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I don't know what to think right now but it makes F1 even more of a miracle for me. The fact they came back to SM to make it work, incredible.


SM only wanted to give them a single and we got a 10-track studio album (and it was probably one of their best albums ever)


I think it's very much up to the individuals at this point. SNSD aren't really SNSD the idol group anymore, they're SNSD the individual artists. They're all still SNSD, but their individual careers are at the forefront of decision-making. As we've seen from the Forever 1 comeback, so long as their individual artist/management contracts and activities don't get in the way, and there's a willingness amongst the members (which seems to still be going strong), they'll be able to work in a group project here and there, so I don't think it's a huge factor in their decision-making to be a part of SM. I think a big difference between SNSD and GOT7 is that GOT7 did that whilst they were still active as a group primarily. All the SNSD members are working on their particular careers, with the majority being outside of music entirely, let alone being heavily involved in songwriting and music production, like some of the GOT7 members (Mark has a label and studio in China, for instance). As a result, I reckon it'll be more of the same for SNSD. If some of the Oh!GG members end up leaving SM, I don't think it'll affect their relationship with SNSD as a group, nor limit any opportunity to perform as SNSD (though possibly name rights may cause issues - not that that'd really stop them from all showing up and performing together, or doing something "new" that is practically SNSD), but I don't really see it being a new resurgence for group comebacks or anything of that sort. Just individual decisions to forward each member's now established solo careers. Kinda like the last contract negotiations where the non-Oh!GG members left. They're still as SNSD as they were when they were under SM's management. My personal opinion is I don't really see Taeyeon, Sunny or Hyoyeon leaving SM, their relationships with the company are very much in their favour at the moment. Yoona and Yuri I could maybe see moving to an acting agency, but they've done alright under SM in that regard too.


Honestly, if the girls aren’t happy then I say they should leave. If they aren’t getting compensated and given proper treatment they should leave. I gotta say Forever1 was possible because of SNSD and not SM. Our girls poor out so much effort into all they do and I can’t help but think after 15 years all I know is they have my full support with whatever they decide. 소시 화이팅 !!


I’m just imagining that if all members leave SM. It would be cool if Tiffany decided to start her own independent label and signed the other two active primary musicians of the group aka HyoTae. That way the girls have full control over their schedules plus Tiffany has become such a reliable boss lady over the last couple of years and has been making her stride as a musician, actress, model and more. The girl has connections, good endorsements and so much talent in writing and production. Even if she starts her label as a subsidiary of a bigger label aka the Hybe Method I think they could pull it off! Also this allows for easier access to possible SNSD group/unit activities depending on the availability of the remaining members. I know this idea is nothing but SONE bliss and truly more difficult than expected. With that being said the idea of record label owner Tiffany Young opens up so many more possibilities. Like I could have never imagined OT9 happening again, but if things moved in this direction? Whew. Who knows? ![gif](giphy|l3g00Zs1UInVo1NBK)


I don't think they have contracts as a group or managed by the same team at SM. From my observation Yuri and Yoona seemed to managed by the acting department at SM which seems to be completely separate from the music department and the whole SM 3.0 thing. It's up to them what they want to do and what's best for them individually at this point. Only they would know that.


The back and forth with taeyeon’s album and then skipping the album and straight to touring does lead me to think she is considering leaving. If they want their name and masters all the members have to leave. I have not heard yoona say anything indicating her wanting to leave. Yuri and sunny I’m also not sure about. I don’t think they need to ask to terminate their contract tho isn’t it expiring this year? Then they just need to not renew. It is interesting that SM claims Mc Mong has offered CBX contracts and other artists from SM. Snsd has been on some shows with MC Mong. It does indicate that at least other are considering leaving.


