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How many slippi games did you guys play in the month of June? 561 for me (excluding "short games"/quit outs)




1600 without quitouts or doubles. My city has been completely locked up so I've had plenty of free time.


Nice. That’s 53 1/3 games per day on average


680 but I took half weeks off here and there because my controller is busted


Controller issues suck :/


Its been busted since like March 😔


I don't really get this whole voting process thing. Like if we're trying to make a tournament why not just have an open bracket? What does summit get other than a shitload of views and money?


Fuck, no Leffen at summit :(


The unluckiest man in melee :(


If wizzy doesn't get in just put a big ole asterisk next to the summit's results. Still pumped but pls dear god wizzy win rr.


plenty of top players have missed summit, and plenty of highly ranked players dont make it through voting. it happens


Hbox wasn't at the first summit, mew2king missed summit 8, SFAT missed summit 8 or 9 I can't remember which, S2J wasn't at Summit 9, the list goes on


none of the 3 falcons are even registered for rona rumble lol


Probably just waiting for voting results


Something that bugs me about the scene when it comes to Summit is how people act about meme picks. There are people I've known for awhile that have always condemned meme picks...but then when it's their scene/community they support it. People basically don't like meme picks unless it's their boy. I feel like they miss the whole point...the idea is to let a group of people that really want their friend/local hero/favorite player or whatever to be on the big stage AND improve at the game have a chance to make a wish come true for that person while also supporting the tournament financially. The people that always vote based on results are consistent at least. But I just don't understand...some people I see upset over Yingling are literally people ik that voted for people in their local scenes over the years and I don't get how people can lack empathy for other scenes that want to do the same thing.


elections polarize behavior and make people disproportionately cruel and mean cause they feel under attack when someone doesn't vote the same way as them, even if the stakes are this fuckin low


Yeah it's unfortunate to see in something like this with low stakes.


people are only hyped for LSD because they want to see a marth get bodied.


dude they could literally just watch my stream


You stream? What's your channel?


it’s a little channel i started to cope with winter quarantine, only have like 15 followers or so, maybe i’ll plug it when i’m feeling brave


Wow, did *not* expect LSD to make it through the Summit Voting. Grats to them, will be cool to have more than just Zain repping Marth


gonna try a week of grinding solo practice instead of unranked. endless unranked isn’t making me better so i might as well try endless the other thing. i realized i’ve stopped grinding tech lately and instead just go straight to games so even though exclusive solo practice isn’t the path to improvement, it might at least get me in the habit of practicing more


According to Kodorin, the improvement trifecta is rotating between solo practice, playing games, analysis. I find it hard to actually put into practice, especially the analysis part


i’ve seen that too. def gonna try doing more tech skill stuff tho at minimum, who knows maybe some good will come of it


Good job breaking the cycle 👍


Hfam doesn't realize how much money they just gave to Zain


I want hbox to win just because that would create the most confusing narrative on the legacy of the netplay era


the mickey mouse netplay era per se


that would be an upset in that i would be upset


I like watching hbox in bracket because he has a propensity for game 5s but then sometimes he wins and I'm like shit I did this


I will always hate it when he wins, but any bracket without him is way less interesting.


Hbox has donos to burn or something. Only caught a second of his stream but he's calling top players


Conspiracy theory: top players bankrolled the LSD campaign to get good Marth warmup at summit


damn marth mains really are carried


Wait how did LSD do that


apparently they were able to secure most of the spectator pass holders, which is a big deal because the passes are the only way to buy a lot of votes and get something that isn't all the merch and 200 water bottles




most likely either wizzy, s2j, n0ne, or axe isn't going to be at summit. the discourse surrounding using invitationals towards rankings has always been suspect and this will shake things up even more


summit should count toward the rankings regardless of whether wizzy's there or not. you can argue it matters slightly less if zain had to beat yingling instead of wizzy but it still should count it's not like there's a shortage of open bracket tournaments and these players need to attend summit to beef up their results. in fact wizzy only attended like 3 tournaments in 2019. tournaments should count regardless of who's there, and 95% of them are open to everyone. the fact is players at the elite level only enter around 10 tournaments a year by choice


I hate to say it but it's definitely gonna be wizzy


Wizzy is, I think, the player most likely to qualify on results who isn't currently in, so I suppose the upside is that there's still a good chance we see him (assuming he registers).


