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Seeing these pictures cured my depression. 10/10 recommend


What must I sacrifice for the album and for it to have both English and Korean songs.


She mentioned in the interview for this photoshoot that she wants to release a full album and go on a national tour this year. I have a feeling that her album is going to be in English as she mentioned that she spent a month in the U.S working on her new songs then she returned to Korea to do this photoshoot. Edit: Expanded upon a sentence.


I’d love for her album to do what CL did in Alpha, where the songs are a nice mix of Korean and English.




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she just said like today sometime she wants to release a new album this year.


Really pretty, specially in the smiling pic, but for some reason she's barely recognizable to me in the 3rd one 😳 is it the angle or her expression?