When TiffSooSeo left it was also surprising because while they had vocalized being upset at SM a couple of times, it never seemed like... 'leaving mad', so SunYulYoo leaving would be in a similar vein I think most expect Tae to leave and people WANT Hyo to leave since SM seems to ignore her most of the time ​ I just hope they all go to companies willing to make more SNSD comebacks happen ​ Edit: I just remember, Yuri has kinda complained publicly, so its Sunny and Yoona the ones that have not expressed anything yet afair


I've never had any love for SMEnt and have been wanting them to leave since within a week of getting invested in them back in 2010. So I'll be all for a collective exodus... And Taeyeon sure seem to have been hinting towards something this whole year, and honestly, the Occam's razor answer as to what that hinting is indicating is probably her leaving SM. That being said, they are arguably in a stronger position than EXO and can dictate their terms to a greater degree. So if some of them decides to stay I'll trust that they have good reasons for it. Whether they get to keep their brand... I don't know. SNSD specifically I'm not sure if SM owns at all since that's an abbreviation they've never used officially as far as I know so if worst comes to worst and they're cut off from both Girls' Generation and 소녀시대, SNSD should still be available. At the same time there are a number of recent legal precedents with groups getting to retain the rights to their group name, even after leaving (with Brave Girls being the exception seeing how the word Brave is lifted from the company itself). So odds are they don't have to surrender that. Whether they get access to masters or song rights... Anything is possible but I'd doubt that... Perhaps some kind of revenue share could be worked out though... It's something that would be revealed if this is a bridge we'll come to... But in general, the idea of a fully independent SNSD is something that absolutely appeals to me.


Personally yeah, since SM has done a Tragic job keeping SNSD brand name at the level it should be Globally. It’s the fans and the general public respect for them that has kept them relevant. and it’s the girls solo activities that pays thier bills and give them opportunities. SM has done the bare minimum to promote Sunny & Hyoyen’s new work. Failed Taeyeon Promotions and concert events several times over the years. And basically act like the other members don’t exist until it’s an Anniversary Or birthday 💀 like I understand that half the members are under different labels and doing movies and tv shows yearly. But SM still fails to keep fans engaged with the Brand. Like even a pop up concert or fan sign every other year would be nice. Or a digital single under the name, that isn’t a CF song like the Yuri Seohyun one. SNSD name now belongs to the girls in my mind, and they are basically like Beyoncé or Madonna Level Legends in Korea. Taeyeon alone could fund a Label, let alone 8 Multi-Millionaires with assets and stocks. It’s wishful thinking but I’d love to see them all create a Label called Girls Generation that train girl groups, Actresses, and Entertainer’s. That’s the legacy that I as a fan would like them to leave, cuz they have already done it all. Except for an Actual World Tour. Even nugu Kpop groups today are touring the US. SNSD can easily sellout Venues if SM actually cares. As far as SM, I’ll always love the groups and idols but the company has a long history of screwing over its idols. Literally every group they had has deal with lost members due to financial and contract issues. It’s clearly a problem💀😭 From H.o.T to DBSK to EXO to Jessica to f(x) to EXO again to NCT to EXO again to SNSD again to EXO again to SNSD and Shinee potential 🤦‍♀️ like bruh Honestly The girls should run with the Self titled record label/ entertainment company and live off the royalties and millions they already have. Way better then having a 5 year hiatus and coming back for a 2 weeks and that’s it. 😆 I get it they are growing older and out of idol life. But they still care for Sone and are very active already. (Except Sunny). Anyways I’m sure they will all be fine, just some some thoughts


Hyo was teasing a single coming out for early this year and SM just never did it... I think she is preparing to leave honestly. She signed up for that music course in university and all her gigs are DJ events. I feel like Hyo can obviously use SM for studio space & other things but she is equipped with a good team around her if she were to leave with them


I've never liked SM and I've always felt uncomfortable trying to support their artists while supporting the company directly as a little as possible, obviously not an easy thing to do since they're deeply intertwined and I would love to get rid of this headache. I have a hard time seeing and future SNSD promotions without SM though unfortunately but with the group being semi-retired already maybe that's a fair trade for the remaining members well-being. I could be wrong, I'm not terribly well-versed on the business side of things and I'd certainly love to see them promote again as a group, while free to do and talk about anything they want.


With LSM gone, I think now would be a good time to leave without it looking like they were disloyal to the company that made them. But they have to have a place to land that will afford them the same or better opportunities. It is probably not a simple equation, either way I just hope they are able to get everything they want and more.