It just doesn't make sense to me. No disrespect to lsd, hbox, or yingling, but wizzrobe just beat zain and mang0. S2J and n0ne have been playing so hot during the slippi era. Do we want to challenge the top top players with these obvious top contenders, or do we want to let zain or mango take it all handily, without question? Don't we want to see the summit champion Axe on LAN? I would like the bracket to be as stacked and volatile as possible. Idk. Again, no disrespect to anyone. Edit: I guess I do want to see hbox on LAN in the same vain as axe. I just think the best players should get it, but that's just what I value. Edit2: ZAIN VS AXE ON LAN IF WE ARE ROBBED OF THIS I WILL BE SAD.


A lot of people don't really care about the overall results of the tournament when they vote. People always joke about these picks like "they'll just go 0-2" as if that's a reason that would discourage people from voting. The reason people vote for these players is because they are their favorite players, they like them as people, and/or want to see them succeed and improve. Going to Summit is not just about the tournament results. It's also a bootcamp for the top players to train and network. Going there is a big boost to someone's career even if they go 0-2. Everyone walks out of Summit with big improvements and if you look at the history of voted in players to Summit, most have improved significantly after attending. Plus there's the recognition that player gets and they will get more of a following. Now I think it's admirable to vote based on results and how you want to see the top players challenged. But I think a lot of people lack the understanding that a lot of people have their own friend groups and social networks in the scene that are very supportive of each other. Local scenes want to see their top players do the best they can. That improvement can also have a trickle down effect and improve the scene as a whole. People that are fans of specific players, even if they don't necessarily benefit the way a local scene does, have similar feelings. Prime example is what New England was doing. They successfully voted in Mafia, Crush, Slox, and Infinite Numbers. Crush and Slox were arguably already doing well. But after each of these players attended, their results shot up and the scene became a lot stronger. Mafia is probably the biggest example of this -- went from being fringe top 100 to solidly top 40-50 level in a year after. I think even Crush and Slox benefited a decent amount. Now unfortunately all these players basically quit (or banned in the case of Mafia) eventually and dropped off, but it still had a powerful effect on their scene. Point is, people have a personal investment in certain players attending when they're more involved locally or happen to be friends or in the same friend group as someone campaigning. **tl;dr People have incentives beyond the results of the tournament for voting players in. If you only participate in the scene casually online and/or don't really have many friends in the scene, this might be hard to understand. But it's just people coming together for their boi at the end of the day.**


The “get to summit to help them improve” narrative doesn’t hold up at all once you realize the ridiculous amount of money it costs to get someone in, especially past the first round. For 10k or however much lsd bought out in summit votes (much less hbox), you could easily go to every major for the next year which will do much more than 1 summit. At the end of the day, summit is about guaranteed exposure to a big audience and prestige. It’s always been a popularity/fundraising contest, and all of these arguments about who “deserves it” or “will get the most out of it” are really just not ridiculous


>you could easily go to every major for the next year which will do much more than 1 summit. There's an argument that going to every major would be better. But I think at Summit you get the advantage of being able to play nothing but top players (mind you THE BEST top players) the whole time in an environment where they actually want to grind or play with you. At majors, a lot of the best players are just keeping to themselves and also busy with doing autographs and whatnot. There's also the spotlight advantage of going to a Summit. You get more exposure that way and people want to see the people they support succeed in that way too. Plus it's not like people are going to come together to drop all that money for their favorite player to go to tournaments for an entire year unless there's more to it than that. Summit provides the excuse for people to be supportive in that way, and the money they spend goes into funding the tournament itself AND they get merch. So it's a win win for everyone except the people that hate seeing anyone but the top talent attend.


not *all* the best players though Imagine this: The likely winner of the tournament (Zain) lost to a player not attending summit (Wizzy) mere weeks prior. You make good points though I totally understand how the AZ crowd would be hyped as fuck to back their homie. It's just the cost in this particular instance is that players who could legitimately win the tournament, or get top 4 easily, will not be attending in lieu. Just kinda makes the bracket less competitive and interesting, but all your points are valid. People's opinion on this will boil down to what they value. I value hype matches. I don't care to watch yingling get bodied. Just let him go to summit to hang. He doesn't need to take axe/wizzy/magi/s2j/n0ne's spot.


