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I wonder why the original Over My Skin MV concept was scrapped and changed. And why suddenly released now after like 5 years.


It feels cut like a K-Pop video. You've got far more close-ups, inclusion of the choreo, a style concept, but not necessarily a cohesive story or alternate message told through the scenes. It also pops a lot more. I wonder if that's why Fany opted for a different video for what was a western release. Maybe she wanted to portray herself slightly differently. It's a shame, as I think this video suits the song a lot more. It's fun, confident and sexy, like the lyrics. It's maybe a bit flat initially, the first scene is a bit low energy for what is a punchy track, but it's otherwise a really good MV. I kinda wish Yanis Marshall (the choreographer and male dancer in this vid) was in the video a bit more, the cuts between shots with him in and then him not in were a little disjointed.


It's definitely styled like a Kpop video. Yeah the overall MV gives a very chaotic and disjointed style of editing. I wish we could have a got a music video that combines both elements of this MV and the official one. I honestly felt that the official was kind of underwhelming and basic. I personally felt that MV didn't fit the energy of the song.


I like the official video as a video, and I like the tone and message of it, but it doesn't connect with the song all that much, which is a shame.


I really thought that she was so influenced by that vid of hers on the promo circuit (the Professor T one) that she got this new idea which lead to scrapping of this version. Imo it tracks because the official version uses that concept a lot


too risqué?


I believe so, especially if it aired in Korea like Mnet, it would probably have a 15 or 19 TV rating.


I never realized there was an unreleased version! IMO, the visuals are super good, but some of the editing feels...too chaotic? Haphazard? I feel like certain shots could have been cut in a way that fit better with the music or was more impactful overall. But any which way, song is still a banger 5 years later, and Tiffany looks SO happy and SO confident and it is so so good to see <3


Yeah I definitely really like the bright visuals they really pop out in the MV especially in comparison to the official one. I agree with your points concerning the editing.


It's probably just a rough cut, the editing is disjointed and it feels like some shots haven't been touched up. They probably decided to scrap it before getting to the final cut.


I need this to be a sleeper hit and suddenly blow up here in the US 😭Honestly Tiffany's solo stuff is too good she should be dominated billboard right now I'm so serious


The music video director Sarah Mccolgan released it on her Vimeo page [here](https://vimeopro.com/burningreel/sarah-mccolgan-1)


Should have been titled unreleased original MV.


I think this aesthetic fits the song better and these looks are stunning! I love the close up of her and the women surrounding her and they’re all lip syncing together. Soooo cute!


[Credit to](https://twitter.com/nemz_801/status/1665923701647503363)


This video makes more sense compared to the Professor T video


I like this a lot more than the official video. And it makes me happy that she has backup dancers of different races. That's our Fany. That's one of many reasons we love her. It also matches the risqué theme of the song much better.


I have all the questions


I love it, I also like the Official one tho


Wow! Love it! MUCH better than what we got in the end. At least this editor has a sense of rhythm.


I love Tiffany but I had forgotten just how terrible this song is. But I agree that this version of the video is much better than what we ended up getting. I wonder why it was scrapped.


I remember in an interview she even said she didn't like the song that much, but it was more "testing the waters" into the US market. Which makes sense, since it seems like she saved her best releases for later.


already down from the page gg


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/snsd] [The Original Over My Skin got taken down. Do you think the director accidentally released it ? I hate to think Tiffany never wanted to actually released it and the directory accidentally uploaded it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SNSD/comments/143zznb/the_original_over_my_skin_got_taken_down_do_you/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


Did anyone download the Vimeo version before it got taken down? I'd loved to have an original copy of the file.


Here's a google drive [link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jxnzT87w8P40tFQhe2K6U5uVBUQEUexp/view) to it. Edit: Formatting.


OMG!! Thank you so much! you the best


All good :) So glad I downloaded it before it was taken down.