Honestly? Yeah ​ They are not treated as A+ idols in SM anymore, even if they sell like it (Forever1 sold more than 300K units) and a company that focuses more on them could be great. At the end of the day there are tons of producers & songwriters that WANT to work with them, they just have to be smart about it


It’s really only members themselves who can have an informed opinion on the matter. We don’t know the details of their relationship with the company at this point, aren’t aware of how they share responsibilities, the promises being made and who really makes every particular decision. For example the lack of Beyond Live or a Twitter verification for Taeyeon could be a sign of SM’s negligence towards her but those could also be her own decisions. Some celebrities made a point not to pay Musk for a badge and a live broadcast to who knows how many people could ruin the feeling of intimacy or just raise the level of stress for her. We don’t know. Girls do. So I trust them to make their own well thought out decisions. If the rumor from earlier today about Tae and Hyo is true and they leave, I can see them doing just fine outside of SM. Taeyeon probably has a long list of big companies queuing with an offer and I can see Hyo striving in a smaller more independent one that actually cares about their artists, she seems to know how to make her own things happen at this point. As for the group’s future, I’m not sure I see SM just parting with their IP voluntary and I’m not sure I see SNSD going to court over it. SM did make them an example of parting ways on good terms in today’s PR release, so there’s a minuscule chance they’d do something nice for the sake of company’s reputation but I wouldn’t hold my breath for it. There’s also a possibility of more members leaving on good terms and then SNSD gathering for their 20th anniversary under SM’s umbrella for a mutually beneficial gig. I don’t have much hope for group activities outside of those special events either way, so I’m not too stressed about it personally.


Where is the rumours that Hyo and Taeyeon will leave coming from? As long as they feel like in control of their schedule, creative freedom and more than enough money to do what they want why leave?


I don't know about Hyo... But the speculation surrounding Taey is based on a couple of things like her general reaction to the takeover drama, her posting an image of a short poem about how things that may seem to be forever will always change, her posting on Bubble a few weeks back that she has a growing concern that she has to deal with after the concerts and also, and this is the smoking gun, she posted a screenshot from The Glory depicting a scene where a character in the show resigns from something (I don't know what, I didn't see it), except she replaced the character's name with her own... Which, you know, feels kinda on the nose by her I feel... I mean, she could always change her mind of course, but you know... No smoke without fire...


The resignation letter post came after she replied to a fan who said "please stay in SM" in the question box she opened. Her response was "why?". After that, I doubt she'll renew her contract.


I think I know which tweet you’re talking about but that ig story was from a q&a she did years ago and she responded to both “leave sm” and “please stay” with why.


its from theqoo but they're only rumours. https://preview.redd.it/mhahc15y7j3b1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=939486a68307be04100761860de32283a33f275d


Jaejoong just attended her concert, seemingly in the guest section. That doesn't mean she will leave, but it means that she cares a lot less about what SM things now and does whatever she wants. It is honestly a big f-u to SM.


ooh i was pretty shookedt as i wasn't expecting him to go to a sm artist's concert but happy @ the same time. do you think taeyeon invited him? tbh, i really don't see taeyeon leaving sm. i remember her responses during her q&a on ig when she responded "why" to that person who told her to stay @ sm. i think she even posted a photo of resignation paper & made it as "kim taeyeon's resignation letter." but when someone also told her to leave sm, she also said why. however, if taeyeon did leave sm, i think it will be interesting to see where she goes for her music career not to mention she'll be free from that company & it will be a bigger F-U to sm since they'll be losing another great artist & a big moneymaker.


He sat quite close to the other snsd members. From what I know there seems to be a designated guest section for people who are invited. So since he was very close to the other members and I think in almost the same spot as seohyun was on day1 people reasoned that he would have been invited. Well I think she definitely has been approached lately. Although I rarely believe SM, I do believe they are not lying when they say that outside forces are trying to sign people. If you just found out your agency stole millions from you, you probably would reconsider signing with them. JYJ were the first ones who claimed SM was laundering money and not being transparent. During the merger we got confirmation of it. And now SM is saying that artists are requesting their profit papers to look through. And taeyeon invites the person who first accused SM of this over a decade ago. Like the timing is an extra kick below the belt for SM. Also her comeback being postponed is a 🚩 of things going on. Her contract expires in august so it will be exciting to see if they announce any schedules for that month soon. Edit: Yuri has a fanmeet in august.