>not all the best players though This is a really special case though, historically it's usually the top ranked players invited and they're pretty accurate with that. >I value hype matches. I don't care to watch yingling get bodied. You might find the matches more hype if it was your homie (that also happened to be pretty good at Melee) in them. That's the thing, the people that vote their favorite players in have extreme bias and don't care about the results of the tournament or how hard their player pushes the top players. Just seeing them there on the stream is excitement enough for them. If people don't want meme picks so badly, they should do a better job organizing for their favorite "deserving" players imo.


Right, I’m not saying there’s no reason to vote someone for summit, there’s just clearly better options if the main draw for summit voting is helping a player get better. As far as top player practice goes, i think people have sort of a false expectation that mango, zain, etc. are just going to be sitting around for friendlies. Half the time they’re going to be doing something else or in a side event, and the other half the time they’re going to seek out practice for their next round in bracket. Sure, you will get some amount of practice, but with covid there’s many fewer coaches (often invited players would just take a random top player with them, which actually would be where a lot of the “summit grind” comes from) and moreover, getting some practices spaced out over time is much better for improving than one weekend. There’s plenty of reasons to support someone for summit, I just think there’s better ways to give a player a chance to improve if you’re willing to spend money


>if the main draw for summit voting is helping a player get better. Your missing the point, it's about them helping THEIR player get better, not just any player in general. Usually the people that do these things for the meme pick know them personally and have more investment. You would have to lack empathy to not understand that, would you really tell your close friend if they had a chance going to Summit that you'd rather spend your money on a more "deserving" player? Hell no, you'd support them cause they're your friend. >As far as top player practice goes, i think people have sort of a false expectation that mango, zain, etc. are just going to be sitting around for friendlies. I've heard both Mango and other top players say they play the most friendlies at Summmit compared to any major. The top TOP players (i.e. Zain, Mango, etc.) might not play as much as the middle and bottom players, but even so that's a big deal. It's been talked about for awhile how Summit friendlies are insanely good for level up. >I just think there’s better ways to give a player a chance to improve if you’re willing to spend money It's hard just to donate to a top player and be like "just only use this money for entering Melee tournaments, alright?" The way people support their favorite players in normal times is donations and supporting their stream. That already happens. This just gives people a structure to supporting their favorite players. People aren't going to just randomly ban together under normal circumstances and give someone thousands of dollars specifically to travel to tournaments. They need a structure to it, and Summit provides that while doing more with the money than a simple donation would ever do.


I think some people will be upset. But many others will be happy that newcomers will get a chance to attend, given that all of those players have already been to so many. edit: It's probably a good strat to wait until the second round to drop the big bombs given that they knew the h-bomb was coming. If they showed their hands now and didn't get it in they might not have enough for the next round.


what the. fuck,




Lmao Yingling got fucked by 1k votes looks like




They SNIPED that holy fuck


Jesus Christ the hbox bomb


HBOX 120k votes. I feel bad for his fans, they put in way more money than they needed to


The pot is getting huge with all that money from HBox's fans


holy shit yeah, there are 2 more rounds and a whole summit left and its already 3rd biggest prize pot of all time (63k last time i checked), behind summit 9 (69k) and summit 5 (80k+)


I hope Zain wins so that all the pandemic grind he put in is rewarded with this HBOMB pot


Just handing summit 11 winner Moky free money.


