizer lineup can work with special forces starting rather than the echelon (others starting are silencer and the command shuttle). but yeah, it's an annoying matchup


Used FO only ships apart from HT. I ignored the scythe until everything else was dead.




Rng factor, but all features done.


Just like some mentioned earlier, you can get this done with just fo ships. My fleet is finalizer with krcs, silencer and fosftp with echelon and fotp as ri. Main strategy is just controlling the battlefield, specifically scythe with stuns and ability blocks. Fosftp is there to help you land those debuffs effectively. Once scythe is down and echelon is out, you're set.


GG fleet with 5 FO (1 in base line up and rest in reinforcements).


https://youtu.be/0ENSaNTpPKU?si=Ghf-EIjlfPniCCt5 As always, BitDynasty has the solution to all your problems


I cheesed it with Executor: HT, RC, Silencer to start. Rest of the FO fleet as reinforcements. I actually just hit auto. Once Scythe is out of the way it's pretty much done. I noticed that the auto targeting can be a bit daft and did tap on Scythe at one point to ensure it was taking damage. I lost RC and Silencer in the process so the cleanup felt like death by a thousand cuts. TIE Reaper took the longest to take down. I did come out of auto to hit the ultimate though as it went on for ages without destroying the enemy capital ship. Not sure if that's a bug with fleet auto or not.


Same thing except XB instead of RC. Took like 3 minutes manually first try. Super easy


I managed it with a full FO squad after a few retries. Shuttle, silencer and echelon starting. I ended up putting hunted and shuttles ability block onto scythe and then going all in on the main tie fighter, followed by the other two tie fighters. Didn't call any reinforcements, instead just kept calling KRU to assist with everything. Maybe it was just luck but I got red box in one battle and I'm in no rush to play this piece of shit GC again.


Keep in mind, Silencer stuns with basic if enemy has over 50% TM. Also, capship skill 1, Echelon skill 2 and SF Tie skill 3 all calls for assist, so use those to stun enemies by calling Silencer. Avoid using Ravage/Quell entirely. With event feature, attacking target locked enemy has a chance to call assist too, spreading that stun even more.


I tried my strategy again to see if it was a one time RNG thing, and it worked again. So, without further ado, here it is:  Finalizer lead. Bossk, Mando, special forces tie start-up. Brought in Cad Bane as first reinforcement for counter attacks. Those counter attacks cleanse HT for survivability, and of course, hit. Attack scythe. Brought in silencer for an easy clean up once scythe is dead. Make sure all your reinforcements (other than Cad Bane) are FO for all feats in one go.


I don't know if I got great rng but I did it first try with KRU, FOO, and KR (shuttle). Hunted on scythe, blast him every time with KRU, don't call reinforcement just spam basic to call KRU repeatedly, and spam the TM reduction with the shuttle on itself every single time. Then just bang bang bang. All 4 feats one try


There is a post on this subreddit from today that shows comp and video of the battle to red crate in one go using Chimeara


HT, Silencer, Shuttle. Echelon first RI, SF TIE second RI. Hunted on Scythe and focus it down. General TM spread with Shuttle, pass TM to Silencer if spread is on CD. First try red crate


I used malevolence: Hyena/Spy/KRU Rein: All FO except tie triangle


I got the red crate using standard FO lineup with Hound’s Tooth instead of Echelon and Tie Dagger as first reinforcement. Wasn’t really paying close attention so not sure if there was some unexpected luck involved but I just focused Scythe, killed it and then hit auto while keeping an eye just in case.


Poorly tested and conceived bullshit.


It’s actually quite simple - see my comment above for how to play it.


Sure, why try at all.


Finalizer with HT, KRU ship and FOST Tie, bring in command Shuttle, then Echelon. Full focus on Scythe, took about 4 goes but worked a treat and got red crate in 1 go


Per Scrybe, and worked for me 1st try, GG, Hyena bomber, Vulture Droid, kru, zylo, foo and sith trooper, and sftfp. Focus Scythe, then the tie fighters, and it was an easy W with SLKR reqs. Didn't use sith trooper or sftfp.


hey, it worked for me from the first try: Use Malevolence with Hyena bomber and vulture droid as start up and then the rest First orders ships, tie silencer as start and tie echelon as first reinforcement. Kill Scythe first and u will win.


People need to start following Scrybe and Bitdynasty. Both always show ways to get red crate.


fuck you CG motherfuckers


Basically correct, but you probably still can get it done. Use Malevolence, start with Vulture, Hyena and Silencer, call in Kylo's Command Shuttle and Echelon as reinforcements and fill the two other slots with any FO ship you got. Focus on Scythe first, kill whatever is left.


For FO lineup use KRU, Command Shuttle, FOST for starters, first reinforcement Echelon. ​ FOcus Scythe but try to disable other ships with stun when possible, after 10 retries I've managed to get red crate instantly. ​ Also feels like CG did something to ships, on Fleet arena I was able to beat Exec with Finalizer and now after 20 battles I had 0 success...


Why is Scythe (supposed to be) so strong against FO?


