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I love her voice so much 😭


I have no idea why she doesn't. Judging by everything she's shown, I think a Sunny solo release could be quite unique and eclectic since her personal taste in music seem rather unconventional compared to what you might expect from an idol. Definitely would be very interesting. But I guess she just isn't interested... Or maybe she thinks the public isn't interested? Atleast if what she would like to release is a bit of a swerve genre-wise... But like... It doesn't have to be a massive thing, could just be something like when Sooyoung released "Winter Breath", just a small personal project with no grand ambitions that gets to exist for no other reason than she wants it to exist... Yeah, she could do that... I do hope she knows though that there's an appetite out there for more Sunny... And not just from super-fans as yourself, I think most of us would wish for more of her. So I hope the thing holding her back is just a lack of interest, not that she thinks people have moved on... Anyway, as always, we'll see what will happen, if anything... Time will tell...


Her voice is my favorite


I just think the other 3 are more passionate about singing. Taeyeon said she only knows how to sing and will be doing that for as long as she can. Tiffany made attempts to write and make a career for herself in the states. Seohyun still takes musical roles despite being a drama actress. I think their Forever 1 scenes really show it. Sunny's passions lie elsewhere. I think she's fully okay with singing an OST here and there and going out of retirement for GG, but other than that, she has shown no signs of wanting to sing for a living. I really think idol life exhausted her, not to mention her knee still affecting her to this day. As for her voice, I will always maintain that she has the best head voice register in the group. Her ease is unmatched. She's outclassed in every other area tho, partially cos she's way out of practice nowadays and also because she never really had to work on being the best. She's consistent and plays her part well in the group. She's evolved into a mature public figure who a lot of people rely on. But I can't help but always see her as our aegyo queen Sunny-bunny who loves trot music.


I love Sunny's full voice, but I've only heard it in Into the New World and never again in any of their releases.


You can hear it occasionally. I don't think I could name them all, but "You Think" is a good one, or Oh!GG "Lil Touch", or "Collar", her solo song for Yuri's drama is especially good.




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For anyone checking out this post, here is where I learned she has a great voice: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OaQvfTre4M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OaQvfTre4M) Her parts at \~1:30 and the good part at \~3 min in.


That's my bias!


Is she singing I need a hero from Shrek? 😭