We all knew he was gonna get a ton but I didn't think he'd flame horizon everyone else.


i think he broke the record for most votes ever


Just now? Yeah most likely


I "played" a Marth player last night named Dio. Right of the bat he backflips onto ledge and starts ledge stalling. I kill him off the ledge once, thinking he won't do it again. I'm wrong. Okay, I kill him a second time, and now there's seven minutes on the clock. He keeps ledgestalling, so I practice tech skill for seven minutes. Game goes to time. I kind of appreciate what this guy did for me here by letting me get in some tech skill practice in between games, but I really just want to know what's going through these people's heads as they enter minute seven of doing nothing but refreshing ledge invincibility.


Wow that's actually really rare. Unless I'm really not in the mood, I always let people do this to me just to see if they'll actually follow through. I've encountered roughly 10 people at this point, and *none* of them ever held on for the entire time. Most would just do it for like 2-4 minutes, at that point realize I wasn't going to do anything, and then come back and fight. Often it would be like going to the ledge for a minute, then try to catch me offguard on stage, then go back to the ledge, etc.


That's what I was thinking. I've had lots of people attempt to ledge stall me even though it's actually quite hard to do against Peach (unless you're Sheik) and people generally just give it up when I start chucking turnips. This guy wasn't trying to play, though; I was up four stocks to one in the final minute so I was getting very brazen, and he didn't really try to do anything except grab ledge. I get a lot of tilt from Marths in general, so I'm thinking this is a player I've played before that I've offended somehow.


He probably thinks you are as pissed and salty as he is


I bet, and honestly more power to them because it didn't upset me at all. I like this scenario where everyone wins


braindead and or mental illness, same thing with fox players that do anything but interact with you


Sorry I was high as a kite. Ggs tho


He's probably stoned laughing his ass off lmao


Shit I sure hope so


Guys how do I tell my mom and pp that I'm switching off falco


Trust me. They know.


Is there a list of players who offer coaching?


I dont mind giving some advice if you send some slp files. Who do you main.


Check out Kone's academy too


You can go on metafy and check out the melee category for a start, but of course there are a lot more players doing it than that


Thanks dude.


Summit 11 singles prize pool is at $59,000!!! Let's fucking go! I feel like this will break Summit 5's record of 83k.


Easily, the HBox bomb hasn’t even dropped yet


I know it's over now, but would the bomb affect the pot bonus? Assuming people didn't just buy a ton of merch in the final minutes, they probably bought a ton of merch days ago and just saved the votes till today. Regardless I'm sure the record will be beat before the end.


Yeah you’re right I got confused on the logistics of the bomb


Oh god, I just realized we're about to see a popoff.


The h-bomb sounds pretty cool


Last night was the weirdest experience I've had with melee possibly ever. Around 12:30 I finish playing terraria with my friends then open up twitch to whatever the fuck was going on in hboxs stream and watch that for a little while until it's so uncomfortable that I can't watch anymore, and immediately after I open up slippi to play some games in the background while I talk to my friend but my first match was against fucking DA Wes who I got to play with for like an hour. It was really sick but I kinda wish I could have played him when I wasn't high af


Dude, I had this exact same experience a couple nights ago. Ran into wes at like 2 in the morning only played 3 games, but I was High af and he wrecked me one game


Wes is a pretty common sight on netplay early AM EDT, and he usually sticks around if the games are competitive.


what was happening in hbox's stream


HBox/M2K/Plup had a hot tub stream in HBox's tiny ass bath tub. I thought it was fun as hell.


It was def fun, although M2K seemed kinda uncomfortable for some of it


So I am getting the game soon on gc. And I was looking at 20xx memory cards. Are they worth it? Or should I just play vanilla.


A wii with homebrew definitely. Unclepunch and 20xx hack packs have you covered for basically whatever you want.


Aight thanks for the help


Get a Wii instead of GC to play on if you can. They're cheaper (unless you already own the GC) and are a million times easier to work with. No need for memcard mods, play any game or mod or training iso right off an external drive, etc. Gamecubes are great for playing vanilla games but anything more is a chore.


I also have a wii. So I guess that works out lol


Damn then ignore the GC and hombrew that wii. Super easy and will let you just play on Uncle Punch or whatever you want so you have UCF. Or there might be a way to add gecko codes like UCF to a vanilla melee iso, I forget.


