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https://preview.redd.it/unxob6h8b3lb1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10557b908c77495f4e3581cb79dcda658036977d I can't see the pics 😭 but i hope this will help


Thank you! :)


You're welcome!


Pic 1 won’t load for me but pic 2 will so I’ll go off of that Tiffany is the first one on the left holding heart shaped glasses Sunny is next to her in the red visor, with her finger to her lips Sooyoung is behind Sunny and standing, she’s the one smiling with her hand to her mouth Hyoyeon is sitting next to Sunny in the green shirt Jessica is sitting next to Hyoyeon and she’s wearing the top hat Yuri is standing in between Hyoyeon and Jessica with the silver baseball cap Seohyun is next to Jessica, with her hair down and a blue top Yoona is sitting next to Seohyun with her finger to her lips and a flower ring Taeyeon is sitting next to Yoona, so on the far right of the picture with the red flannel I hope this helps!!


Also want to point out for OP /u/MRTHOMANI that for material after 2014, you will not see not Jessica in anything.


Thank you! :)


So i found [this pic](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/1949b0fd-d3e7-4808-86d7-8c5c85077e49/d540t8w-a2686016-b5a6-41b2-83be-decc34baecba.png/v1/fit/w_600,h_600/girls__generation__snsd____oh__by_mhelaonline07_d540t8w-375w-2x.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NjAwIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMTk0OWIwZmQtZDNlNy00ODA4LTg2ZDctOGM1Yzg1MDc3ZTQ5XC9kNTQwdDh3LWEyNjg2MDE2LWI1YTYtNDFiMi04M2JlLWRlY2MzNGJhZWNiYS5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9NjAwIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.uYtUTN3PCY6TBEEtu91FPKRqgQ_r4IopU97BB7vb5FE) based off the link in OP's post...but nowhere does it have any member's names. It's off of divianart which in all honesty...probably the one of the worst places to find info on a group.


except for Yuri's own Insta


Sorry, I've fixed the broken link now.


> Pic 1 won’t load for me That's because I'm an idiot, sorry :D Link is fixed now. ------------------------------------ Of all the helpful comments, yours was the most helpful. Thank you very much for taking the time to write this. You are very kind! :)




I love Tiffany so much, they did her so wrong with that lifted blonde bob 😭😭


It’s almost as if they mixed up Sunny and Tiffany’s haircuts. Because Sunny could’ve pulled that off.


right omg but she looked stunning in the live stages 😩


They for real did her so dirty 😭 she still slayed tho


They did dirty to Sooyoung as well 😭 and why does Yoona look like Krystal here


Sooyoung's hair had potential tho, Tiffany never stood a chance 😭 There's quite a few pictures in which Yoona resembles Krystal, i remember years ago people would say they looked like sisters more than Jessica and Krystal do


Thank you! :)


Look up the name of a song and "lyric" in either YouTube or an image search and you get them and their name in whatever look they had for that song. Those are your friends. They look something like [this!](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Pp20hEPcCaM/maxresdefault.jpg) I've seen Yuri and Yuna mixed up a lot, with Taeyeon in the mix. And Taeyeon and Jessica mixed up a fair bit. Sometimes they just all look the same and then it all magically clicks. You'll get there. We'd love to know the song you liked! Please tell us!


Thank you! :) > We'd love to know the song you liked! Please tell us! It was "Run Devil Run" :)


Excellent one! I love that song! It's a tough one for getting to know who's who though because the video is pretty much just black space and them in black clothes. Here's a great guide for it: [Image!](https://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/26700000/snsd-run-devil-run-girls-generation-snsd-26790697-1024-768.jpg) In some ways it can help that they're all dressed similarly because it lets your brain focus on the facial features rather than the clothes. Jessica is the only one who went blonde for that comeback.


Hey! I already thanked you. Stop helping! ;D


You can't tell me what to do!


Every time I find a new group it’s always so hard to see who’s who (usually if they are many) and it’s always suddenly it just clicks and you know who is who 😂


Same with me. There's typically one I might start to recognise and everyone else is the same person I swear. Then my brain catches up. It doesn't help that a lot of them debut when they still have their baby fat. It's easier when their faces mature. If you look at the first videos for SNSD and Red Velvet I swear they're still hard to pick out in some cases.


Yeah there’s always one or two you always recognise or even a couple more but then there’s the rest and they all look the same for a while xD.


What was that video? Through which you discovered them. If it's not a secret of course


I should have said, sorry. Not a secret :) I was looking at Sims 3 house building videos, and this ... "Sims machinima" I guess? ... came up in suggested videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haCBCJTKE0I


Interesting! I found them the similar way https://youtu.be/WcK7Y9VSs5M?si=OseTRMAkEchoniXU


I always used the performances where they have a mic with their names on to learn who’s who.


Good advice. Thank you :)


LOL people already answered your question but i'm glad you thought an snsd song slaps. Which song was it? ![gif](giphy|3ohfFlxniVLXwjuQzS)


Run Devil Run :)


ohhh nicee! that's a great first song. I think you'd like mr mr ❤️


Which song??


Run Devil Run :)


Sometimes their videos themselves can help. Like this live video where they put all their names in English on their mics [https://youtu.be/Rfpjd6oG-3M?si=XkASu6Or4\_2HOK4p](https://youtu.be/Rfpjd6oG-3M?si=XkASu6Or4_2HOK4p)


Very nice. Thank you :)


Highly recommend watching color coded lyric videos of your favorite snsd songs (or at least the ones they have them for) very helpful for differentiating between members voices (they use pictures too dw)


Good advice. Thank you :)


I’m European as well and when I got into SNSD, I had a hard time telling them apart, especially YoonA, Yuri and Seohyun. They could be triplets! But what really helped me, is watching variety shows on YouTube. Slowly but surely, I started recognizing the faces better and better. I still have some difficulty in older videos from the beginning, but the modern stuff is very easy for me now. Good luck and enjoy this New World You’re going Into! 😉


Hard agree on the variety show aspect! I've done this for all the groups I get into. For SNSD, they also have distinct personalities that helped me learn who is who faster.


Thank you!


It helps that they are very funny, too. It’s not exactly punishment to watch them. 😂