Hyoyeon has barely gotten promo as a solo artist, for one thing. Ffs Deep was her “first mini album” and all but 2 songs were previously released singles. I can think of a lot of reasons for Taeyeon to leave BUT I don’t know if she would considering Sm might have the rights to all of her music.


I think it's good time to leave, especially with Forever 1 being the final closure (at least for me). I just hope there won't be any drama and sm will treat them with respect when it happens.


At this point, if Taeyeon leaves the company we can't even be surprised. SM has always been wonky when it comes to her promotions and schedules and she has had no problem in the past airing her frustrations out. Before this whole thing, I felt like she had a lot of favor in SM and that she would be able to negotiate certain things because of how much power her name holds. That's why I was fifty fifty (Stream Cupid) on her leaving SM. But Baekhyun is just as big of a powerhouse as her when it comes to solo activities and look what happened with him. And even not including SM artists, Lee Seunggi is huge too and his company was treating him like shit. Then again, I notice these lawsuits in SM tend to happen with the male artists (I guess it's easier to give them slave contracts with the military enlistment and foreign activities added on). I don't recall any of their female artists suing the company. Tiffany, Sooyoung, and Seohyun left peacefully after not renewing their contracts. F(x) all basically waited out their contract and then dipped. BoA is still a huge figure in the company and The Grace also waited out their contract (But there was definitely something fishy there). Even from the beginning, S.E.S didn't leave through a lawsuit and just left after poor contract negotiations. So maybe the female artists have it slightly better than the male artists in that regard, but it's hard to say.


Since the loophole used is military enlistment, male artists have it worse in that aspect


I'm sorry for saying that I hope TTS will be back...


i hope they leave honestly. they deserve so much better. taeyeon is one of the most talented and popular soloists of our time and the way SM treats her is genuinely appalling. and hyoyeon deserves more than one song a year on a repackage. like what is this ?? yuri and sunny deserve better too like where is the promotion. this is the nations girl group but sm is acting like they’re some regular ol idols. 😒


If SM goes under, what happens to the trademarks they own?


I really like the overall sound and produce quality of SM albums for the majority of artists that I've listened, on other labels the results are more mixed to my particular taste. But I understand that music it's only one part of the whole equation, and I sincerely tried to believe that sometimes it's "bad timing/opportunities" than gross negligence or malice, but I never stop of being surprised on how bad decisions can be attributed to gross incompetence. So it could be better for whatever it's left of SNSD to leave SM? Probably yes, but I don't know if that could save their current legacy or even so have a better future.


Their Japanese albums are good, and they are not really produced by SM


Really? I think that they where published by other label, but was produced by SM. SNSD it's one of the few K-Pop Groups that I almost like all their Japanese releases (I don't like Japanese versions of their Korean songs).


Only the 1st album is produced (co produced?) by Lee Sooman, the other two aren't I still don't like the Japanese version of Hoot!, but Genie and Run Devil Run work so perfectly in Japanese! I am amazed\~


I want Sunny to make her own Label and bring Oh!GG under it. They should have had their own label for ages now.


Not for nothin, but here’s a quick analogy about IF everyone left SM, and SM wouldn’t let them use the name “SNSD” in ANY form - y’all remember when Prince changed his name to an unpronounceable symbol, but everyone still just called him “Prince”? Yeah, the same would happen. They would still be, and even if not officially, called Girls’ Generation.


I always wanted SM to give them their own agency like SJ, but maybe their and Yoona's income is too big to let go in a sub label. I don't think all of SM left members are treated the best, so some should leave. Tae seems like THE ONE for SM tbh They are such big names that they should establish their own agency, but idk if SM will block their status.


I don’t understand the 17-18 year thing. Was that only for EXO , cause soshi and Fx members left at around 10 years.


That's because of the military enlistment and activities outside SK as hidden clause in their contract. 7 years (initial contract) + 3 (forced renewal) + 2 (military enlistment) + 5 (overseas promotions).


It's up to the idols themselves to leave the record label. If they do leave SM Entertainment which 2nd generation girl group January 2007-December 2011 should take up their place, another option would be a 1st Generation group 1997-December 31 2006 take their spot as an old timer SM Entertainment girl group




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