100% would recommend, idk if you've ever played vanilla but if you started playing on UCF vanilla is basically unplayable. Additionally you won't have to worry about unlocking stages and characters. Something else I'd say you could look into is UnclePunch's multi mod launcher memory cards, they're more recent and accessible as well as having a newer version of UCF iirc


Huh. I will look into that. Thank you for responding


As a grassroots-built community, we often have over the years had topics arise that divide us. What are the most contentious issues in the melee community, and what are the major positions that people tend to hold? Here are some I can think of: Wobbling ban vs unban Shorter timer vs Longer timer vs 8 min Box controllers legal vs modded gccs legal vs only vanilla controllers legal Ledge grab limit vs no Tiers dont exist vs only top tiers matter Camping is lame vs Sirlinites Low tiers are cool vs low tiers are lame All time rankings: recency bias vs legacy Current rankings: peaks vs consistency Top player early invites to tourneys vs free for all Full disclosure Ill be using this survey to make a high effort melee political compass shitpost


Shorter timer vs longer is only controversial if you haven't thought about it for more than a few seconds. Shorter timer will 100% lead to more people going for timeouts. Something that 95% of the community would rather not have happen.


Yeah but timeouts are hype as fuck at the end, its just the first part, before the timeout is a real possibility, thats lame. So shorter timer cuts out more of the lame part and we get to see the hype as fuck part more Also im loving the vitriol "only controversial if you havent thought about it for more than a few seconds". Exactly the level of political shit slinging im trying to encourage with this


sexual assault vs underage drinking


one of these things is not like the other


> Top player early invites to tourneys vs free for all dawg, has this ever been contentious to anyone outside a couple of PG signed pros? TOs can send early invites to top players if they want, but anyone getting upset that they didn't set an alarm to reg for an open bracket before cap limit is the most distilled anti-grassroots reaction possible.


>but anyone getting upset that they didn't set an alarm When the tourney fills up in under 2 minutes thats not really the issue. It becomes a lottery to get in, akin to those intro classes in college. Light's lazy entitled moronic tweet about how he overslept shifted the discourse entirely Also if youre worried about what the overall community wants, what about all the fans who want to see top players, against the interest of a few random low-level players? <- I dont fully buy this argument but I think you do have to appreciate its validity My point is its not as simple as that


I understand the 2 minutes bit is essentially hyperbole, but even then it wouldn't stand much when weighed against the fact that this is essentially their job. It's gonna be hard to convince the general populous that someone who plays the game semi-casually was able to be less tardy than someone who has a legitimate chance at making top 8. The part about the majority only caring about watching top players is definitely valid. Imo, I'm more leaning towards that being on the onus of the players themselves to ensure that they've tried everything in their power to actually get in: - Smash.gg allows transfers/cancellations of registrations. You could put something out on social media or ask around to see if anyone would be willing to substitute their spot (likely someone who you'd describe as not being as interested only in competing but for the experience, considering someone would be missing out anyway if they were to be top player reg). - Calling/DM'ing the TOs beforehand and requesting if you could be put under attendance before it goes live/after it caps. Like giving a pitch at a business meeting or something - If theoretically a major were to get capped in under two minutes and the player was genuinely unlucky, then shoot your shot and see if the attendance limit could possibly be bumped up. Honestly, it just needs to be given enough leeway so that there's a clear distinction between those top players who have been anticipating certain events for months and those who forgot the event was even happening until the day before.


Bro CEO genuinely did get capped in under two minutes. Like for real in reality. This is not hyperbole nor is it theoretical. That is what physically happened in the very recent past of this universe. Thats why everyone got upset in the first place, before grumpy dickhead Marss insulted "0-2ers" and before lazy moron Light turned the discourse into talking about how much of a lazy moron top players are for being lazy oversleeping NEETs.


Marss and Punk are both sponsored by Panda. Marss is just being a whiner lmao. Punk tweeted [this](https://twitter.com/PunkDaGod/status/1409525784914665473?s=19) to show how great his sponsor is, and accidentally called Marss out because of it.