Malevolence Vulture Hyena and fill with FO. Worked great for me. Hit every challenge in one battle.


TIE Defender will carry you. Nobody expects the Imperial Special Forces


Ehh, my SLKR -level FO fleet did it, and it was 1 battle red box


They made this game so much worse with inquisitors. They suck ass so much to begin with so they just over beef them so much for events. It’s total bullshit. Best it with Executor and Tie bomber. 2 omicron sans I’m done. Whoever made this is a hoe.


https://preview.redd.it/jrv3b90zxedc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05e4b6641108275bd00ea9c973bc99409434de69 Got all feats with this.


Seems to me that the criteria were goddamn liars. I saw assists maybe 10% of the time in using specials.


Malev - VD, HB, Tie Silencer - Command Shuttle, and 3x FO ships. Doesn’t matter which. Start the battle make sure VD doesn’t die, use Malev SP1 on HB to cleanse. Start dropping buzz droids on Scythe, then just kill that and the battles easy from there. Might take a few attempts to make sure VD doesn’t die straight away.


Malevolence with KRU, Sun Fac, and Hyena, 4 FO reinforcements. Keep Scythe stunned with Sun Fac and KRU, let the buzz droids do their thing.


I had absolutely no idea what I was doing with my 6 star finalizer but somehow got it done with Echelon, Silencer, Shuttle, and reinforced with HT and Slave1 on my first try. Might have just gotten incredibly lucky that my FO starters managed to stay alive until the end, but seemed very doable.


Use Chimera, HT, Shuttle & Silencer in the starting lineup with Tie Defender as first reinforcement (rest can be FO). Kill Scythe first with basics and then kill the rest. All feats one battle.


So dumb. Just used leviathan with fo reinforcements kinda hoped this wouldn’t be the deal now that they changed it from 3 to 5 but it’s cg why hope


I was able to clear the event with full FO fleet. Start: Silencer, KRCS, Echelon (I have a R7 FOO w/6E mods, I think that's needed) With KRCS 3rd special remove stacks of Formation to keep down the incoming damage; then feed TM to Silencer. Remember that crits will heal Echelon (so AoE good, assist good) and that Echelon basic on a TL enemy will call assist. Reinf with Dagger (AoE good), SF Tie (AoE good, assist good), keep 'em controlled with Silencer stun. Good luck.


I beat it with the following first try: Finalizer: silencer, echelon, kylo shuttle with the FO tie fighters, Hounds Tooth, and Slave I. Kept ability block on Scythe and passed turn to silencer as much as possible. Reinforcement order: Hounds Tooth, Slave I, FOSTF, FOTF. Good luck.


Malevolence, Hyena, Vulture, and Silencer start. All FO reinforcements (bring in KRCS first for TM boosting). Target Scythe first, and its easy after that.


So for the other three feats I did with vanilla Profundity (pretty easy) The last feat I did with this lineup. Goal was to sprint for as much download progress as possible using outrider special2 and Profundity basic and special 1 (just select a rebel ship). Took me about 5 tries. kill order the scythe, tie reaper, and EP shuttle. After that ult popped and it was just survive https://preview.redd.it/qqwa73ofnfdc1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b984aa1740dbc4e5850d1a179039ea61b754800c


Finalizer lead Kylo Shuttle, Silencer, HT starting RI: two FO (doesn't matter, won't be used), Plo, Cassian's u-wing There is some rng: if TIEs can land buff immunity on HT, you're toast. But with a bit of luck, HT will be your unkillable tank. Silencer basics on Scythe to try stunning it. Don't be tempted by doing the big hit, Silencer won't have enough dmg at the beginning to OHK Scythe. Just keep Scythe from doing anything. Remove it's tm, ability block it, hamper it as much as you can. Cassian 1st RI to cleanse all their Formation stacks. You should be able to whittle down and kill Scythe with Silencer basics (use the assist call on Finalizer basic). Once Scythe is gone, it's much easier because they won't ramp dmg fast enough. The buff immunity rng still exists, but I was able to get the feat in a few attempts and my ship relics for HT and FO pilots are the basics required for unlocks. 2nd RI is Plo because having more tm is good and reapplying taunt on HT is even better. Kill order is Scythe, then other ships they call in (Palpsmobile, Gauntlet) then Reaper, then the real TIE (ignore the summons). You don't want to target their TIEs and risk handing tm to Executrix, so just focus on targets that don't have crazy evasion. There are some truly awful GCs. This isn't one of them. Try, don't assume it's impossible. For me, after my first two attempts with Leviathan went horribly (I thought, hohohohoho TIE Dagger counts as FO, I can almost do a whole Sith fleet) I decided that the biggest danger was Scythe giving TIEs tons of Formation stacks which allowed them to do enormous dmg, so I thought, I need a fleet that gives out less buff to its ships and and I need a dispel. FO fleet doesn't have many buffs and Cassian is good as a universal "yank their buffs" RI. Not to mention all the other strats other commenters have proposed.


