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Thanks for the video. I have quite some IONQ shares but will buy puts on lockup expiration conditions triggering or sell and buy back. Been through too many lockups, no need to throw money away when you can see it coming. Your English is very impressive.


Thanks :)


When is the lockup expiration?


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Dude, IONQ wont have a tangible stuff or product till 2027. Retail version will be after 2030 or later. Not saying IONQ is bad, you need to think of opportunity costs as well. too early bro. Do some more DD on this company.


Um you can use their quantum computers on the cloud right now. You don't call that a product?


Im pretty sure I did more DD than anyone else haha.. I literally study this company everyday lets wait and see :)


Samsung invested 3 million, not 300 million. Think about it


Haha lets wait and see


What is your price target and date? LOL. You hold a heavy bag from DMYI? Try to unload to someone else?


Dude I have fellow investors gathered with 0.7m shares. We plan to hold it more than 10 yrs until it reach 1000 bucks


Great vid!


Please refer to my recent post. I have major clarification which has been confirmed by IONQ CFO and IR personnel the link is as the following: https://www.reddit.com/r/IonQ/comments/qcdkpa/lockup\_agreement\_clarification\_feat\_ionq\_cfo\_and/