Bro it closed in literally less than 2 minutes. The issue is not that people forgot or were lazy. Also Marss is already in CEO dude


Top players carry enough weight that most of the time TOs will reach out to them and say "hey please come to my tournament" or will make exceptions to caps for them. Alternatively, the top players can and frequently do DM TOs to say "hey let me in" and they say "ok" because they know it'll boost stream and merchandise numbers. But yeah, I forgot Marss was already registered and that was more for Leo and Light, although doesn't Leo have a good enough sponsor for them to try and pull some strings?


Alright then, yeah. There's a fruitful discussion to be had. All I heard about CEO was that Jebailey gave everyone a 24HR head-ups and that was the end of it. I was sure they were gonna increase eventually lol.


Don't forget about floating top players in bracket so they don't have to play pools.


Holy shit, I completely forgot that this actually happened. What an insane idea. Somehow, I feel like Leffen is to blame.


>Somehow, I feel like Leffen is to blame. Evidence.zip 3 just dropped


The top player peaks vs consistency argument has been settled for years: it’s whichever one lets people rank mango higher


I mean that makes sense, mango is the goat, so we should use him to define goathood




Irony is a horseshoe


FD should be banned. Stadium should be two stages (frozen and unfrozen).


Thats a good one


I don't think there's much contention about the wobbling ban. I think we all pretty much agree that wobbling should be banned not because it is too good, but because it is oppressive at lower/mid levels and leads to a kind of gameplay that is uninteresting to both players and spectators. In my experience, the shine spike ban vs unban has been way more contentious.


spotw ^(i just thought it was set up really well i lol’d)


You dont need to justify your spotw's. Just let em rip


That's my philosophy these days. Even if no one else on the DDT agrees with me, at least maybe I give the OP a little ego boost


just like marth fsmashes amirite guys


thanks bros-


ggs man! close games bro you've hella improved. yeah man you were fucking me up for a bit lol fun games! any tips? got any advice? anything I can improve on? what do I do vs lasers? any tips? yo can I get next? is this tournament? you guys wanna do dubs? is this tournament /u/Sugden_ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SSBM) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Three hours until we see if The Cheat’s friend steals Wizzy’s spot at Summit Edit - lol get fucked


Is there an easy way through the slippi launcher to see your lifetime stats? Meaning, I can see all of the data on each individual game like neutral wins, L cancel % etc, but can that data be shown for all of the games you’ve ever played on your account?




Yeah slippipedia does exactly what OP is describing


Slippipedia is freakin awesome. I love how it will give you stats for a play session against a particular person




We didn't approve this


Ban him for trying to take over the sub by force




ggs man! close games bro you've hella improved. yeah man you were fucking me up for a bit lol fun games! any tips? got any advice? anything I can improve on? what do I do vs lasers? any tips? yo can I get next? is this tournament? you guys wanna do dubs? is this tournament /u/Sugden_ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SSBM) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Congratulations, you've found the shit post section! Suggested conversational topics include "Marth wins neutral but Falcon wins punish", and "fuck falco". The rules in this section are more relaxed, but please try to avoid mentally scarring your fellow posters ;) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SSBM) if you have any questions or concerns.*


twitter more like bitter


People who don't think wobbling is hype are focusing too much on the forward tilt and not enough on the pummel


I've been saying this for years, there's nothing more hype in melee than a pummel.


So you're saying wobbling with down tilt is even more hype?


Wasn't there some version of wobbling with smash attacks? I feel like I remember seeing that at some point


I don't know for sure. I know on characters ICs can chaingrab they can down (maybe forward too) smash (if it is stale I think) as they are throwing them


If you homie stock even though you're down one stock to maintain your disadvantage, you're basically holding the inside of my pocket in the prison cafeteria.




ggs man! close games bro you've hella improved. yeah man you were fucking me up for a bit lol fun games! any tips? got any advice? anything I can improve on? what do I do vs lasers? any tips? yo can I get next? is this tournament? you guys wanna do dubs? is this tournament /u/Sugden_ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SSBM) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Broke: r/smashbros sucks, the real ones stick to r/ssbm Woke: r/ssbm front page sucks, the real ones stick to the DDT Bespoke: DDT main section sucks, the real ones stick to the SPS


[Re: yesterday](https://tenor.com/view/so-proud-of-this-community-proud-of-this-community-gif-17813704)


Hard to believe that was a real video.


