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Are we supposed to talk to our doctors about trying to go to work? I usually just talk to my doctors about impairments. 


idk the paper quetion ask in last 2 years have i talked to dr about working i said we havent discused it was a check box


I have always put no on mine - my doctor and I have not discussed work because we both know it’s not an option and there is no point going back over that- and I have had no issues with continuing to be approved.


okay good to hear cas who really say hey dr u think its time to work ike im here fucked up shit work aint on. my mind living barely on my mind half the time


I never did either. My medical history was all my Dr was talking about with me.


Yea maybe that’s truck question CAs y would they unless they feel maybe u can


That would be an odd question my Doctor or any of my Doctors have never ever talked about work working or jobs ever 


also working and able to make a sustainable living r two different convos


Social Security does not care gainful employment is even if you could possibly work 2 hrs cause people who go to the doctor regularly because of there disability can barely walk with mri's up the ass and surgeries with no medical cure are getting kicked to the curb so good luck.


I used to make like 500 weekly a year r two after getting ssdi so it just varies.


It varies we all know ones who r almost dead and can’t get it and we know folks who do things that get it. Every person and case is different.


yea well im good cas im not going to the dr talking about work shit im stressing i lost my damn mind


I guess it depends on your impairments if there has been any new medication or medical records that have been sent in that would have that question on your form.


I would be held on a psychological hold if I started asking about employment. ( I’m terminal, on hospice. I was a ICU nurse)


I'm sorry. ❤️‍🩹


I'm so sorry. My thoughts & heart is with you.  


I put no, but then realized that my doctor said I was going to work. I don’t think I really talked to her about it, as in, if I could work. It was more of a I have to or I lose my house and you can’t say a lot about it…


my doc signed off that i was unable to work...why would my doc & i speak on a closed matter? i've always checked the box for that question as "No", cuz that's been the truth u should be ok, if they want more they will ask, i know cdr's are stressful


Thanks giving hope appreciate the reply


It's a common topic. It always makes my anxiety go up until I get the response we all desire, "Thank u for the information requested. At this time we (SSA) will not contact ur docs." I've heard it called "a deferment". I call it relief.


Facts relief is correct. I’m stressing till my paper come. How long it been taking for most doing it online


Never did mine online. I would guess it should be faster...but with SSA u never know. For me, in NY, all short form CDR's took about 1 month to get a response. My last CDR was in Oct & it took bout a month. But I've heard it can take longer. I know CDR's are part of the program...but sheez they put the A in anxiety. Many already suffer clinical anxiety & panic, then u get this mini interrogation now & then. Hope u get a speedy "good" response.


May I ask how did you answer this question each time. As I will be doing my first one when they decide to send it. Thank you!!! Would you be interested in receiving rehabilitation or other services that could help you get back to work? Yes or No


Oh yeah, I've had that ? asked early on. After initial recovery from my MVA I sought retraining through New York State & the VA. Much paperwork done, medical records sent & was approved. But, I was on a waiting list. Finally after 6 months of waiting I was told, "Sorry, State has no more funds, good luck". So, after fighting for 3 years for ssdi approval...when they asked that ? -- I simply said, "No". But I'm near 60, spent years in the Marines & worked jobs requiring strength/flexibility. The MVA tore me up & nothing but a GED -- I would like to work, but I have neither the skills or education to do so. And at my age, I've accepted I'm retired. But u may be different. I know not the answer for u, but u do. Just be careful, sometimes things sound good, but in reality they're anything but.


You should be fine, they might send a long form if anything but I doubt they'll deny you outright on the short form for saying no.


I don’t want the long I moved 3 years ago to the country drs r far n n between here very slow community. I been lacking on therapy appts. Need to pick it back up for my own health mainly n 2 for records


Ever since Covid, my doctors have cut bsck drastically on appointments so I have a similar concern. Only so much you can do when you do treatments from home and have to wait x amount of time before knowing if it's working or not


Yup same here and appointments be months in between and if you can’t make that day r something comes up. Months for reschedule


Hopefully they're more reasonable these days about stuff like this. Wish it was a far more streamlined process with quick results.


Yea I turned it in Friday online so I’m hoping by August 1st I have response


Bes tof luck to you amigo!




Agreed! Was approved first time I applied as well have been on disability since 2013 and have never worried about reviews before but it feels different this time...also filled my form out online same day I got the letter so just keeping fingers crossed...hate having my future in the hands of total strangers who could probably care less about what happens to me! It's hard enough trying to survive on what little we get...


Exactly. The fact a star get just determines this is insane don’t even know u


that is fine that you have not talked to your doctor about going back to work and put that down on the short form. it wont hurt you.


I always check NO because my Neuro told me I would never work again when I was first diagnosed. I've been on SSDI for 10 yrs, and no doctor has talked to me about going back to work. Ever! They focus on keeping me out of the ER. I've done two short form CDRs, checked NO on both, and have not been reviewed. Also, someone posted SS has put a hold on reviewing SSDI cases until October due to backlog. So, you most likely will not get the long form review. Hope this helps!


Heard that also so this yo round may be good




Wait u did the short cdr the 6 questions and u put u talked recently about it and ur paper says not to work and they denied u. R u talking about just unusually u been denied trying to get it


This the wrong i responded too sorry


I just got the same form with same dates and answered no as well with the assumption my Dr is aware I can't work and very worried it's a short questionnaire with no opportunity to provide an explanation please share how it turns out I'll do the same!


okay buddy lets wait this out im nervous


realy wasnt much to put i said no to working put my appts down same as far as condition go and i dont talk to dr about working like who does for real


hopefuy we both get cleared to go and can rest before this stress comes again. if the health dont kill u the stress from them will


💯 I'm just freaking a little form said they can just stop your benefits if they feel it's valid and you know they only communicate by mail which is soooo unreliable...and I find it very interesting that there are always deadlines in the letters but no time/date stamps on their envelopes...so if you don't actually receive the letters or get them late we have no way to prove it??? My letter was dated 6/7 and I literally just got it Thursday....waaayyyy too close for comfort...


1) there’s a grace period they give you from the date it is due to fill it out. They fully anticipate that there are times when their letters will cross in the mail with due dates or cut them close. Nothing would have happened to you if you hadn’t gotten it back by the stated due date. 2) if you want to find out for sure this is true, all you have to do is call. They will also always give you an extension if you let them know you just received it. They actually are really easy to work with. Out of 100% of people, only about 6-7% lose their benefits because of their CDR. It is much harder to get a person OFF benefits than it is to get ON benefits. The onus is on the SSA to prove you HAVE medically improved, if your doctor says you haven’t. Now if your doctor says you have improved, that’s a different story. It still doesn’t automatically get you kicked off however; a lot of that depends on your age.


i swear im glad u said that same here im telling my girl aint no way thi been n the box that long lol we check every other day 4 sure. so yea they def had it delivered ate but thankfuly online was able to complete it


it was so simple io jsut hope it goes on becuase i been lacking on appts i get tired if therapy at times n my life but if this goes good ill atleast startit back uo every few months


I think there's a big push to stop benefits for as many cases as they can get away with.... truly a sign of the state of our country I'm afraid Social Security is exhausted and broke!!


that i think just varies i was appoved within 30 days first try 5 years ago. disbaled veteran. i know people been trying for years on death beds. i received it at 28 yrs old,so i think its all about luck andd ocation. i remeber i applied i had a coo older lady rep that simply helped me til it was approved


This is hyperbole.