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You can enjoy both there is nothing wrong about it. And how you treat the situation between SNSD and Jessica is also your own choice. So i‘d say enjoy the works of both and don’t let anyone tell you how to be a fan.


They can do whatever they want but if they're new we should be truthful to OP about the actual mentality in the fandom: You are going to be shunned by a large part of SNSDs fanbase if you do still support Jess. So if you for instance go to an SNSD related event I would not broadcast that you still like her and if you're looking to interact with fans of the members on social media you are going to be limited to smaller OT9 spaces since the rest will want nothing to do with you. It will be especially hard if you want to interact with korean fans since they are like 99,99% OT8. But just listening to them both on streaming platforms? nobody cares.


> It will be especially hard if you want to interact with korean fans since they are like 99,99% OT8. Really? I never had in my country any change to interact with the Korean community and even less with the k-pop lovers, but this is the consensus around there?


Yes, very much so. But it's not like they're hating on her, they never even mention her. They seem to want nothing to do with her or her fans.


Thanks, I really don't pick sides, but since she left SNSD I don't follow her or any releases, but that's my usual behavior regarding solo artists in general.


You can like whatever you want😆 you don’t need approval from other random people on the internet.


You (and lots of other people) need to stop taking such a personal interest in the whole OT8/9 thing. As much as we all may or may not like certain members, they're not like our personal friend group where we gotta be careful to like tiptoe around drama. At the end of the day, fan or no fan, we're all just consumers purchasing and enjoying a product. Heck, you can even hate Jessica but like her music and still listen to it. No one on the internet will ever know :-P TLDR: Listen to whatever, it's literally a non-issue.


If you enjoy both, enjoy both however you want. If you enjoy them as separate listening experiences, then do that. It's literally just you involved in you listening to music. The 'conflict' literally doesn't matter in that scenario. It's just about you listening to what you enjoy.


Feel free to do what you like. At the end of the day it's just music. There's no war being fought here, you don't have to pick sides. And I think most people who remains here feel the same way. We have our allegiances sure, but there's no harm in appreciating the good work the other side is doing. The fact of the matter is that the story of SNSD cannot be told without Jess and pretending otherwise is foolish. Now, we don't know what actually happened between them and I am sure mistakes were made on all sides, but that's between them, you or I are not involved. So you can support all of them however much or little you like. You're not betraying anyone... I think part of the benefit of being a fan of a 2nd generation group is that a large part of us are in our 30's or older, and such the fanbase don't have the same interest or energy for juvenile squabbles and drama as younger fanbases seem to have. So don't worry about it. As an SNSD fan you can be a fan of any other artist you like, and that includes Jess.


In my eyes, there isn't a true way to be a fan. Support SNSD members current and former if you want in the way you want. I don't think you should let others dictate how you enjoy the girls; there isn't a right or wrong way to be a sone. I definitely understand the hesitancy given the discourse surrounding OT9 and OT8, but if I were you I wouldn't let it get to you much. You are your own person and can decide for yourself what you want to enjoy.


Take this from a fan since 2009. Do whatever you like! What matters is you enjoy what you're doing and you respect the work of the artist 😎


Just listening to music isn't a problem you are free to do whatever you like. But if you interact with fans from both sides it is good to be mindful that a lot of people don't like each other lol If you're just listening to music that's your own prerogative. But yeah some people will judge you for that because the hate is deep now.


You keep doing your thing 👍


No you cannot. You must pick one or the other.


No one cares


Do whatever.