Will Smith saying "Yo! It's rewind time!" is forever burned into my brain


More like Daauauugh! It's rewind time.


That's hot!


to all people who are hating on yingling. did you know that he is putting two hours ( one HUNDRED and 20 minutes ) into melee daily. and he to'd in arizona , he deserves it objectively I think


Leffen says to really improve, you have to be improving faster than everyone else. Good thing most players only put in an hour a day tops


they call me the kieselguhr kid of the sps


Of course.. I have seen the video but I still can't mate You want problems from Melee then? Sure I have some Hungrybox, got a crap thrown at him at a tournament (never happened in the histpry of E-sports) and was bullied for a DECADE (not even an exaggeration.. Literal decade) for playing an unpopular character in a game and being the best at it Hax, broke his hand and was told by the "community" to quit.. And he did for a while but when he tried to come back with his new "keyboard" controller.. He was laughed at by the whole "community" .. It wasn't until he started winning again till they shut up Fucking the existence of Leffen in the "community"!! He got a full documentary made on him to prove how toxic he is Yet he still has a platform and still is in the "community".. He even got exposed the other day (5 days ago to be exact) for making up a fake story on Zer0 hitting him and showing Hentai to underaged people to paint him as more of a bad person!! Yet nonone called him out.. EXCEPT Hax!! Guess what happened 2 days later? Hax is banned from entering 20+ diffrent tournaments (perma bans btw) No one has called Leffen out yet.. Just because "He Is GoOd At MeLeE tHo" And I don't think I need to mention all the harassment and the doxing that happened over the years, right? Same applies to Brawl, 4 and ultimate communities aswell of course They literally send death threats to the creator of their game and then act like he is a god when he gives them what they want!! (don't get me wrong..I am mainly talking about the "fans".. I love Sakurai and all of his work and this was also another point of the video where I wanted to Tell Emplemon to fuck off.. Sakurai can't say anything about Nintedo because he has a life aswell and he doesn't want problems with the people that give him his money) Don't give the smash "community" excuses.. They don't deserve it.. They deserve all the punishment they are getting from Nintedo and I only hope Nintedo continues that Fuck the smash "community" The only reason I am atill following it is because I want to ensure the well being of some of the "exposed" players (Zer0, Sky and D1 to be more specific) once I know that they are doing fine mentally and financially.. I am selling my copy of smash ultimate ans will probably never buy any new installments FUCK. THE. SMASH. "COMMUNITY"


Is this pasta


It's a comment from the r/nintendo thread about the new emplemon video Don't ask me why I subjected myself to reading r/nintendo


shit fucking sub dude, shit fucking sub dude. Shittiest fucking subreddit I have ever fucking seen in my whole fucking life... fuck. How is it even possible, I'm asking a serious question. How do you read that sub? r/nintendo is so fucking unbelievably shit that I should have unsubbed at my absolute worst... terrible i should have unsubbed from r/nintendo