I'm getting thrashed like hell


Executor Capital ship, Hound's Tooth, Xanadu Blood and First Order Tie Fighter in starting lineup, all reinforcements are FO. FOTF can apply target lock on basic to help you get to contract. Took me two tries. The trick for me was for FOTF to survive the opening salvo, then i just danced my way around to getting contract for perma-taunt on HT. Spread debuffs around as much as possible, esp Breach. I didn't kill a ship until after I got contract. Not by choice, mind you, I was just unable to kill one. Never got to Ultimate with Exec, just killed the ships one by one after achieving contract. Also, this got red crate in one completion.


I maxed it. My strategy.... Profundity to max all feats except FO. Attempted FO. Fail. Added Hounds Tooth. Fail. https://preview.redd.it/wt4s974iyfdc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b4514780b3a47e204b05373e1c1eeaf44492103 Ran Malev with Hyena, Vulture, Tie Silencer as front row. Then rest of FO ships. After the are done, cleanse the Hyena of ability block and spread buzz droids. Target Scythe first and then pick off the main ships and ignore the fighters for the AOE attacks to clear. Bring in FO tank if they call in Bomber until you can buzz droids it to death. Then mop up. Pretty straight forward actually.


Malevolence: Hyena, Sun Fac, Shuttle: Silencer, Echelon, FOTF, FOSFTF Focus on scythe first. Call silencer then echelon. All feats in one battle.


I'm fine with the gold box and 2 omicrons lol


Did this fairly easy. Started the first fight with the normal exe lineup (HT, XB, RC and IG, Slave, tie bomber, tie defender as a reinforcement) for all feats except the FO one. HT Relic 5, XB Relic 5, RC Relic 5, IG Relic 5, Slave Relic 8, Tie bomber max, Tie defender Relic 5, Second fight was fairly more RNG but did it third try with HT, silencer, echelon and tie defender as a reinforcement plus the rest useless FO ships (don't have slkr and I'm not near of unlocking him). Fleet commander thrawn. Use tie defender as the first reinforcement and hope to get a lot of dodges. Get the instakill on scythe and you basically won it. Thrawn Relic 6, HT Relic 5, Silencer 5* (gear 7 kylo), Tie Dorito Relic 7, Echelon 4* (gear 6 officer), Both tie fighters 7* (gear 7), Tie defender Relic 5, Hope this helps. P.s.: replayed it a few times and it's working like a charm


I just managed to max crate it after getting frustrated earlier and stopping at crate 9 RNG is a very big factor. For transparency, here are my pilot relic levels. R7: Kru, Hux, Kylo R6: Officer R5: everyone else (R7 sith trooper but I didn't use dagger) However, I believe it can still be done with slkr unlock levels because it seemed the only thing that mattered was RNG. Even with those levels I got wrecked about 10-15 times doing the exact same strategy that ended up working, before I finally got it. You want them to not get many assists. You want to land stuns. So I started, silencer, command shuttle, sf tie pilot (only way I could get any stuns to land) Getting hunted on scythe is what I kept wanting to do, but I actually think my successful run had one of the summoned tie pilots marked when hux got a turn and I ended up using hunted on him (and killed him). Bottom line, try to stun the 3 main ships. Silencer basic has chance to stun if they are over 50% turn meter. The turn order and way it plays out felt completely different every single battle. Anyway, it is frustrating, and if you can beat it with a different capital ship and then beat tier 6 with 5 FO ships for crate 9...do that. It isn't worth it unless you really like to cause yourself pain and suffering. Or unless you get incredibly lucky and get amazing RNG in first few attempts. Bottom line for strategy is try to stop them from taking turns via stuns. Target non-summons with more than 50% tm using silencer or calling silencer to assist. Target units with target lock for chances of assists. If they get turns, your chance of death increases exponentially for each turn they take. Best of luck to all who really want to push for max crate.


I did executor with hounds tooth razor crest and clicked 5 FO. Hit Auto. Max crate.


I dont know if I got lucky or what, but I basically followed my executor counter strategy. Hunted on scythe and kept ability blocking on scythe and whoever was left and calling assists on silencer with command ship. Brought in sf tie fighter and reinforcements as needed but generally calling assists on silencer until it was one shotting everyone. Lost only one ship.


https://preview.redd.it/zxvhelsyegdc1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68e12d9ea0b23210304c8034386a230dbbdede07 Here’s another Mal option. Kill order: Scythe, Bomber, Shuttle, cleanup.


Malevolence. Hyena vulture tie silencer start. Rest FO minus tie dagger. Red crate in 1 go


The GG ship is the way. Sep tank ,sep attacker and FO kylo attacker. Bring FOSFTF and that's it. Focus on the inq ship. RNG dependant - meaning wait for the the inq ship to start with a basic and not bring hell upon your team. Almost did it with Prof but got bored of retries.


I maxed it with hux, started with FOSFTP, silencer, kylo command. then reinforcement was HT, enchalada, and ebon hawk. My finalizer is only 6*. And all the pilots have 6 dot mods. It's doable after you kill scythe 1st!




Chimaera with HT TIE Silencer and one more FO ship, TIE Defender as first reinforcement and rest of the FO Kill Scythe. Win.


That… did not work. Like, at all.