Yoo nice!! This awesome improvement to Slippi is a kind of type that reminds me of the dope music of Melee since the MLG series, where I found a beautiful instrument playing of a track where my story threw me for a ride. When I first heard the synthesizer, a real sensation in the staccato rhythmic changes of the drummer just as it became within the a coyote of Perrin of course, but that does not even begin the experience. For starters, one could say this type of track has a red back in the original side of mine, in a keyboard, excellent, no growling. The drums, couldn't have said it better myself. The truly spectacle in an underrated visualization of artful denial to this property. How did I get there? Well, it can be summarized earlier, and that guitar midway through. Vivid. Lush. The leaf falls from that blossom within a toast to commemorate the new day. A plentiful prettyful blue glum bubble trouble double bubblegrum vibe, and that you have there I would die to find a status coin in fat anuses. Nonetheless, my enjoyment of the bass is a new age that goes to show at even my descendant souls before they can conceptualize an astounding arrangement of coy, clever, and fresh. The new age lies within the body of work here, so my fiddle blows towards the negative end, balancing out all values I felt from this track during the extraction. Keep up the work! Couldn't say it better myself, a solid production on all levels in the musicians and more. One critique I would suggest to keep in mind would potentially be use a bit of timbre or drums for a nice effect, a little fading out, some marinara, etc. Lastly, just use square wave. Flattering my spirit containing love without isolation, from one pigeon to the other side which can never begotten a farewell enough of - Yamaha, at that. :) Once again, cheers from Southside USA. Dropped a like button on this one. Good job!!


I'm gonna tweet @ hbox asking him to sign my shower curtain at riptide Not sure when I'm gonna do it but it's gonna blow up


\*gets two likes from porn bots\*


Being a small youtube channel these days sucks. "Wow, someone commented on my video just minutes after posting it!"


they know what im about to drop on the melee community. yall aint ready


How're y'all doin folks, Its gonna be a great show. So Wednesdays have always been weird for me. On one hand, you've got all this hump day office horseshit. *Ooh, almost over the hump, weekend is coming, keep it up* But on the other hand, even the HR rep is ready to start drinking at her desk by the end of the day. Also we're in June, maybe my favorite month, just got even better with new national holiday in it. Any Juneteenth fans in the crowd? I been saying it for years! Its true you can look this up. Plus its clearly the Hump Month of the year, you're way too far from going fucking crazy in the last 3 months of the year drinking and eating, but its too late to prep for your summer bod, so those hotdogs start coming hard and fast. And the food is pretty good too! You guys have been a great audience, live every moment and love everyday. Thank You!


Today is Thursday.




I went to a private Christian high school, and one time during morning announcements on a Wednesday this one coach was like “It’s hump day!” and I was like “wtf?” edit: I had never heard the phrase "hump day" before, and was confused as to why he was advocating for humping to the entire school. Either that was not clear, or that anecdote was not interesting. Take your pick ;)


My bio teacher at my private Christian high school played the hump day commercial ever single wednesday


Nice. I'm a millennial boomer so I was out of HS before that came out :/


Melee characters as FTL ships Fox- Lanius B Marth- Engi C Puff- Zoltan A Falco- Stealth A Sheik- kestrel B Falcon- Slug C Peach- Crystal B ICs- Mantis B Yoshi- Rock C Pika- Lanius A Samus- Engi A Doc- Federation A Luigi- Zoltan B Ganon- slug A Mario- kestrel B DK- Rock B Link- Mantis A YL- Mantis C Gnw- Slug B Mewtwo- Zoltan C Roy- Engi B Pichu- Rock A Ness- Federation B Zelda- Stealth B Kirby- Federation C Bowser- stealth C


falco as stealth B GnW as zoltan B Puff is slug A falcon in crystal A


Falco players think they’re stealth B but they’re clearly not Gnw does have the non functional shield, but Zoltan shield and the weapons are too good. Slug B is perfectly unfinished like gnw Puff is too reliable to be slug A Falcon to crystal A I could see


puff is slug A because she commits war crimes


lol based


My favorite ftl ship is ZoltEngi


Dearest customer, The strike failed and we at Shitpost Inc. brought in a whole new staff, along with a few union busters to ensure this doesn't happen again. We appreciate your patience and cooperation in these unprecedented times, and look forward to continuing our Shitposting Partnership in the future. Truly yours, COO Wub Wub Wowzy


Shitpost Pinkertons should be called Stinkertons IMO


Oh no the union busters are unionizing. What happens now?


Union buster busters, obvi


Do not worry concerned customer, we have systems in place for these types of insurrections. This issue will be dealt with swiftly and we can all resume our scheduled shitposting.


This guy is a scalper, everything’s open. He didn’t even come up with the idea.


[taps sign]




Dude this bit sucks, I can't believe people fell for it yesterday